BYLAW - Amend 1863 Zoning - 19740304 - 201574~' ... , .. ;;, .,_ C"-"'c • }· "" BY-LAW NUMBER 2015-74 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND ZONING BY-LAW NUMBER 1863 OF THE TOWN OF AURORA AS AMENDED BY BY-LAW NUMBER 1920-71. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "A" to By-law No. 1863 as amended by By-law Number 1920-71 is hereby further amended by substituting the following density requirement on each of the following parceis of reference Plan 66 R 6307. Part 1 one single family dwelling Part 2 & Part 3 6ne single family dwelling Part 4 & Part 5 one single family dwelling Part 6 & Part 7 -one single family dwelling Part 8 one single family dwelling This reference plan is composed of lots 99 to 102 inclusive 6f Registered Plan M 1457, Town of Aurora, more particularly shown on the sketch designated Schedule "X" which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2. The performance standards for the lands designated in Schedule "X" in addition to the provisions of Section 1 shall be S 26.36. as defined in Schedule "B" to By-law No.l863. 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect upon being passed by Council subject to the approval of The Ontario Municipal Baord. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 4TH DAY OF MARCH I 1974. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ~AY OF ~ 1 1974. --~-~~~~-~ MAYOR _______ £!k !'_~-: __ CLERK L-'!!?:r ......... _ \ \ J j' I I! ' ' ! I ' ' I I l I l ! I I I t ;; I I l ' L I \ 1·-: i i i·'· I i· -~ ' ~-hw.~-• \ I ,---\ ,\~----..-: ~-­cr.: --, -J (j ' ' 'J ~~ c:..'t (::J wiLOT3~ z\ N "' N -., ,... 'j·- L_\..) I :· >-' ,. .._) ...... ). ' I S.W. ANGLE -'I LOT 36 FD. S.I.B. n"-----Lrl- FO. S.l.B. '-------=-T _!!_7soss' 30" -ss.oO"' _E._ __ ~---, ' ~- 1 ~!J SCHEDULE "X" TO BY-LAW # 2015-74 I I 'C'~ ! i ,, 1 PLAN ssR-Gso7r APPROVED :24 {.hf. /172 . ~ -:Ja~~~~IJ! Cartllnt; ,,t- _-.. ·,. _· ; ____ ...,.,.,.._ __ :_ __ }·_~-·. ':. ----~·--., ' ' ,-,,} ~u :r· C- ' ' 'J ~~ L!- c..:[ ~' L..J I, I ~J ,. ' '"' " 0 "' "' 0 0 <I' z .. 1 ,'\ r~ : .. / I 'I 1 ,-, 1 \ I \ PART 2 58.00' \ PART I ·o 0 0 0 ~ ~ '" '" -<·· : ()-,-·I("\ '---, I" 58.00' ' i co L_\,1 I tLs"" I / T ---6 I N 75° 56'30" E 125,00' 6 FD.5.J.B_ S.E. ANGLE I BLOCK E I ,..,,-"' ~ I L_\.,.1 I (...( (.,. I I I I . , .~ ·"'! : ('-.-·1'-~ I !.-\_.. t r._.;o j I.-_., I \.. ~ > c.r::. ,, L..J " -j__L I _j ~ ----·-_L_ FD S.LB. ~ -.,I 01 ~I 0 "' z N 75° 56' 30" E {~ -,-~"'\ r_-~---;- .. J I I_, l-'--1 ' I 5il ·.,I PART 7 ' ·C, 4\.oo' 28,00'_ 24.00' 45.oo' " 0 -700'- \ PART PART PART 3 4 5 PART 6 ·o 0 0 ·o ·o 0 0 0 0 0 "' <0 .0 "' <0 "' ~ ~ N ~ -- ~' ~ I f"'.T I,,/)--< I r) 7~-1 r) ...-, 'a L-'-.1 I /\ ... 1,._\ ... I\/\. .. q 7.00' o=. 4LOO' 28.00' 24.00' 45_oo' N 7 5° 5j6' 30" E . t \/._I ( L_ '.I I J 63,09' ' " 0 "' -,.., 0 0 :>!:PART 8 z 0 0 ~ ~ . ,._ - <0 N - :;'I =I Zl FO.S.I.B. BENT PLTO. S 1.8 f ~---,-(~ q ?-l .._It ' ~ I 56,59' I I "'' "'I 0 N J FO. S! 8 -}P ' -) I -, .,;_ ,, '/ 1-- 1 -" <.[ ;~ -~·. I ' . ' L__ __ ·;nJ ... EXAMINER OF SURVEYS_ . '. ;. ________________ ,_ .: ~--.S·""Ttf~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • .> 1 .. \ . ' \_~ ,.,,_ •, :· .. ~=""'-~,<,<=.";;~[<'N'-'--'·•<>=·""~-==---------:..-~-_._____._,-·~·-----~~ R 742081 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o •. 1970, c. 349j, -and- IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 2015-74 BEFORE; A. H. ARRELL, Q.C. Vice-chairman -and- W. T. SHRIVES, Member ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Monday, the 26th day of May, 1975 No objections to approval having been received as required7 THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2015-74 is hereby approved.