BYLAW - Agreement With H. Crowe - 19760503 - 207476THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NUMBER 2074--76 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement on behalf of The Town of Aurora between The Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Herman A. Crowe. The Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT THE MAYOR and CLERK be and they are hereby authorized on behalf of the TOWN OF AURORA, to execute anc.:!Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Herman A. Crowe. 2. A copy of the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" READ a FIRST time this ~ '£ ro{, 1976i ~::.-.~"-~--U ·---~~~ MAYOR~~ CLERK j' READ a SECOND time this f't~ 5,.-of, 1976. ~~-Q: .~u .... z.tz.~ MAYOR ';-;';-:'Xr CLERK READ a THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~ 'Srof , 1976 • .. ~ .. ~0.·. '.-L~ .. a ... ~ .. MAYOR ~~ CLERK .. ) Telephone (416) 485-0433 ~~. "t'I'".P..dk 'TO e~ -U\w. ,;20{<-1--7/..s.. Box 152 Station "K" rroronto, Ontario M4P 2G5 159 YONGE STREET NORTH AURORA LIMITED (Incorporated Ontario 1976) -;; Mr. K.B. Rodger, A.M.C.T., Cle:r k-Administ:ra tor, The Tmm of Aurora., Hollington Street West, Aurora, Ontario LlJ·G 3L8 Dear Er. Rodger: June 1, 1981 ;3~!?0 •·.· ... --; We :regret that·due to current interest rates and high costs of construction our financial consultants have cautioned us against proceedi::;; further >lith our plans for a r-etirement home in the to-.m of Aurora. ~--However, in view of the serious shortage of rental accon®odatio~1 in the area, the interest free grants provided by the Government, and the financial benefits of the H. U.R.B. program 1-re have today filed an application for rezoning to permit the construction of rental apartments on the site. '<le trust and hope that this appli.:!atlon -vlill have the approval o: the To'm of Aurora and that we may hear :fron1 you at your earliest convenier.ce. HAC/oj Yours very truly, c;::z~~ Herman A. Crowe, President, _159 1fonge Street North Aurora Limited, --~-----·--· .. If'\-.-' -------·----···'-'--'--~--·~.------~~---~--· .. ' THE TOWN OF AURORA 50 WELLINGTON STREET WEST AURORA, ONTARIO L4G 3L8 Dr .. Herm3n A. Crowe, President, .April 2nd, 1981 159 Yonge Street North Aurora Limited, Box 152, Station "K", Toronto, Ontario M4P 285 rear Dr 0 Crowe ' K. B. RODGER, A.M.C.T. CLERK-ADMINISmATOR TELEPHONE (416) 727:1375 (416) 889-3109 With reference to your request, we would confirm that your proposed development of an institutional building for up to 100 residents is still before the Council for consideration. ' As you are .aware, we have been -attempting to ascertain from the York Regional Engineering De:parbri2nt the advisability and the requirements, as they see them,· for servicing your proposed development. As you are also aware, the servicing requirements as defined, will require the prepayment or financial guarantee of whatever determination your 100 unit institutional proposal will require by way of servicing. KBR:km c. c. Mr. R .. J. Harrington Mrs: S. Seibert Yours' very truly, K.B •. Rodger, A.M.C.T., Clerk-Administrator '. ·-·-·---~~- Telephone (416) 485-0433 159YONGE STREET NORTH AURORA LIMITED (Incorporated Ontario 1976) ilox'~52 Station "K" Toronto,· Ontario M4P2G5 14th Aprill980 The Town of Aurora; 50 Wellington Street;" West, Aurora, Ontario. L4G 3L8 9-3! Attention: Mr. Roy J. Harrington, Secretary, Planning and Development Committee \ .... ~. -·~ .. ··~-........... -.-• ... . Dear Mr. Harrington: Thank you for your letter of March 20th, 1980. Our Company is ready to submit an application for re~zoning now. However our directors wish to know what specific financial commitments must be secured and at what point ih the development proceedings. We would appreciate an early reply so that we may continue with the project as soon as possible. Yours truly, c. Vice Pres. /Gen. Mgr. CRC/JL SCHEDULE "A" THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 1976. