BYLAW - Restricted Area By law - 19690908 - 186369TOwN OF AURORA
BY-LAW 18'63
"·" I XII
BY..oLAW NO. 1863
Areas Restricted
General Provisions
Provisions for all Zones
Additional Provisions for Particular Zones
Zone Provisions
Schedule "A" Aurora Zoning Map
Schedule "B" Performance Standard Chart
Being a restricted area py-law to implement the Official
Plan of the Town of Aurora.
The lands restricted by this by-law are enclosed by a heavy black
line on Schedule "A" hereto annexed and the reotrictions applicable
to such lands shall be in accordance with the letters and numerals noted
on Schedule 11A11 and the symbols on Schedule "B" and hereinafter
described in Section IV and V of this by-law and in addition the
general provisions of this by-law which apply to all of the lands in
Schedule 11A11 and which are set out in Section II and VI hereof and the
parking restrictions applicable to the lands within Schedule "A" as
set out in Section VII of this by.;law.
No building or land shall hereafter be used or occupied, no
~ building or part thereof, shall be erected, move or structurally
altered except in conformity with the requirements of this by-law.
Schedules "A" and "B" with notations and references shown thereon,
are hereby declared to be a part of this by-law and are described as
Schedule Title
_.;;,· Aurora Zoning Map
"B" Performance Standard Chart
·' ,_.,-,
sEcTioN Iv; zoNEs:
~or the purposes of this by~law the following ~ones are hereby
Zone Letter or SX,!!!bol
'~ .. . ..
Single-Family Residential s
r Two~Family ~esidential T
Multiple-Famiiy ~esidential M
Apartment Residential A
Conmercial c
Limited Institutional I
Open Space 0
Development ~ D
Industrial L
To interpret the restrictions applicable to any particular parcel
of land or b~ilding, the following procedures shall be adopted:--
(a) Refer to the regulations applicable to all areas restricted
'-·-~-' by this by-law, as found in Sections II, VI and VII.
(b) Refer to Schedule "A" and note the characters (letters and
numbers) applicable to the particular area under consideration
(subject area bounded by heavy black line).
(c) The letter or letters refer to one of the zones established
by Section IV of this by-law. Uses permitted in each of the Zones
are set forth in respective sub-sections of Section VIII of this
by-law under appropriate headings. For example, 11M" refers to
Multiple-Family Residential provisions in Section VIII Clause
(3) "S" refers to the Single-Family Residential provisions in
Section VIII Clause (1) etc.
(d) The number or numbers in Schedule "A" refer to required standards
of performance, specific details of which shall be ascertained
by reference to the Performance Standard Chart (Schedule "B").
(e) Where the boundary of artf zone is uncertain and
<i> the boundary is shot<n on Schedule "A" as md:fe or less
folloWing a lot line, then the lot line shall be
takeri as the boundary, and
" (ii) the boundary is shown on Schedule "A" as running
I l substantially parailel to the street line, and where
the distance from the street line is not iridicated,
such distance shall be determined accordirtg to the scale
shown on Schedule "A".
(f) Definitions:
(i) "accessory building" shall mean a building, attached
or detached, which is customarily incidental and
subordinate to the main use of the lot and which is not
used or intended for use as human habitation;
(ii) "automobile sales, parts and accessories" shall mean
a place, building, or other structure where the business
of selling motor vehicles and automobile accessories
is conducted, including buildings for offices, sales
rooms, rooms for the storage of automobile accessories
intended for retail sales on the premises or for use on
the premises, and out-door sales space for motor vehicles,.
but does not include an automobile service station or
automobile repair shop;
(iii) "automobile repair shop" shall mean a building or other
structure where major repairs to, body work upon,
painting or washing of motor vehicles is carried on, .but
does not include an automobile service station or an
automobile sales, pavts and accessories;
(iv) "automobile service station" shall mean an automobile
service station as defined by "The Ontario Municipal
Act, "R.S.O. 1960 sec. 379 (1), par. 128 (a).
(v) "basiigtedt" shall mean that portion of a building between
two float levels which is partly underground but which
has at of its height from finished float to
finished ceiling above adjacent finished average grade and in
wl:iidt thi, height from finished average grade to ceiling i.s
less than five feet.
(vi) "boatdi~g house 11 shall mean any house o:i: building or por.tion
thereof; in which the ptoprietor resides and occupies at.
least ten (10) per cent of the floor space used for the· purposes
of t;he boarding house as his residence, and supplies for hire
or gain to more than two (2) persons, lodging with or without
meals in rooms furnished by the proprietor with necessary
furnishings and includes a rooming house; but not include
a hotel or apartment house;
(vii) ''buUdtng height" shall mean the vertical distance measured
from the average grade to:--
(a) In the ·case of· a flat roof, the highest point of
the roof surface, or the parapet, whichever·is the
(b) · In case of a mansard roof, the roof deckline or;
(c) In the case of any other roof, the mean height between
.the eaves and the ridge, exclusive of any penthouse,
chimney, tower or steeple;
(viii) "" shall meah any building or part of a
building, including professional offices, in which one or
more persons are employed in the management, direction or
conducting of any agency, business, brokerage, practice, labour
or fraternal organization, and shall exclude such uses as retail,
sale, manufacture, assembly, repair or storage of goods, and
places of assembly and amusement;
(ilc:) 11 car. washil1g e~tablishment 11 ~hali mean a building used :l.n
whole or in part for the washing of vehicles, coin opetated
or attended by a staff, and which may utilize a convejor type
mechanism and allied automated facilities;
· (x) "carport" shall mean a covered parking structure attached to the
wall bf the main building, intended for the storage of passenger
motor vehicles ~herein neither servicing for profit is con-
ducted nor storage of commercial vehicles is permitted;
(xi) "clinic" shall mean any building or portion thereof, containing
two or more offices used or intended for use of medical,
dental or drugless practitioners;
(xii) "coverage" shall mean that portion of a lot which is or may be
covered with buildings or other structures;
(xiii) "custom workshop" shall mean a building or part of a building
used by a trade, craft or guild for the manufacture in small
quantities of made to measure articles, and shall include
upholstering, but shall not include metal spinning, woodworking
, ....• , or furniture manufacture;
(xiv) "dwelling" shall mean any building used exclusively for
residential occupancy, and does not include a boarding house,
rooming house, hotel, motel, or similar commercial uses for
private or semi-private institutional uses;
(xv) "dwelling unit" shall mean a separate set of living quarters
designed or intended for use or used by not more than one
family which may include not more than two .(2) boarders, and
which shall include at least one room and separate kitchen
conveniences, with private entrance from outside the building
or from a common hallway or stairway inside;
(xvi) "dwelling, converted" shall mean a dwelling altered to make
a greater number of dwelling units;
(xvii) "dwelling, duplex" shall mean a building of two storeys
divided horizontally into two dwelling units, and which building
is occupied by not more than two families;
(xv:U.i) "dw!illi~S, four,-plex" shall mean a btiilc:l:lng divided
horizontally and vertically into four dwelling units and
~hich building is occupied by not more than four families;
(xticJ ildweili!\s_._ group_ho~!~ll shall mean two or more separate
multiple~family dwellings placed on the ~afue parcel of
land, arranged around t~o or three sides of a court;
(xx) "dwelling, apartmenf." shall mean a separate building
containing more than four dwelling units;
(xxi) "dwelling, single-family detached" shall mean a separate
building containing only one dwelling unit and occupied
by only one family;
(xxii) "dwelling, two-family semi-detached" shall mean a building
divided vertically into only two dwelling units each of
which is occupied by only one family;
(xxiii) "dwelling, row house" shall mean a building that is divided
vertically into three or more dwelling units, each of which
has independent entrance to a front and rear yard immediately
abutting the 'front and rear walls of each dwelling unit;
(xxiv) "dwelling, maisonette" shall mean a building that is divided
into three or more dwelling units, each of which has
independent entrances, one to a common corridor and the other
directly to the outside yard area adjacent to the said
dwelling unit;
(xxv) "erect" shall mean the erection, building, enlargement,
construction or reconstruction of any structure, and shall
include removal and relocation and any physical operation such
as excavating, filling or draining;
(xxvi) "floor area, ground" shall mean the area of the building
measured to the outside walls, excluding, in the case of a
dwelling, any private garage, porch or veranda.
(xxvii) ''floor area, minimum'' per dwelling \'nit shall mean the
area contained within the outside walls, arid in· the case
of an apartment unit does not include corridors,· stair wells,
lobbies, elevator shafts or other common facilities;
(xxvii:D "garage, private" shall mean a building other than a car-
port, not over one storey in height, used.or int~nded for the
storage of passenger niotor vehicles wherein neither servicing
for profit is conducted nor storage;of commercial vehicles
is permitted, and may form a part of the main structure;
(xxix) "home occupation" shall mean an accessory use conducted in a
dwelling unit and which:--
is secondary to the use of the dwelling unit as a
private residence, and
does not change the character of the dwelling unit as
a private residence, and
does not have any exterior evidence of being conducted
therein, except a sign not larger than two square feet
( 2 square feet), and
does not create or become a public nuisance and in
particular in regard to noise, traffic or parking, and
does not occupy more than 25% of the total floor area
of the dwelling unit, and
may include, but is not limited to artist's studio,
dressmaking, the consulting room of a medical or drugless
practitioner, lawyer, engineer, architect, accountant,
real estate or insurance agent, and teaching and musical
instruction when limited to a single pupil at a time;
(xxx) "hotel" shall mean a building or part of a building not less
than three (3) storeys in height in which a minimum of twenty
(20) rooms is provided for rent as places of abode, usually
on a temporary or transient basis, and includes convention
and/or meeting room facilities and a public dining room which
are connected by internal corridor or corridors (where
applicable by elevator and internal corridor) to all parts of
(xxx Cont 1 d) "hot".l 11
the .. building;
':!.21" shall mean a parcel of land which abuts upon a public
street or road and is a lot within a registered plan of
subdivision or registered and described by metes and bounds;
(xxxii) ".lot area" shall mean the total horizontal area within the
lot lines of a lot;
(xxxiii) "lot corner" shall mean a lot situated at the intersection
of two or more streets having an angle of intersection of
not more than one hundred and thirty-five degrees;
(xxxiv) "lot coverage" shall mean that percentage of the total lot
area covered by buildings, including accessory buildings;
(xxxv) "lot frontage" shall mean the horizontal distance between
the side lot lines, where such lot lines are not parallel the
frontage shall be the distance between the side lot lines
measured on a line twenty feet (20 1 ) back from the front
lot line and parallel to it;
(xxxvi) "motel" shall mean a building consisting of a number of
individual dwelling units intended to be occupied by the
travelling public for the purpose of temporary sleeping
(xxxvii) "obnoxious use" shall mean any use which shall be a
nuisance to the occupants or owners of any neighbouring
land or buildings by reasons of the emission from the said
land or any part thereof, or the creation thereon, of
odours, gases, dirt, smoke, noise, vibration, fumes,
cinders, soot, waste or otherwise;
(xxxviii) "parking space" shall mean an area of 300 square feet for
the parking of one vehicle including areas necessary for
driveways, entrances and exits;
(xxxix) irperson" shall mean an individual, an association, a firm,
a partnership or an incorporated company;
(xl) "public authority" shall inean any school board, public
utility commission, transportation commission, public or
other board, commission, committee or locai authority
established or exercising any power or authority under any
general or special statute of Ontario with respect to any
of the affairs or purposes of a municipality or a portion
thereof and includes any committee or local authority
established by by-laws of the Council;.
(xli) "service shop" shall mean a building or part of a building
and whether conducted in conjunction with a retail shop or
not, for the repair, sale or servicing of articles or
materials as opposed to the manufacturing of same;
(xlii) "sign" shall mean an advertisement by means of painting on,
or attaching bills, letters or numerals to any structure, canopy
surface or device and shall include the structure, canopy
surface or device upon which an advertisement is painted, placed
or attached;
(xliii) "storey" shall mean that portion of a building other than a
cellar or attic included between the surface of any floor and
the surface of the floor, deck or roof or ridge next above it;
(xliv) "structure" shall mean any material object or work erected as
a unit or constructed or put together of dependent parts or
elements, located on, under or above the surface of the ground
and does not include signs and mobile homes;
(xlv) "street" shall mean a public highway which affords a
principal means of access to abutting lots;
(xlvi) "yard" shall mean an open and uncovered portion of a lot or
parcel of land unoccupied from the ground tothe sky and which I
extends along the entire length of a front, side and rear I
lot line and includes a front, side and rear yard;
(xlvii) 1 ~11 shall mean an area of land outlined on the Zoning Map
and established and designated by this by-law for a specific use;
(xl viii) .11 i!:oning map" shali ifiean a map or series of maps incorp"
orated in this by-law showing the location, size and
boundaries of zones together with other explanatory matfer;
1. Reduction of Yards -no of a yard or other opeh space, required
about any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of
this by-law, shall be included as a part of a yard or othet open space
similarly required for another building.
2. Licenses, Permits and Other By-Laws -nothing in this by-law shall
operate to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the
requirements of the Building By-Laws of the Town of Aurora or any other
by-laws of the Town of Aurora in force from time to time, or the
obligation to obtain any license, permit, authority, or approval which
may be otherwise lawfully required.
3. Uses Permitted in All Zones -nothing in this by-law shall prevent
the use of any land within the defined area as a public park, public
street, or for the erection of public and separate schools within the meaning
of the Public and Separate Schools Act for the Province of Ontario,
or for the structures essential to the operation of public authorities,
provided that any building and lands used or occupied shall be designed
and landscaped in accordance with the general character of the zone in
which it is located. In addition, no goods, material or equipment
shall be stored in the open, except as permitted in such zone and the
provisions of the zone within which the use is located shall be
complied with.
4. Frontage on a Public Street -no person shall erect a building or
structure and no person shall use any building, structure, lot or parcel
in the defined areas, unless the lot or parcel to be so used or upon
which the building is situated, erected or proposed to be erected, abuts
or fronts on a public street.
r····"-« u
~---··-· ··-·· -· ---· ----· ·-.
5. Majol;" Street Setbacks -no building shall be erected with a main
wall distant less than shown below from the centre line of the original
road alloWance on roads set out in accordance with the standards
established iri the table below.
