BYLAW - Retirement Allowance - 19731030 - 200173I ' \ BY-LAW NUMBER 2001-73 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATICN OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUI'HORIZE A RETIREMENI' 1\LLCWANCE TO MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES h'HO HAVE SERVED MJRE THAN 20 YEARS SERVICE. WHEREAS the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970, C 239, authorizes a Council to pass a by-la>v to authorize a retiranent allowance to an employee who is retired because of age and who has served at least 20 continuous years with a municipality or local Board. NCW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLI.CWS: 1. THAT Il'Onthly retiranent allowances shall be granted to the following employees in the a=unts stated opposite the name and shall be paid prior to the end of each =nth: EMPLOYEE James Goulding W.Harry Squibb Margery Andre.ws AMJUNT $100.00 $ 64.41 $ 46.79 2. THE said =nthly retiranent allowances shall be payable each =nth from the general rate of the municipality except for the allowance for Hargery Andrews, which a=unt shall be payable from the funds of the ·Aurora Public Library Board annual Budget, as authorized by Council. 3. THIS by-law shall oorne into full force and effect when finally passed, and for the purpose of retiranent allowance calculations and a=unts payable shall be effective as of January lst.l973. · 4. THIS by-law shall supercede all other by-laws setting out retiranent allowances and By-law # 1896-70 ·is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SE<XND TIME .THIS 3fJ-{{ DAY OF ocaroBER, 1973. --7 .~ 0;,_ ~ ~. J__ --~~-----~----~ MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3ofl DAY OF OCTOBER, 1973. MAYOR CLERK