BYLAW - Appoint Building Inspector - 19711101 - 193871( i I , . I \ _ _.{ .. / BY-LAW NUMBER 1938-71 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE APPOINTMENT OF A BUILDING INSPECTOR AND TO DEFINE THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBLITIES OF THE POSITION. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to appoint a Building Inspector to carry out the :!'unctions required by the Municipality under the Building By-laws. AND WHEREAS it. is deemed expedient to delegate responsiblity for the interpretation and enforcement of the Zoning By-law. NOW THEREFORE THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1, THE Building Inspector of the Town of Aurora shall perform all duties, including the following: (a) Interpreting Zoning and Building Permit requirements to the public. (b) Review of Building plans, issue of building permits (subject to Committee approval), regular inspection of approved work while in progress, and upon completion, to ensure observance of all building regulations. (c) Maintenance of permit records. (d) Continuing check on local construction activity to maintain public compliance with Zoning By-laws and with Permit r~irements for building construction. (e) To study and make recommendations to the Municipal Council, in cnnjunction ··h with the Clerk-Administrator, matters pertaining to Building and Zoning. 2. THE Building Inspector shall be responsible to Cbunci~ through the Clerk-Administrator in duties and responsiblities of his position. 3. THE Building Inspector shall be responsible for the preparation of the Departmental Budget under his jurisdiction and who shall supply the Treasurer and Clerk-Administrator with the detailed cost estimates, for presentation and approval of the annual budget. 4. THE Building Inspector shall be responsible for the collection of all Permit Fees, lot levies, multiple family dwelling levies, etc. , and the Municipal Treasurer shall receive same, prior to the issuance of permits. 5. THE Building Inspector shall be responsible for the close co-operation and working with the District Assessment Office, the Construction Safety Officer, of the Region of York, the Regional Health Unit, and the Town Solicitor, in matters pertaining to the enforcement and the duties of this by-law. 6. THE Btiilding Inspector shall perform such other duties and functions as Council may from time to time decide. 7. THE Building Inspector shall prepare such reports when requested to do so by Council and/or the Clerk-Administrator. .. 8. THE Building Inspector to attend Council and/or.· Committee meetings as may be requested. 9. THE Building Inspector shall be paid such sum annually for his service as the Council shall from time to time determine. ···,., ... · . . · .. '·"·.. . ~~~-...... -~-----, --, -'·'·--------·~---·. ·~----·,..-~ - 2 - 10. THIS By-law shall be deemed to be in force effective November 1st. 1971 and all other by-laws pertaining to the appointment of Building Inspector are hereby declared to be null and void, and superceeded by this By-law. 11. TH~T ROY J. HARRINGTON, be and is hereby appointed Building Inspector of the Town of Aurora, and to continue in such office at the pleasure of Council. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1971. MAYOR CLERK ~- READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 1ST DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1971 f}w MAYOR ~ CLERK ;:: . ·~·· ,. R. f\025 oNTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 35 of The Planning Act (R,S.O. 1970, c. 349), -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval ·of its . Restricted f.rea By-law 1939:..71 BEFORE: I . W. H. J. 'I'HOJVtPSON, Q. c. ) JV!ember -and - H. H. LANCA!:>TEiR. Member l ) ) ) ) ) ) '1/EDNEc>])AY, the l?th day of JULY, 1972 THIS APPLICATION having come on for public hearing. on .the 29th .day of June, 1972 at the Town of Aurora in the presence of counsel for the applicant corporBtion, counsel for a number of interest,ed porties and of a number of interested persons; and upon hearing those appearinp in support of the by-law and those appearing in opposition thereto; and it appearing that notice of hearing had been given in accordance with the directions of the Board; upon hearing the .evidence adduced and submissions by those appearing as aforesaid and the Board having reserved its decision in order to give the council of the applicant corporation.an opportunity to consider certain amendments to the said by-law and the said council having on the 4th· day of July, 1972 passed By-law 1964-72 amending By-law 1939-?1 and incorporatinR certain recommendations of the Board and having caused a certif::.ed copy thereof to c;e .filed and the Board having dispensed '"ith not~ce ·,nc. nearing in respect of By-law 1964-7?; ·~'HE BUARD ORDERS, under 2nd in pt;rsuance OJ t.n<' • ' v --~ ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD - 2 ., legislati.on hereinbefore referred to, and of a.ny and all other powers vested in the Board, that By-law 1939-71 passed the 29th day of November, 1971, as amended by By-law 1964-72, and By-law 1964-72 passed the 4th day of July, 1972, be and the same are hereby approvEid• K. C. ANDREWS SECRETARY 0 .. B. N~~1-~-~ ......... . Feiio No ........................... .. SEP 5 107:1 .~ SECRETARY, ONTARIO MUNICif'Ai. SI>A I) -- /