In the event that performance standards applicable to particular
properties require a greater setback, the provisions herein shall not
Yonge Street
From north town limit to Mark Street
From Mark Street to Wellington Street
From Church Street to Dunning Avenue
From Dunning Avenue to Murray Drive
From Murray Drive to south town limit
Wellington Street
From west town limit to Machell Avenue
From Machell Avenue to 260• east of
Yonge Street
From Victoria Street to 170• east of
Victoria Street
From C.N.R. tracks to east town limits
Kennedy Street
From west town limits to Yonge Street
Murray Drive
Larmont Street
From Metcalfe Street to Wellington Street
Industry Street
Edward Street
Minimum Setback From
Centre Line of Original
Road Allowance
120 feet
43 feet
43 feet
100 feet
120 feet
120 feet
43 feet
43 feet
120 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
From 680 1 south of Dunning Ave. to Harrison Ave. 68 feet
~-·~ .. --~---~-··. ~~-
6. Roof Overhang -no roof, eave, enclosed structure of patio shall
penetrate the mi~imum yards required by this by-law by a horizontal
distance of more than one foot (1 1 -0").
7. Coverage -except as hereinafter provided for in a specific per-
formance standard in Schedule 11 B11 , the building or buiidings on a lot
or parcel of land shall not cover more than thirty-three per cent (33%)
of the area of the said lot or parcel.
8. Signs and Lighting Facilities -lighting facilities for signs or
parking facilities shall be so erected and maintained so as to prevent
illumination of adjacent dwelling units.
9. Height of Building -buildings shall not exceed ninety (90 1 ) feet
1. Landscaping
(a) All C and L Zones - a five foot (5•) strip of land
immediately abutting all non-commercial or non-
industrial zones shall be used for no other purpose
than landscaping.
(b) All MandA Zones - a five foot (5•) strip of land
abutting all internal lot lines shall be used for
no other purpose than landscaping.
(c) All L Zones -where the lot abuts a railway, the
yard on the side of the railway shall be a minimum
of zero (0') feet.
2. Minimum Yards for Particular Zones Unless Otherwise Required
by Specific Performance Standards or Major Roads Setback
2o Cont'd
Symbol Front Rear
s 20'
T 20'
M 20'
A 30'
L 30'
I 30'
1/2 height
1/2 height
1/2 height
25 1
25 1
3o Garages, Carports and Accessory Buildings in All S, T, MandA
(a) shall not be used for human habitation;
(b) shall not be more than eight feet (8• 0 11 ) in height
from grade to eaves, measured at the front wall of same;
(c) may be erected in a side yard provided that:--
(i) the side yard or part thereof in which it is
erected is not less than fifteen feet (15• 0 11 )
in width,
(ii) any structure so erected be distant not less than
four feet (4 1 0 11 ) from the side lot line;
(d) may be erected in a rear yard provided that if the structure
so erected is wholly within the rear yard it shall be
distant not less than six feet (6• 0") from a dwelling,
and shall be distant not less than three feet (3•) from
the nearest lot line except that common semi-detached
garages may be centred on the side lot lineo
4o Parking Requirements
(a) Applicable to All Zones and Uses: The parking requirements
of this by-law shall apply in all cases wherever a lot or
building, or a portion of a lot or building is used or is
converted for any use and, unless stipulated by specific
performance standards, one space with an area of 300 square
4. Parking Requi~ements Cont'd
(a) feet iricl.uding ;,(!~q\late provision for mllnoeuvering space
or driveway purposes shall be provided in llccordance
with the following standards:--
Residen,tial building -up to 4 units
Residential building - 5 or more units
Retail stores and personal service
shops (except superma)::kets .and de-
p,l~tment stores)
Supermarkets and department stor~s
Motel, Cabins
Restaurants -part of a Motel or
Undertakers establislnnents
Car Wash establislnnents
Doctors, Denti·sts
Barbers, Hairdressers
Plants and Warehouses
Theatre, Church, Place of Worship,
Public Hall, Tavern, Arena or other
Place of Assembly including Athletic,
and Recreational Establishments and
all Conunercial uses not specifically
mentioned above ·
Parking Reguirements
1 space per dwelling unit(l00'7.)
1 space per dwelling unit plus
1 addi.tional space for every 4
'dw:elling units or por·tion thereof
1 space per 200 square feet of
retail floor space.
1 space per 100 squa!'e feet of
retail floor space
1 space per 290 square feet
rentable floor space
1 space per g\leSt room
1 spa~e per three guest rooms
1 space per-three beds
1 space 10 seats
Minimum 15 spaces
Minimum 10 spaces continuous
in line storage with no access
lane within. 50 feet of an inter-..
secting street •.
Minimum 3 spaces per practitioner
Minimum 4 spac<Os
Miniffi\lffi. parking area in side
or rear yards equal to one-.
half total floor area.
1 space per five seats or per
five persons of the lawful
capacity of the building or
quarters and for each five
persons of outdoor spectator
(b) Design, Construction and Location: .All parking lots and
access driveways required in accordance with .the provisions
of Section (a) and all automobile service stations, public
garages, new car agencies, and used car lots shall be:--
(b) Cont'd
(i) Maintainefl with o stable surface which is treated so as to
prevent the raising of dust or loose particles nnd may be
constructed of crushed stone, slag, gravel or cinders,
having an asphaltic or portland cement binder or any
permanent type of surfacingo
(ii) Shall be curbed with permanent six inch curbingo
(iii) Graded or drained in such a manner as to ensure that surface
water will not escape to neighbouring lands, and whenever the
surface of the parking area is more than four inches higher or
lower than any adjoining land, a suitable retaining wall shall
be installed along the edge of the parking lot or along the
lot lineo
(iv) All lighting facilities shall be so installed and maintained
as to ensure that the light is deflected away from all nearby
residentia~ districts or developmento
(v) Whenever any adjoining land is in a residential zone, the
parking area shall be separated from it by a five foot buffer
strip and a close boarded fence or suitable alternative not
less than four feet not more than oix feet higho
(vi) Where a parking lot (5 or more cars), manoeuvering area, or
driveway serves an apartment building or any other multiple
family use, no parking space, manoeuvering area and/or drive-
way shall be located within a side yard or rear yard closer
to any wall of a principal building than five feet (5• 0 11 )o
(vii) Access to commercial and industrial zones from residential
no land in a residential zone shall be used for
the purpose of vehicular access to any land in a
commercial or industrial zoneo
-16 ..
(vii) Cont'd
Pedestrian walkways, suitably fenced wherever the
walkway abuts a residential zbne, shall be permittedo
(c) Conunercial Vehicles in Residentil\t Zones: No conunercial
vehicle in excess of one-half ton (1/2 ton) capacity shall
be continually \)arked over night in any S, T, MandA zone.
So Outdoor Recreation Area, All M and A Zones 200 square feet/
suite (dweliing unit) in a minimum area 20' x 20• located in
other than a front yardo
1o Single-Family Residential (S)
(a) ·uses Permitted
Single-family dwellings detachedo
Home occupationso
Garages, carports and accessory buildingso
2. Two-Family Residential (T)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S) uses
Dwellings, two-family semi-detachedo
Dwellings, duplexo
3o Multiple-Family Residential (M)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S) useso
Two-family residential (T) useso
Group housing, maisonette, row housing, duplex, double
duplex, triplex, fourplex, converted dwellingso
4. Apartment Residential (A)
(a) Uses Permitted
Apartment building.
Two (2) bedroom apartment dweiling units shall' not
constitute more than 40% of the dwelling uhits in an
apartment building.
Three (3) bedroom apartment dwelling units shall not
constitute more than 10% of the dwelling units in an
apartment building.
No units four (4) bedrooms or more.
5. Commercial (C)
(a) Uses Permitted
Commercial Uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-law, Commercial Uses shall include
one or more of the following Commercial Uses:--
Auto sales, parts, and accessories.
Automobile service stations.
Business and professional offices.
Community social buildings, lodges, clubs.
Custom workshop for sale of goods
Dairy Products plants
Drive-in restaurants
Frozen food storage and space. rental and other commercial
storage if incidental to and a part of the retail shopping use.
Funeral parlours.
Motels and hotels
Places of entertainment and .recreation
Restaurants, tea rooms, cafeterias, taverns
Retail stores.
Service shops and agencies •
..,._ Studios
I -18-
6. tin!ited Insti tutio.nal ( t)
(a) Uses Permitted
Limited instittiational uses.
(bj Definition
,-For the purposes of this by-law, Limited Institutional Uses
shall mean one or more of the following institutional uses:--
--Art galleries
Churches, places of worship
Municipal and government buildings.
Public and separate schools
High schools
7. Industrial (L)
(a) Uses Permitted
Industrial uses, Industrial Commercial uses, Industrial
Service Uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this .by-law, Industrial uses shall mean
one or more of the following uses:--
Any assembling, manufacturing, processing or industrial
operation, warehousing, or storage of goods and materials,
the said uses being con,ducted wholly within an enclosed
building, provided that no dirt, dust, objectionable odour
or obnoxious gas is permitted to escape from any building
or structure to the atmosphere.
Any scientific, technical, research and development uses
related to manufacturing, processing and warehousing uses,
the said uses to be conducted wholly within an enclosed
(b) befinition Cont'd
Any open or outside storage, accessory to the main
use, and parking of commercial vehicles, providing that
such storage and/or parking is limited to side and/or rear
yards screened from the street by a wall or decorative
close board type fence not iess than six (6) feet and
not more than eight (8) feet in height. Notwithstanding
the above, the open storage of structural steel, either
fabricated or unfabricated, shall be permitted provided
that the storage area is not closer than fifty feet (SO•)
to the lot boundary and two hundred feet (200') to a zone
in which residential use is permitted.
(c) Industrial Commercial Uses
For the purposes of this by-law, Industrial Commercial Uses
shall include only manufacturing, servicing and warehousing operations
with an ancillary sales outlet incidental to the principal manufacturing,
servicing or warehousing operation.
(d) Industrial Service Uses
For the purposes of this by-law, Industrial Service
Uses shall include uses which provide a service primarily to the
Industrial uses and shall include only the following:--
Automobile service stations
Business and professional offices
Public garages
Car washing establishments
8. Open Space (O)
(a) Uses Permitted
Open space uses.
. ',, --"·---..o-~---·~.,;.;..~
B. Open Space (O) Cont'd
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-law, Open Space uses shall
include the following public, semi-public and private uses:•-
Athletic fields,.
Band stands
Bowling green
Community centres
Golf courses
Public parks
Skating rinks and arenas
Swimming pools and tennis courts
Conservation and flood plain land
(c) The erection of structures and buildings shall be prohibited on
lands which are subject to flooding or lands where, by reason of its
rocky, low lying, marshy or unstable charccter, the cost of construction
of satisfactory waterworks, sewage or drainage facilities is prohibitive.
9. Development (D)
(a) Uses Permitted
For the purposes of this by-law all uses presently existing
in a development zone shall be deemed a use for a development zone,
so long as it continue.s to be used for that purpose. Any other use
will require an amendment to this by-law, all in keeping with the
provisions of the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. (Apply
as required to accommodate existing by-lm• and particular application
for specific problems).
It is deemed desirable to clarify land use restrictions on
individual property by the use of map schedules of a larger scale than
those contained in the Schedules hereto, and to make specific pro-
visions and/or exemptions in the general regulations of the by-law as
I ... I.
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(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, nothing
herein shall prevent the erection of multiple family dweiling on
Block "B", registered plan number 550 as set forth in By-Law 1791-68.
(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions of this by~law, nothing
herein shall prevent the eniargement of a shopping centre by the
addition of a junior department store and 14,000 square feet of other
retail space on the north west corner of Yonge Street and Murray Drive
with a minimum parking requirements of 620 car parking spaces. The
parking requirements for this shopping centre shall be defined as 5.5
car parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of additional gross leaseable
spa ceo
Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this
by-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting
magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of $300.00 for each offence,
exclusive of costs, and every such penalty shall be recoverable un,~er
the Municipal Act and the Summary Convictions Act.
No part of this by-law shall come into force without Ontario
Municipal Board approval, but subject to such approval, the by-law
shall take effect from the day of the passing thereof.
By-laws 1051, 1576 and 1085 amendments thereto of the Town
of Aurora are hereby repealed, such a repeal to come into effect upon
the date of passing of this by-law.
Town of Aurora
Restricted Area By-Law
Being a restricted area by-law to imple-
ment the Official Plan of the Town of
The lands restricted by this by-law
are enclosed by a heavy black line on
Schedule 'A' hereto annexed and the re-
strictions applicable to such lands shall
be in accordance with the letters and
numerals noted on Schedule 'A' and the
symbols on Schedule 'B' and hereinaft~r
described in Section IV and V of thts
by-law and in addition the general pro-
visions of this by-law which apply to
all of the lands in Schedule 'A' and
which are set out in Section I I and Vl
hereof and the parking restrictions ap-
plicable to the . lands _within Sc~cdul_e
'A' as set out m SectiOn VII of th1s
No building or land shall hereafter
be used or 'OCCupied, no building or
part thereof, shall be erected, moved or
structurally altered except in conform·
ity with the requirements of this by-law.
Schedules 'A' and 'B' with notations
and references shown thereon, are here-
by declared to be part of this by-law and
are described as follows:
Schedule Title
'A' Aurora Zoning Map
'B' Performance Standard
For the purposes of this by-law the
following zones are hereby ·established:
Zone Letter or
Single-Family Residential S
Two-family Residential T
Multiple-Family. Residential M
Apartment Residential A
Commercial C
Limited Institutional I
Open Space 0
Development D
Industrial L
To interpret the restrictions applic-
able to any particular parcel of land or
building, the following procedures shall
be adopted:
(a) Refer to the regulations applicable
to all areas restricted by this by-law,
as found .in Sections II, VI and Vll.
(b) Refer to Schedule 'A' and note the
characters (letters and numbers) ap-
plicable to the particular area under
consideration (subject area bounded
by heavy, black line).
(c) The letter or letters refer to one of
the zones established by Section IV
of. this by-law. Uses permitted in
each of the Zones are set forth in
respective sub-sections of Section
VI'II of this by-law under appropri-
ate headings. For example, 'M' re-
fers to Multiple-Family Residential
provisions in Section VIII Clause
(3). 'S' refers to the Single-Family
Residential provisions in Section
Vlll Clause ( 1) etc.
The number or numbers in Schedule
'A' refer t'O required standards of
performance, specific details of
which shall be ascertained by ref-
erence to the Performance StandarJ
Chart (Schedule 'B').