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA hereinafter called AURORA OF THE FIRST PART -and -HERMAN A. CROWE hereinafter called the "owner" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner has requested Aurora for a building permit to construct 2 Apartment Buildings on its lands; AND WHEREAS Aurora has agreed to do so on certain terms and conditions; AND WHEREAS this Agreement is entered pursuant to a By-Law enacted under Section 35a of The Planning Act; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the parties hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Lands subject to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as "the lands" are situate in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lot 90, R.P. 246 and being more particularly described in Schedule "B" attached hereto. 2. The Owner shall use the lands only in compliance with the applicable sections of Town of Aurora Zoning By-Law #1863 (as amended) and in compliance with the following provisions: (i) No building shall be constructed on the lands, other than 130 Apartment Suites as shown on Schedule "A" attached hereto, and the maximum coverage shall not exceed 21,000 square feet. 1l I ill cl . 1·. <-.: 'r . ... . ······ (ii) All Area shown on Schedule "A" other than Building (iii) coverage shall be sodded or landscaped, or form part of asphalted parking surface or driveway access. The Owner, will, following approval of the Zoning By-Law enter into a detailed Site Plan Agreement, which shall be comprised of the following: 1. Site Plan 2. Floor Plans 3. Elevations and Cross Sections 4. Foundation Plans. 5. Archi tectunaVAesthetics. 6. Drive.way, parking areas,.access ramps and curbing, sidewalks, walkways. · 7. Playground or recreation area. 8. Landscaping, including shrubs and trees (prepared by a Landscape Architect. 9. Internal Services i.e. water, storm, sanitary sewers. 10. Lighting. 11. Garbage Storage. 12. A Performance Bond to cover the cost of installation, repairs,•.•replacement and maintenance of any of the outside work for a period of two years after the same shall have been certified to be complete by the Town Engineer, and satisfactory to the Town of Aurora. 13. The Owner shall pay to the Town of Aurora upon demand Plan Processing Costs. 14. The Owner shall pay to the Town of Aurora Cash in Lieu of Parkland based on the market value of 1 acre of land for every 120 dwelling;::units proposed. (See #14 continued below) The Owner agrees to the Services Development Levy of $875.00 per dwelling unit (bachelor or 1 bedroom) and $1185.00 per dwelling unit (2 bedroom or more) or such other rate as Co~ncil may establish prior to an application for a Building Permit. . ' . --' -. ~ ' ' 14. Such determination to be made within 60 days of the signing of this Agreement, and the amount so determined shall be firm for a period of one year following the Zoning approval, and paid to the Town prior to the issu- ance of the Building Permit(s). . I I, I L IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has hereunto set his hand and seal, and Aurora has hereunto affixed ita Corporate Seal duly attested by ita proper Officers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA in the presence of MAYOR /{2. • ~_;~ -\--\-'' '~--~~" ""'"~"----------~~----~···' \ \ . ( ' \ . THE COlli 'flRATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY LAv/ NU!1BER 2074-76 A fly-Law to authorize the Mayor itrHl Clerk to execute an agreement on behalf of The Town of Aurora \,..tween The Cornoration of the ~·own of Aurora ;nd Herman A. Crowe. The Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLO\·IS: l. , THAT THE !1AYOR and CLERK be and they are hereby authorized on behalf of the TOWN OF AURO.llr\, to execute an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and lkrman A. Crowe. 2. A copy of the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" READ a FIRST timt• this ' 1976. CLERK READ a SECOND tb.,, this ' 1976. /}''' _,i--->J~ . ,/ .. /// . 7) ".t'".·7! {./.0 / / '-"'0 ;/ (BC:::?.:-:t ./ ......................... •:"-...... . CLERK I READ a THIRD TTI-1;; '-.XD FINALLY PASSED THIS ' 1976. I , ,. