BYLAW - OPA #4 - 19710329 - 191471. '.: •' .~-- ,)-,--, :,.,_ ":\ ' p: 'J l ~ TOWN O> AURORA ., ... All OFFICIAL PLAN MAP FUTURE LAND USE t.EGEND RESIDENTIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL ~ COMMERCIAL .,c_. CONSERVATION J I ·,· •-,.---,/--:--.-~; , ___ ____2_:_t_~_:: •"·;:-:.\ .... ?" ·-'-;:;~.,_.,·_ -~- ) • e ·_.,. .. ~ '!,., ,_ "1. -/ ~ '_.;;.--~r:. NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE '< OF AMENDMENT . '• OFFICIAL 'PLAt AURORA PLNN AND MUST BE F CONJUNCTION I ''@·'· . .. ,_. ! ; B:l FROM RESIDENTlAI. fO ·. SCHEDULE "AuTO. AMENDMENT OFFICIAL PLAN .'Of THE AUROR AREA . ··-· ----------------····-. --" o__::.:;:._.~-~·'~':r-; :__:::___~ -,.,_,., :;· ,.,• -~ ,.·/" \ t PREPARED ElY YORK COUNTY Pl-ANNING OFFICE -·-· -~otra;..· - . ... - -"'· •<':lf' ' 4G· '1 . "'"" ·--""' ---·---'------·-··----~--~____,..~-------· __ <::____~::_~---:~----~~:;;__ _____ _._~--- ·_-;j . MAP \ ,:Ul"URE LAND USE ~ ~ UoGENO R £ '3\0ENi IAL \NOUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL o.,-CONSERVATION \ \ ' \ I! i: ,,, ,'!"" t: -.·. ··• ~, ' .. ~F -.:n:~-=-· ,'. "' :\~\-.-:·. ·\:~~-~-- NO-IE . A1J0.0R A PLNn ~-\ f:;.NC MUST SERE· coNJuNCTION WI vvKI r1t:~ T t-x r N ~·~ 0 CJ\ t". u 2. TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO. /lfl y-) I The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The following attached map schedule entitled "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule •A(2)1 to Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora" amending ''Map 1 •Future Land Use' of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora," and explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 4 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 3. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Enacted and passed this .R9+J. day of ,.,,.~e.H 1971. () 4, ~" d ... .. ~ .. ···~ Mayor I certify that the above is a true copy of By-law No. as enacted and passed by the Council of the Town of Aurora on 1971. eeoeoooooooooooooooooooooaoo Clerk. .,,, ---------~-~--~~-----·-~~-·------~-- L OFFICIAL PLAN of the AURORA PLANNING AREA Amendment No" 4 This amendment was adopted by Aurora by By-law Noo in o~e Planning Act on the . ~ ~. Jtt.-·"-Ai ooooooooooooooooo~~::.oo Mayor the Corporation of the Town of accordance ~1ith sectiono 11 and 14 day of 197lo This amendment to the Official Plan of the /urora Planning Area, which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora is hereby approved in accordance with sections 12 and 14 of the Planning Act, as Amendm~nt No. 4 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. Dateooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Minister of Municipal Affairs :-: ---•-••----•••••O~M0o'o:...-.••---·--------......:,.:c.......c, __ , _, -···.--·-.-~~""'""'"''"·"•~===="~'"'-'~~.----------·..:.::...:...:...:.... __ ,, ,_; ,,·•-•--•• ••·•----~--~~----------·-~-------- TOWN OF AURORA AMENDMENT NUMBER 4. 3. Amendment No. 4 comprises .this text and,map, -Schedule 1A(2)1 attached hereto and includes the following item. An l3,ppendix is included for informat,ioti ofll~ and does not form a part of the legal text of this amendment. ' Item 1, Location: Part of the east half of lot 76, Concession 1 west · ~n the Town of Aurora. Change: To clarify the extent of Commercial designation set out in amendment 2 Of!'icial Plan as it affects Schedule A. Implementation This change has been necessitated by the subdivision proposal and the COIIIDercial site originally envisaged in the development proposal at the time Official Plan Amendment No. 2 was passed. This amendment will be implemented by: 1. the processing of a plan of subdivision under the Planning Act 2. an amendment to the comprehensive zoning by-law 1863 to the land uses in accordance with the plan of subdivision and the policies of the Official Plan, and shown as By-law 1895. -----• ·•·----~--· •·•-• _,,·,-~'·'"""-"-'·'-'~"·"'~-""-"-"'-"-'~C:.•;,NN.i.,-1./,'.'.<'-':·~-'"--'""-""'-'C..-.A.-V.."•'••~'''"'w---~-·--·-···-v~~:;:-.-·-- ·;.'' _ ----------···-·•'-'-'-··--~--·-··----·-·--...:_···'__: _____ :.L:,_·_·. -· ....;-----r.>.'>'.==~"=~=·~----~==-=<-=·--· --"~--·--·---~-,_:; _ _:~--! ... :~.:,_,.:__c .... -----··--~---··---·--··-:~~.;.,, ...... -·-------·-·-·----- · ..... / \I ·----- 4. APPENDIX-TO .AMENDMENT NO. 4 The lands in this amendment constitute an increase of some 3 acres of vacant land south of the existing parcel shown as Commercial. The land frontson Yonge Street. The purpose of this amendment is to increase the Commercial site from approximately 2 acres to approximately 5 acres. Dy-la'T 1895, which will implement this amendment has been publicly circulated, and no objections have been received. ''·,