Where the boundary of any zone is
uncertain and
(i) the boundary is shown on
Schedule 'A' as more or less
foiiowing a lot line, t~en the
lot line shall be taken as the
boundary, and
(ii) the boundary rs shown on
Schedule 'A' as running sub-
stantially parallel to the street
line, and where the distance
from the street line is not in-
dicated, such distance shall be
determined according to the
scale shown on Schedule 'A'.
( i) "accessory building" shall mean
a building, attached or de-
tached, which is customarily
incidental and subordin<lte to
the main use of the lot and
which is not used or intended
for use as human habitation;
(ii) "automobile sales, parts and
accessories" shall me,m a
place, building, or other struc-
ture where the business of
selling motor vehicles and
automobile accessories is con~
ducted, including buildings for
offices, sales roOms, rooms for
the storage of automobile ac-
cess·ories '·intended for retail
sale on the premises or for 11se
on the premises, and out-door
sales space for motor vehicles,
but does not include an auto-
mobile service station or auto-
mobile repair slwp;
(iii) "automobile repair shop" shall
mean a building or other
structure where major repairs
to, body work upon, painting
or washing of motor vehicles
is carried on, but does not in-
clude an automobile service
station or an automobile sales,
parts and accessories;
(iv) "Automobile service station"
shall mean an automobile ser-
vice station as defined by "The
Ontario Municipal Act," R.S.O.
1960 sec. 379 (1), par. 12H
(v) "basement" shall mean that
portion of a buildin.g between
two floor levels which j<; part-
ly undergwund but which has
at least one-half of its height
from finished floor to fini..-hcd
ceiling above adjacent fini~hed
average grade and in which
the height from finished aver-
a~e grade to ceiling is less
than five feet.
(vi) "boarding house" shall mean
any house or building or por-
tion thereof, in which the
proprietor resides and occu-
pies at least ten ( 10) per cent
of the floor space used for the
purposes of the boarding
house as his residence, and
supplies for hire or gain to
more than two (2) persons,
lodging with or without meals
in rooms furnished by the
( xiii)
proprietor with necessary
furnishings and includes a
rooming h'Ouse; but does not
include a hotel or apartment
"building height" shall mean
the vertical distance measured
from the average grade to:
(a) In the case of a flat roof
the highest point of the
roof surface, or the para-
pet, whichever is the high-
(b) In case of a mansard wof,
the roof deCkline or;
(c) In the case of any other
roof, the mean height be-
tween the eaves and the
ridge, exclusive of any
penthouse, chimney, tower
or steeple;
"Business office" shall mean
any building or part of a
building, including profession-
al offices, in: which one or
more persons are emploved in
the manag~ment, direction or
conducting of any agency,
business, brokerage, practice,
labour or fraternal organiza-
tion, and shall exclude such
uses as retail, sale, manufac-
ture, assembly, repair or stor-
age of goods, and places of
assembly and amusement;
"car washing e~tablishment"
shall mean a building used m
whole or in part for the wash-
mg of vehicles, coin operated
or attended bv a staff, and
which may utilize a conveyor
type mechanism and allied
automated facilities~
"carport" shall mean a cov-
ered parking structure attached
to the wall of the main build-
mg, intended for the storage
of passcnp;er motor vehicles
wherein neither servicing for
profit is conducted nor storage
of commercial vehicles is per-
"clinic" shall mean any build-
ing or portion thereof, con-
taining two -or more offices
used or intended for use of
medical, dental or drugless
"coverage" shall mean that
portion of a lot which is or
may be covered with buildings
or other structures;
"custom workshop" shall me:1r1
a building ·or part of a build-
in!! used bv a trade. craft 01
gt~ild for the manufacture in
small quantities of made to
measure articles. and shall In-
clude upholsterin.e:. but shall
not include metal s~1inning.
woodworking or furniture
"dwelling" shall mean any
building used exclusively for
residential occuoancv, and does
not include a boarding house,
rooming house, hotel, motel,
or similar commercial uses for
private or semi-private insti-
tional uses;
"dwelling unit" shall mean a
separate set of living quarters
designed or intended for use
or used by not more than one
family which may include not
I Areas Restricted
II General Provisions
Ill Schedules
Interpretation 1
2 VI
Provision for all Zones
Additional Provision for
Particular Zones
V Ill Zone Provisions
I X Exceptions
X Penalty
XI Validity
XII Repeal
Schedule 'A' Aurora Zoning
Schedule '8' Performance
Standard Chart . . ,
Map 4
more than two (2) boarders,
and which shall include at
least 'One room and separate
kitchen -conveniences, with
private efitrance from outside
the building or from a com-
mon hallway or stairway in-
"dwelling, converted" shall
mean a dwelling altered to
make a greater number of
dwelling units;
"dwelling duplex" shall mean
a building of two storeys di-
vided horizontally into two
dwelling units, and which
building is 'Occupied by not
more than two families;
"dwelling, four~plex" shall
mean a building divided hori-
zontally and vertically into
four dwelling units and which
building is occupied by not
more than four families;
"dwelling, group housing"
shall mean two or more sep-
arate multiple-family dwellings
placed on the same parcel of
land, arranged awun d two or
three sides of a court;
"dwelling, apartment" shal!
mean a separate building con-
taining more than four dweJI-
ing units;
"dwelling, single~ family de-
tached shall mean a separate
building containing only one
dwelling unit and occupied by
only one family;
"dwelling, two-family semi-
detached" shall mean a build-
ing divided vertically into
only two dwelling units each
of which is occupied by only
one family;
"dwelling. row house" shall
mean a building that is di-
vided vertically into three or
more dwelling units. each of
which has independent ent-
rance to a front and rear yard
immediately abutting the front
and rear walls of each dwell-
ing unit;
"dwelling, maisonette" shall
mean a building that is divid-
ed into three or more dwelling
units, each of which has in-
dependent entrances, one to a
comm'On corridor and the
other directlv to the outsid,.,
yard area adjacent to the said
dwelling unit;
"erect" shall mean the erec-
tion, buildin,g, enlargement,
construction or reconstruction
of any structure, and shall in-
clude removal and relocation
and any physical operation
such as excavating, filling or
"floor area, ground" shall
mean the area of the buildin,e;
measured to the outside walls.
excluding, in the case of a
dwelling, any private garage,
porch or veranda.
"floor area, minimum" per
dwelling unit shall mean the
area contained within the
outside walls, and in the case
of an apartment unit does not
include corridors, stair wells,
lobbies, elevator shafts or
other common facilities;
(xxviii) "garage, private" shall mean
a building other than a car-
port, not over one storey in
height, used or intended for
the storage of passenger mo-
tor vehicles wherein neither
servicing for profit is conduct-
ed nor storage of commercial
vehicles is permitted, and may
form a part of the main
(xxix) "home occupation" shall mean
an accessory use conducted in
a dwelling unit and which:
-is secondary to the use of
the dwelling unit as a pri-
vate residence, and
-does not change the charac-
ter of the dwelling unit as
a private residence, and
-does not have any exterior
evidence of being conduct-
ed therein, except a sign
not larger than two square
feet ( 2 square feet), and
-does not create or become
a public nuisance and in
particular in regard to
noise, traffic or parking,
and does not occupy more
than 25% of the t-otal floor
area of the dwelling unit,
-may include, but is not lim-
ited to artist's studio, dress-
making, the consulting
room of a medical or drug-
less practitioner, lawyer,
engineer, architect, account-
ant, real estate or insura-nce
agent, and teaching and
musical instruction when
limited to a single pupil
at a time;
(xxx) "hotel" shall mean a building
or part of a building not less
than three (3) storeys in
height in which a minimum of
twenty (20) rooms is provided
for rent as places of abode,
usuaily on a temporary or
transient basis, and includes
convention and/or meeting
room facilities and a public
dining room which are con-
nected by internal corridor or
corridors (where applicable bv
elevator and internal corridor)
to all parts of the building;
(xxxi) "lot" shaH mean a parcel of
land which abuts upon a pub-
lic street or road and is a lot
within a registered plan of
subdivision or registered and
described by metes and bounds;
(xxxii) "lot area" shall mean the total
horizontal area within the lot
lines of a lot;
(x-xxiii) "lot corner" shall mean a lot
situated at the intersection of
two or more streets having an
angle of intersection of not
more than one hundred and
thirty-five degrees;
(xxxiv) "lot coverage" shaH mean that
percentage of the total lot area
covered by buildings, includ-
ing accessory buildings;
(xxxv) "lot frontage'' shaH mean the
horizontal distance between the
side lot lines, where such lot
lines are not parallel the front-
age shali be the distance be-
tween the side J.ot Jines meas-
ured on a line twenty feet
(20') back from the front Jot
line and parallel to it'';
(xxx\'i_) "motel" shaH mean a building
consisting of a number of in-
dividual dwelling units intend-
ed to be occupied by the tea-
veiling public for the purpose
of temporary sleeping accom-
(xxxvii) "obnoxious use" shall mean
any use which shall be a nui-
sance to the occupants or
owners of any neighbouring
land or building by reasons of
the emission from the said
land or any part thereof, or
the creation thereon, of
odours, gases, dirt, smoke,
noise, vibration, fumes, cin-
ders; soot, waste or otherwise;
"parking space" shall mean an
area of 300 square feet for
the parking of one vehicle in-
cluding areas necessary for
driveways, entrances and exits;
"person" shall mean an indi-
vidual, an association, a firm,
a partnership or an incorpor-
ated company;
"public authority" shall mean
any school board, public utili-
ty commission, transportation
commission, public or other
board, commissi·on, committee
or local authority established
or exercising any power or au-
thority under any general or
special statute of Ontario with
respect to any of the ··affairs
or purposes of a municipality
or a portion thereof and in-
cludes any committee or local
authority established by by-
laws of the Council;
"service shop" shall mean a
building or part of a building
and· whether conducted in con-
junction with a retJil shop _or
not, for the repair, sale or
servicing of articles or ma-
terials as opposed to the man-
ufacturing of same;
"sign" shall mean an adver-
tisement by means of painting
on, or attaching bills, letters
or numerals to any structure,
canopy surface or device and
shaH include the structure,
canopy surface or device upon
which an advertisement is
painted, placed-or attached;
"storey" shall mean that por-
tion of a building other than
a celiar or attic included be-
tween the surface of any floor
and the surface of the floor,
deck or roof or ridge next
above it;
"structure" shall mean any ma-
terial object or work erected
as a unit or constructed or put
together of dependent parts or
elements, located on, under or
above the surface of the
ground and docs not include
signs and mobile homes;
"street" shall mean a public
highway which affords a prin-
cipal means of access to abut-
ting lots;
"yard" shall mean an open
and uncovered portion of a lot
or parcel of land unoccupied
from the ground to the sky
and which extends along the
entire length of a front, side
and rear lot line and includes
a front, side and rear yard;
"zon.e" shall mean an area of
land outlined on the Zoning
Map and established and des-
ignated by this by-law for a
specific use;
"zoning map" shaJl mean a
map or series of maps incorp-
orated in this by-law showing
the location, size and bound-
aries of zones together with
other explanatory matter;
1. Reduction of Yards -no part of a
yard or other open space, required about
any building for the purpose of com-
plying with the provisions of this by-law,
shall be included as a part of a yard
or other open space similarly required
for another building.
2. Licenses, Permits and Other By-laws-
nothing in this by-law shall operate to
relieve any person from the obligation
to comply with the requirements of the
Building By-laws of the Town of Aurora
or any other by-laws of the Town of
Aur·ora in force from time to time,
or the obligation to obtain any license,
permit, authority, or approval which
may be otherwise lawfully required.
3. Uses Permitted in All Zones -noth-
ing in this by-law shall prevent the use
of any land within the defined area as a
public park, public street, or for the
erection of public and separate schools
within the meaning of the Public and
Separate Schools Act for the Province
of Ontario, or for the structures essential
to the operation of public authorities,
provided that any building and lands
used or occupied shall be designed and
landscaped in accordance with the gen-
eral character of the zone in which it is
located. In addition, no goods, material
or equipment shall be stored in the
open, except as permitted in such zone
and the provisions of the zone within
which the use is located shall be com-
plied with.
4. Frontage on a Public Street -no per-
sons shall erect a building or structure
and no person shall use any building,
Structure, lot or parcel in the defined
areas, unless the lot or parcel to be so
used or upon which the building is
situated, erected or proposed to be
erected, abuts or fronts on a public
5. Major Street Setbacks -no building
shali be erected with a main wall distant
less than shown below from the centre
I ine of the original road alowance on
roads set out in accordance with the
standards estabished in the table below.
In the event that performance stand-
ards applicable to particular properties
require a greater setback, the provisions
herein shall not apply;
Minimum Setback Fr0111
Centre Line of Original
Road AUowance
Yonge Street
From north town limit to
Mark Street
From Mark Street to
W eiiington Street
From Church Street to
Dunning Avenue
From Dunning Avenue: to
Murray Drive
From Murray Drive to
south town limit
\X' ellington Street
From west town limit to
120 feet
43 feet
4 3 feet
I 00 feet
I 20 feet
Machell Avenue 120 fr:ct
From Machell Avenue to 2(iO'
east of Yongc Street 43 ftet
From Victoria Street t·o 170'
east of Victoria Street 43 feet
From C.N.R. tracks to east
town limits
Kennedy Street
From west town limits to
Yonge Street
120 feet
68 feet
.Murray Drive 68 feet
Lannont Street
From Metcalfe Street to
\'7e11ington Street 68 feet
Industry Street 68 feet
Edward Strl':'et
From 680' south of Dunning
Avenue t-o Harrison Avenue 68 feet
6. Roof Overhang -no rc~of, cave, en-
closed structure of patio shaJI penetrate
the minimum yards re<..JUired by this by-
Jaw by a horizontal distance of more
than one foot (!' -0").
7. Coverage -except as her<.:inafter pro-
vided for in a specific performance
standard in Schedule 'B', the buildin,g or
buildings on a lot or parcel of land
shall not cover more than thirty-three
per cent (33%) of the area of the said
lot or parcel.
R. Signs and Lighting Facilities --light-
ing facilities for signs or parking faci li-
ties shali be s-o erected and maintained
so as to prevent illuminati-on of adjacent
dweJling units.
9. Height of Building --buildings shall
not exceed ninety (90') feet maximum.
