BYLAW - Dedicate Lands as Athletic Field - 19760405 - 207076I 'I, BY-LAW NUMBER 2070-76 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO DEDICATE LANDS AS AN ATHLETIC FIELD. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to dedicate the lands attached hereto on Schedule "A" and known as Confederation Park as an Athletic Field; THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the lands attached hereto on Schedule "A" to this by-law are hereby designated as an outdoor playing field for multiple activities and necessary facilities. 2. THAT the Clerk and Treasurer are hereby authorized to complete any forms necessary for grant purposes under thee Community Recreation Centre Program of the Ministry of Culture and Recreation, as may be decided by Council from time to time by resolution. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS ~DAY OF APRIL, 1976 ~,~K,ILJ· MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED OF APRIL, 1976 ~4t-~ t-'.AYOR CLERK '.': 1\ i / ,., ~l / " '·,\ / I I { \. \;;;) J!' . :1 BY _Ll'JV NUMBER 2071-76 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORl\TICN OF THE ~ OF AURORA A BY-Ll'JV TO AOOPT THE SUPPLEMENTARY EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR 1976. THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT REQUEST FOR SUPPLEMENTARY ALLOCATION OF SUBSIDY MONEYS FOR THE YEAR 19 7G Pursuant to The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act, the Council of the '1(lll!f of ------------------------------------------------- hereby requests a supplementary allocation of subsidy moneys for work on roads and bridges under its jurisdiction as follows: for Construction, and $ for Maintenance, in the Total Amount of The said moneys shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Public Transportation and Highway Improvement Act. A detailed statement of proposed expenditures is attached hereto. This request for a supplementary application of subsidy moneys has been authorized by Resolution of the Council of ------------------~ under date of ~ 31ft. 1 9 76 ----------------------------- (SEAL) :t;, "~t 'X,_ w '(MAYOR ORREEVE) ., r \ / I I i )' .··' ; r., /' f. / { c,_} ,~, ·' . \\ PROGRAM OF PROPOSED EXPENDIT.UR.12,.? S FOR HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE YEAR l9..L;O. ESTIMATED Total Subsidizable Subsidy """-"bNSTRUCTION Expenditure Expenditure A) Bridges and Culverts -.~~,( ( i) Total From Reverse Side 100,01)0.00 loo,ooo.oo so.ooo.oo (B) Roads and Streets (ii) Total From Reverse Side (C) Resurfacing Program {Counties & Regions Only) (iii) Total From Reverse Side (D) Equipment and Housing (Rural Only) (iv) From Reverse Side SUB-TOTAL (A) to (D) (E) Overhead (7"/o in Urban Municipalities) '" (l) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 100,000.00 l.oo,ooo.oo ao,ooo.oo NOTE: DETAILS OF THE CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM TO BE LISTED ON REVERSE SIDE MAINTENANCE (FOR DEFINITIONS REFER TO FORM FB-MRA-36 or 36A) ,._>j,,'(i/A) Bridges and Culverts (B) Roadside (C) Hardtop (D) Loose Top (E) Winter Control (F) Safety Devices (G Miscellaneous SUB-TOTAL (A) to (G) • (H) Overhead (7% in Urban Municipalities) ~' . 'J) County Contributions to Urban Improvement (Counties Only) ( 2) TOTAL FOR MAINTENANCE 100,000.00 100,000.00 eo,ooo.oo (iJ GRAND TOTALS (1)+ (2) -.. >reby certify that the above program of proposed expenditures has been adopted by ol.~tion of the Council of the Corporation of the ~ f ~ 'E ~ Jlat.191S * OVERHEAD -For rurals, the construction overhea l(E) is to be 7"/o of the estimated subsidizable construction expenditures for (B) Roads . · · , and Streets and (C) County and Region Resurfacing Program and the-/ .iOB-MR-28 balance of actual overhead then shown as maintenance overhead 2(H}.Ji 'December 1974 ' ' ' ;· ·--··.'-··<'.:: ' •'- .. ESTIMATED ;~ CODE Total Subsid!~ CONSTRUCTION Expenditure Expendit ' , - A) Bridges and Culverts Location Type of Structure ,... ·-.... -<~ -~ '·' ~GN 100.000.00 100.000 .tv' ( 1 ~~~ ' . . :J;t-·~ I ·' ' i) Total Carried Forward to Reverse Side ,, / B) Roads and Streets Location Nature of Work ' ' -, I . . ' -:- . . . d"'-~ f:J / / .... < . - --· -(: ,, .. \,·~ . "' ··/ 1\ < < ' ii) Total Carried F'orward to Reverse Side f < 7 C) Resurfacing Program (Counties and Regions Only) f .Location. Type of Surfacing l 1 f'''lj'~ ', . ,~y ' i \ ·ts~~:·r_ .. •. ' ~----· - '• '• j '' ['< .\), -s~,l(~- -;: ' I I ' I iii) Total Carried Forward to Reverse Side' 7 I 1 h, D) Equipment and Housing (Rurals Only) ·. < 7 re 8 , ' I I DA.y l < I ' iv) Total Carried Forward to Reverse Side 100,000.001 E'o 1?.11 -:~\-. ·--~