BYLAW - Amend 2042 75 - 19760517 - 207676" .~ ·• BY-LAW if 2076 -76 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW if 2042-75 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: THAT By-Law #-2042-75 is hereby amended by adding the following exceptions to section 5, 1. 3. "Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 5. 1. with respect to "Residential uses in Rural zones", one Single Family Dwelling with a minimum floor area of 1500 sq. ft., minimum sideyards of 12 feet, minimum front yard of 50 feet, and minimum rear yard of 75 feet, may be erected and used upon that part of the lands as shown hatched on the attached map, which is attached and forms part of this By-Law as Schedule "A" No part of this By-taw shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, but subject to such approval, this By-Law shall take effect from the passing thereof. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 3rd day of l1ay , 1976 • ~.~.~· .. \~ MAYOR~ ..... 44&:/.~ .... CLERK I ( READ A SECOND TIME THIS 3~d day of !1ay , 1976. ~.:.~'. %.U MAYOr-T READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THisl7th.day of May , 1976. ~.~\0 ;j ...... ., ........... v.~ MAYOR /' ' "-} I . I ( I ~ SCHEDULE "A ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York and being composed of the south half of Town Lot Number 3 and part of Town Lot Number 4 on the East side of Yonge Street according to registered Plan Number 68 made by George McPhillips, Esquire, P.L.S. and butted and bounded as follows: COMMENCING on Yonge Street, 33 feet measured Southerly from the North-west angle of said Lot Number 3; THENCE NORTH 74 degrees East, 221 feet 7 inches to a point; jj} ,Ec;'[ THENCE NORTH 9 degrees~, 14 feet 6 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE NORTH 74 degrees East, 42 feet 5 inches to an iron bar planted; £;;<;./ THENCE SOUTH 9 degrees We.st, 104 feet 10 inches bar planted; THENCE SOUTH TIENCE NORTH 74 degrees West, _42 feet to an iron ' •l.Jff.<;t • 9 degrees .ffMlt', 17 feet 9 inches to to an iron bar planted; a point; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West, 99 feet 5 inches to the South-west corner of a brick building; THENCE NORTH along the Westerly limit of the said brick building 28 feet 5 inches to its intersection with an adjacent brick building to the North; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West to the Easterly limit of Yonge Street being the Westerly limit of Lot 4, Plan No. 68 on the East .side of Yonge Street; THENCE NORTHERLY along the Easterly limit of Yonge Street, 45 feet 2\ inches. to. the point of commencement. WITH THE RESERVATION of a road from Yonge Street, eight feet, two inches wide and seventy feet deep from off the North-west angle of the said South half of Town Lot Number 3 which shall be an allowance for road for the joint use of the owners of the said South half and the North half of the said Lot Number 3. SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York and being composed of the south half of Town Lot Number 3 and part of Town Lot Number 4 on the East side of Yonge Street according to registered Plan Number 68 made by George McPhillips, Esquire, P.L.S. and butted and bounded as follows: COMMENCING on Yonge Street, 33 feet measured southerly from the North-west angle of said Lot Number 3J THENCE NORTH 74 degrees East, 221 feet 7 inches to a point; THENCE NORTH 9 degrees East, 14 feet 6 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE NORTH 74 degrees East, 42 feet 5 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE SOUTH 9 degrees West, 104 feet 10 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West, 42 feet to an iron bar planted; TmNCE NORTH 9 degrees East, 17 feet 9 inches to a point; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West, 99 feet 5 inches to the South-west corner of a brick building; THENCE NORTH along the Westerly limit of the said brick building 28 feet 5 inches to its intersection with an adjacent brick building to the North; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West to the Easterly limit of Yonge Street being the Westerly limit of Lot 4, Plan No. 68 on the East side of Yonge Street; THENCE NORrHERLY along the Easterly limit of Yonge Street, 45 feet 2~ inches to the point of commencement. WITH THE RESERVATION of a road from Yonge Street, eight feet, two inches wide and seventy feet deep from off the North-west angle of the said South half of Town Lot Number 3 which shall be an allowance for road for the joint use of the owners of the said South half and the North half of the said Lot Number 3. \""· \ . ' If ~~ ! ' . . SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lyinq and being-1n the 'l'own of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York and being composed of the south half of Town Lot Number 3 and part of TOwn LOt Number 4 on the East side of Yonqe Street according to registered Plan Number 68 made by Georg-e McPhillips, Esquire, P.x..s. and butted and bounded