BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19770307 - 211277BY-LAW lnwffiER 2112-77 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICTED AREA (ZONING) BY-LAW. WHEREAS it is deemed advisable to amend By-Law Number 1863. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follo\;s: 1. That Schedule ··"A" forming part of By-Law Number 2. 1863, as amended, is hereby further a.mended by cha.nging the land use category from D -Development Zone to Single and Two Family Residential Zone, I1ul- tiple Residential Zone, Open Space Zone and Institutional Zone as shown on Schedule "X" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law. The following performance standards set out in Schedule "B" to By-Law 1863 will apply to the lands zoned: (a) Single and Two Family Residential -5.26.37. (b) I1ultiple Family Residential - 3. No part of this By-Law will come into force without Ontario I1unicipal Board approval, but subject to such approval, the By-Law will take effect from the day of the passing thereof. READ A FIRST TII1E THIS lOth day of JANUARY, 1977. /~ • o ~ ~ ~ m e • ~ o e e e o ~ • Clerk READ A SECOND TII1E THIS 7th day of MARCH, 1977 • . . . . . . ~.Q.. -~·-·... . .... IC-4f-:L:v.: ...... . I1ayor Clerk ~~~ READ A THIRD TII1E AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7th day of MARCH, 1977. "" """" ,(,_ 9,-~--·-"" I1ayor ..... & ..... Clerk . - •. •• EXPLANATORY NOTE BY-LAW NUHBER 2112-77 .This By-la>~ proposes to amend By-la\-1 Number 1863, the Zoning By-laH as it. applies to a proposed plan of subdivision located on Yonge Street, north of Mark Stree·t being Lot 89, and Part of Lot 86 and 91, Registered Plan 246 (as shown on Schedule "X") from Development Zone to Single and 1'wo Family Residential Zone, Nul tiple Family Re- sidential Zone, Open Space and Institutional Zone as shown on Schedule "X". 'l'he area has been designated Residential by the Official Plan of the ·.Town of Aurora Planning Area. The proposed Performance $tandarilq for the area for Single and Tl•10 Fa.':!ily Residential are 5. 26.37 and the Performance Standards for Nultiple Family ResidentJ.'a~l :ct·re The definition of these numbers which are set out in By-law Number , 1863 in Schedule B are: Density: (5). Side Yard: (26) Floor Area: (37) ··-" Density: (8) . Front Yard: (16) Floor Area: (43) Single and Two Family Residential One single family dl·ielling per lot having a m1.n1mum frontage of fifty (50) feet and a minimum lot area of five thousand (5,000) square feet, one 2 family dwelling 65' frontage and seven thousand (7,000) square feet lot area. Minimum each side four (4) feet for a one (1) storey building and an addi~icnal two (2) feet for each additional storey or part thereof. If corner lot minimum nineteen (19) feet side yard abutting side street. Minimum gt·ound floor area for a one storey dVielling 1,200 square feet, more than one storey 750 square feet • Multiple Family Residential Maisonettes having a Einimum area of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet per dwelling tinit on a lot with a minimum frontage of one hundred and twenty (120) feet on a public street. Row houses and multiple housing having a minimum area of tHo thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet per dHell- ing unit on a lot vli th a minimum frontage of one hun- dred (100) feet on a public street. Minimum fifty-three (53) feet from centre line on road allowance, in no case less than twenty (20) feet from street line. Multiple Family Residential (Continued} ' All ·'apartments, maisonettes, multiples, roHhouses, fourplex, triplex, duplex, minimum floor area: Bachelor · 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom 450 square feet 575 ·square feet 700 square feet 825 square feet Miscellaneous: Maximum lot coverage thirty-five (35) percent of (51) lot area. I ., - I I s.;'<Y. 1 . d ':::1 tftlf4'Ffr\Jt:"t:Crrs-ao-;'3 1-R. t"'. t'l u. t:..-.-'V /~"~OWN OF AURORA . ')E'G lOti Of YORK . · . //FORMERLY TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF >/OR!< SCALE-NTS. OLO·YONGE ST. ,_: Cl) ... 0 0 w (.') z 0 >- -:-f D -. -~:. -37 · THTS 1 -.·,._,, '' \\ fJ,SSEl' THIS---[)f>Y OF ,9 ... -.~. ·--TrTr;~,:--·----~ ---"'-... ---- \ -----·· -. -~· .. \_ -·--:\\~~;---.-c •. ----·• J ..J <I: -e-z 0 1- <I: z 0 R 772112 Ontario Municipal Board . IN THE MA'l"l'ER OF Section 35 of The Planninq Act (R.s.o. 1970, Q. 349), -and- IN THE MA'l"l'ER OF an application by 'l'he COrporation of the !l'own of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By•law 2112-77 BEFOREi A. H. ARRBLL, Q.C. Vice-Chairman -and- C. G. EBERS, Q.c. Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 7th day of November, 1977 The objectors to approval of By-law 2112-77 having withdrawn their objections and the council of the applicant corporation having an opportunity to consider certain amendments to the said by-law and the said council having on the 19th day of September, 1977 1 passed By-law 2156-77 amending By-law 2112-77 and incorporating certain recommendations of the Board and having caused a certified copy thereof to be filed and the Board having dispensed with notice and hearing in respect of By-law 2156-77; THE BOARD 01WERS, that By-law 2112-77 as amended by By-law 2156-77 is hereby approved. ENTERED o. B. tlo ••• B..?..?.;;.§C. ..... . f-Olio M.o. ..... t.~ .................. . SECRETARY NOV 1 0 '977