BYLAW - Change Street Names - 19721106 - 196072BY-LAW NUMBER 1960-72 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO CHANGE THE NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE TOWN OF AURORA, WHEREAS The Municipal Act, R,S,O, 1970, Section 354 (1) 97 provides that a Municipal Council may by B,y-law change the name of a street and such B,y-law shall state the reason for the change and shall not be finally passed until it has been approved by a Judge of the County in which the Municipality is situated, AND WHEREAS the Council deems it desirable for clarification to change the street name Catherine Crescent, because of another street of similar name, and to change the street name of College Court, in the Town of Aurora, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 1, THAT the following streets,within the limits of the Town of Aurora, shall have their names changed from the presently existing names to the hereinafter set out names, that is to say: Present Name Catherine Crescent, College Court, New Name Walton Drive, St, Andrews Court, 2, THAT application be made by Council of the Town of Aurora to the Judge of the Judicial District of York for approval of this By-law re-naming certain streets. J, THAT this By-law shall not be finally passed until it has been approved by the Judge of the Judicial District of York, DAY OF JUNE , 1972. IME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS ({;,7f. DAY OF 1Z(ft.;1,;.~ ,1972, MAYOR • ' T H E L A N D T I T L E S A C T C E R T I F I E D to be a true copy of an Instrument registered under Number .~1~.41~~ ... in the Land Registry Office (No. 65) for the Land Titles Division of York North, at Newmarket. Dated at Newmarket this ~9~1; .. day of ~~<;~ll!~~X:• ..... 19 ~~·. /) L,..;~A· rr . t· r -y Land Reg~ ( IT 04782 THE REGISTRY A C T C E R T I F I E D to be a true copy of an Instrument registered or document deposited under No. 199226 in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North (No. 65) Dated at Nevm1arket this 29th day of November p ;;. f~ Land Regist:r:a:r". / 1976. ' . ..-~------------ "J99226 . , FOI~M 11-71 PILE NO. M 5Sl5 CERTIFICATE OF ORDER lfu tl1r QJ:ouuty Qlourt of tqr :ilubirial iliatrid of fork '!!l-1)iz i£l to fltettif)? that by an order bearing the date of 17th October '19 7t and made by the said Court in a certain proceeding pending in said Court, that is to say: IN THE MA.TTER OF THE MUNICIPA.L ACT R.S.O, 1970, CHA.PTER 284 · . . · . . A.ND IN THE MA.TTER OF CA.THERINE CRESCENT AND COLlEGE COURT IN THE TOWN OF AURORA.·· .. · .. ,· ~-. - . GiVEN BY HIS HONOUR. JUDGE COU:I'URE; v<here.in the CORPORATION OF THE · TOIVN OF AURORA, was Applicant for an Order approving By-la\'1' No •.. 1960-72 of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, being a By-law to change the name of Catherine Crescent to 'vlalton Drive and the name of College Court to St. Andrev;s Court. THIS COURT DID ORDER that By-law 1960-72 of the Hunicipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora changing the name of Catherine Crescent within the limits of the said To-vm to Walton Drive and changing the name of College Court within the limits of the said To-vm to St. Andrews Court be and the same is hereby approved. See copy of Order attached. This certificate is given for the purpose of registration pursuant to the Statute in that behalf. Given under my hand and seal of the said Court, ac Toronto , Ontario this 2nd day of November > 19 7~ being an officer· duly authorized to give this certificate: . ·-... ' i ,. f H 5815 IUS IN '.i.'!lB COU:Y:.'Y COU.':;'.