BYLAW - Waterworks Construction - 19710830 - 193171BY-LAW NIDlBER l93l - 7 l OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A CONSTRUCTION BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATERWORKS IMPROVEME~~S AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RESERVOIR AND OTHER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED THEREIN AT THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF $330,000.00 WHEREAS this Council has determined that it is desireable that the construction of this work be undertaken as soon as possible. AND WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Board by its order H 1849-70 dated July 30th.l97l has approved of the project in the total amount of $330,000.00 and the temporary borrowing pending completion of the work and the sale of debentures • NOH THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the construction of a Water Reservoir and associated improvements as prepared by J.D.Reid and Associates., Consulting Engineers, and shown as Contract # 63A dated October lst. 1970, and in the total amount of $330,000. be authorized. 2. THAT, the total estimated cost is to be financed as follows: Recoverable from the Special Reserve Fund set up by the Town of Aurora The balance to be debentured for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years and to be recoverable from the water rates of the Municipality of Auro!!la $165,000.00 TOTAL $330,000.00 3. THAT J.D.Reid and Associates Ltd., shall provide all of the Services, Plans, Profiles, and Specifications, etc. which may be required to complete the said work in a satisfactory manner. 4. THAT the work shall be carried out and executed under the supervision and according to the directions and orders of the Consulting Engineers. 5. THAT, the Mayor and Clerk are authorized, to cause a contract for the construction of the said works to be made and entered into with some person or persons, firm or corporation, and to sign any other documents necessary for the construction of this work, subject to the approval of this Council, to be declared by resolution. ASSED THIS gi}~~DAY OF AUGUST, ·'"'· 1971. ----------------~--~-----------MAYOR F~ CLERK 8fullmmt~~~~';@~w -;.<ry .. ~:p'~~;~.~~-'"--~t­':~~ ry~~~··i~;·:. i~'f;.·::-:::'~ .. ;~:::,~:'·_:.!>: .'· . ~-. ,·,·· .-, l __ ;,'(' ''.t .. H 1849-70 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE HATTEJ.'. OF Section 64 of The Ontario Munici~l Board ~t, (R. s. o. t96o, c. 74), and Section 379(1).52, The Municipal_ ~. (R, S. O. 1960, c. 249), and The Regional Hunicipality of York Act, 1970 - and.- -.. IN THE NATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for an order: (a) approving certain improvements to the waterworks system and acquisition of land at an esti- mated c_ost of $330,000.00, and (b) approving the issue of debentures to provide the sum of $165,000,00 repayable over a term not exceeding twenty years by The Regional Nunici- pality of York for.such purpose BEFORE : J • A • KE1'NEDY, Q.c., ) Chairman -) ~ FRIDAY,-the 30th day of -and - ) JULY, 1971 A. VAN lWERY, Q .c •• ) Hef,lber .) UPON THE APPLICATION of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for an order approving the improvements to the waterworks system and acquisition of land referred to in Schedule "A" attached hereto at an estimated cost of $330,000.00, and approving the borrowing therefor, and it appearing that all notices as required by any <z:. ·il ~·. applicable statute and all notices as required by the Board have been given and that no objection or sufficient petition of objection as required by ~tatute or by the Board has been received as appears from evidence duly filed, and upon reading the material filed;. . .ij: ~~-~~h·t~-~J~," . . t·~~c.:tt:~* ;.: ~ ~·~·~· ~:~,:'~; <··~::" <·: · . . . ~ ,<:~~-- ( L .. H 1849-70 oNTARIO· ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD -2 THE BOARD ORDERS under and in pursuance of the Regional Hunicipality of York Act, 1970~ that a public hearing of this application be and the same is hereby dispensed with. AND THE BOARD ORDERS,·· under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the said application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the corporation may now proceed with the said undertaking cind may pass all requisite by-laws, provided that any by-law authorizing the said undertaking is passed by a three-fourths vote of all members of the council of the said corporation, and that the Regional Council nmy borrow money on debentures to the extent sufficient to provide an amount no~ exceeding $165,000.00 for the purpose, provided that the total amount of any debentures issued in respect of the said work shall not exceed an amount sUfficient to provide the net cost of the said work to the Town of Aurora after deducting any amounts received for or in respect of the said work by way of subsidy or contribu- tion from the Province of Ontario, or from any other source, provided that. the term of any debentures issued i r: respect thereof shall not ~xceeci tt.,enty years, and ch s -r or.vn -oi Aurora. may borrow the whole or any part or the said sum of $330,000.00 as required pending receipt of subsidies { I ', ~· 'c I I I , \_} H 1849-70 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD -3 -.7 and the sale of debentures, or the receipt of moneys from any other source, and provided that the corpora• tion and the Regional Council in exercising any power. approved by this order shall'eomply with all statutory and other legal requirements related thereto, ENTERED ;n 0. B. Na •........................ foiio :~~,.. . G~. . ......... . ;\UG 1 C ~9i : ;' '~~. ~-· ( ( '---' . ("''. ;ll: . '· . --· H 1849•70 ONTARI.O ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD SCHEDULE 11A 11 to the order of the Ontario Municipal ~oard made on the 30th day of July. 1971 IMPROVEMENTS to ivATERi.J"ORl)S SYSTEN, c_onsisting of: .. 1. Construction of a RESERVOIR 2. Acquisition of LAND $300,000.00 30,000.00 TUfAL ESTIMATED COSI ••••••••• $330,000.00 • To Debenture., •••••• $165,000.00 •