BYLAW - Amend Restricted Areas By law - 19730305 - 198673. < ( BY-LAW # 1986-73 Mt:NICIPAL CXlRPORATION OF THE TCmN OF AUIDRA WHEREAS the lands shown on the annexed sketches of survey, being part of IDt 22, Concession 2, fonnerly in the Township of Whitchurch and now in the Town of Aurora were subject to Restricted Area By-law No. 2083 of the Township of Whitchurch. NCM WHEREAS the said By-law # 2083 was adopted by the Town of Aurora by its By-law 1916 so that the provisions thereof are still in full force andseffect; AND WHEREAS at the time of passing of By-law # 2083 there were situated upon the said lands two brick residential bungalows which hare been used since that time for residential purposes; AND WHEREAS it is now proposed to divide the said lands so that each of the said brick bungalows will loo situated on a separately described parcel, which parcels and the erection of residences thereon would not corrply with the requirements of By-law # 2083 if the same were laid out after the passing thereof; AND WHEREAS for greater certainty the Cbrn:nittee of Adjustment of the Town of Aurora has made it a condition of the creation of the said two parcels that this By-law be passed; AND WHEREAS authority is given to Council by Section 35 of The Planning Act, R;S.O. 1970 Chapter 349 to pass this By-law subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board; NCM THEREFORE BE IT ENACI'ED AS A BY-LAW OF THE Mt:NICIPAL CXlRPORATICi:il OF THE TCmN OF AURORA AS FOLLCMJS: BY-:&AW # 2083 of the Township of Whitchurch as adopted by By-law # 1916 of the Town of Aurora be and the same is hereby amended by the addition of the following to Section Vlll, "EXCEPTICNS" ;- • On lands in IDt 22, Concession "2, fonnerly in the Township of WhitChurch, as outlined in heavy black line on Schedule 1 hereto annexed, the use of the single family · dwelling unit erected thereon and located as shown on the said Schedule 1 may be continued as a residential use, notwithstanding that the size and dimensions of the said lands and the location of the buildings thereon do not confonn to requirements of this By-law. Save as aforesaid, all of the other provisions of this By-law apply to the said lands. READ A FIRST AND SECCND TIME THIS 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 1973. CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF MARCH, 1973. ---~!.-~~ ~--G3~. MAYOR ~-"r--------~~~-------------- CLERK ·v j: ..----=~.-,--l'--------'------------------------,,,~2:"' ------------------------....... -------~-"'/ l \ 1 Plan of gurver of I! l \. i \ ! .• J• j! lr il I I ' l ij h II! il ::! ::·! ij ll 11 lr 1l ! J I ' I l 11 r !I I• !1 !/ II l ~' i •t I' !! ~~ J PART OF LOT 22 I CONCESSION 2 TownSihip of Whitchurch in the Regional Municipality pf York set /.B. ---i I ;'-\) "'"' C><:> ~g 0 -"' "" \ II 73• 22' 00" E 266· 25' ,-~. i ' ' ' ' . · ...... , .. / '../ \,,.... .... ...... · ...... ~\ .... · -·~- · .......... . ' . .. ·· .. \ \ , ... . ·. ~ \ ·•· ... ) \ t:-.. .... .... \ Scale J·,~~-+~· ... ·. , '. . -·-l ' _J;'j;~~;~~!