BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19720808 - 197072.. ~·-· )J.' .. BY-LAW NUMBER 1970-72 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA, A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMl!lER 1863, A COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW, WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to amend By-Law Number 1863 to permit community social buildings, lodges, clubs in an industrial (L) designated area, NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF'!:THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THAT By-Law Number 1863 is hereby amended by adding to Section IX, Exceptions, the following sub-paragraph: (vii) Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-Law nothing herein shall prevent the use of the lands shown on Schedule "X" attached to and forming part of By-Law Number 1970-72 for community social building, lodge, or club.. All other provisions of the Restricted Ar$8. By-law shall apply. 2, THAT this By-Law shall take effect on the date of passing by Council, subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, TIME THIS 31st DAY OF JULY, 1972. TIME THIS 31st DAY OF JULY, 1972. MAYOR CLERK~ AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 8 ?H DAY OF /fvG C/ .S { , 1972, MAYOR CLERK ••. >, " n--------- il! s ; --··---, T LEGEND ')\NG,.E f"t, \II~Y Rf-:C:iDE~>J"rlt,..._ T".'!O F t1MI LY RESIDE~:ri:·.L ,·----, MULTIPl.E FAMILY '-'--M _ _J R['}!DEmlA-. COtAME>lCIAL LIM!TED I _j INSflf JTIONAL I I • D D '"~(:·~~~ ( ----·----------.......... """"'"'---'"-'·..,_ .... =-......-=--.~--~--·--· THIS .IS SQlEDULE "X" TO BY-LAW # ]..970-72 .PASSED Tlllt: 8TH. DAY MAYOR CLERK .! I I I ! ' I I I L ----·---, I ! ! ,. I I 1 II ZONING MAF'" TOWN OF AURORA CO:JNTY OF 'r'OF~ K !····c- ~_,_,__ ... '.. ...·: l