BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19720730 - 197272~---' BY -LAW NUMBER 1972-72 OF THE MUNICIPAL OOBPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A :BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863. A COMPBEHENSIVE BESTRI<n'ED ABEA BY-LAW, WHEIEAS 1't is deemed expedient to amend By-Law N'lllllber 1863. THEJIEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL COI!PORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS& 1, That Section IX, Exceptions of By-Law N'tllllbsr 1863 be amended by the addition of the following clause& (viii) Notwithstanding the provisions of this By-Law nothing herein shall prevent the use of the lands shown on Schedule "X" attached to and forming part of By-Law N'tllllber 1972-72 for greenhouses. 2, That this By-Law shall take effect on the date of p£ssing by Council subject to the approving of the Ontario Municipal Board, 3/s.,. TIME THIS -aM- Mayor DAY OF Clerk DAY OF Clerk . . t~ •·. ···~ ., M • 1972. /t't114- J--4 • 1972. ~4+ y f.t,;(-DAY OF H Clerk • 1972. ' ... 'I ~ -~,-~~ MULTI P'..E fAMlt.Y ; . · _.J :RE!':ID € NTI 1\;, A--. A.PARTMENT i.. .. .J R£!'1Df.NTIAL -, l: .' u j OHN 5PACE -, I~IMITEO I. _j 1~-lSTIT"JTION;.\L LP __ j D£VELOPME.NT ! ! "THIS IS SCHEDULE "X" TO BY-I.AW i1 1972-72 PASSED THE·· -- D L L :I I I I ! -· .. ? ! I I I I I I I i 7 I "ZONING TOWN OF MAP" AURORA COUN1Y OF YORK -·-···~:: :-.. r. ••• -~ • . . :-.. ! ' l R 73431 'ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD · IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act, (R.S .0 .. 1970, c. 349) ' -and IN THE MATTER OF an applica- tion by The Cqrporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law ,1972-72 BiEFORE W. H. PALMER, Chairman ) ) -and - ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, th~ 16th day of May, 1973 D. JAMIESON, Vice-Chairman UPON THE APPLICATION of The Corporatiqn of the Town of Aurora., upon· consideration of the material filed, and it appearing that notice o.f application has been given, as directed by the Board. and that no objec.tiqns to approval .have been received by the clerk of the applicant corporation, as appears by affidavit filed; THE BOARD ORDERS, under. and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of an:y ,and . all other powers .vested in the Board, that By~law 1972-72 passed the·. 31st day of July, 1972 be and ·the same ;Ls hereby approved. K. C • ANDREWS SECRETARY O. B. ENTERE-'1 . No .. .tf.?:? .............. · Folio No .. ~ ...... : ...... '