BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19720731 - 197372:,11 -· -' 1 ' ,.-,_ BY -LAW NUMBER 1973-72 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND :BY-LAW NUMBER 1863, A COPIP.ftEHENSIVE liESTRICTED AREA :BY-LAW, WHEliEAS it is deemed expedient to amend :By-Law N'WIIber 1863, THEJIEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF,J:AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1 l, That Sec-tion IX, Exceptions of :By-Law N'WIIber 1863 be amended 'by the addition of the following clause! (ix) Notwithstanding the provisions of this :By-Law nothing herein shall prevent the erection of a single family residential unit on lands shown on Schedule "x• attached to and forming part of :By-Law N1111ber 1973-72, and that section VI, Provisions for all Zones, sub-section 4, shall not apply to the lands shown on said "Schedule "X", 2, That this :By-Law shall take effect on the date of passing by Council subject to the approving of the Ontario Municipal :Board, ' 1972. Clerk TIME THIS :J td"' DAY OF H ' 1972. Clerk Mayor Cler(L/1 ~ R 73972 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R,S,O. 1970, c, 349) , - -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1973-72 BEFORE: W, H, PALMER, Chairman -and - ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Wednesday, the 18th day of July, 1973 D, JAMIESON, Vice-Chairman No objections to approval having been received as required; THE BOARD ORDERS that By-law 1973-72 is hereby approved. C. SARUYAMA ACTING SECRETARY ENTERED 0. B. No.?f.~.:-k. ....... .. Folio No/&'J?. ................... . JUL 2 51973 I I I Plan of survey of ''<\, PART OF LOT 43, REGISTERED '-<.:_> Town of Aurora in the in the Regional Municipality Scale I" = 50' I ,.._ ~; .• J .t I I I ~ .,, ~ "" I ~I "' ~ I . ~I Set 1.8 at ( N 74° E 180-00' fnr;t: 24000 Al ~,./Fencl inter1ection Fd I.T. N 73°49' IO"Emw 178· 90' moos jji'~i":~=""-...:.:..:..:::....:=....:;::.,;.:;;;:;;:_-,,:..:..;::...::.::;_.:.::;;__=;::;'lti--·-J( ---,.. --' --. --. --. <c 15713' f /1 Pickot Fence ~ I I f - § I I ~--------)1 "' it''' ; __ -~ ~ "' ~ "' ~.;, I ~---I I~ !li ~ ~ J I _.--------;~:·· L- __..--..-;-----.. ~;-' ~ •-I -~ ... ~ I ./:) Q ~ • • -.) ~..... I .. ·:~ ..._ lt) ·-~: c 1 ~ II / .§ I \/ ~ ~ ~ E ~ 158-72" ~ Fd 158 84 ·<:..:-,. ,. .. , .. ~:/ " ~.-, .. ''·/ 179·88' il " ;,~l!o "' -~ ~ '"' ... ~ 'o '0) ·.., 42 ---· . ---· --· Lot Line 41 Lot Line ; I -N 74° 00' OO"E . 180·00' :f!;/.8 5.8. {bent) {Para flo/ to soufh~rfy lirrif't rf Lot 4.' I I 'v I ;,/ &I 40 ~1~ ~ ·<> Limit of 00' 00" E Reifd Plan 246 ------~ . of f.-: (') l<J ~ ~ "': e:; Cl ~ ~ Notes: ~ fii N 0 <f.l r-- 8 ~ ~ :X: "" • I ~ ~ "' r.. .-I 0 <f.l '* >! gj ~ ~ ~ :/; ~ li=1 lil "' ~ ; ;,; -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = Bearings shown hereon are referred to the southerly limit of Lot 43, assumed to hove on astronomic bearing of N 74°00'CXJ"£ in accordance with Registered Flan 246 Standard Iron Bar {/"square by 48" long) shown thus: Iron Bars ( .5fe'' square by 24" lonQ J shown thus: Subdivision Bars ( 1!2" square by 24" fonQ) shown thus. /ron Tubes shown 'thus. Fd denotes found , Surveyor's Certificate: hereby certify that· S.!. B. '¢> /.B.--- SB. IT '\• I. This survey and plan ore correct and in accordance with The Surveys Act and The Registry Act and the regulations mode thereunder; 2. The survey was completed on the 14th day of April 1972. Willowdole , Ontario, this /!5th day of April /972. ~4--d'~ Rot;~rt N. Cforke, Ontario [;;nd·-·s~;;Qy·Q,---- ROBERT N. CLARK£ Ontario Land Surveyor 130 Kings/oke Rood 1 Willowdale 1 Ontario 491 -7101