BYLAW - Administration Centre - 19750120 - 203975BY -LAW NUMBER 2039-75 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA. A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA'S PORTION OF AN ADMINISTRATION CENTRE FOR THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION AND THE TOWN OF AURORA, ON PART OF LOTS 6 and 7 PLAN 246, BLOCK D, REGISTERED PLAN 517, IN THE TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $1,839,000.00. WHEREAS the Council has determined that it is desirable that the construction of this work be undertaken as soon as possible. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board by its Order E741804 and E732278 dated the 8th day of January, 1975 has approved of this project in the total amount of $1,839,000.00 and the temporary borrowing pending completion of the work and sale of debentures. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the construction of the Administrative Centre for the Town of Aurora and its portion of the total estimated amount of $1,839,000.00 as detailed on the plans and specifications of D. Ross King, Architect, dated January 9th, 1975, be authorized. 2. THAT D. Ross King, Architect, shall provide all the Services, Plans, Profiles, and Specifications etc., which may be required to complete the said work in a satisfactory manner. 3. THAT the work shall be carried out and executed under the supervision and according to the directions and orders of the Architects. 4. THAT, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized to cause a contract for the construction of the said works to be.made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, and to sign any other documents necessary for construction of this work, subject to the approval of the Council, to be declared by resolution. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20th day of JANUARY, 1975. -::G.-~J.R· ,~. ~-~ ..... . MAYO~.,~ CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~0'/t day ,1975. ~~~.~--~~······ MAYOR CLERK BEFORE: ''' '~1 1 U'"' C1 C u .. u ... l:it ~I) "~' Vi ce-Clmir;nan -and- ,., n• -1 ,...:.,-.,4 J!; /4-(_;\_; ' i~ 732273 Ontario Municipal Board -ana.. Tt! TiE.:; l,IATTI~lt 01? o.rplicc.tions by The Corpor~t.ion of ~~ho r.ro'lm of .:lurora a.'fld 1'he York Couaty Bot...:.rd of Edu~t~ion for c.n orc!cr appro·~ing~ ( 0.) (b) the construction o:f al'l acL.-d.nistratiOn centre .:tt a..t'l e~tim:1tcd cost oi' $l,b39,0CO.OO, the borrov:inc; by t.he Corpor.:J:tion . and the Board of ;~ducation of :s1.tch SUL1. and the issue ci~ debentures· by The Ite.;ional l•7un.icip~ity of York on bE:l~-·~1 f of the Tovm of Auroro. in the w::our;.t. of $300,000.00 1 repayable over a ter-~ ·of: t--~·:ent y years, O-.t"lcl by The Yorl~ County Bonrd of Educ-.ation i..'l the u..<1ount o :r SJ.1 500, 000. 00, repayable over a ter.l of ·t(-iJ. yeors l ) ~ Thursday, the 2nd day of January, 1975 orders that they· be granted a:;:..d thc-.. t the applict.:.nts r.:1::.y [; 741804 ... 7'~--) >r'1(~ .t. .) t:., .. ~ .. I u '-2- I:lay issue debentures therefor not exceeding $1,500,000.00 "1hereof the amount of $811,500.00 Hould ba for public school purposes and the amount of :;;638, 500.00 v;ould. be for secondary school purposes, for a terra not to exceed ten years; AND THE BOAiiD DSCLAiGS ,um DIIL~CTS that the assent of the electors of the 'io"'n of Aurora shall not be required. K. C •. ANDRE\lS SEC1l3TAllY ENTERED ~,..,.... ~-·" .. -· 0. ~· No .. t.c:-:.)0.\ ........ .. .-......... ::t""' FoliO NO· ~-u·)·· •••••••••••• A-.•••••.••••••••