as follows: COMMENCING on Yonqe Street, 33 feet measured SOutherly from the North-west anqle of said Lot Number 31 THENCE NOR'l'H 74 degrees East, 221 feet 1 inches to a point; THENCE NOR'l'H 9 degrees East, 14 feet 6 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE NORTH 74 degrees East., 42 feet 5 inches to an iron bar planted; THENCE SOUTH 9 degrees West, 104 feet 10 inches t.o an iron bar planted; THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees West, 42 feet to an iron bar planted; ~E NORfH 9 deqrees East, 17 feet 9 inches to a point; TBBNCE SOUTH 74 degrees West, 99 feet 5 inches to the South-west corner of a brick building, 'l'BBNCE NOR'l'H alonq the Westerly limit of the said brick buildinq 28 feet 5 inches to its intersection with an adjacent brick building-to the North; 'l'HBNCE SOU'l'H 74 deqrees West to the Easterly limit of Yonqe street bein9 the Westerly limit of LOt 4, Plan No. 68 on the East side of. Yonge Street; THENCE NORWHBRLY alon9 the Easterly limit of Yon9e Street, 45 feet 2• inches to the point of commencement. WIWH THE RESERVATION of a road from Yonge Street, eiqht feet, two inches wide and seventy feet deep from off the North-west angle of the said SOuth half of Town Lot Number 3 which shall be an allowance for road for the joint use of the owners of the said South half and the North half of the said Lot Number 3. PLAN SHOWING PART OFLOT 21 CONCESSION 2 TOWN OF AURORA REGIONAL MUNIC!PALITYOF YORK APPLICANTS LANDS 7 ( ( ( ( SUBJECT LANDS•-~ i S CAL £ I": /00' R £ S. 571.5' RES. " j' ~ -----------J--------~--------------c-o_M_M_. __ ~~T RD. ALL. 8 TWN. LOTS 20 8 21 ., . '. ~ .'n':6ENE SZRAM DRAFT. SERV. APPENDIX NO.I , ANNAN ·, FILE NO: A·75·151 ·. L r . . SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises ---- situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional · / Municipality of Y_ork, formerly _in the Towns-hip of Whitchurch,_,_ ~n ~-. · the County of York, and being composed of part of the rear ha~J ----·· Lot No. 21, in the Second Concession of the said Town of Aurora, '' being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING ut the South-east_ corner. of LOt 21; THENCE NORTH 7 degrees 28 minutes West along the Easterly boundary of the said LOt, 247 feet 6 inches; 'rHENCE SOUTH 74 degrees 52 minutes West, 10 feet l inch to the point of commencement. THENCE SOUTH 74 degrees 52 minutes west, 527 feet Sinches to a ~i~l ~. " THENCE NOR'l'H 7 degrees 28 minutes West, 376 feot to a point where an iron pout has been planted1 THENCE NORTH 74 degrees 52 minutes East, 571 feet 6 inches to a point, distant 10 feet l inch measured westerly from the East limit of the said Lot; - THENCE SOUTH 7 degrees 28 minutes East parallel to the Easterly limit of the said Lot, 376 feet to the point of commencement. ' SCHEDULE "A" (to By-Law if -76, a By-Law to amend restricted area By-Law il2042-75) ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Whitchurch, in the County of York, and being composed of Part of Lot 21, Concession 2 for the said Town of Aurora and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of the road allowance between Concession 2 and Concession 3 for the said Town of Aurora (East) and distant Two Hundred and Forty Seven feet (247') measured northerly from the south-east angle of said Lot 21; THENCE WESTERLY parallel with the Southerly limit of said Lot 21, Five Hundred and Twenty-Seven and Five Tenths feet (527.5') to a point; THENCE NORTH seven degrees twenty-eight minutes West (7°28"W), One Hundred and Seventy feet (170') to a point; THENCE EASTERLY parallel with the southerly limit of said Lot 21, Five Hundred and Twenty-eight feet (528') to the easterly limit of said Lot 21; THENCE SOUTH along the easterly limit of said Lot 21, One Hundred and Seventy-feet (170') to the place of commencement. •,: ' ' f \ \~ i __ ,/ ' . . _,'<' ·.:L~ .. -.i.Jo:;:c.-·• ___ ,_~.=;.~,_~,.w-~"'==.,.=~"""""'"=·~~~--.:~.:__~<-· ·_·• _··---~-~~~--~"-·- SCHEDULE "B" (to By-Law -76, a By-Law to amend restricted area By-Law #2042-75) ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being Part 1 on a sketch prepared by Gene Szram, and being composed of Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, in the Regional Municipality of York, formerly in the Township of Whitchurch, in the County of York and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of said Lot 21, distant Four Hundred and Seventeen feet (417') measured northerly from the south-east angle of said Lot 21; THENCE WESTERLY parallel with the southerly limit of said Lot 21 to a point; THENCE NORTH seven degrees twenty-eight minutes West (7°28"W), One Hundred and Ninety-nine and Five Tenths feet (199.5') to a point; THENCE EASTERLY parallel with the southerly limit of said Lot 21, Five Hundred and Fifty-four and Five Tenths feet (554.5') to a point in the easterly limit of said Lot 21; THENCE SOUTHERLY along the easterly limit of said Lot 21, Two Hundred and Six feet (206') to the place of commencement. i ." ::