I. Landscaping
(a) All C, and L Zones -a five
foot (5') strip of land immedi-
ately abutting all non-commercial
or non-industrial zones shall be
used for no other purpose than
(b) All M and A Zones -a five
foot (5') strip of land abutting
all internal lot lines shall be
used for no other-purpose than
(c) All L Zones -where the lot
abuts a railway, the yard on the
side of the railway shall be a
minimum of zero (0') feet.
2. Minimum Yards for Particular Zones
Unless Otherwise Required by Spe-
cific Performance Standards or Major
Roads Setback:
Symbol Front Side
25' s 20'
T 20' 4' 25'
M 20' 8' 25'
A 30' 'h height 30'
c 30'
L 30' !0' 30'
30' %height 30'
0 30' 'h height 30'
Garages, Carports and Accessory
Buildings in All .S. T, M and A
(a) shall not be used for human
(b) Shall not ?e more than eight feet
(8' 0") m height from grade
to eaves, measured at the front
wali of same;
(c) may be erected in a side yard
provided that:
(i) the side yard or part thereof
in which it is erected is not
less than fifteen feet ( 15' o")
in width,
(ii) any structure so erected be
distant not less than four
feet (4' 0") from the side
lot line;
(d) may be erected in .a reu y:ud
provided that if the structure so
erected is wholly within the
the rear yard it shall be dist<tm
not less than six feet (6' 0")
from a dwelling, and shaJI be
distant not less than three feet
(3') from the nearest lot line
except that common se-mi-
detached garages may be centred
on the side lot line.
I. Parking Requirements
(a) Applicable to AU Zones a"d
Uses: The parking reguiremcnts
of this by-law shall app!v in all
cases wherever ;t lot· or huilding,.
or a portion of a lot or build-
ing is used or is conycr~cd for
any use and, unless .stipulated hy
specific performance standards,
one space with an area of 300
sguarc feet including adequate
provision for manocu,•ering .space
·or driveway purposes shall be
provided in accordance with the
following standards:
Residcnti;tl building-up to 4 units.
Residential building-5 or more units.
Retail stores and personal service shops
(except supermarkets and department
Supermarkets and department stores.
Motel, cabins.
Restaurants-part of a Motel or Hotel.
Undertakers establishments.
Car Wash establishments.
Doctors, Dentists.
Barbers, Hairdressers.
Plants and Warehouses.
Theatre, church, place of worship, public
hail, tavern, arena or other place of
assembly including athletic and recrea-
tional establishments and all commercial
uses not specifically mentioned above.
(b) Design, Construction and Loca~
tion: Ail parking lots and access
driveways required in accordance
with the provisions of Section
(a) and ail automobile service
stations, public garages, new car
agencies, and used car lots shall
(i) Maintained with a stable sur-
face which is treated s·o as to
prevent the raising of dust or
loose particles and may be
constructed of crushed stone,
slag, gravel or cinders, having
an asphaltic or portland ce-
ment binder or any permanent
type of surfacing.
(ii) Shall be curbed with perma-
nent six inch curbing.
(iii) Graded or drained in such a
manner as to ensure that sur-
face water will not escape to
neighbouring lands, and when-
ever the surface of the park-
ing area is more than four
inches higher or lower than
any adjoining land, a suitable
retaining wall shall be in-
stalled along the edge of the
parking lot or along the lot line.
(iv) All lighting facilities shall be
so installed and maintained as
to ensure that the light is de-
flected away from all nearby
residential districts or devel-
(v) Whenever any adjoining land
is in a residential zone, the
parking area shall be .separated
from it by a five foot buffer
strip and a dose boarded
fence or suitable alternative
not less than four feet not
more than six feet high.
(vi) Where a parking lot (5 or
more cars), manoeuvering
area, or driveway serves an
apartment building or any
other multiple family use, no
parking space, manoeuvering
area and/or driveway shall be
located within a side yard or
rear yard closer to any wall
of a principal building than
five feet (5' 0").
(vii) Access to commercial and in-
dustrial zones from residential
-No land in a residential shall be used for the
purpose of vehicular access
to any land in a commercial
or industrial zone.
-Pedestrian walkways, suit-
ably fenced wherever the
walkway abuts a residential
zone, shall be· permitted.
Parking Requirements
I space per dwelling unit (100%)
I space per dwelling unit plus 1 addi-
tional space for every 4 dwelling units
or portion thereof (125%)
1 space per 200 square feet of retail
floor space.
1 space per 100 square feet of retail
fl.oor space.
1 space per 200 square feet rentable floor
space per guest room.
space per three guest rooms.
space per three beds.
space per 10 seats.
Minimum 15 spaces.
Minimum 10 spaces continuous in line
storage with no access lane within 50
feet of ~n intersecting street.
Minimum 3 spaces per practitioner.
Minimum 4 spaces.
Minimum parking area in side or rear
fl"ards equal to one-half total floor area.
l space per five seats or per five persons
>f the lawful capacity of the building or
:p.i.arters and for each five persons of
mtdoor spectator capacity.
(c) Conunercial Vehicles in Residen~
rial Zones: No commercial ve-
hicle in excess of one-half ton
(¥.. ton) capacity shall be con·
tinually parked over night in
any S. T. M and A zone.
5. Outdoor Recreation Area, All M and
A Zones.
200 square feet/suite (dwelling unit)
in a minimum area 20' x 20' located
in other than a front yard.
I. Single-Family Residential (S)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family dwelling de-
Home occupations.
Garages, carports and accessory
2. Two-Family Residential (T)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residental (S)
Dwellings, two-family semi-
Dwellings, duplex.
.?. Multiple-Family Residential (M)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S)
Two-family residential (T)
Gr·oup housing, maisonette,
row housing, duplex, double
duplex, triplex, fourplex, con-
verted dwellings.
4. Apartment Residential (A)
(a) Uses Permitted
Apartment building.
Two (2) bedroom apartment
dwelling units shall not con-
stitute more than 40% of the
dwelling units in an apart-
ment building.
Three (3) bedroom apartment
dwelling units shall not con-
stitute more than 10% of the
dwelling units in an apartment
No units four ( 4) bedrooms
or more.
5. Commercial (C)
(a) Uses Permitted
Commercial uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Commercial Uses shall in-
dude one or more of the fol-
lowing Commercial Uses;
-Auto sales, parts, and ac-
-Automobile service stations.
-Business and professional
-Community social buildings,
lodges, clubs.
-Custom workshop for sale
of goods.
-Dairy products plants.
-Drive-in restaurants.
-Frozen food storage and
space rental and other com-
mercial storage if incidental
to and a part of the retail
shopping use.
-Funeral parlours.
-Motels and hotels.
-Places of entertainment and
-Restaurants, tea rooms, ca-
feterias, tavern.
-Retail stores.
-Service shops and agcnoes.
6. Limited Institutional (I)
(a) Uses Permitted
Limited institutional ltses.
For the purposes of this by-
law, Limited Institutional uses
shall mean one or more of the
following institutional uses:
-Art galleries.
-Churches, place:s of worship.
-Municipal and government
-Public and separate schools.
-High schools.
7. Industrial (L)
(a) Uses Permitted
Industrial uses, Industrial Com-
mercial uses, Industrial Service
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Industrial uses shall mean
one or more of the following
-Any assembling, manufac-
turing, processing or indus-
trial ope.ration, warehous-
ing, or storage of goods
and materials, the said uses
being conducted wholly
within an enclosed building,
provided that no dirt, dust,
Objectionable odour or ob-
noxious gas is permitted to
escape from any building or
structure to the atmosphere.
-Any scientific, technical, re-
search and development uses
related to manufacturing,
processing and warehousing
uses, the said uses to be
cOnducted whoiiy within an
enclosed building.
-Any open or outside stor-
age, accessory to the main
use, and parking of com-
mercial vehicles, providing
that such storage and/ or
parking is limited to side
and/ or rear yards screened
from the street by a wall or
decorative dose board type
fence not less than six (6)
feet and not more than
eight (8) feet in height.
Notwithstanding the above,
the open st·orage of struc-
tural steel, either fabricated
or unfabricated, shall be
permitted provided that the
storage area is not closer
than fifty feet (50') to the
lot boundary and two hun-
dred feet (200') to a zone
in which residential use is
(c) Industrial Commercial Uses
For the purposes of this by-
law, Indnzstr.ial Commercial
uses shall include only manu-
facturing, servicing and ware-
housing operations with an
ancillary sales outlet incidental
to the principal manufacturing,
servicing or warehousing
(d) Industrial Service uses.
For the purposes of this by-
law, Industrial Servic~ Uses
shall include uses which pro-
vide a service primarily to the
Industrial uses and shall in-
include only the following:
-Automobile service stations.
-Business and professional
-Public garages.
-Car washing establishments.
8. Open Space (0)
(a) Uses Permitted
Open space uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Open Space uses shall in-
dude the following public,
semi-public and private uses:
-Athletic fields.
-Band stands.
-Bowling green.
-Community centres.
-Golf courses.
-Public parks.
-Skating rinks and arenas.
-Swimming pools and tennis
-Conservation and flood
plain land.
(c) The erection of structures and
buildings shall be prohibited
on lands which are subject to
flooding or lands where, by
reason of its rocky, low lying,
marshy or unstable character,
the cost of construction of
satisfactory waterworks, sew-
age or drainage facilities is
9. Development (D)
(a) Uses Permitted
For the purposes of this by-
law all uses presently existing
in a development zone shall
be deemed a use for a develop-
ment zone, so long as it con-
tinues to be used for that
purpose. Any other use will
require an amendment to this
by-law, all in keeping with the
provisions of the Official Plan
of the Aurora Planning Area.
(Apply as required to accom-
modate existing by-law and
particular application for spe-
cific problems).
It is deemed desirable to clarify land
use restrictions on individual property by
the use of map schedules of a larger
scale than those contained in the Sched-
ules hereto, and to make specific pro-
visions and/ or exemptions in the general
regulations of the by-law as follows:
(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of
this by-law, nothing herein shail prevent
the erection of multiple family dweiiing
on Block 'B', registered plan number 550
as set forth in By-law 1791-68.
(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions
of this by-law, nothing herein shaii pre~
vent the enlargement of a shopping cen-
tre by the addition of a junior depart-
ment store and 14,000 square feet of
other retail space on the north west
corner of Y.onge Street and Murray
Drive with a minimum parking require-
ment of 620 car parking spaces. The
parking requirements for this shopping
centre shall be defined as 5.5 car park-
ing .spaces per 1,000 square feet of addi-
tional gross leaseable space.
Any person convicted of a breach of
the provisions of this by-law shall for-
feit and pay, at the discretion of the
convicting magistrate, a penalty not ex-
ceeding the sum of $300.00 for each
offence, exclusive of costs, and every
such penalty shall be recoverable under
the Municipal Act and the Summary
Convictions Act.
No part of this by-law shall come
into force without Ontario Municipal
Board approval, but subject to such ap-
proval, the by-law shall take effect from
the day of the passing thereof.
By-laws 1051, 1576 and 1085 and
amendments thereto of the Town of
Aurora are hereby repealed, such a re-
peal to come into effect upon the date
of passing of this by-law.
Mayor Clerk
Mayor Clerk
No. Density
1. One single family detached
dwelling per lot as shown on
Registered Plan.
2. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having min-
imum frontage of fifty (50)
feet on a public street and
a minimum area of five
thousand (5,000) square
3. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of one
hundred (100) feet on a
public street and a minimum
area of twenty-two thousand
( 22,000) square feet.
4. One semi-detached dwelling
per lot as shown on the
Registered Plan.
5. One single family dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of fifty (50) feet
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
feet, one 2 family dwelling/
65' frontage and 7,000
square feet lot area.
6. One semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
7. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of fifty
(50) feet on a public street
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
Front Yard
Minimum fifty·three (53)
feet from centre line of road
allowance and In no case
less than twenty (20) feet
from street line.
Minimum twenty (20) feet
from street line.
Minimum twenty-five (25)
feet from street line.
Minimum thirty (30) feet
from street line.
Minimum one-half ('h) the
height of the building and
in no case "less than thirty
(30) feet from the street
Performance Standard Chart
Side Yard
Minimum each side four ( 4)
feet for a one (1) storey
building and an additional
two (2) feet for each addi-
tional storey or part thereof.
If corner lot minimum nine-
teen (19) feet side yard
abutting side street.
Same as 26 except corner
lots minimum side yard ten
(10) feet abutting side
Minimum each side .fifteen
(15) feet.
Minimum of one-half (%)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty-five
(25) feet.
Minimum of one-half ('lz)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty
(20) feet.
No. Floor Area
36. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,000 square feet, more than
one storey 650 square feet.
3 7. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
12,000 square feet, more
than one storey 750 square
38. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,300 square feet, more than
one storey 800 square feet.
39. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,400 square feet, more than
one storey 850 sguare feet.
40. Minimum ground floor area
2,000 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family) 1,100 square feet.
41. Minimum ground floor area
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family), 1,300 square feet.
42. Minimum ground floor area
2,400 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family) 1,500 square feet.
43. All apartments, maisonettes,
multiples, row houses, four-
plex, triplex, duplex, mini-
mum floor area:
Bachelor 450 sq. ft.
I bedroom 575 sq. ft.
2 bedroom 700 sq. ft.
3 bedroom 825 sq. ft.
44. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,200 square feet, more than
one storey 700 square feet.
i/C I I
No. Miscellaneous
50. Maximum lot coverage thirty
(30) per cent of lot area.
51. Maximum lo.t coverage thir·ty-
five (35) per cent of lot
One semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five ( 65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
One duplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of sixty-
five ( 65) feet on a public
street and a minimum lot
area of seven thousand
(7,000) square feet.
TO BY-LAW No. 1863
One triplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of seven-
ty (70) feet on a public
street and a minimum lot
area of nine thousand ,
(9,000) square feet.
One double duplex per lot
having a minimum frontage
of seventy-five (75) feet on
a public street and a mini-
mum lot area of twelve
thousand (12,000) square
8. Maisonettes having a mmt-
mum area of two thousand
five hundred (2,500) square
feet per dwelling unit on a
Jot with minimum frontage
of one hundred and twenty
(120) feet on a public street.
Row houses and multiple
housin_g having a minimum
area of two thousand five
hundred (2,500) square feet
per dwelling unit on a lot
with a minimum frontage of
one hundred (100) feet on
a public street.
