BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19770516 - 213677···,.., BY-LAW NUMBER 2136-77 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 1863, A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-Law 1863; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule "A" forming part of By-Law No. 1863 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing from "D -Development" Zone to "L -Industrial" Zone those lands known as Part of Lot 76, Concession 1 more particularly shown in hatching on Schedule ":X:" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law. 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VIII (7) no outside storage, automobile service stations, or car washing establishments will be permitted on the subject lands and further the lands shown in stippleing on Schedule "X" and more particularly shown on Schedule "Y" may be used for an "automotive centre" containing such uses as a muffler repair shop, a transmission repair shop, other automotive related uses and a restaurant and financial insitution, business and professional offices. 111. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section VII (4), Parking Requirements, the minimum parking requirement for warehouses on the subject lands will be 1 space for every 1,000 square feet of floor area. lV. In addition to the provisions of By-Law No. 1863 the following shall apply to the subject lands: 1. Lot Area The minimum area of a building lot shall be ~ acre. 2. Lot Frontage The minimum frontage of a building lot shall be 100 feet on a public road. 3. Building Size The minimum building size shall be 5,000 square feet. 4. Signs No person shall erect a sign or outside lighting fixture except in conformity with the following: (a) No signs other than one ground sign identifying the occupant(s) shall be erected between the street line and any building line established by this By-Law. The size of such signs will be based on the ratio of 100 square feet of signage for each 100 feet of lot frontage. (b) Illuminated signs of the flashing or animated type and mobile or temporary signs are prohibited. (c) Signs or lights shall not be erected in such a way or colour as to be confused with traffic lights or otherwise hazardous to traffic. - 2 - (d) Lights used to illuminate a sign, building or premises, including a parking area, shall be arranged to deflect light away from adjacent premises or streets. No roof signs will be permitted. No wall signs facing Yonge Street will be permitted. (e) (f) (g) The total area of all wall signs shall constitute not more than lif~ of the projected area of the front or side wall. More than one wall sign may be attached to a building provided that all signs are of consistent appearance. V. All other provisions of By-Law No. 1863 will apply. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 16TH day of MAY ' 1977. Mayor READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS lGTHday of MAY ' 1977 • ....... M ..... Clerk .. . ·:PART OF LOT 76, CONCESSION IEYS • .. TOWN OF AURORA REGION OF YORK FORMERLY TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK SCALE I" = 100' .4 catV c;;ssJCJN R 30.00' A 40.74' c 37·.68' N32°t7'3o"E J T PROPOSED AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE THIS IS SCHEDULE 'Y' TO BY-LAW NO. 2136-77 PASSED THigl_i_ DAY OF May 19 '}_7 ' LOTS 76 S. 77 SCHEDULE Y TO BY-LAW NO. 2136-77. REVISED:MAY 13/77 TIJ!i;0,,REGIONAL MUNICIPAL.ITY OF YORK-F•LANNING [1; PARTMENT MAY 4 ,1977 ' t-'At)l Ul"' LUI fo, CUI\JCt:!:>SION I.EYS , ;TOWN OF AURORA . , "REGION OF YORK FORMERLY TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK SCALE I" = 400' -I<) 0? <j-co I<) w 0 (\J ,__ -"' "' ... -(/) -iii (J) ~ "' 0 Q :z I I TO BY-LAW N0.2136-77 PASSED THis16 DAY OF MAX_ 1977. SCHEDULE X TO BY-LAWNO. 2136-77 .IE REGIONAL MUNICIPIILITY OF YORK-PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~A y -~~~~~~-~-JJ ---·------· -····-------------------........... , EXPLANATORY NOTE TO ACCOMPANY BY-LAW NUMBER 2136-77 This By-law proposes to amend By-law No. 1863, the Zoning By-law, as it applies to Part of Lot 76, Concession IE (as shown on Sch- edule "X") from "Development" to "Industrial" to permit the deve- lopment of a plan of subdivision. The present zoning is "Development" which is a holding type of zone. The proposed change would permit general industrial uses, however, certain restrictions concerning outside storage, and types of permitted uses and signage have been placed on the site because of its strategic location. The lands shown on Schedule "Y" are to be used for an "automotive centre" which the Town considers to be an appropriate use for this site. . 1'6~-~\ ' . ):. i: ~ ' \.~ ~ ~qp~ ... .,._,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board ... and- IN THE M!TTER OF an application by The Corporation o£ the Tow:n o£ Au~ra £or approval o£ its Restricted Area By-law 2lJ6-77 BEFORE: A.L. McCRAE Vice ... cha:l.:rman R 772521 ... and ... Thursday, the 27th day o£ October, 1977 e.G. CHARRON, Q.C. Member No objections to approval having been received a$ required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 21)6-77 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ENTEft£0 o. B. No ••.• ../f.J..?.::.f.. ... . falio No. ..... ~.z£. ........ .. NOV 2\977