BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19750707 - 204575· FENCE R ONUNE --··· e;R(V) f"-).) ciJT _,.-II ·--'° Cv IVRll tJC:, · I . I I· I >-I fENCE' O G'EAST {);tr0 i I J' ;r>. 0.,_, v...; 1' v ~I I Lt. I ()I /15.92_' I I I 'v .. _,_. ..... , 2 STOREY. • BRICK. OWEI_UNG 53.5~' T -., " "' "' 2.t0' .-FRAME GARAGE _13.<2' OF ·I: :98.01 :· •. -. ~._241.76' ct ced fENCE 0.9' EASf "' z ,_ "' X w "' " z w "' "' .w ::s 0: 0 ... I w z ::; ... PLAN OF SUR\I~Y OF PART OF LOT \ REGD. PLAN TOWN OF AURORA _'i_CALE .'." >.' . :,_ ·. ,:. -·•.·· .i:-. ·'. : . • )_, .,. , ·''. . '·, .. ·.·-.· •.. : . 0 ~ 0 n:: . ,.•. ' ·-~--"'--" .;.· -; .-" - 1 30i . I 1'• ;_ :.--· ~-.. __ ._._ ; .1 ' ~ •'{' . ~ .1 I 1 . ,.J 'I -;.1 I ·. .1 :·I :I I I I 1\1\0WNE, Gi\ VELL ANllJi\GY,SON I j I (\hi 'I' A f)lf"t t II ••"" . r•'""'.,...,.,... ... ,. . . I ,c•l ~ ~·--·· _ .... , ' BY-LAW NUMBER 2045-75 OF THE MUNICIPAL OORPORATION OF THE T<mN OF AUroRA A BY•~LAliv TO~ BY-LAW NUMBER 1863, A COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICI'ED AREA BY-LAW. WHEREAS IT IS DEEMED EXPEDIENT TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 AS AMENDED TO PERMIT A MULTIPLE FAMILY USE IN AN INSTITUI'IONAL ZCNE: N0W THEREFORE THE OOUNCIL OF THE OORPORATION OF THE T<mN OF AUIDRA ENACI'S AS F0LIDWS: 1. THAT Section lX, Exceptions, of By-law Number 1863 be amended by adding the following clause: Notwithstanding the other provisions of this By-law, nothing herein shall prevent the use of the lands as shown on Schedule "X" attached to and fonning part of By-law Number 2045-75 as a converted dWelling containing four (4) one-bedroom apartment units, with a minium of five hundred and seventy five square feet per unit, and one (1) t.M:>-bedroan apartment unit, with a minimum of seven hundred square feet. All other provisions of the Restricted Area By-law, and the applicable Building By-law shall apply. 2. THAT this By-law shall take effect on the date of passing by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST AND S:ECCND TIME THIS 7TH DAY' OF JULY ' 1975. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 7TH DAY OF JULY ' 1975. CLERK BEFOREr H. H. LANCASTER Member ~ ,_,. R 751992 Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Seation 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, a. 349), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an appliaation by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restriated Area By-law 2045-75 ) ) ) ) Tuesday, the lOth day of Oatober, 1978 THIS APPLICATION aoming on for publia hearing this day at the Town of Aurora and after the hearing of the appliaation1 THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2045-75 is hereby approved. SECRETARY ENTERED 0. 8. No ... 8..7...f:.~ ....... . Folio No •.... ~.~# ............ . NOV 8 1978 -4~. S£CREtAftY, ~lAIIIO MUftiCIPAL BOAliO