9. One suite (dwelling unit)
per one thousand ninety
(1,090) square feet of lot
area with-a minimum lot
frontage of one hundred
(100) feet on a j5ublic street,
minimum number of floors:
10. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 890 square feet of lot
area with a minimum lot
frontage of one hundred
(100) feet on a public street,
minimum number of floors:
II. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1,450 sguare feet.
12. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1,740 square feet.
13. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of seventy-
five (75) feet on a public
street and a minimum area
of nine thousand (9,000)
square feet.
· I I I ,_
0123400 '"'
PREf>llRED BY "!'OR~ COU'ITY PLil'lf!I"'G OFFICE DWG. '10.46-68-11
NO. Density
l. One single family detached
dwelling per lot as shown
on Registered Plan.
2.0ne single family detached
dwelling per lot having
minimum frontage of fifty
(50) teet on a public street
and a minimum area of five
thousand (5,000) sq<tare
l. One single family detached
dwelling per lot hllving a
minimum frontage of one
hundred (100) feet on a
public street and a minimum
area of twenty-two thousand
(22,000) sq~tare feet.
4. One semi-detached dwelling
per lot as shown on the
Registered plan.
S. One single family dwelling
per lot having-a minimum
fronta,ge of fifty (50) feet
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) squ•l:'e
feet, one 2 family dwelling/
65 • fl"Ontage and 7, ooo
square feet lot al:'ea.
6. One semi-detached dwelling
pel:" lot having a mini!MWl
fl:'ontage of si>d:y-five (65)
feet on a publio;> stl:'eet and
a minimum lot al:'ea of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
7. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontaqe of fifty
(50) feet on a publi" street
<Uld a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) sq~tare
One semi-detached dwelling
pel:' lot having a minimum
frontage of 9ixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7 ,000) squal:'e feet.
One duple>~: pel:' lot having a
minirmun fi:'Ontage of sixty-
five (65) feet on a public
stl:'eet and a minimun lot
<u"ea of seven thousand
(7,000) square feet.
One triplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of seventy
(70)feet on "public "t""'""
an<1 a minimum lot area of
nine thousand (9,000) sq~tare
One double duplex per lot
hllving a minUnun frontage
of seventy-five (75) feet
on a public st>:eet and a
minimum lot area of twelve
thousand (12,1)00) square
a Mllisonettea per two thousand
five hundred (2,500) square
feet of lot arliOa ~-~Ling
unit on a lot with a minimum
front"!Je of one hundred and
twenty (120) feet on a public
street. Row houses and multiple
housing pel;' two thousand five
hundred (2,500) square feet
of lot are• per dwelling unit
on a lot with a minimum frontage
of one hundred {100) feet on
a public street.
!l. One suite (dwelling unit)
per one thouslllld ninety (1,090)
square feet of lot area with
a minimum lot frontage of one
hundred UOO) feet on " public
street, minimum number of
floors: 6.
10. one .Eiuite {dwelling unit)
per 890 square feet of lot
are• with " minimum lot
frontage of one hundred
(100) fSOi>t on 4 public street,
mininnut~ number of floors, 6.
ll.One suite (dwelli119 unit)
per 1,450 squ.,.re feet of lot
UN with a minimum lot front-
aqe of 100 feet on a publi"
12. One suite (dwelling unit)
per l, 740 squa.t'e feet of lot
area with a minimum frontage
of 100 feet on a public street.
ll. One single fllmily detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of seventy-
five {75) feat. on a public
street llfld " minilnum area
of nine thousand (9,000)
squiU'e feet.
No. Front Yllrd
·lli. Mininnut~ fifty-three (53)
feet from centre line of
road allowllnce and in no
case less than twenty (20)
feet from stl:'eet lin ....
17. Minimum twenty (20) feet
from street line.
18. Minimum twenty-five (25)
feet from street line.
l!l. Minimum thirty {30) feet
from street line.
20. Minimum one-half {!:;) the
heig-ht of the building-and
in no case less than thirty
(30) feet from the street
Ferfol"'llallc:e Staridard Chart
No. Side Yllr<i
26. Minimum ello;>h side foul:' {4)
feet for a one (l) storey
building and an additional
two {2) feet fOr each addi-
tional storey or part· there-
of. If corner lot minimum
nineteen (19) feet side
yard abutting-side streliOt.
21. same as 26 except corner
lot minimum side yard ten
{10) feet abutting sidliO
2!1. Minimwn each side fifteen
(15) feet.
29. Minimum of one-half (!:;)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty-
five (25) feet.
30. Minimum of one-half (!:;)
the building height and in
no cas ... less than twenty
(20) feet.
NO. FlOor Area
36. Minimum qround flOo.r arell
for a one storey dwelling
,1,000 sqUare feet, n10re than
one storey 650 square feet.
37. Minimum ground floor •re•
for " one storey dwelling
1,200 square feet, more
than one storey 750 squ;u-e
3a Minimum qround floor area
for " one storey dwelling
1,300 square feet, n10re
than one storey BOO squal:'e
39. Minimum ground floor area
for a orie storey dwelling
1,400 square feet, more than
one storey 850 square feet.
40. Minimum qround floor area
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more th•n one storey (two-
family) 1,100 square feet.
41. Minimum ground flcol:' arett
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey {two-
family), 1,300 squal:'e feet.
42. Minimum ground floor area
2,400 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more thlln one storey {two-
family) 1,500 square feet.
43. All apartments, maisonettes,
multiples, row houses, four-
plex, triplex, duplex, mini-
mum floor area:
Bachelor 450 sq. ft.
1 bedroom 575 sq. ft.
2 bedroom 700 sq. ft:.
3 bedroom 825 sq. ft.
44.Minimum qround floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1, 200 square feet, more than
one storey 700 squarliO feet.
Miso;>ellaneous ::.:=--:___=
50. Maximum lOt cover·~======""'\
(JP) per cent of !.:::-;;_ -·-----·
51. Maximum lot cover~
five (35) per cen'C =~
·o. Density
l.One single family detached
dwelling per lot as shown
on Registered Plan. single family detached
dwelling per lot having
minimum frontage of fifty
(50) feet on a public street
and a miBimum area of five
thousand (5,000) square
~ one single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of one
hundred (100) feet on a
public street and a minimum
area of twenty-two thousand
(22,000) square feet.
~ one semi-detached dwelling
per lot as shown on the
, . Registered Plan.
5. one single family dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of fifty (50) feet
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
feet, one 2 family dwelling/
65' frontage and 7,000
square feet lot area.
6.0ne semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
40ne single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of fifty
(50) feet on a public street
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
One semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
One duplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of sixty-
five (65) feet on a public
o+-r~u::d"' :::.nrl ::to min; mnm 1 ni-
No. Front Yard
·Hi. Minimum fifty-three (53)
feet from centre line of
road allowance and in no
case less than twenty (20)
feet from street line.
17. Minimum twenty ( 20) feet·
from street line.
laMinimum twenty-five (25)
feet from street line. _. ·
1~ Minimum thirty (30) feet
from street line.
20.Minimum one-half (~) the
height of the building and
in no case less than thirty
(30) feet from the street
,Y 7
... ~ 0 I.-
Performance Standard chart
No. Side Yard
'26. Minimum each side four (4)
feet for a one (1) storey
building and an additional
two (2) feet for each addi-
tional storey or paru:there-
of. If corner lot minimum
nineteen (19) feet side
yard abutting side street.·
27.Same as 26 except corner
lot minimum side yard ten
(,10) feet abutting side
2a Minimum each side fifteen
(15) feet.
29. Minimum of one-half (~)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty-
five (25) feet.
3~Minimum of one-half(~)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty
(20) feet.
No. Floor Area
3~Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,000 square fee~more than
one storey 650 square feet.
37. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,200 square feet, more
than one storey 750 square
3aMinimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,300 square feet, more
than one storey 800 square
39. Minimum ground floor area
for a orle storey dwelling
1,400 square feet, more than
one storey 850 square feet.
40. Minimum ground floor area
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family) 1,100 square feet.
4l.Minimum ground floor are~
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family), 1,300 square feet.
44 Minimum ground floor area
2,400 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family) 1,500 square feet.
43.All apartments, maisonettes,
multiples, row houses, four-
plex, triplex, duplex, mini-
mum floor area: "
Bachelor 450 sq. ft.
1 bedroom 575 sq. ft.
2 bedroom 700 sq. ft.
3 bedroom 825 sq. ft.
44.Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,200 square feet, more than
one storey 700 square feet.
NO.. Miscellaneous
5~Maximum lot coverage thirty
(30) per cent of lot area.
5l.Maximum lot coverage thirty-
five (35) per cent of lot
ot seventy-r~ve \I~J ree~ on a public street and a
minimum lot area of twelve
thousand (12,000) square
Maisonettes per two thousand
five hundred (2,500) square
feet of lot area;, ·p:erc>mwell:i;ag
unit on a lot with a minimum
frontage of one hundred and
twenty (120) feet on a public
street. Row houses and multiple
housing per two thousand five
hundred (2,500) square feet
of lot area per dwelling unit
on a lot with a minimum frontage
of one hundred (100) feet on
a public street.
One suite (dwelling unit)
per one thousand ninety (1,090)
square feet of lot area with
a minimum lot frontage of one
hundred (100) feet on a public
street, minimum number of
floors: 6.
One suite (dwelling unit)
per 890 square feet of lot
area with a minimum lot
frontage of one hundred
(100) feet on a public street,
minimum number of floors: 6.
One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1,450 square feet of lot
area with a minimum lot front-
age of 100 feet on a public
One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1,740 square feet of lot
area with a minimum frontage
of 100 feet on a public street.
One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of seventy-
five (75) feet on a public
street and a minimum area
of nine thousand (9,000)
square feet.
~------------~-~0~-~---~--·---·-.~!'}c:'~-------· ---~-:..:;
Town of Aurora
Restricted Area By-law
~?" I N 0 E.X
Section .. ;
I :A.reh Restricted
11 Gen.eral Provisions
Ill .. Sche(lules · .-
IV #one_s . • . .
• V _;~nterpretatio~
VI ·Provision for all Zones
y·tl .·Additional Provision for
-'7 .~·1 ~articular Zones
i .:c,,
. ':"f(~g:e
. ~-1
. ,.,_--r 1
·• _,,_1
2 By-law.
VJ.II ~-zone Provisions :r .41x .. E.xceptrons ·
-x_r~..:. Validity
X I I--Repeal
_;;fschec:iule 'A' Aurora Zoning
·-· s_thedule 'B' Performance
Standard Chart
Map 4
~;, ~--i_,;. .:., -~~J--~1 . ·;.~ .. ..-::-.:~..-·.>' ._:.-... ,.
l~~ :::::t::t:". (1) ~~ti:1if~~:i~i!;~.~~:t.:~;:~:i'.#f''·. .. .. *".~-\, ,, ·. ·.:.:.~; .
'·• ; :!..'!.·· ~· eren'C;._ei1Jo>'i,~«! Perforffiiiice,..~tt!19a'f .. d·: h_ouse; ~. ,..., . X.:' c,::BY-L~ NU~~ER !Sf~· , ,~hf{l~4>edule 'B') ·r,-·.f;:if/ .. ' ~~-0J!il-,''l?u~!i,ijhg~Iiei t" shall mean. ;;:
more than.,two (2) boarders,
and which shall. include at
least _one room and separate
k~tchen conveniences, with
private entrance from outside
the building or from a com-
mon hallway or stairway in-
side; ..
Being~'& ~fe'Stri!f'ed area"'~by-law t..o -~n'l~11"::~) boundary of any ~zone 1s '" ;-:' _tlie,.. .. !<:r_t~~-"'-~-.., ).e .. measured·
ment :tlie~ffi<'Ial ·Plan of the "rol'(nf~f .•. _ -~· 'Ti;lce~t~ ~ if" ,.,.,,,fr<1m Tlrei' ,, -·~ to: · '"':Aurora~~~ ~-~ :~ ·;,:~":i-(i);;t indary IS shown on .-~~ · :{a~]n tlfe. I:ase of ·~·.,.flat rooi ;~ (x;v:i)
"' ,; :: · · ' ' ;)lc e'qu!'l'·~·~~ less·:'~·{. • '' !'!.:the /!ughest po;lJ!P of the '
"dwelling, conver.t¢,, shall
mean ·;a~ •.*~Y:f~lp~g,.·. altered to
make ,._'R! · number of NOW!-T!lrlER~EORE BEP AND IT I\:;'!,U''·:; ~oJ\i!!g a•loj li~~:'!PIJl~A~~""'·~·•I'uf~""i'l'the parif-'
·: ,)J.~}1~~~~~~!;STRI~TED: ._,ijiJl ·, ~";'~'r>Il'~~al)~:_"~f..?.&~!tl~ .• ' j(:::-. -~·~J,!l:'..~.(.r..,.p>tf.e higlf;: Sf~~e'Yf~n~~!~'-by tta~· \/l.ff"'fr;1 .. b~~-~~~~:, i f'i~Jn:.·;__:~;,,~~;\ (b) I.nJ:~se.of a ma~~~r'B rooe5~~·
ar" enclosetl b~· c """"y bla< ' ~"f-i(;!ii!i. ~l ·. '?Jf'J,..~~: • ~ ' · \ t'!'!!flOOf dooklme or; ~ .. "" ~ :t ... ;~..~.~,y .i --· J·.:-~rf~'"" ~~-quo. ~ 'il:S..,...,w & .!ftlu-,\. .... ~'' y~ I '•"'h' "" f h-~~
Schedale '}!''h. r~b ·dnheo<,ed and '!l?e rr'?. ;,,,·:-·.A<!;(fitiai>; parallel to:·tne :;i;eet ~· ',.;:"'; .. ::c) ~~ .. e <a,.._ 0 any ot ~!
