BYLAW - Amend 1452 - 19710315 - 190271( ·'(.;f, . .,_ I ~-''' ( ,. ..... >~1 BY-LAW NUMBER 1902 -71 OF THE 1!UNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TO\fN OF AURORA A BY-L1\W TO A\E~ND BY~~LAW-N.lL\HlER 14-!5::-'l, Bl~ING A DY-LAW TO Df~~SIGNATS THROUGH UIGITXI.YS mmrmAS tlw Council of the CorporDt ion of the Town of Aurora deems it arlvisenble to nmend By-law 14:52 to'' desi.gnate certain roads as through highwnys; THEREFORE OF AURORA TH8 MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOIVN ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: " 1. THAT Section .4 of l3y--law Nm1ber 1452 be amended by the addition of the following: FROM Orchard Heights Blvd .. the west limit of Yonge Street Laurentide Drive the south limit of Orchard !lej_ghts Blvd. TO the west limit of Orchard Heights Blvd. the north limit of Auroril Heights Drive 2. .TRAT Section 5 of By-law Number 115;~ he amended by the / ~{addition of the following: ( ,.' C~l..) \ ·~ '/\ i\.:. Fairwoy Drive . the west limit of Drooklnnd Drive the south limit of the east 1i~it'of · iliur-ray Drive ~)toddart Drive F'qirvva:y--Drive the west limit of Nisbet Drive 3. THAT tllis"Dy-l<>w shall become effective when approvedby the .0 ' .,5-:'.t Department of Trt1nsport and signs are on display in complianc~ ''::tr'~ i with the regulations of the Department of Transport. ,..---/ . READ A r.• T!) t.:::'"['·/ ;:0 -~~ H') 1' .Ll\.._) ·'·''·· ; '.l"'JPJ"(lr•·!·.~,!E AND . ''. -~>;. -/ ./._. / / ,/ Jl '' F' IN' ,:\LLY {_! " ',: ~ 'S"' 'T.HT0 .L .: ·'. J. .•. ) D;\Y OF FEBRUARY \ ,· " ' ·,, -,,,.., a:-:-y"""o""l-.. "'-C 1 e r k i ,1971 ,1971 ". , -. -_..._ - --·---' I 'h K.B,ROLGER• M(Jli!IC;t.RAI.,OLERK, OF .. Tl!E., .. COBllOBATicilf-.9Jr,.THE .. TOWN OF AURORA I)b Hlimli:BY CERTIFY .~THAT THE FORGOINt'l'?=S A TRUE COPY QF Bl(_LAW # 1902.:71 PASSED BY THE COUNCI):. OF THE SAID .. \CORPORATION ON .MARCH 15,1971, • .Charles MacNaughton . .. .. "' MINIST!;:RU;ZOF TR SPORT , . per · ·' · ... .. ... ,.,,.. -d .. ··c;~ --- Deputy Minister