BYLAW - Sale of Land - 19710907 - 193271f. ~} ..-···-· N 67-4 0 .................................. . The ... ~?.~.?.~~?.~--~--~--~~--~--~~~ ................................ . (insert name of munlclpallty or board) BY -LAW No .... !.??._~:.:?.?.-..... BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND COUNCIL TOWN The ................................................ , ............. : ... of the. ............................... ~ ....... .. {Insert Council or Board of Trustees) OF AURORA {insert name of'MWliclpality or Board) enacts that-· The land hereinafter particularly described, namely, ...................................................... .. Aurora, Ontario. ----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------·---------------------------- 11 See attached legal description " · --------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------- --------------------·--------------------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- be sold to ..... ~ .... -~?.~~ .. ?.~~.?.. .. ~~ .. ~ .. ?-~.~-~ .................................................................................... .. for the sum of.l'!!!.~!-~~ ... TI?:~~~~~-'-.. ~!g~t .. !!~~-c!~-~~a~~~:t-~}i~~-ri~~~~h~-1_)_!;!._~-~-:------- and that the .................................. ~~?..7: .......................................................................................... and ..... . (insert Mayor, Reeve or Chairman) .................... ~?.:~!:~ .............................................................................................. are hereby authorized to (insert Clerk or Secretary} execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Sea~ thereto. (Seal) Approved by the Department of Municipal Affairs ................................................................... . APPROVED .................. .O.EP.J ..... O.LMUl'!!!.ael\L.ilf.f.ilJ.S.S ............... . MUNICIPAl ADYINIST11AII8N' IIIANCW Read and Passed in open meeting this ......... day o)i;._/;J;_I92L FORM TR17 . ·i! :·· ···-~ ,, DESCRIPTION: In the Town of Aurora, in the County of York, containing by admeasurement four thousand one hundred and thirty-four (4134) square feet more or less, being composed of the South-easterly part of Lot Number Thirteen (13) on the West side of i ·· .Yonge Street, on registered Plan Number 9, and butted -1 ·and bounded as follows: COMMENCING at the South-east angle of said Lot 13; ~CE NORTHERLY along the Westerly limit of Yonge Street, 39 feet 7 inches, more or less to a point in the Southerly fact of the wall of a building now standing upon the land, being the South-east angle of the land conveyed to Aurora lodge Number 148, of the Independent Order of Oddfellows by Deed Registered as Number 1948; ~CE SOUTH 74 degrees 43 minutes West along the South face of the said wall of the said Independent Order of Oddfellows building, a distance of 60 feet to a point; ~CE SOUTH 74 degrees West 50 feet; ~CE SOOTBERLY parallel to Yonge Street 39 feet 7 inches more or less to the Southerly limit of the said lot 13; ~CE EASTERLY along the said Southerly limit a: 110 feet to the place of beginning. TOGETHER WITH THE RIGH'l'-OF-WAY in common with others , entitled thereto over, along and upon a lane 12 feet wide i along the centre of the said Lot 13 from the above · described land to Temperance Street.