stnctwns ·~· Mhcable tb·.· such lands sha.!L. ·: '\· .·.· .. 1 ... · .. ·.'>, .,1 h h 'd .. · '".·. . ';}.. roof, t .. he. me·a·n·\ b~ '. . :--!'" .. r t-.-·. . : _ , -oo "': /-•• Jne; .a~. w ere t e tstance:. •-1 • · · ·• •• ••• ·th"'"' ·-. · -d .. th . be m_ accb: dance wtth the letters and-~ ::.-·.. ;·lo.ii~L ~ f . " . ·r -t . t I' . . .. n. :, . -"' tween e ~.a:yes an - - e . • . . S h.dul 'A' d:-~-~· _.~·.-:--~ ~o~n~_t"l.@-s rce. me ts no,t.' ~-,,.,. -.. _ .. _, ;jJ.;e;·! ,exdu6ive' of any num-era1s hQted o_n. c e e ···an ~-; . . · d.tcarcd --such dtstance sha11-h~'•}-J.\ f:4,~.~·-:·,;~: · ··:·_~.: ·\'5. · · .-··'
·'7.' ·: :,:~welling ·units;
(xkii}C~dlvelling duplex" shall :mean
.''l ;'} bui\ding ~f; two storeys di-
~ ,_:~tded '.'horiioOtally into two
; .. .d;we.Hing units, and which
. ; -·,~uildillg ··is occupied by not
_ . -· ;~(nGl'.:r:~·;tljiJ.p: two families;
( xvii;i) ;;~welllng,.. .[,gur-plex" shall
d ·· 'b' d " c ··· IV" fitl ·v J th s ' • · .. ' ' · <> . : , ,.. · <lr steeple-·.· ' · ·· ~ .. ,; sy.rri601s oO:t S. c.h· e:Ou.~e-!B' -j.~d -h~·~f~aftS[ ~~ ~.'.lfj·:;"'. ~j.':l.·::~. '~e··.t<r!rmine"d according. ..i~ ... :.·.ibe·-.~ :::i:·-.-~ , i .. ' _p.c.ntho11~~~\··,1.~IA1P.,.. e. Yo. ··.-~-.t.GW .. ~r
escn e m:·:fi!ectwn ·--a o . · 1: ---~f£.i~n~-~-? le shown on Schcdt~le-: ·n.:' .. , :("
·,·,·) ;.B· . ff:_ ... ..,.,,_,h.·ll';:~ ,,. ~··1 >1 '1
by-law and· 1In~ addit.ion the-general pro-·· = -·-· ••. --~-~;:~ •• :',. : ·-• ·'11 .. ·; , · · ··,. v u~~ne:s . o. 1ae:! ... -~. a __ ... !llearr
i";~~ -building. divided hori~
, ; \: ZQ,nt-all'Y and· . vertically .,into
l four dwellin·g units and· ~hich
i building is occunied by not
· more than four -unilies:
visions of ~is by-:.faw which apply to (f) D~~~~~P .. t;J:s{-;~:: < .•• , · , .. anf J>uild:in:g .. ~r. _:J?~~t:· .o~ a
all of the -lands i~-~ ScheduJe 'A' and (i) .... acces_sory _butldmg shaH mean butld1~g, m:ludu~g: .pro.fesswn~ __ ..
r. whi·ch are set out in Section II and Vl a bu.z},_ att~ched or ~e..=_. al offic~-~· tn: .-which .. on_e· or ·.
1 hereof and the parking restrictions ap-~ac?ed,. . .which 1s cus_tomardy more persons are ef!lplo_ve.d i'n~~.-.
plicable to the lari'd~ within Schcdu·~e modent_al and sub~~dmate t<J th~. ~-~?a$em~Qt, directiOn or
·A' as set out in Section VII of th 1s :;::-the_ ~ ... ~~-n use of the . lot and-con_austmg of any age':cy,
b -law. . .... whrch 1s not used or zn_tcn_d<-~,1-bustn~s.s? brokerage, pract!ce,
(_ ·'-y . . . ' . ·o"N·s~ ~.-~-for 1..1se .. as h. uman lu.bJ.tatzon; labour·. or fraternal organtz.a-c <"CTION H GENERAl PROVISI · ' : "· ., ,. · ·. · . ' d h ll l d h ·· ·~ ... · ·.-· · -' ---f -. (ii) "automobile-sales, parts and hon, ,m s. a exc u e sue
No bU!ldmg or. land shall. h:rea tcr accessories" shall mean a uses as retail, sale, manufac-
be used or occupted, no building or 1 b 'll' th t t·11 re assembly repair or stor·
d d p ace, m ( mg, or o er s rue-, ,
part thereof, shall be erecte., move or ture where the business of age of goods, and places of ~truct~rally alter~d except In _conform-selling motor vehicles and assembly and amusement;
lty wtth the requirements of this by-law. automobile accessories is con~ (ix) "car washing e'itablishment"
SECTION IlL. ~CHE~ULES: duetcd, including buildings for shall mean a building used in
Schedules A and B with notations offices sales rooms rooms for whole or m part for the wash-
and references shown there?n, arc here-the s·t~rage. of aut~mobile ac-ing of vehicles, coin operated
by declared to be part of thts by-law and cess·orics intended for retail or attended bv a staff, and
are described as follows: sale on the premises or for usc which may utilize a conveyor
Schedule Title on the premises, and out-door type mechanism and allied
'A' Aurora Zoning Map sales space for motor vehicles, automated facilities:
'B' Performance Standard but does not include an auto-(x) "carport" shall mean a cov-
Chart mobile service station or auto-ered parking structure attached
SECTION IV. ZONES: mobile repair shop: to the wall of the main build-
For the purposes of this by-law the (iii) "automobile repair shop" shall ing, intended for the storage
following zones are hereby established: mean a building or other of passenger motor vehicles
Zone Letter or structure where major repairs wherein neither servicing for
Symbol to, body work ·upon, painting profit is conducted nor storage
S or washin,g of motor vehicles of commercial vehicles is per-Single-Family Residential
Two-family Residential
Multiple-Family Residential
Apartment Residential
T is carried on, but does not in-mitted;
M elude an aut-omobile service (xi) "clinic" shall mean any build-
A statioh or an automobile sales, ing or portion · thereof, con-e parts and accessories; taining two or more offices
Limited Institutional
Open Space
I used or intended for use of ( iv) "Automobile service station"
0 shall mean an automobile ser-medical, dental or drugless
D practitioners;
L vice station as defined by "The (xii) "coverage" shall mean that
. To interpret the restrictions applic-
able to any particular parcel of land or
building, the following procedures shall
be adopted:
(a) Refer to the regulations applicable
to all areas restricted by this by-law,
as found in Sections II, VI and Vll.
(b) Refer to Schedule 'A' and note the
characters (letters and numbers) ap-
. plicable to the particular area under
consideration (subject area bounded
by heavy black line),
(c) The letter or letters refer to one of
the zones established by Section IV
of this by-law. Uses permitted in
each of the Zones are set forth in
respective sub-sections of Section
vm of this by-law under appropri-
ate headings. For example, 'M' re-
fers to Multiple-Family Residential
provisions in Section VIII Clause
(3) .. 'S' refers to the Single-Family
Residential provisions in Section
VIII Clause (1) etc
Ontario Municipal Act," R.S.O. portion of a Jot which is or
1960 sec. 379 (l), par. 1 2 ~ may be covered with buildings
(a). or other structures:
(v) "basement" shall mean that (xiii) "custom workshop" shalt me:1n
portion of a building between a building nr part of a build-
two floor levels which is N.rt-ing used by a trade. craft or
ly underground but which has guild for the manufacture in
at least one-half of its height small quantities of made to
from finished floor to fini.<:hcd measure articles. and shall in-
ceiling above adjacent fini5hed elude but shall
average grade and in which not include metal spinning.
the height from finished aver-woodworking or furniture
age grade to ceiling is less manufacture;
than five feet. (xiv) "dwelling" shall mean any
(vi) "boarding house" shall mean building used exclusively for
any house or building or por-residential occuoancv, and does
tion thereof, . in which the not include a boardin~ house,
proprietor resides and occu-rooming house, hotel, motel,
pies at least ten (10) per cent or similar commercial uses for
of the floor space used for the private or semi-private insti-
purposes of the boarding tiona! uses;
house as his residence, and (xv) .. dwelling unif' shall mean a
supplies for hire or gain to separate set of living Quarters
more than two (2) persons, designed or intended for use
lodging with or without meals or used by not more than one
in rooms furnished by the family which may include not
( xix i ·-;.dwelling, grou~t·. · ~ housing"
shall mean two r more sep-
arate' fi_i:YJt.iple-fan,.Iy dwellings
place.d ·,·on the sart:te parcel of
land, arranged around two or
·three sides of a court;
(xx) "dwelling, apartment•• shall
mean a separate building con-
taining more than four dwcJI-
ing units;
( xxi) "dwelling, single -family de.
tached shall mean a separate
building containing only one
dwelling unit and occupied by
only one family;
(xxii) "dwelling, two~family semi~
detached" shall mean a build~
ing divided vertically into
only two dwelling units each
of which is occupied by only
one family;
(xxiii) "dwelling, row house" shall
mean a building that is di~
vided vertically into three or
more dwelling units. each of
which has independent ent-
rance to a front and rear yard
immediately abutting the front
and rear walls of each dwell-
( xxvi)
( xxvii)
ing unit;
.. dwelling, maisonette" shall
mean a building that is divid-
ed into three or more dwelling
units, each of which has in-
dependent entrances, one to a
common corridor and the
other directlv to the outsid"
yard area adjacent to the said
dwelling unit;
"erect" shall mean the erec-
tion, building, enlargement,
construction or reconstruction
of any structure, and shall in-
clude removal and relocation
and any physical operation
such as excavating, filling or
"floor area, ground" shall
mean the area of the building
measured to the outside walls.
excluding, in the case of a
dwelling, any private garage,
porch or veranda.
"floor area, minimum" per
dwelling unit shall mean the
area contained within the
outside walls, and in the case
of an apartment unit does not
include corridors, stair wells,
lobbies, elevator shafts or
other common facilities;
~ 0'=-'"R"h--
(xxviii) <~garage, private" shall mean
a building other than a car-
port, not over one storey in
height, used or intended for
the storage of passenger mo·
tor vehicles wherein neither
servicing for profit is conduct·
ed nor storage of commercial
vehicles is permitted, and may
form a part of the main
( xxix) "home occupation" shall mean
an accessory use conducted in
a dwelling unit and which:
-is secondary to the use of
the dwelling unit as a pri·
vate residence, and
-does not change the charac·
ter of the dwelling unit as
a private residence, and
-does not have any exteri'Or
evidence of being conduct-
ed therein, except a sign
not larger than two square
feet ( 2 square feet), and
-does not create or become
a public nuisance and in
particular in regard to
noise, traffic or parking,
and does not occupy more
than 25% of the total floor
area of the dwelling unit,
-may include, but is not lim-
ited to artist's studio, dress-
making, the consulting
room of a medical or drug-
less practitioner, lawyer,
engineer, architect, account-
ant, real estate or insurance
agent, and teaching and
musical instruction when
limited to a single pupil
at a time;
(xxx) "hotel" shall mean a building
or part of a building not less
than three (3) storeys in
height in which a minimum of
'twenty (20) rooms is provided
for' tent as places of abode,
usutdly on a temporary or
transient basis, and includes
convention and/or meeting
room facilities and a public
dining r-oom which are con-
nected by internal corridor or
corridors (where applicable by
elevator and internal corridor)
to all parts of the building;
(xxxi) "lot" shaH mean a parcel of
land which abuts upon a pub-
lic street or road and is a lot
within a registered plan of
subdivision 'Or registered and
described by metes and bounds;
(xxxii) "lot area" shall mean the total
horizontal area within the lot
lines of a lot;
( xxxiii) "lot corner" shall mean a lot
situated at the intersection of
two or more streets having an
angle of ·intersection of not
more than one hundred and
thirty-five degrees;
(xxxiv) "lot coverage" shall mean that
percentage of the total lot area
covered by buildings, includ-
ing accessory buildings;
(xxxv) "lot frontage'' shall mean the
horizontal distance between the
side lot lines, where such lot
lines are not. parallel the front-
. age .shall be the. distance_ be-
tween the side J.ot lines meas-
ured on a line twenty feet
(20') back from the front lot
line and parallel to it;
(xxxvi) "motel" shall mean a building
consisting of a number of in·
dividual dwelling units intend-
ed to be occupied by the tra-
velling public for the purpose
of temporary sleeping accom-
( xxxvii) uobnoxious use" shall mean
any use which shall be a nui-
sance to the occupants or
owners of any neighbouring
land or building by reasons of
the emission from the said
land or any part thereof, or
the creation thereon, of
odours, gases, dirt, smoke,
noise, vibration, fumes, cin-
ders, soot, waste or otherwise;
~"parking space" shall mean an
area of 300 square feet for
the parking of one vehicle in-
cluding areas necessary for
driveways, entrances and exits;
"person" shall mean an indi-
vidual, an association, a firm,
a partnership or an incorpor-
ated company;
"public authority" shall mean
any school board, public utili·
ty commission, transportation
commission, public or other
board, commissi-on, committee
or local authority established
or exercising any power or au-
thority under any general or
special statute of Ontario with
respect to any of the affairs
or purposes of a municipality
or a portion thereof and in-
cludes any committee or local
authority established by by-
laws of the Council;
"service shop" shall mean a
building or part of a building
and whether conducted in con-
junction with a retail shop dr
not, for the repair, sale or ·
servici.Qg of articles or ma-
terials'.-~as. opposed to the man-
ufacturiri.g of same;
"sign" shall· mean an adve_r-
tisement by. m~_<~:ns of paintirtg
on, or-· attac~hirig. bills,· letters
or numerals ·tO any structure;.
canopy surface or device and
shall include the structure,
canopy surface Or device upon
which an advertisement is
painted, placed or attached;
"storey" shall mean that por-
tion of a building other than
a cellar or attic included be-
tween the surface of any floor
and the surface of the floor,
deck or roof or ridge next
above it;
"structure" shall mean any ma-
terial object or work erected
as a unit or constructed or put
together 'Of dependent parts or
elements, located on, under or
above the surface of the
ground and does not include
signs and mobile homes;
"street" shall mean a public
highway which affords a prin-
cipal means of access to abut-
ting lots;
''yard" shall mean an open
and uncovered portion of a lot
or parcel of land unoccupied
from the ground to the sky
and which extends along the
entire length of a front, side
and rear lot line and includes
a front, side and rear yard;
"zone" shall mean an area of
land outlined on the Zoning
Map and established and des-
ignated by this by-law for a
specific use;
"zoning m<.ip" ·shall mean a
map or series of maps incorp-
orated in this by-law showing
the location, size and bound-
aries of zones together with
other explanatory matter;
1. Reduction of Yards -no part of a
yard or other open space, required about
any building for the purpose of com-
plying with the provisions of this by-law,
shall be included as a part of a yard
or other open space similarly required
for another building.