~.:;l-' /40·41' &efi.B. _ .... S4·7a' L , ...... : \ \ ·, 266. 25' po<t 73• 2:t' oo• E • rj!ld Wir~ fertce '"h II') 2b .._t-il: sol J.P. ----~.~- · .... / II . ,.,. e ,., . 1 _,;..-'\' ~· i.J 11; 'l ol :: ::.• : j • A'tiliJS.' Seorin9s !/!own l>erecn ore referred to the easterly limit of Lot 221 CotJcession 2 1 as$umed ro have: an a~tronomic bearing of N 9°19' fXJ" W in accordance with a plan af survey by R.A. Smith e.LS1 dated Aug./956 and revised February 1961. S;andani /roo Bars I r· square py 48' /On? I shown thus: }ron Bars (SfB' square by 2f rwn thus,. \ Fd tJenotfs found; s .I. B. -tt· /.8 ... N~ 66·00' _ Surveyor's Certificate: I hereby certify 1/wt: 1. This survey and plan are correct and in accordance w1~h The Surveys Ad and The Registry Act and the regu/atiDns made thereunder; 2. The survey was completed on /he_.J5tb. day of .. AugusL._ __ 1972. Willowdole 1 Ontario 1 this 22nd day of Au~ us! 1972 ROBERT N. CLARK£ Ontario Land Surveyor 130 Kings/oke Rood , Wi/!owda/e, Ontario 491-710/ Survey completed: Drawn! ---- Job N2: c 72-53 ' . I ! )t7';;;:~~f;;;?':J.?'·~·ct""'"·"·:c:::. .... . ., .... :cc·c:~··~-· .. ·······p . [""~A .,.,,J'\t""''~~"c:··c·• 'c•··· .·····--·~·--,..-·-c---~. ·~·-----··-..... ,~ .,\:r~· ' ' . , ' ~'' ; SCHEDULE 2 EXPLANATORY NOTE BY-LAW # ,l981i~73 ,',' ,,..--),-· ~:>"·,-,• ..... 0 -; {Jj "' - "' "' SCALE: I INCH"' !00 FEET ROAD ALLOWANCE BET'N CONS. L o r C 0 N c 0 "' IT ":o-. 1"1 rr--,:-:0-:-o'' -, ·- ~ S.E. C 0 R. • N.E. COP. LOT 22 LOT. 22 CON. Z CON. 2 1 a z "' "' "' 0 FD. c.sJ .. i THUS. zz n -, -~~ R 'LFD. ',r7· "' A '1?." tT 2'4" fi \ \ ;B so o. o ,, -:> ~ .h' ~ c '\ " \ ~\ =-----L.:~~::_---=---=:Jt:JL----=-.-t:.-,-_.,.;, ;t" · .--) ta;;-;:0_:::..--~--N 9 o /9 • L11 '"-vire fcr;co ~ i ;G6b .. · ..- !'tOAD ALLOW'ANCE BETW££N CONCESSIONS -·.11_. _____ __,---=':=a=' 1-"·-=;J~ nc o:z 11 18 ~\""""<-'! ~~------------------------'- L o r FOR.· ?/ ~CJ (;. . :;;;_ vJV. C2Q{1 '-L.OT "' .::0 CON. ·3 c 0 N G ""£ s s t 0 N .., "" :<: MR. G. DUCKWORTH. AURORA ONT. L 0 T 22 3 . ~~,/ /.:::... r.. :-;.::.,:-------- ONTARIO LAND SUfWEYOi>, RA.SMITH O.L.S. AC!/VCOURI" ONT. DATED AUGUST 1955 ,------. 56-i2 ' R£V/$£D FEBP.i.!ARY 1961 L----'------:--'---------------'-'-'::..:.C..:..:::.:::;._ _ _:_:===:.:.:.___:___;___c_ _____ .. i"""' [t.]!) R 731911 "'lmm,. Ontario Ontario Municipal Board IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R.s.o. 1970, C:i:349f;' -and - IN THE ~lATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1986-73 BEFORE: W. H. P.AL..li!ER, Chairman -and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thursday, the 27th day of December, 1973 P. M. !3ROOKS, ~!ember No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 1986-73 is hereby approved for a temporary period expiring the 30th day of June, 1974. JW r---::-E~NTEREo~ 0. B. No ... £.z:?:~:Y.: .... . -····/' -:·J "'·L.-,,._~ q-·· K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY Folio No .... S,O. ............... .. JAN 7 1974