BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19710816 - 192871("! '· ! CJ BY-LAW #1928-71 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW # 1863, A COMPREHENSIVE RESTRICTED AREA BY-LAW WHEREAS IT IS DEEMED EXPEDIENT TO AMEND BY-LAW NUMBER 1863; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: l. THAT the Zoning Map annexed as Schedule "A" to By-Law Number 1863 is hereby amended by attaching to the lands shown on Schedule "X" which forms. part of this by-law the permitted uses, density and standards which are set out in the said Schedule "X". 2. THAT Section IX, Exceptions of By-Law Number 1863 be amended by the addition of the following clause: Notwithstanding the approval of this by-law the lands shown schedule "X" attached to and forming part of by-law 1928-71 all be used for~~ther purpose than the erection of a 7 storey rtment building in accordance with the said Schedule "X". 3. THAT this by-law shall take effect on the date of passing by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ A FIRST TIME THIS 19th DAY OF JULY, 1971. ~ MAYOR . ~ '""" /!"."" '"" T><<e /0 m '" 0> AUmffiT, '97>. . . . . .1!J~~A-M ~~~'---. _ MAYOR ~~~ DEPUTY-CLERK READ A ./?r;w TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS / (; T}fDAY 0 AUGUST WJU ~ -. MAYOR ~ DE Y-LE / --·~ .. " " "' ·' ~ ·'' "" BY-LAW NO. 1928 -71 .34'.oo 37:oo ·scHEDULE --cr·.~ "Xt' -RP. /"'lP powN 70 Gt-RAIJir j t :-;: I ., ~ c In o, •• ''> I ... - I~ " .. . . ·~ .. .,., ·---~-~ : r:~~P.vte€. ·! '' . ~ -"'\RCA LAUOSCAPEI>' -: . ' -. .. . : .. (4'4:4 7 ··c . .) !8& 1 .78 1"-::-' < ~ ' ' <, ,< ·. -· ---c.-~--· · -· ----. -c·----.·c·c· .:. <. ... ... ! 3o.'oo ... ., ~ ~· 1-:. -........: 9::;-.... (/) ~· K: ~ s ,o:o6 .. -~ ::: k_:. (I) "-· h... ~ ~ ·~ LEGEND Zone -Apartment Residential (A) Restricted as follows: Building' or Landscaping -Maximum. 8,000 sq. ft. Open Space -·including parking, landscapin~ & driveways Minimum TOTAL LOT AREA 24,905 sq. ft. 32,905 sq.ft. Parking Area Driveway Only -No Parking pern'!itted MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS Maximum Number of Dwelling Units Minimum 1 Bedroom Dwelling Units (12) Maximum 2 Bedroom Dwelling Units (36) Maximum Height of Building -Storeys Parking -125% Mircimum TotaL Underground -minimum Surface -maximum · 48 25 % 75 % 7 ... 60 w· 16 SCALE: 111 = 40 1 July 19,1971 .;._ ·.J, ::·~ ~-n~----~--.-A.!..;;;~"--~-'~-. -· :; ~ . ..:...._·_·.; ___ ,.,..,-_.;,~~em~"'~''''''''~==~-~-~--':.;., . .;. ____ .. r -·-" B E F 0 R E: R. '790) ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THEMATWER OF Section 35 ot The Planning Aot (R.s.o. 1970, e. 349), .. and - IN THE MATTER OF an applieatio.n by The Corporation of the Tewn of AurQra for approval of its Restricted Area By-law 1928 .. '71 J .• A. KENNEDY, Q.C. Chairman ... and - H. E. ROBERTS MONDAY; the '7th day of FEBRUARY, 1972 UPON THE APPLICATION of The Corporation of the Town of Aurora, upon consideration of the material filed, and it appeal'ing that notice of application has been given as directed by the Board and the only objection having been withdrawn as appears by material filed; THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legislation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that By·law 1928-71 passed the 16th day of August, 1971, be and the same is hereby approved.