BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19740617 - 201874l., :~~·~ .~:~-~''#•~~,~-~-~--~. ~· -·~·-~·-.-~--~···-·--""~·~·"~~ . ....,.~"~-·~· .. -~·-:·--~~~~· . ,,_,_.~-~---~,-·,~-. i . rr. · ... · ...••... ~.. d. --< ~72 !. -~- . :, f .. BY,-LAW #2018-74 A By-law to amend By-law #1863. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-law #1863 pertaining to performance standards and parking for Industrial Zones, NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL.OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT, Section VII of Clause 4 (a) Parking Schedule of By-law #1863 be amended by deleting: Plants and Warehouses. Minimum parking area in side or rear yards equal to one- half total floor area. and substituting: -Plants (Manufacturing, Assembly) Minimum parking area in side or rear yards equal to one-half total floor area. -Warehouses (Warehousing & StoragE'!) Minimum 1 parking space per 1,000 square feet of floor area in side or rear yard. 2. THAT, Section VI of Clause 7 of By-law #1863 be amended to exempt Industrial L Zones from the coverage provision so that the section will read as follows:- VI. 7. Coverage -except as hereinafter pro- vided for in a specific performance standard in Schedule 'B', the building or buildings on a lot or parcel of land shall not cover more than thirty- three per cent (33%) of the area of the said lot or parcel, with the exception that in Industrial L Zones such building or buildings shall not cover more than sixty per cent (60%) of the area of the said lot or parcel. .... ' • • ~ < l'l',', .... -2 - 3. THAT, this By-law shall become effective when finally passed, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS-17TH DAY OF JUNE, 1974. CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF JUNE, 1974. CLERK . 1 . . -· ..... ·. BEFORE: R 75953 Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R~s.o. 1970, c. 349), -an(i -. IN THE MATTER OF an application by 'l'he Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law aOlS-74 A. H. ARRELL, Q•C:~·h Vice-Chairman -and- A. L. McCRAE~ Vice-Chairman Wednesday, the 29th day of October, 1975 No :obj~otions to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 2018-74 is hereby approved. l K. C • Ai'lDREWS SECRETARY OCT 3 11975 ' < ' ,' / </ I. \ r. ~( ,/ .. , Nl. ~-,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board E 732010 IN Tl!E MATTER OF The Regional Municipality of York Act (R.s.o. 1970, c. 408), Sections 63 and 64 of The Ontario Municir,l Board Act, (R.s.o. 1970, c. 323 , -and IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for an order approvinc;r: (a) the construction of a mWlicipal garage and works building at an estimated cost of $200,000.00 and the borrowing of money therefor, and (b) the issuance of debentures therefor in the sum of $200,000,00 by The Regional Municipality of York, and (c) declaring and directing that the assent of the electors shall not 'be requisite to be obtained to the passing of by-laws for the purposes aforesaid BEFORE: W, H. PALMER, Chairman -and - A. H. ARRELL, Q, C., Vice-ChaiJtman ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FRIDAY, the 21st day of DEC~1BER, 1973 THE BOARD ORDERS that this application be granted and the applicant may proceed with the construction of a municipal ~ll'a9e and works building and may pass all requisite by-laws and may borrow money therefor for a sum not • fc ~c ·--- - 2 - E 732010 exceeding $200,000.00, and the Regional Municipality of York may issue debentures therefor not exceeding ,': such sum and not to exceed the net cost of such undertaking to the applicant, for a term not to exceed twenty years. AND THE BOARD DECLARES AND DIRECTS that the assent of the electors shall not be requisite to be obtained to the exercise by the corporation of the powers approved by thiS order. K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY O. B. ~.~J.~.~ ........ . Folio No ...... aa .............. .. MAY 3 i 1974 SECREfAKY, OHTAftlC MUNICIPAL BOAl\D .>':'