BYLAW - Amend 1451 & Erect Yield Signs - 19721218 - 198272···._, Approved this 12 day of FEB 1.973 pursuant to the provisions of ThE) Highway Traffic Act. GORDON CARTON BY -LA\1 NUMBER 1982-72 . MINISTER OF TRANSPORTATI AND COMMUNJ~~~NS OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE. TO~IN OF AUJFQ~ /{;f), A BY-LA\i TO AMEND BY-LA\11 NUMBER 1451 BEING A BY-LA\v TO AUTHORIZE THE EllECTION OF YIELD RIGHT-OF-"1'/AY SIGNS Rejllstrar of M WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it advisable· to amend By-law Number 1451 to erect yeild right-of-way signs at certain locations within the Municipality; THEREFOilE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOVIN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Section 3 of By-law Number 1451 be amended by the deletion of the following: INTERSECTION FACING TRAFFIC Vehicles Banff Drive & Kemano Road South Bound on Banff Drive 2. THAT By-law No. 1451 be ameNded by deleting Section 4 and that the following new Section 4 be substituted therefore: 4. SOUTHWEST SECTOR INTERSECTION Johnson Rd. & Holman Cres. Browning Ct. & Johnson Rd. FACTNG TRAFFIC West Bound on Johnson Rd. North Bound on Browning Ctoo 3· THAT this By-law shall become effective when approved by the Ministry of Transportation and Communication and signs are on display in compliance with the regulations of the Ninistry of Transportation and Communication. FIRST AND SECOND TII'iE THis/~AY OF~ 1972 I, K.B.Rodger, Muni 'pa Clerk, of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, do hereby certify that the fo g is a true copy of a By-law passed by the Council of the said Corporation on December 18th.l972. -19fu.l972 • .&4/ A=oved by Clause 9 of Report No. 1 of the Enginee~gRK ~ Committee adopted by the Council of The Regional Municipality of York on the 25th day of January 1973. Dated January 30, 1973. ~ \ ~~ Regional Clerk