BYLAW - Amend 1451 - 19710315 - 190171-,·-< "' <J) >:: "' .c I-n:: 0 a_ (j) oz 2 /.:: {" /~,---,-'. ,' ' ------'""' ,,,._, ,-'-·····--p~ ·~--""" -- flY-LAW NUMBER 1901 -71 \\'IJERi~AS tho Council of th~ Corporation of the Town of Aurora deems it nnvi sable to amend By-law Number l'l51 to erect yieln ;'t, right-of-way signs at certain locations wiihin the Municipality; THl!~El-~'OnE TEE: ~dUNICIPILL COUNCIL OF' THE COHPORATION OF TIIE TOWN .. 1. THAT Section 3 of By-law Number 1451 be amended by the 3. HEAD deletion of the following: INTEHSECTION Laurentide Avenue f, Aurora Heigllts Drive Bigwin Drive 1?:.. 1\u:-,:•ora Heights Drive ~ACING THAI"FIC. South Dm.md on Laurentide Dri.ve South Bound on Digwin Drive TlL:\T Section 3 of By-lnw Number 145] be amended by. the addition of the following: IftfEHSr~CTION Hill Drive & Devins Drive Devins Dr:i.ve & Dnnff Drive Devins Drive f'>:. Banff Driv~. Bignrin Drive & Devins Drj_ve F/1CING THAFl-l'IC South Bound on lli:tl Drive East Bound on Devins Driv~ \Vest Bound on Devins Drive North Bound on Bigwin Drive TI!Nf this By-law shaLl become effective when approved by the Depart'''ent of Transport and signs nrc on display in compliance with the regulations of tlle Department of 'rransr;ort .. AN~J Si~CO~•ID TJJ·E~ THIS 1st. DAY OF F'EI3RUA'1;y, 1971 -'l II /.i ' ,1971