BYLAW - Amend 2042 75 - 19760405 - 206676,_, BY-LAW # 2066-76 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW.~O AMEND RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW #2042-75 The Council of the .·corporation of the Town of Aurora hereby enacts as follows: THAT By-Law #2042-75 is hereby amended by adding the following exceptions to section 5. 1. 3. "Notwithstanding the provl.sl.ons of Section 5. 1. with respect to "Residential uses in Rural Zones", one Single Family Dwelling with a minimum floor area of 1500 sq. ft., min1mum sideyards of 12 feet, minimum front yard of 50 feet, and minimum rear yard of 75 feet, may be erected and used upon that part of the lands as shown on the map entitled Schedule "X", which is attached and forms part of this By-Law." · No part of this By-Law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, but subject to such approval this By-Law shall take effect from the passing thereof. ·-~-· . -··· • -~ rO I B . YO a PURCELL, O.UJ, . . I .... ,"1 ..... 0 :2 0 If)"()) 161 ~ ~. INST N9. 173924 ~~~ f ~ ~ i! ~~- ' -~ u (~ m ~ (Smith E. Meas.l J . /· ('\} INST. N9. 156355 W" (\] (f) 7 c. 0 [f) (f) [ij u , 11 c.."\ (L.LOYO e', PURCELL, O.L.S.) 1 SET.t.S." N73°2200E ) F"Q.I.B.(BENTO'.l5S0'.!5W) 466.47 15 200.00 I. 239.25 (Deed 27.22 !!1° SET. L ~--" . Oi 0, g. "'' -~l~ b~ o ... ~I 8,'0 ~:.il'; > ~ .• - NO N 73° 22° 0 INST; NQ, 26510 f, c) '-l ,fj ... 't ~J • ~g . SJ ~ fi!~ ~ h ' • ' f: B -. '7 c. () o <to \j g fee~ PART 2 2o000 Acso y_· I • . i ' ru-g~,· ,. -~. of-'o o,., _o ~u..~ o A o "'~"' z "'-.2:, ai . W ill:::. ,.... '-_· ·' . :!11¥ SI Lt' 'i I . ,J A ''HI • .. · .. ~ I" :J/ ·BETWEEN LOTS 21 ANO 22 _· -. FD. ,. 1 ... · LOT "l I L.1 .) '·/· .... v . ' LU . 't0' ' > ,> ~­ [ij [Q l!J () -, "-~r s 0 _j .J <( ,. "' -----· ---------' This pion is not a plan of subdivision within. the meaning of section 29, 32c:or · 33 of.)~e,.Pionning Act LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISI( YORK NORTH (N9 6~ N9 26510 (ERNA M.OE·BAC PODSH PLAN OF SURVEY OF PART OF · LOT 22 ° CONCESSION 2 ">:2i_._-~--: ___ ,. ,JJ_;. tJ TOWN OF ~RORA REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YOF Formerly TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH o COUNTY OF Y< . ' ' -. -' . . " . SCALE: ( • 60' WILLIAM J, PLAXTON LIMITED ·~· ·'1975. - NOTES: Bearings are as.lronomic and referred to the N 9° 19' oo" W of lhe West Rood Allowance between Concessions 2 and 3, Town of Whitchurch-Stout shown on o Pion of Survey by R.A,Smith, O.L.S. (revised Feb.,196ll attache N2. 48809 A o S.S.J.a · D.enotes Short Standard Iron Bar ( t" sq. x 24" long) • I.B " Iron Bar. (5/S"sq. x. 24 ... 1ong) II , . .II • I.B .. 0 " Iron Bar ( 5/S·d,ometer x 24 long) o I.P. C.S.M. Meos Smith Fd. " " " " " " Iron Pipe · Cut Stone Monument Measured R. A. Smitt\, O.L.S. Found Witness wit. All hanging lines sho~nonthis pion hove been veri !ted SURVEYOR'S C ERTt FICAT E I hereby certify that , · I, This survey and plan ore correct ond in accordance with The Survt . and The Registry Act and the regulations 2, The survey was completed on ttl/111 day Dote , AUGUST 15, 19>75 .. -' WlLLIAM J PLAXTON LIMll QNT ARID LAND SURVEYORS ""'· '·.··.·· . 'h .. ·/~ •·•. '~'.· !:>• t{} "> 3259 YONGE STREET TORONTO M4N 2L5. (416) 483·0550 '· t>o ••• ' .... ·' • -~ ;l < ll~k -·; ---~·-·----~ ·-·-··:<<:::o;:,;:,:':?s~;:~o;.--;;;.::o.o.;;,,7c .. ..:o.-=.-::.:==-===~=~·~---------------- c EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW No. 2066-76 By-Law #2042-75 Zones the subject lands Rural petmitting general agricultural uses, but prohibiting those uses deemed incompatible with nearby residential uses, and also includes Residential uses on a lot with a minimum acreage of 25 acres. The Purpose of By-Law # 2066-76 is to allow a single family dwelling to be erected and used on a lot less than 25 acres, namely 2 acres in a Rural Zone. The subject property referred to is part of lot 22 concession _2, Aurora, (formerly in the Township of Whitchurch) Regional Municipality of York, and being 200 feet by 439.25 feet. The property is more particularly shown on Schedule "X" attached to, By-Law # 2066-76 K.B. Rodger, A.M.C.T. Clerk Administrator Town of Aurora, 27 Yonge St. s. Aurora, Ontario. Telephone: 727-4211 889-3109 -