BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19761004 - 210576•:·· B'l-IAW NUMBER 2105-76 OF THE Mt:NICIPAL CXJRPORATICN OF THE A B'l-IJIW TO AMEND BY-rAW NUMBER 1863 BEING A RESTRICI'ED AREA (ZCNING) BY-rAW. WHEREAS it is deened advisable to emend By-law Number 1863. New THEREFORE 'lHE Ml.lNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CXJRPORATICN OF THE 'l'a'lN OF AUroRA ENAC'l'S llS FOJ:.J:aoVS : 1. THAT Schedule "A" foiining part of By-law Number 1863, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing fran "L" Industrial Zcme to "S" Sigg:le Family Residential Zcme those lands known as part 3, deposited as Plan 65Tl217 in the Registry Office of York North being part of IDt 77, Concessicm lE nore particularly shown in hatching em Schedule_ · "X". Attached hereto and foiining part of this By-law. 2. THE follc:Ming perfonnance standards will apply to the said lands: 2.26.38 3. NO part of this By-law shall come into force without Ontario Municipal Board approval, but subject to such approval, the By-law shall take effect fran the day of the passing thereof. READ A FIRST AND SEroiD TIME 'IHIS L/ it( DAY OF , 1976. ~~-r&.J. MAYOR CIERI< READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PllSSED THIS i/K DAYOF d; ,1976. CLERK : ,, . ,. :·· .~ ...... ,._,_~.m,~'=~~---~--·.;._~_ ..... ·~...::-·~·~="""'~"';--·-~~~~--~"'=--·-~·;... . . . . ' RA.RT OF LOT 77, CONCESSION IE TOWN OF AURORA REG I ON OF YORK FORMERLY TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH COUNTY OF YORK SCALE 111 = 100' "' (!) z 0 >- 1070.21' N73° 02'55"E ED.WARD "' "" 0 m z STREET SCHEDULE 'x' TO BY-LAW NO. ,T· "' REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK-PLANNING DEPARTMENT ' .. ,_) This is Schedule "X" TO BY-L·Aw NO. 2105-76 PASSED THIS~AY OF ~ .jg70. &14 CLERK~ 'f~~.~~ MAYoR~ 21G5-76 ' ·' SEPT. 30 1 1976 '•: LEGEND . :.· ~$ SINGLE FAMILY ~ RESIDENTIAL ~ r-:;:--1 TWO FAMILY ' Ll.___j RESIDENTIAL t;;;IM MULTIPLE FAMILY i [~RESIDENTIAL : 'i\1 APART ME NT ~ RESIDENTIAL : 0 OPEN SPACE m COMMERCIAL [D LIMITED --~ IN STIT"J T1 0 NAL i [[] DEVELOPMENT CD INDUSTRIAL SCHEDULE "Y" TO EXPLANATORY NOTE' r-' ·I ' L L -·---~----I ' I mi ~F /,~;!=;~----·· ~~~- .j I I L_ lr= ! I IIi I "ZONING MAP" TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK scur-FEn OIZ~400 eoo PREPARED ev YORK COUNTY PLAN~ING OFFICE OWG . ..0 46. Gti- .. EXPLANATORY NOTE TO BY-LAW No. 2105-76 By-law No. 1863 zones the subject lands Industrial permitting general Industrial uses, Industrial Commercial uses and Industrial Service uses. The purpose of By-law No. 2105-76 is to restrict the subject lands to Single Family Residential uses with the following performance standards: Density 2 Side Yards 26 Floor Area 38 One single family detached dwelling per lot having minimum frontage of 50 feet on a public street and a minimum area of 5000 square feet. ·Minimum side lots of 4 feet for a 1 storey building and an addition 2 feet for each additional storey or part storey. Corner lot minimum of 19 feet side yard abutting side street. Minimum ground floor area for a 1 storey dwelling 1300 square feet; more than 1 storey, 800 square feet. The subject lands are now shown as Residential on the Interim Official Plan. The subject lands referred to are part of Lot 77, Concession lE, Town. of Aurora '(formerly in the Township of Whitchurch) and are particularly described as Part 3 on Plan 6::iR-1217 in the Land Registry Office for York North. A sketch of the···lands is attached to By-law No. 2105-76 as Schedule "X". The general location of the subject property in relation to surrounding property is indicated on the attached "Schedule Y" to this explanatory .. note. K.B.RODGER, A.M.C.T. CLERK ADMINISTRATOR TOWN OF AURORA 50 WELLINGTON ST. WEST, .AURORA,ONTARIO TELEPHONE 727-3109 889-3109 R 772277 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, c. 349), -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2105-76 BEFORE: W. H. J. THOMPSON, Q.C. Viae• Chairman ) ) -and- ) Monday, the 3rd day of ) C. G. EBERS, Q.C. Member ) October, 1977 ) ) No objections to approval havinq been received as required; .THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2105-76 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ENTERED O. B. No .... .R.7.7.::..f.. ...... . foi"IO No.h ••••• §.~ .. ~ ......... . OCT 5 1977 :;:.