BYLAW - Sale of Part of Regency St. - 19730430 - 199173) ' 'Il:iE CORPORi\TION OF 'l'hE 'I'O\~N OF AURORA BY-LA.h NO. 1991-73 A By-law to stop up and close part of P.eg·ency Drive and to authori<:e the sale of the san;e to 240144 Investments Limited. WHEREAS The Hunicipal Act, R.S .0. 1970 1 c. 284 1 Section 443,· provides that a Municipal Council may pass a By-law stopping up a highway and selling the soil and free- hold of the part thereof so stopped up; AND Hl-iET\EAS Regency Drive within the Town of Aurora was laid out by registered Plan 514 and the greater part of the said Regency Drive as so laid out was closed by order of the County Court of the County of York; IllW WHEPEAS that portion of Regency Drive which 'ilas not closed by the said Court order is to be replace-d by a proposed street on a ne~1 plan of subdivision which has been presented to the Corporation by 240144 Investments Limited, the owner of the adjoining lands; AND WHEREAS to effect the proper layout of roads in the said subdivision it is deemed necessary to stop up and close that portion of Regency Drive hereinafter described . and to convey the same to 240144 Investments Limited; AND WHEF;EAS the intention to pass this By-law has been advertised as requirea by Section 446 of The Hunicipal Act aforesaid and no objections have Leen received by Council from any person. NO'vi THEREFORE 'l.'LE. COu!KIL OF TLE 'I'OHH OF AUROAA l. TI-i.l\'1' that portion of Regency Drive as shown on plan registered in the Land Registry Office for York l~orth as Plan 514 as is descriLeu in Schedule "A" to this By-law and as shm·m on the sketch anr.exed hereto be ana the same is hereby stopped up and closed suLject to the consent of the Hinister of Inter-· Governmental Affairs; . . "\ ;'Y4 ' -2 - 2. THAT upon the receipt of the cor.sent of the saic £1inister that the said part of Regency Drive l.le sold to 240144 Investments Limited at a price of $1.00 and tl1at the Hayor ana the Clerk be and they are herel.ly authorizec to execute a deed for conveyance thereof. READ a first, second and thiru time this 30th day of . APRIL ' 1973. I,K,B.RODGER, MUNICIPAL CLERK, OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A TRUE COPY OF BY-LAW # 1991-73 PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE SAID CORPORATION ON APRIL 30TH.1973. MAY 2,1973 DATE Approv.ed.underc subsee,t:i,.o.Q-,>8 of. s.ection 443 of The Municipa:J,. Act, ,on · · , ~rec. or, CLERK P1ans ... Admin:i;,s/l;.r.ation .. Branch·, .... Minis.tny~ a.f,,,T.ieas.,ur¥;.,,,,.,:E:conqmic s .· .. & Ihtergovernmental. A;ffa':Lrs. ' . S CIJ E DULE "1\" ALL Al\!D SINGULI\H that certain parcel or tract of land and pree1iscs situate, lying and being in the Town of Aurora in the Regional ~1unicipality of York and being composed of Part of negcncy Drive according to Registered Plan 514; PI'-.EHISING that the \1esterly limit of Yongo Street hos a bearing of North 10 degrees 02 minutes \·lest (N 10° 02 '. \•1) in accordance with deposited Plan No. 41666A and relating all bearings herein .;. thereto; '\ \J COZV'll'·lENCING at a point in the Northerly limit of Regency Drive, according to Registered Plan 514, distant 174 feet 5':; inches measured \•lesterly therealong from the Easterly limit of Yonge Street as •·lidened by deposited Plan No. 190; THENCE Southeasterly along the Northwesterly limit of Regency Drive aforesaid being along a curve to the left of radius 329 feet 6~ inches, an arc distance of 273 feet 2-5/8 inches, which said arc has a chord equivalent of 265 feet 5-3/8 inches measu15ed on a course of South 50 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds 1i'lest (S 50 55' 30" i·l) to the end of said curve; THENCE South.27.degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds i·:cst (S 27° 09' 30" \·:) along the l'lesterly limit of Regency Drive aforesaid 285 feet 0 inc!::es to the beginning of a curve to the right of radius 588 feet 1 inch; THENCE Southv7esterlv along the arc of said curve 13 feet 6-1/8 inches which said arc has a chord equivalent of 13 feet 6-l/8 inches :rr:easureC. on a course of South 27 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds \·Jest (S 27° 49' 00'' W) to a point; THENCE Northeasterly along a curve to the left .of radius 560 feet l inch, an arc distance of 314 feet 9!:> inches, which said arc has a . chord equivalent of 310 feet 7-3/4 inches m~asured on a course of ?~orth 43 degrees 15 minutes 30 seconds East (N 43° 15' 30" E) to the end of said curve; THENCE Northeasterly along the Southeasterly limit of Regency Dri-v-e aforesaid being along a curve to the right of radiBs 243 feet 6;, inches, an arc dista,"lce of 201 feet 10~ inches v1hich said arc has a chord eauivalent of 196 feet l-5/8 inches measureC. on a course of North 50 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East (N 50° 55' 30" E) to a point; THENCE North 15 degrees 18 minutes 30 seconds \·lest .(N 15° 18' 30" '~) 86 feet 0 inches to.the point of commencement; J • . , L-~----· ,., -----· '"" ............. ,, ····•·•· .. ___ _ ~ ................. .. ,_ .... . Cl'llNER'S CERTIFICATE ··' ,· . ; .. PLAN OF SUBDIVISION OF BLOCK A,B,C AND PART OF E, PLAN 514 PART OF REGENCY DRIVE (NCIN CLOSED) PLAN PART CF LOT 76, CONCESSION I, I(ING TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK 1''lt -,.,eo' I( JO>IM lfiJ"l 0 U. 1~11. ·' .. ... ·r ·y'O'-'' .. -'-"-'--. ~-~- ··· ' /. I I / I ' .-:-~--;--..:.-----------------------' ; . ) \ \ '· SUAVEYCR'S CERTIFICATE . ......... , ...... .._ ........... -·-· ..... -··--· --... .... ~ ..... ~ .................... -.-... --... ; ,,., -o"M' o -•• -••••• ~-·••"•-•., ............. -..... .... _____ ,, .... --~-····-........ . ........................ ---.. . -..... : ;•··· .... ;-. ·-j I .. PLAN M- -~--...... ' .. ~I i I ' .j! ; ; I I • ........ ! , . . , I ........ ,. , .... jl -,------'! n/'1\~1 P«ol ~·1 I r.-·y i I I i .. I ~~-~=--:, 'I 7:' I ; 1-- ltl IJJ fE I .. . :I ' tr) f--•' ! -----.J..._ .-:· •. li ': l ,r • I j I I ' L•J ' .. ') ~:: , .. ·~ ......