BYLAW - Agreement Re. Road Programme Study - 19730319 - 198873BY-LAW # 1988-73 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW 'ID AUI'HORIZE THE SIGNING OF AN AGREEMENT BErWEEN THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORI'ATION ANDDCOMMUNICATICNS AND THE TOWN OF AURORA REGARDING THE ROAD ProGRAMME STfJfiJY. WHEREAS the Ministry of Transportation and Com:nunications and the Town of Aurora desire to enter into an agreement for the preparation of a report, being a study of the development and improvement of the road system of the municipality. AND WHEREAS the parties hereto have set up a Co-ordinating Ccmnittee to direct the execution of the study; NCW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FO~: THE Mayor and Clerk Administrator are hereby authorized, on behalf of the Council of the Town of· Aurora, to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Transportation and Ccmnunications for carrying out a road programming study, as set out and attached hereto. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 1'/i DAY OF ~ 1 1973 • .=k:_~ ~, 1,-,~~.:_ID.Y-,-.J. __ MAYOR=--=--T-'~ READ A !OO?RD TIME THIS !f.JI DAY OF ~ 1 1973. MAYOR CLERK ........ UODCO .. O(>" 0~ C:ONOU<TONO IMOI .. UIIO 00 CAIOAOA McCORMICK, RANKIN 8c ASSOCIATES LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS December 20, 1972 8 STAVEBANK ROAD PORT CREDIH ONTARIO T£\.EPHONE 2?4·:3477 Mr. K, B. Rodger, A.M. C. T,, Administrator, Town of Aurora, 27 Yonge StreetS., AURORA, Ontario. Dear Sir: We are pleased to submit for consideration, this proposal for the services of our firm in assisting the Town to 'undertake a detailed study of the ten-year needs of the streets and storm sewer systems and to estimate the revenues that will be available to meet these needs, This submission is in accordance with the requirements outlined in your letter of November 7, 1972. Our proposal is premised on the six points set out on page 6 of your terms of reference and in point form is: 1. ' Qualifications Our firm is engaged primarily in road and highway engineering projects. ·We have on our staff 20 professional engineers and 80 technicians and ancillary staff members who have the experience to provide a complete service within the six sections of our company; namely, functional planning, soils engineering, road design, bridge design, traffic engineering and construction supervision, More specifically, this firm in 1965 and 1969 participated in seven County Road Needs Studies and have just completed the 1972 Update Studies for the Counties of Bruce, Huron, Lanark, Peel, Perth, Prince Edward and Simcoe and the Regional Municipality of Niagara. In addition, we have completed or are in the process of completing Road Programming Studies for the Towns of Whitchurch-Stouffville, Thorold and Richmond Hill and the Townships of Ancaster, Brantford, Chinguacousy, Georgina, Innisfill and Waterloo, ...... PORT CREDIT OTTAWA ST. CATI:IARINES .,, • '.l ,, McCORMICK, RANKIN & ASSOCIATES LIMITED ··~ -z- z. Personnel When carrying out a study of this nature, we employ the skills of various specialists within the firm, and if engaged, I would be the study engineer. I have been involved in twenty needs studies and participated in numerous planning and traffic studies.· The members of our staff who will be participating in this study and their direct salary rates are as follows: Name Position . Direct Salary Rate G. A. Rankin Principal 11. 21/hr. D. R. Blay Study Engineer · 9. 45 J. W. Tuck Bridge Engineer 9. 45 s. E. Hodgkinson Assist. Study Engineer 5. 90 P. Chandler Draftsman 5. 32 R. M. Dekiel Technician 4. 72 L. E. Crossett Clerical 4. 14 3. Employment of Others It is our intention, if retained, to carry out all phases of this work with our own personnel except for traffic counting which will requil,·e the retention of a firm (Domtrec Sales Ltd.) special- izing in obtaining traffic counts. 4. Upset Limit We propose carrying out this study under the direction of the Co-ordinating Committee and in conformity with the terms of reference for the upset limit of $17,000.00. . ..... . ,, 5. McCORMICK, RANKIN 4 ASSOCIATES LIMITED -3- Activity Flow Diagram An activity flow diagram for the six phases of. this study is enclosed and the following are the estimated phase costs: 1. Traffic Counting $ 1, 736. 42 2. Inventory of Roads and Bridges 4, 027. 24 3, Inventory of Storm Sewers 2,029.08 4. Fixed Costs 1, 839. 64 5. Future Revenue for Roads, Bridges and Storm Sewers 1, 016. 04 6. Preparation of Report 5,205.20 7. Contingency 1, 146. 38 . Upset Limit $17,000.00 , The contingency item is an allowance that has been made to cover any salary changes which may be made in January 1973. A revised table of direct salaries would be submitted in 1973. 6, Other Points (a) Upset Limit The upset limit contained in this proposal is based on approximately 47 miles of roads, 10 structures and 7 miles of storm sewers. Any appreciable change in mileage, terms of reference or additional work requested by the Committee would require a re-negotiation of the upset limit submitted, {b) Traffic Counts Our estimated costs for the traffic counting phase are based upon the assumption that twenty 24 hour automatic counts would suffice. If the Committee requests that manual ...... McCORMICK, RANKIN 81: ASSOCIATES LIMITED -4- turning move.ments be taken, in addition to the automatic counts, then nur· upset limit would have to be increased by $80. 00 per 4 hour turning movement count. Thank you for the opportunity of submitting this proposal and, if retained, we are confident our responsibilities in the Study would be carried out to your complete satisfaction. DRB:lc Encl. Yours very truly, McCORMICK, RANKIN & ASSOCIATES LIMITED R~B~~z