BYLAW - Strike Rate of Taxation - 19740620 - 201974THE CORPORATIC()N OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. 2019-74 Being a By-Law to adopt the estimates of all sums required during the year for general purposes, net regional levy and education requirements; and to strike the rate of taxation for the year 1974. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora has in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and its local boards for general purposes; AND WHEREAS the net Region of York Levy deemed warranted to be raised by the Town of Aurora has been calculated; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll as returned is deemed to be the last revised assessment roll for 1974 taxation purposes as detailed on schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this By-Law; AND WHEREAS there is required to be raised for special purposes the sum of $2,607.00 for sewage and other debentures under the Local Improvement Act; AND WHEREAS the 1974 rates of taxation have been struck in accordance with stipulated provisions of the appropriate statute. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the 1974 and educational purposes the same hereby adopted. estimates !or general purposes, regional in a total taxation amount of $2,616,309 purposes be and 2. THAT the following amounts and rates; more specifically detailed of this By-Law; shall be on Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part levied in the manner as set out hereinafter: AREA Aurora King Whitchurch PUBLIC §CHOOL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 26.125 24.625 24.625 29.847 28.347 28.347 SEPARATE RESIDENTIAL 26.946 25.446 25.446 SCHOOL COMMERCIAL 30.760 29.260 29.260 3. THERE shall be rate per foot frontage to struck, rated, levied and collected a further special raise the sum of $2,607.00 to cover the ratepayers' share of the cost of local improvements, such rate to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties decided by the Court of Revision, held for such purpose and the collector's roll shall provide accordingly. 4. THAT the said Public School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as Public School Supporters. 5. THAT the said Separate School Rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment, assessed in the name of those designated in the Collector's Roll as S!;!parate''School Supporters. c. 6. THAT the balance of the said rates, due and levied, in the addition to the provisions of the Interim Levy under By-Law 2002-73 shall be payable in three instalments due on the following dates; on or before the 31st day of July, the 26th day of September, and the 24th day of October 1974. 7. THAT there be imposed as a penalty, a percentage charge of one percentum on non-payment of any instalment of the taxes or any portion thereof on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after the 31st day of December 1974. 8. THAT a percentage charge of one percentum of the rates not paid on the 31st day of December, 1974 and such penalty and interest shall be levied and collected by the collector or treasurer as if the same had been originally imposed and formed part of the said rate. 9• THAT the Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notices provided for by section 521 of the Municipal Act to the addresses of the residences or places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. 10. THAT the Collector shall, if any instalment of the taxes remain unpaid for more than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the statute in that behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default. 11. THAT this By-Law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE ' 1974 READ A THIRD AND FINAL TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 20TH DAY OF JUNE , 1974 Clerk / :t ""~-- POLL AREA 1-5 Aurora 6-7 King 8-12 Whitchurch Total Merged Area ... ·--- (-~) TOWN OF AURORA SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW NO, 2019-74 TAXABLE ASSESSMENT PARTICULARS FOR 1974 TAXATION PUBLIC SCHOOL SEPARATE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 59,773,460 19,201,228 5,888,930 529,981 65,662,390 19,731,209 3,244,758 43,620 179,600 -3,424,358 43,620 5,567,689 312,956 723,100 17,940 6,290,789 330,896 -- 68,585,907 19,557,804 6,791,630 547,921 75,377,537 20,105,725 TOTAL ASSESSMENT 85,393,599 3,467,978 6,621,685 95,483,262 I I r i I ! I l t'' I I I. I i --------( ' ' TOWN OF AURORA ,, :' ,. ~" '·· SCHEDULE 11B11 TO BY-LAW NO. 2019-74 TAXATION PARTICULARS FOR THE YEAR 1974 EDUCATION Public Schools High Schools Separate Schools TOTAL EDUCATION LEVY AURORA MILL RATES RES. ~ 7.588 5.519 8.409 8.431 6.132 9.344 REGION OF YORK LEVY 2.550 3.000 12.284 GENERAL MUNICIPAL LEVY 10.468 TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH TAXATION LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL TAXATION LEVY TOTAL MILL RATES Public School Supporters Separate School Supporters 1974 TRANSITIONAL ADJUSTMENTS Aurora King Whitchurch + 0.18 1.32 1.32 26.125 26.946 29.847 30.760 KING MILL RATES RES. COMM. --- 7.588 5.519 8.409 2.550 8.968 24.625 25.446 8.431 6.132 9.344 3.000 10.784 28.347 29.260 WHITCHURCH MILL RATES RES. COMM. 7o588 5.519 8.409 2.550 8.968 24.625 25.446 8.431 6.132 9.344 3.000 10.784 28.347 29.260 TAXATION LEVY AHOuNT $ 685,296. 539,281. 62,234. 1,286,811. 252,542. 1,018,876. 55,473· 2,607. 2,616,309. I. 1 l ~ I ' I I i." I l i t I