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOim OF AURORA BY-LA\/ N\Jl1BER 2074-76 A By-Law to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute an agreement on behalf of The Town of Aurora between The Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Herman A. Crowe. The Council of the Corporation of The Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLO\vS: 1. THAT THE MAYOR and CLERK be and they are hereby authorized on behalf of the TOWN OF AURORA, to execute an Agreement between the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Herman A. Crm1e. 2. A copy of the said Agreement is attached hereto as Schedule "A" READ a FIRST time this ' 1976. /-.--;;f?· ····?t .... /...! ~.r.5 .. A?:~7 ... -'t::z~· CLERK READ a SECOND time this READ a THIRD TTI1E AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ' 1976. SCHEDULE 11 A11 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 1976. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOvlN OF AURORA hereinafter called ' ·'i " ;; ;; AURORA :) 1: OF THE FIRST PART J ' " " :1 -and -HERMAN A. CROWE ;i " li hereinafter called the "owner" '·: ) OF THE SECOND PART -:! :; WHEREAS the Owner has requested Aurora for a building permit ,, :; :i to construct 2 Apartment Buildings on its lands; ; ~· :1 ':. ,, ' 'l it ,i) AND WHEREAS Aurora has agreed to do so on certain terms ,and ,, 'i " \\;: l! conditions; ~ I AND 1-IHEREAS this Agreement is entered pursuant to a By-Law :! "ii enacted under Section 35a of The Planning Act; 'i i ~ •i !; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the premises, the parties ~~ ' hereby mutually covenant and agree as follows: ii il ,, 1. The Lands subject to this Agreement, hereinafter referred to as i ,, "the lands" are situate in the Town of Aurora, in the Regional Municipality of York, being part of Lot 90, R.P. 246 and being more particularly described in Schedule "B" attached hereto. 2. The Owner shall use•the lands only in compliance with the applicable sections of Town of Aurora Zoning By-Law #1863 (as amended) and in compliance with the following provisions: No building shall be constructed on the lands, other than 130 Apartment Suites as shown on Schedule "A" attached ' hereto, and the maximum coverage shall not exceed 21,000 square feet. (ii) All Area shown on Schedule "A" other than Building (iii) coverage shall be sodded or landscaped, or form part of asphalted parking surface or driveway access. The Owner, will, following approval of the Zoning By-Law enter into a detailed Site Plan Agreement, which shall be comprised of the following: l. Site Plan ·2. Floor Plans 3. Elevations and Cross Sections 4~ Foundation Plans. 5· Architectural Aesthetics • . 6. Driveway, parking areas, access ramps and curbing, sidewalks, walkway~ 7• Playground or recreation area. 8. Landscaping, including shrubs and trees (prepared by a Landscape Architect. 9. Internal Services i.e. water, storm, sanitary sewers. 10. Lighting. 11. Garbage Storage. 12. A Performance Bond to cover the cost of installation, repairs,· replacement and maintenance of any of the outside work for a period of two years after the same shall have been certified to be complete by the Town Engineer, and satisfactory to the Town of Aurora. 13. The Owner shall pay to the Town of Aurora upon demand Plan Processing Costs. 14. The Owner shall pay to the Town of Aurora Cash in Lieu of Parkland based on the market value of 1 acre of land for every 120 dwelling· units proposed • (See #14 continued below) The Owner agrees to the Services Development Levy of $875.00 per dtvelling unit (bachelor or 1 bedroom) and $1185.00 per dwelling unit (2 bedroom or more) or such other rate as Council may establish prior to an application for a Building Permit. 14. Such determination to be made within 60 days of the signing of this Agreement, and the amount so determined shall be firm for a period of one year following the Zoning approval, and paid to the Town prior to the issu- ance of the Building Permit(s). -·-,., ~ ; IN V/ITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has hereunto set his hand and seal, ·and Aurora has hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal duly attested by its proper Officers in that behalf. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOV/N OF AURORA in the presence of MAYOR CLERK :.•,