2. Licenses, Permits and Other By~laws
no~hing in this by-law shall operate to
reheve any person from the obligation
to comply with the requirements of the
Building By-laws of the Town of Aurora
or any other by-laws of the Town of
Aurora in force from time to time,
or the obligation to obtain any license,
permit, authority, or approval which
may be other,wise lawfully required.
3. Uses Permitted in All Zones -noth·
ing in this by-law shall prevent the use
of any land within the defined area as a
public park, public street, or for the
.. 4
erection of public and separate schools
within the meaning of the Public and
Separate Schools Act for the Province
of Ontario, or for the structures essential
to the operation of public authorities,
provided that any building and lands
used or occupied shall be designed and
landscaped in accordance with the gen·
era! character of the z-one in which it is
located. In addition, no goods, material
or equipment shall be stored in the
open, except as permitted in such zone
and the provisions of the zone within
which the use is located shall be com·
plied with.
4. Frontage on a Public Street -no per·
sons shall erect a building or structure
and no person shall use any building,
structure, lot or parcel in the defined
areas, unless the lot or parcel to be so
used or upon which the building is
situated, erected or proposed to be
erected, abuts -or fronts on a public
5. Major· Street :·setbacks -no ·building
shall be erected with a main wall distant
less than shown below from the centre
line of the original road alowance on
roads set out in accordance with the
standards estabiShcd in the tabiC below.
In the event that performance stand-
ards applicable to particular properties
require a greater setback, the-provisi-ons
herein shall not apply;
·Minimum ·setback Fror•l
Centre Line, of Original
Road -AlloWance
Yonge Street
From north town· limit fo
Mark Street 120 fc:et
From Mark Street to
Wellington Street 43 feet
From Church Street to
Dunning Avenue 43 feet
From Dunning Avenue to
Murray Drive 100 feet
From Murray Drive to
south town limit 120 feet
\Vellington Street
From west town limit to
Machell Avenue 120 feet
From Machell Avenue to 260'
~east of Yongc Street 43 feet
From Victoria Street to I 70'
-east of Victoria Street·
From C.N.R. tracks to east
town limits
Kennedy Street
Fro-m west town limits to
Yonge Street
lYiurray Drive
Larmont Street
From Metcalfe Street to
\X'cllington Street
Industry Street
Edward Stn:-et
From 680' south of Dunning
Avenue to Harrison Avenue
ii3 feet
120 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
6. Roof Overhang -no roof, cave, en-
dosed structure of patio shall penetrate
the minimum yards re<.1uircd by this by-
law by a horizontal distance of more
than one foot (1' · 0'").
7. Coverage -except as hcr<.:inafter pro-
vided for in a specific performance
standard in Schedule 'B', the building or
buildings on a lot or parcel of land
shall not cover more than thirty-three
per cent (33%) of the area of the said
lot or parcel.
H. Signs and Lighting Facilities -light-
ing facilities for signs or l'arking facili-
ties shall be so erected and maintained
so as to prevent illumination of adjacent
dw<:lling units.
9. Height of Building -·-buildings shall
not exceed ninety (90') feet maximum.
1. Landscaping
(a) All C, and L Zones - a five
foot (5') strip of land immedi-
ately abutting all non-commercial
or non-industrial zones shall be
used for no other purpose than
(b) All M and A Zones - a five
foot (5') strip of land abutting
all internal lot lines shall be
used for no other purpose than
.. )
(c) All L Zones -where the lot
abuts a railway, the yard on the
side of the railway shall be a
minimum of zero (0') feet.
2. Minimum Yards for Particular Zones
Unless Otherwise Required by Spe-
cific Performance Stanaards or Major
Roads Setback;
Symbol Front
s 20'
T 20'
M 20'
A 30"
L 30'
I 30'
0 30'
'h height
'h height
lh height
3. Garages,
Carports and Accessory
in All S. T, M and A
(a) sha11 not be used for human
.. ,., ··habititidi'l.\; ··.· •· ·· -·•~·~
(b) Shall not be more than eight feet
(8' 0") in height from grade
to eaves, measured at the front
w:all of same;
(c) may be erected in a side yard
provided that:
( i) the side yard or part thereof
in which it is erected is not
less than fifteen feet (15' 0'")
in width,
( ii) any structure s-o erected be
distant not less than four
feet (4' 0") from the side
lot line;
(d) may be erected in a rear yard
provided that if the st'ructure so
erected is wholly within the
the rear yard it shall be distant
not less than six feet (6' 0")
from a dwelling, and shall be
distant not less than three feet
(3') from the .nearest lot line
except that common semi-
detached garages may be centred
on the side lot line.
-i. Parking Requirements
(a) Applicable to All Zones a"d
Uses: The parking re<-luiremcnt.s
of this by-law shall ap]..,lv in all
cases wherever <l lot or building,
or a portion of a .lOt or build-
ing is used or is converted for
any usc and, unless stipulaterl by
specific performance: standards,
one spa~e with an area of 300
square: feet includin,1~ adcc1uate
provision for manoeuvering space
or driveway purposes shall be
provid(;'d in acrordance \Vith the
following standards:
Residential building~-up to t[ units.
Residential building--S or more units.
Retail stores and personal service shops
(except supermarkets and department
Supermarkets and department stores.
Motel, rabins.
Restaurants-part of a Motel or Hotel.
Undertakers establishments.
Car Wash establishments.
Doctors, Dentists.
Barbers, Hairdressers.
Plants and Warehouses.
Theatre, church, place of w·oTship, public
hall, tavern, arena or other place of
assembly including athletic and recrea·
tiona! establishments and all commercial
uses not specifically mentioned above.
ti .. J,-:(,.''';-;;;
(b) Design, Construction and Loca-
tion: All parking lots and access
driveways required in accordance
with the provisions of _Section
(a} and all automobile service
stations, public garages, new car
agencies, and used car lots shall
(i) Maintained with a stable sur-
face which is treated s-o as to
prevent the raising of dust or
loose particles and may be
constructed of crushed stone,
slag, gravel or cinders, having
an asphaltic or portland ce·
ment binder or any permanent
type of surfacing.
(ii) Shall be curbed with perma-
nent six inch curbing.
(iii) Graded or drained in such a
manner as to ensure that sur·
face water will not escape to
neighbouring lands, and when·
ever the surface of the park·
ing area is ·r:QOr:e~' tharn four
inches higher or lower than
any adjoining land, a suitable
retaining wall shall be in·
stalled along the edge of the
parking lot or along the lot line.
(iv) All lighting facilities shall be
so installed and .maintained as
to ensure that the light is de-
flected away from all nearby
residential districts or devel-
(v) Whenever any adjoining land
is in a residential zone, the
parking area shall be separated
from it by a five foot buffer
strip and a close boarded
fence or suitable alternative
not less than four feet not
more than six feet high.
(vi) Where a parking lot (5 or
more cars}, man-oeuvering
area, or driveway serves an
apartment building or any
other multiple family use, no
parking space, manoeuvering
area and/or driveway shall be
located within a side yard or
rear yard closer to any wall
of a principal building than
_-· five feet ( 5' 0").
~1 "."'T~fi'j"XCceS~' ... tO'r'cOffiiner.d3:1' 'and in·
dustrial zones from residential
-No land in a residential
z-one shall be used for the
purpose of vehicular access
to any land in a commercial
or industrial zone.
-Pedestrian walkways, suit·
ably fenced wherever the
walkway abuts a residential
zone, shall be permitted.
Parking Requirements
I space per dwelling unit (100%)
l space per dwelling unit plus 1 addi·
tiona! space for every 4 dwelling units
or portion thereof (125%)
1 space per 200 square feet of retail
floor space.
I space per 100 square feet of retail
fl·oor space.
l space per 200 square feet rentable floor
space per guest room.
space per three guest rooms.
space per three beds.
space per 10 seats.
Minimum 15 spaces.
Minimum 10 spaces continuous in line
storage with no access lane within 50
feet of an intersecting street.
Minimum 3 spaces per practitioner.
Minimum 4 spaces.
Minimum parking area in side or rear
yards equal to one-half total floor area.
1 space per five seats or per .five persons
of the lawful capacity of the building or
quarters and for each five persons of
outdoor spectator capacity.
(c) Commercial Vehicles in Residen-
tial Zones: No commercial ve-
hicle in excess of one-half ton
(I> ton) capacity shall be con-
tinualiy parked over night in
any S. T. M and A zone.
5. Outdoor Recreation Area, All M and
A Zones.
200 square feet/suite (dwelling unit)
in a minimum area 20' x 20' located
in other than a front yard.
I. Single-Family Residential (S)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family dwelling de-
Home occupations.
Garages, carports and accessory
2. Two-Family Residential (T)
(a) Uses Permitted
· Sihgle-fainilf fes·iaenfal (S')"
Dwellings, two-family semi·
Dwellings, duplex.
.l. Multiple-Family Residential (M)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S)
Two-family residential (T)
Group housing, maisonette,
row housing, duplex, double
duplex, triplex, fourplex, con-
verted dwellings.
4. Apartment Residential (A)
(a) Uses Permitted
Apartment building.
Two (2) bedroom apartment
dweliing units shall not con·
stitute more than 40% of the
dwelling units in an apart·
ment building.
Three (3) bedroom apartment
dwelling units shall not con·
stitute more than 10% of the
dwelling units in an apartment
No units four ( 4) bedrooms
or mor~'-'
5. Commercial (C)
(a) Uses Permitted
Commercial uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Commercial Uses shall in-
clude one or more of the fol-
lowing Commercial Uses:
-Auto sales, parts, and ac-
-Automobile service stations.
-Business and professional
-Community social buildings,
lodges, clubs.
-Custom workshop for sale
of goods.
-Dairy products plants.
-Drive-in restaurants.
-Frozen food storage and
space rental and other com-
mercial storage if incidental
to and a part of the retail
shopping use.
-Funeral parlours.
-Motels and hotels.
-Places of entertainment and
recreation. :-
-Restaurants, tea rooms, ca·
feterias, tavern.
-Retail stores.
-Service shops and agenoes.
6. Limited Institutional (I)
(a) Uses Permitted
Limited institutional uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Limited Institutional uses
shall mean one or more of the
following institutional uses:
-Art galleries.
-Churches, places of _worship.
-Municipal and government
-Public and separate scho-ols.
-High schools.
7. Industrial ( L)
(a) Uses Permitted
·Industrial uses, Industrial Com-
mercial uses, Industrial Service
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by·
law, Industrial uses shall mean
one or more of the foiiowing
-Any assembling, manufac·
turing, processing or indus-
trial operation, warehous-
ing, or storage of goods
and materials, the said uses
being conducted wholly
within an enclosed building,
provided that no dirt, dust,
Objectionable odour or ob·
n·oxious gas is permitted to
escape from any building or
structure to the atmosphere.
-Any scientific, technical, re·
searc4 ~n~ development uses
related to manufacturing,
processing and warehousing
uses, the said uses to be
conducted wholly within an
enclosed building.
-Any open or outside star·
age, accessory to the main
use, and parking -of com·
mercia! vehicles, providing
that such storage and/or
parking is limited to side
and/or rear yards screened
from the street by a wall or
decorative close board type
fence not less than six (6)
feet and not more than
eight (8) feet in height.
Notwithstanding the above,
the open st-orage of struc·
tural steel, either fabricated
or unfabricated, shall be
permitted provided that the
storage area is not closer
than fifty feet (50') to the
lot boundary and two hun·
dred feet (200') to a zone
in which residential use Js
(c) Industrial Commercial Uses
For th~ _pur_p_q§.e_~ .9f this by·
law, Indl!lstrial Commercial
uses shall include only manu·
facturing, servicing and ware·
housing operations with an
ancillary sales outlet incidental
to the principal manufacturing,
servicing or warehousing
(d) Industrial Service uses.
For the purposes of this by·
law, Industrial Service Uses
shall include uses which pro·
vide a service primarily to the
Industrial uses and shall in-
include only the following:
-Automobile service stati-ons.
-Business and professional
-Public garages.
-Car washing establishments.
R. Open Space (0)
(a) Uses Permitted
Open space uses.
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-
law, Open Space uses shall in·
elude the foiiowing public,
semi-public and private uses:
-Athletic fields.
-Band stands.
-Bowling green.
-Community centres.
-Golf courses.
-Public parks.
-Sk.ating rinks and arenas.
-Swimming pools and tennis
-Conservation and flood
plain land.
(c) The erection of structures and
buildings shall be prohibited
on lands which are subject to
flooding or lands where, by
reason of its rocky, low lying,
marshy or utlstable character,
the cost of construction of
satisfact-ory waterworks, sew-
age or drainage facilities is
9. Development (D)
(a) Uses Permitted
For the purposes of this by·
law all uses presently existing
i_n a . develppment zone shall
be deemed a use for a devel-op·
ment zone, so long as it con-
tinues to be used for that
purpose. Any other usc will
require an amendment t-o this
by·law, all in keeping with the
provisions of the Official Plan
of the Aurora Planning Area.
(Apply as required to accom-
modate existing by-law and
particular application for spe-
cific problems)_
It is deemed desirable to clarify land
use restrictions on individual property by
the use of map schedules of a larger
scale than those contained in the Sched-
ules hereto, and to make specific pro-
visions and/or exemptions in the general
regulations of the by. Jaw as follows:
(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of
this by·law, nothing herein shall prevent
the erection of multiple family dwelling
on Block 'B', registered plan number 550
as set forth in By-law 179~·68.
(ii) Notwithstanding the provisions
of this by-law, nothing herein shall pre-
vent the enlargement of a shopping cen·
tre-by-·the -ad"diti"OrY·-of a~ Turiior" -depart·
ment store and 14,000 square feet of
other retail space on the north west
corner of Y.onge Street and Murray
Drive with a minimum parking require·
ment of 620 car parking spaces. The
parking requirements for this shopping
centre shall be defined as 5.5 car park·
ing .spaces per 1,000 square feet of addi-
tional gross leaseable space.
Any person convicted of a breach of
the provisions of this by-law shaH for·
feit and pay, at the discretion of the
c-onvicting magistrate, a penalty not ex·
ceeding the sum of $300.00 for each
offence, exclusive of costs, and every
such penalty shall be recoverable under
the Municipal Act and the Summary
Convictions Act.
