BYLAW - Amend 1867 69 - 19760719 - 209476r,·o~·"'"( I ' BY-LAW # 2094-76 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOI-JN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO .AI1END BY-LA\/ # '1867-69 BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC. WHEREAS, the Council of the Municipal Corporation of Aurora deems it advisable to amend By-law #'1867-69 as amended, for the Regulation of Traffic. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: '1. THAT part III, Section 3, be amended by deleting the "Prohibiting of Parking on the East Side of Gurnett Street from Victoria Street to Connaught Avenue " ' And Part III, Section 3, be amended by the addition of the following: STREET COLill'.IN I COLill'.IN II COLill'JN III Gurnett St. from Victoria St. East Anytime to 354 Feet North of the Northerly Boundary of Connaught Ave. 2. THAT By-law #2079-76 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS );?KnAY OF }1, , '1976 • . . . . A2r.?.~~ ~ .... CLERK '. ~ ~ f:'t,4'. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /l !f. DAY OF H CLERK '1976. / 3 fi. 05755 THE LAND TITI.ES Ar::r Application to Register By-lm-1 TO: 111c La:nd Registrar, Land Titles Division at Newmarket l\'Il>!PEY HQ.\!ES LIMITED, the registered rnmer of Parcel Plan-1 ii1 the Re~i~W5 ~7g>;ction M-15, Aurora, APPLIES to have l>Iunicipal By-Law No.(~ a certified copy of which is attached to this appli- cation, entered on the Register for said Parcel. TI1e e\~dence in support of this Application is a certified "2095-76' copy of l>ft.micipal By-lrov No. ~ DATED at Toronto this :2 fl!l Ji day o£~,1 1977. WIMPEY HOi'lES LHUTED, by ~ts So)-1c1tors, Messrs. Blake, Cassels A, Graydon, V, /)/} I Ill" jJ Per:~.//!j1(f{Lt. '- ·CD .... ()) <ll_ ::1. I .<: c 1-0 ~ )- 0 "-,..-.._o· -e~ ()) ·-"'" . c .9:-.o. 0 -.r:: ..... ·o c ru " UJ;'; BY --LAH f/20'35 -76 OF THE !iiDriCIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOHN OF AURORA A BY-LA\·/ TO Jlli~iOVE CERTAIN L/ci/DS FR0i1 PART-LOT CONTROL THE COUI1CIL of the Coruoration of the "TOl-IN OF AURORA, pursuant t;o Section C9-: SnbsP.ctlon (5) of the Pl~nning Act, R .. S .. O .. l970., Chapter j49, as amended, ENACTS as follo\·IS: 1. Subsection (4) of. Section 29 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1970,-Chapter ;549, as al!lended, does not apply to the :follo>~ing lands: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and'being in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional !1unicip<J.li ty of York and be:tng composed of Blocks ''A 11 &nd. "B 11 , according to a pian .filed in the Office of Land Titles at l~e-Hmarket as No .. 11 .. 15. ' .;/. READ A FIRST AliD SECOI1D Tll!E THIS /1 day o:f ,1976- . f1 (-, ./f? . I , ~~ ' 1 I :. r l·~vc.; , /..,_,.,._{~ • ......... ~-~--~-------~---·-··· l'IAYOR. ·---"----!--· r;!t.-r,N.;) RE/UJ A THIRD TIME AND FI!-!ALLY PASSED THIS ::),-· .-.;:7 r . _. /-./u····c" . ..;r.~ ........ ~-~ ....... --.. ·;" .. ':;. ...... --'··"~ ................... .. CLERK / DATED at Toronto this 19th d~v of April, 1977. · IT 05'7{)5 ir (!57':'· A ~-!o. ·-(...:. . u -' . :erei>red ai t~ O!lice of Land Tille; ~d at.ij'-'1.5o'cloc!<, ;:' M. of the. ~ 7.. ilay of ~ 1HE Li\ND TITLES ACT A. D. 19.71' and entered I Follurri _ Vol. -Parcel 'i'A...--/ ~v J1-/$' &?~ ~~~ DEPUTY~.:::-:.-; :::':."1. "" "" --;:; (L ;- 0.1 c-.: G. <L ~ ,_ ,/?r (___.:;x./Y- GI 1G11 /}? \ "1 ~:7· APPLICATION 1D HEGISTER BY-LAW ' < r1-r., 'f_ ~-····----------.. ----... ~ ... _ ~--·--!liessrs. Blake, Cassels & Graydon, I /1 1(} -~I',:· Barristers and Solicitors, t·-:·:·-fl.~. ~~·-.:· c~ox 25, COJliDlCTCe Court West, ~ · _ ~1;·f-· 1 TOOONIO, OntaTio. _ I:· _ · ;r<---;151 :wPROPEIHY OF Trii: L.: .... .:... __ : ____ ,_~_'.. . J I (G\\ll) pr.l~iSTfl'{ O,"[",f'[· ·•-d·~--~-~,~ 1\L I .1\ V I /