BYLAW - Regulate Fire Doors Community Centre - 19710712 - 192771('")'. r 1 ' BY-LAW :tiUNBER 19'27-'71 6F THE NUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO REGULATE AND INPOSE A PENALTY FOR THE NISUSE OF THE FIRE DOORS AT THE AURORA CONNUNITY CENTRE. ilHEREAS a Nunicipal Council is impowered under Section 377 (69) to pass by-laws for the operating and managing of Community Centres and Arenas AND HHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to enact legislation imposing a fine for the misue of Fire Doors, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TO>IN OF AURORA IDNACTS AS FOLLOWS: l, THAT any person or persons who open the fire doors for other than an emergency in case of fire, when a warning sign is on display, shall be subject to the penalty clause of this By-law, 2, ANY person or persons who violate Clause 1 of the By-la;r shall be subject to on conviction a fine of not more than $ ~{) 0! , exclusive of costs ~( XX and such fine is recoverable under the Summary Conviction Act. 3, THIS By-la;r shall come into force and effect upon the final reading and when proper signs are on display, 4. This by-law shall be enforced by the Community Centre Staff. j:q/ DAY OF TH!E AND FINALLY PASSED THIS Qf( DAY OF )+4 , 1971 MAYOR 1'-'---'\\-.-""11 _ _&jfj~ ,~4:-------------