\' OP THE JUDICX.i'..L DIS'l'IUCT OP YORK !!O?IOUR IN JV!J~~r;· COUTU HE ) Tuecd:,y, the 17th ) Cl!l:.!-!.BE!~B ) October, 19i2. :w ?HE l{/'>'l".i'ER OF THE HUNICIPAL l\.CT R,fLO, 1970, CHA!''J.'ER 284. duy l\HD XH 'i:'hb foi?'/J:;.l2J.~R 0'2' CA':i:11BI' .... 1UE. CP-J~:1cr~nT. l'JW COI.LECE CotJl1.'l' J.N ~'!tE ?0\·!N. OF AUJ~m{A 0 R DE R •ro·,m of l;ni:OJ:, ·. pm:cn.zccnt to Saction 3!:-1 (1} ( 97) of 'l'ho . To~-.r~ o1:. hu:~,.--., b~~i-n0" a Dy-ln-r . ., .. co ch~~.n.~:::~ tl ·: n::~:~t:! of of th;t3 iw:x:C.n>J h2.d boon duly pnb1.i.shcd :tn tll:1 Ontario of IT IS ORDJ::PJCD t.hi":t 13y-lm..' 1%0· 72 of the !:unic- ~ ... · . I i l I I l ---··-i l : l ------~--'""""---"------·-··-· "·--··---~-- - 2 - of cc.t.h0rina C:ccL:ccmt tdtU_n the limit::.· of th:.> scid ~'o~m \li thln the l.imi ts of the sc:id Tm:n to st., Ane::cMS Cm!;:t I w end tho u;:;.:uc io herGby <:.pproved. I I: t: l! ttHc:<G> o. ::. N~-----1 ~7 I ································-··---P~g, No. I b b 1 / G 1 I.Jcmb<>r 1] I ~-; ·::; /) Lf --I ----; . ) <' ·,:t:. I f ( ,__ ' " '-. " ----'-· --'----· ... Q·'\' c ------~c~-,--' ... r.: .............. .l? .... _.~...J-. (~c.:.·-'-------,.- .. _,, . . . ' BY-LMT NUHBER 1960-72 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOliN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO CHANGE THE NAI1ES OF CERTAIN STR.E:IITS IN THE TOifN OF AURORA, HHEREAS The Hunicipal Act, R,S,O, 1970, Section 3.54 (1) 97 provides that a Hunicipal Council may by By-Law change the name of a street and such By-Law shall state the reason for the change and shall not be finally passed until it has been approved by a Judge of the County in uhich the Hunicipality is situated, . . AND WHEREAS the Council deems it ae>sirable for clarification to· change the street name Catherine Crescent, because of another street of · similar name, and to change the street nall\e of College Court, in the. T01m of Aurora, THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE HUNICIPAL CORNRATION OF THE TOiili OF AURORA El!ACTS AS FOLLOHS1 l, THA'r the folloHing streets, within the limits of the To;.'!l of Aurora, shall have their names changed from the presently existing names to the hereinafter set out names, that is to sayl Present Name, Catherine Crescent, College Court, New Name, Halton Drive, St, Andreus Court, 2, THAT application be made by Council of the To1m of Aurora to the Judge of the Judicial District of York for approval of this By-Law re-naming certain streets, ), THAT this By-Law shall not be finally passed until it has been approved by the Judge of the Judicial District of York, A-:64~ CLERK p /) READ. A F;J:RST AND SECOND TIHE THIS Vj ~-'()~~-{~1._ .. 0 c~~-Jj~ 6th DAY OF JUNE, 1972, J(AYOR 7IBD TillE AND FiliALLY PASSED THIS 6fu DAY OF llOVfliDER, 19?2. l/}il!A,~"'~1{ /17f 4>v l~AYOR :/ CLERK f I, K.B. Rodcer, Clerk, of the Corporation of tl1e Town of Aurora, do h8reby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No, 1960-72 pasced,by r.1ore than the three-fourths majority, by the Council of the ,,-:;:··,-<~ Eaid Corporation on November 6!h, 1972, , _· ·. . ,!'~·~':.~.-. ::~:?~~;-, -------~-:---:-::-;o:-:o----l\ovocber 15th, 1972, '' .. : ... ·. e-.-.?7~.-·. f) .·'_.C1,•.-. "•;,•._,·····.~,~ . .. c<."'l -:;-~ ~. f!.a . -. ;........ . .-~. , . • 1 ---,_. •;,/ ;.,ft/-"' "'"""'''-''··'"" '.\': ._-. \'·q· .• -, .. ' . _._,/-.----r / .._,.,._..... (/ J" .• <·~:.~(;" J >• ) .'·.\_.l :·. ·~. ; Clerk f/ · ;i:; : . : "'· • 1 "'. 0 ..: 1-i .,_ •• :\ '. ~-··. \).'· • .. ' .~ f') ,"'· ' (. ·: . ' ' •• :--,0 ,, ·~ "<,:;~t .• ,.··~~,t . (I I J V'l.~\J,jJI < • < -·· , -~ .: - ---------