BYLAW - Land Aquisition - 19760816 - 209776. ) .
BY-LAW ·~0. 2097-76
WHEREAS By-law 2083 as passed by the Corporation of
the Township of Whitchurch on September 8, 1970, which By-law
was confirmed·by the Corporation of the·Town of Aurora by
By-law 1916 passed on the 29th day of March 1971, affects
the lands described herein, which said lands were formerly
in the 'l'ownship of Whitchurch and are now in the 'l'own of Aurora.
AND WHEREAS, By-law 2083 was given ·temporary approval
by the Ontario ~unicipal Board, which approval has now expired.
NOW 'l'HEREJWRE the Municipal Corporation of t:he 'l'own
of Aurora enacts as follows:
l. The lands affected by this By-law are those 'lands
shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto and described as being
Part of Lot 71, Concession 1, formerly in ·the 'l'ownship of
Whitchurch, now in the Town of Aurora and designated as
Parts 1 and 2 on a Plan of Survey on deposi·t in the Registry
Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65)
as No. ~6R-7733 (hereinafter called "the lands").
2. Notwit:hstanding the p:r:ovisions of By-laws numbered
2083 and 1916 and all subsequent By-laws affecting the lands,
no person shall use the lands or erect or use a building or
structure thereon except for single family de.tached dwellings
in conformity with the following reg·u.lations:
(a) Number of dwellings 4.
(b) .Lot ar(;:O!a (min. ) 2" ac.
(c) Lot frontage (min. ) 150 ft.
(d) Setbacks from all lot lines 40 ft.
(e) Floor ar<:?a (min. ) 2,000 sq .. ft.
(f) Lot coverage (max. ) 1,-.::> '6
(g) Height (max.) (main building) 35 f't.
3. Should any section or .part of a section of this By-law
be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction ·to be invalid,
the same shall not affect the provisions of this By-law as a
whole or any part thereof, other than the part so declared to
be invalid.
4. Schedule "A" attached here·to forms part of this By-law.
5. No part of this By-law shall come in·to force without
the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, but subject ·to
such approval this By-law shall take effect from the passing
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