BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19761018 - 210876BY-LAW NUMBER 2108-76 OF THE MINICIPAL CDRPORATICN OF THE rom OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AME:ND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICI'ED AREA (ZCNING ) BY-LAW. WHEREAS IT IS I::IEEMED ADVISABlE TO AME:ND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863. NCM THEREiiORE THE .MtNICIPAL CDWCIL OF THE CDRPORATICN OF THE rom OF AURORA ENACl'S AS IiOLI.CWS: L. THAT Schedule "A" fonning part of By-law Number 1863, as amended, is hereby mether ai!B'Idedby changing fran S. 1.26.38. Single Family Residential Zone to s. 1. 26.38 and to S. 1. 26.45. those lands known as part lot 77 Conceasidn>'.:l 110re particularly shown on Schedule "X" attached hereto and fonning part of this By-law. 2. That perfonnarice standard 45 be added to Schedule "B" to By-law Number 1863 as follows: Schedule B 45. Minimum ground floor area for a one storey dwelling 1,100 square feet, 110re than one storey 600 square feet. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall oome into force without Ontario Mlm.icipal Board approval, but subject to such approval , the By-law shall take effect fran the day of the passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SEa::ND TIME: THIS ..j"({ ~ OF ~ ' ,1976. ~~~ MAYOR READ A !BIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS / fi~ OF(~ , 1976. ~QU_ MAYOR r I ···.·· .. l .. I I I t • I . ~ i / ;.· ~~---'--=~~~~---'---"'---~~ ; I ! : / /' CORf'E:TT CR ) KEY PLAN ..... ...... ~. . ' , • I ---~· ... . ~ .. • lUJ<n>nu '" ~ lili'm'• Ontario Municipal Board l ~,t.-~lt­ -•• 3-'!r/$ Wl$ ~Utlittt• ~ -a tw j\llf\)~ ~a~ !1\f>t.h ll!tq •t ~~-1ft$ -~ ~ tit ~(!\ -~ ~ •riQ t;~ t.M lil!l'Ji!U~ t• it~ -~ ~~r•~• ttf.l lilke0~ -'11 ~ l!«ift ENTERED ;e? /~ 9 Q. B. No ............................ . . //6 folto No. ............................ . AUG 3 1978