No part of this by-law shall come
into force without Ontario Municipal
Board approval, but subject to such ap-
pr-oval, the by-law shall take effect from
the day of the passing thereof.
By-laws 1051, 1576 and 1085 and
amendments thereto of the Town of
Aurora are hereby repealed, such a re·
peal to come into effect upon the date
of passing of this by-law.
Mayor Clerk
Mayor Clerk
No. Density No.
1. One single family detached 16.
dwelling per lot as shown on
Registered Plan.
2. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having min-
imum frontage of fifty (50) 17.
feet on a public street and
a minimum area of five 18.
thousand (5,000) square
Front Yard
Minimum fifty-three (53)
feet from centre line of road
allowance and in no case
less than twenty (20) feet
from street line.
Minimum twenty (20) feet
from street line.
Minimum twenty-five (25)
feet from street line.
3. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of one
hundred (100) feet on a
public street and a minimum
area of twenty-two th-ousand
(22,000) square feet.
19. Minimum thirty (30) feet
from street line.
4. One semi-detached dwelling
per lot as shown on the
Registered Plan.
5. One single family dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of fifty (50) feet
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
feet, one 2 family dwelling/
65' frontage and 7,000
square feet lot area.
6. One semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
7. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of fifty
(50) feet on a public street
and a minimum lot area of
five thousand (5,000) square
20. Minimum one-half ('h) the
height of the building and
in no case less than thirty
(30) feet from the street
Performance Standard Chart
Side Yard
Minimum each side four ( 4)
feet for a one (1) storey
building and an additional
two (2) feet for each addi-
tional storey or part thereof.
If corner lot minimum nine-
teen (19) feet side yard
abutting side street.
Same as 26 except corner
lots minimum side yard ten
(10) feet abutting side
Minimum each side fifteen
(15) feet.
Minimum of one-half ('h)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty-five
(25) feet.
30. Minimum of one-half ('h)
the building height and in
no case less than twenty
(20) feet.
No. Floor Area
36. Min.imum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,000 square feet, more than
one storey 650 square feet.
37. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
12,000 square feet, more
than one storey 750 square
38. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,300 square feet, more than
one storey 800 square feet.
39. Minim1:1m ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,400 square feet, more th:in
one storey 850 square feet.
40. Minimum ground floor area
2,000 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
mor~ than one storey (two-
famdy) 1,100 square· feet.
4L Minim·um ground floor area
2,100 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family), 1,300 square feet.
42. Minimum ground floor area
2,400 square feet for a one
storey (two-family) dwelling,
more than one storey (two-
family) 1,500 square feet.
43. All apartments, maisonettes,
multiples, row houses, four·
plex, triplex, duplex, mini-
mum floor area:
Bachelor 450 sq. ft.
1 bedroom 575 sq. ft.
2 bedroom 700 sq. ft.
3 bedroom 825 sq. ft.
44. Minimum ground floor area
for a one storey dwelling
1,200 square feet, more than
one storey 700 square feet.
No. Miscellaneous
Maximum lot coverage thi
(30) per cent of lot area
Maximum lot coverage thir
five (35) per cent of
One semi-detached dwelling
per lot having a minimum
frontage of sixty-five (65)
feet on a public street and
a minimum lot area of seven
thousand (7,000) square feet.
One duplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of sixty-
five (65) feet on a public
street and a minimum lot
area of seven thousand
(7,000) square feet.
TO BY-LAW No. 1863
One triplex per lot having a
minimum frontage of seven-
ty (70) feet on a public
street and a minimum lot
area of nine thousand
(9,000) square feet.
One double duplex per lot
having a minimum frontage
of seventy-five (75) feet on
a public street and a mini-
mum lot area of twelve
thousand (12,000) square
8. Maisonettes having a mtnl-
mum area of two thousand
five hundred (2,500) square
feet per dwelling unit on a
lot with minimum frontage
of one hundred and twenty
(120) feet on a public street.
Row houses and multiple
housing having a minimum
area of two thousand five
hundred (2,500) square feet
per dwelling unit on a lot
with a minimum frontage of
one hundred (100) feet on
a public street.
9. One suite (dwelling unit)
per one thousand ninety
(1,090} s.quare feet of Jot
area with a minimum lot
fronta,ge of one hundred
(100) feet on ·• public street,
minimum number of floors:
I 0. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 890 square feet of lot
area with a minimum lot
fronta_Re of one hundred
(100) feet on a public street,
minimum number of floors:
11. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1,450 square feet.
12. One suite (dwelling unit)
per 1, 740 square feet.
13. One single family detached
dwelling per lot having a
minimum frontage of seventy-
five (75) feet on a public
street and a minimum area
of nine thousand (9,000)
sq~a·r .. ~-feet. . _ ,. _...
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111 P. 9594-69
IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 of
The Planning Act, (R.S.O. 1960,
c. 296)
-and -
IN THE MATTER OF an application
by The Corporation of the Town
of Aurora for approval of its
Restricted Area By-law 1863
passed the 8th day of September,
C. C. Johnston -for Town of Aurora
J. F. Brewin -for Evermore Investments
Harry Raymond -for Felcher Investments
T. B. McPherson -for Hugh Cousins
delivered by H. E. ROBERTS
The decision of the Board dated June 4 1 1970 is amended
so as to provide that if the municipality further amends
By-law 1863 by substituting for the present wording of
Section VI.6 the following -
if Roof overhang may not project into yard
(18" f. requirement by more than eighteen inches
such amendment will receive favourable consideration by
the Board without further notice or hearing.
DATED at Toronto this 2nd day of July, 1970.
F. G. BLAK.t!:
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~ p 9594-69
IN THE MATTER OF Section 30 of
The Planning Act, (R.S.O. 1960,
c. 296)
-and -
IN THE MATTER OF an application
by The Corporation of the Town
of Aurora for approval of its
Restricted Area By-law 1863
passed the 8th day of September,
C 0 U N S E L :
C. C. Johnston -for Town of Aurora
J. F. Brewin -for Evermore Investments Limited
Harry Raymond -for Felcher Investments Limited
T. B. McPherson -for Hugh Cousins
The subject is a comprehensive zoning by-law implementing
an Official Plan approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs
on November 20, 1967. It repeals By-law 1051 (as amended)
passed November 20, 1950 which was a standards by-law and also
replaces By-law 1822 (as amended) passed on November 14, 1968
but which has not been approved by this Board, The various
deliberations of council throughout were detailed by the Clerk,
Mr. Rodger, and the zoning aspects were fully detailed by
Mr. Dowson, the Planning Consultant,
Following publication of the by-law several objections
were received and dealt with by council. The location of the
properties on behalf of which objections were made is detailed
on a town map (Exhibit 2), those concerning which council is
prepared to make concessions being coloured in green, the others
being coloured red.
Where rezonings were contemplated by council no further
circulation was made by council and the Board therefor feels
incapable of dealing with these proposals at the present time.
p 9594-69 2.
We can only suggest that council proceed with despatch to pass
a by-law or by-laws proposing those amendments which, after
circulation, should be forwarded to the Board in the usual
Other proposals for amendment not related to zoning and
advanced either by objectors or by council itself may be dealt
with as follows:
l. an exception to Section IX of the by-law in the
terms submitted to the Board by counsel for the
municipality. This relates to carports or pri-
vate garages in specified subdivisions.
2. As presented by Mr. Bootsma a special provision
with respect to undersized lots in the terms
submitted to the Board by counsel for the muni-
cipality. To be included in Section VI.
3. Provision to be included in Section VI with
respect to buildings damaged by the elements.
It is now proposed that this be in the follow-
ing form:
"Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law any
private, detached, semi-detached or two family
dwelling house existing at the date of passing of
this by-law which is damaged or destroyed by fire,
explosion, windstorm, act of God or any other ac-
cidental cause, may be repaired or replaced provided
that the new building is located in the same posi-
tion relative to the lot lines as, and does not
exceed the size of the building repaired or replaced".
It may be found that this is discriminatory as related to
commercial, industrial or apartment buildings but at least insofar
as this goes it appears beneficial.
4. Three additional clauses recommeded by council
as follows:
(a) To clarify performance standard S relating
to maisonettes;
(b) to amend Section VIII-3 so as to omit
"double duplexes" (already covered by
(c) to amend Section V to include a definition
for family;
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p 9594-69
All of which have been submitted by counsel for the
5. The performance standards set out in Schedule
B include minimum frontages for multiple re-
sidence buildings except as to numbers 11 and
12 where the inclusion of the words "of lot
area with a minimum lot frontage of 100 feet
on a public street" appears desirable.
In addition to these, Performance Standard 37 should be
amended to provide a floor area of 1,200 rather than 12,000
square feet. The Board further recommends the inclusion of
a definition for landscaping and a clarification of the de-
finition of lot frontage Section V (xxxv). vVhen a by-law
embodying any or all of.these amendments has been passed it
may be submitted to the Board for favourable consideration
without further notice or hearing.
Other objections not adopted by the municipality may be
dealt with as follows:
1. Hugh Cousins owns 15 acres east of the railway in an
area designated and zoned industrial to conform with other
industrially zoned and developed lands along the railway. The
objector desires single family zoning except as to a narrow
band along the railway. Since this would entail a plan amend-
ment and would not ordinarily be considered a proper mixture of
zoning the Board will confirm the zoning proposed by the by-law.
2. John Brown, 16 Haida Drive, a single family zone,
objected to maisonettes or apartments on Wellington Street
being permitted to come to a point 30 feet from his rear line
while being required to be set back 120 feet from the centre
line of vvellington Street. It was explained that the rear
yard will include 5 feet of landscaping and that the Vvellington
set back relates to the anticipated widening of a busy street.
With these explanations the objection will be rejected. It
may be said however that the municipality is now processing a
-.-_-"""~'-"'" ~,--.-
p 9594-69
by-law to provide that every apartment development shall be
identified by a site plan.
3. Objection was taken by a representative of the George
Wimpey Construction Company to a requirements in Section VIII-
4 that single bedroom apartments constitute at least 50% of an
apartment development. He regarded this minimum as too re-
strictive in relation to financing and economic operation in a
municipality so far removed from urban areas where workers
include more single persons and where a better market exists.
He objected also to one apartment category of 25 suites to the
acre (Performance Standard 12) which in this point of time is,
to use his words, neither fish nor fowl. The only justifica-
tion given by the planner was the desire to limit the number of
school children from low tax-producing dwelling units. In the
Board's view council must resign itself to the realization that
if it wants multi-family units they must be geared to the
experience of developers and to the reasonable needs of the
renting public. In a period of expanding provincial contri-
bution to school costs the municipality ought, in the Board's
view, to recognize that such families as desire to locate in
Aurora must receive schooling no matter what their location be.
The Board will give temporary approval to the by-law
insofar as it relates to the objections taken to Section VIII-4
and Performance Standard 12; such approval to.terminate December
31, 1970. This should give council time to consider.these
meritable objections.
4. Felcher Investments Limited is the owner of a parcel
on the west side of Yonge Street in the north central area
which is to be zoned for apartment and maisonette use. The
owners desire a commercial category for the avowed purpose of
erecting a motel. This property faces residential development
on Yonge Street and a small shopping plaza to the north. It
is part of a sizeable area intended for the same zoning. The
location of apartment development close to the shopping was
adequately recommended by the planner and, particularly in
(. "c
p 9594-69 5.
light of the intended use, the Board is not disposed to deny
approval to the by-law proposal.
5. The objection which engendered the greatest amount
of evidence and argument related to the site of a former arena
and comprises really two parcels of abutting land, one on
Yonge Street, the other on Gurnett Street, quite centrally
located. It had been purchased in late 1966 by Evermore In-
vestments Limited and subsequently the Yonge Street property
was somewhat augmented. Each parcel appears to contain about
three quarters of an acre. An Official Plan was approved
November 20, 1967 and an implementing By-law 1822 was passed
November 14, 1968 but was not approved by this Board. In
the interval the owner of these lands busied itself with
several proposed plans of development commencing with a five-
storey motel on the front with a high rise apartment in the
rear and to this end council passed By-laws 1797-68 and 1798-
68 on May 21, 1968 though it should be noted that no certified
copies were furnished to the Board and no date of passing is
shown on the copies filed. Furthermore the schedules refer-
red to in the by-laws and purporting to exhibit site plans were
admittedly not available until some later date.
It is unnecessary to review in detail the evidence relat-
ing to the history of this application beyond saying that what
is now proposed for the front is a row of stores with two floors
of apartments above and a modified apartment building in the
rear. The evidence of the Planning Consultant and that of
Mr. Freedman, architect for the owner, is so contrasted in
planning principle as to render it impossible for the Board to
come to any reasonable conclusion. The planner, for instance,
prefers one development on Yonge Street but at least would wish
the upper apartments restricted to one floor. As to the
apartment building, now proposed to be limited to 8 floors,
the planner evisions 260 persons to the acre which he finds
abhorrent but on the other hand acknowledges that the by-law
p 9594-69 6.
permits only 40 suites to the acre whereas he recommended 50.
The matter is further complicated by an absence of permitted
underground parking.
Altogether the Board is convinced that the conlusions on
both sides have been too hastily arrived at but to avoid any
premature and regrettable development will give;.temporary ap-
proval to this by-law insofar as it relates to these lands for
the period ending December 31, 1970.
Except as herein otherwise provided for the by-law is
DATED at Toronto this 4th day of June, 1970.
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P. 9594-69
IN THE ~MTTER OF Section 30 of
The Planning Act, (R.S.O. 1960,
c. 296)
IN THE MATTER OF an application ·
by The Corporation of the Town
of Aurora for approval of its
Restricted Area By-law 1863
passed the 8th day of September,
C 0 U N S E L :
C. c. Johnston
J. F. Brewin
Harry Raymond
T. B. McPherson
for Town of Aurora
for Evermore Investments
for Felcher Investments
for Hugh Cousins
delivered by H. E. ROBERTS
The decision of the Board dated June 4, amended
so as to provide that if the municipality further amends
By-law 1863 by substituting for the present wording of
Section VI.6 the following -
If Roof overhang may not project into yard
requirement by more than eighteen inches. (18;, r.
such amendment will receive favourable consideration by
Board without further notice or hearing.
DATED at Toronto this 2nd day /r,.-;iuly, 1970.
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