BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19710315 - 190971THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW # 1909-71 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW# 1863 WHEREAS authority is granted under Section 30 of the Planning Act, 1960, subject to approval of the Ontario Municipal Board to exercise such powers: AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corperation of the Town of Aurora deems it expedient to make certain amendments to the said By-law 1863, NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora enacts as follows: (1) That Section V, Interpretation, parggraph (f) Definitions be and the same is hereby amended by: (a) (b) Adding th111"eto (xxv) (a) "family" shall mean one person, or two or more persons who are inter-related by bonds of consanquini ty, marriae;e or legal adoption, or a group o~ not more than five (5) un-related persons occupying, with or without one or, more full time domestic servants, a dwelling unit, Adding· .. t~ereto (xxx) (a) "landscaping" shall mean a portion of the lot area which is not used for buildings, structures,. parking .spaces and driveways and consists o:f grass, :flower beds, shrubbery, trees or a combination thereof, (c) Deltting (xxxv) "lot :frontage" and adding th111retoY (xxxv) "lot frontage" shall mean the. distance measured along that boundary of a lot which abuts a street between the two adjoining sides of the lot where such adjoining sides are parallell to each other; where such adjoining sides are not parallet to each othe:r, lot :frontage is the distance between such sides measuredalong aline drawn parallel and distant twenty :feet (20') :from the said boundary abutting the street, (2) That Section VI, Provisions o:f all Zones, paragraph 7, ·Roof Overhang be deleted and the following substituted therefore. 6, Roof Overhang -Roof Overhang may not project into yard requirement by more than eighteen inches (18") , (3) That Section VI, Provisions for all Zones be amended by the addition thereto: 10, Undersized lots -nothing in this by-law shall prevent the erection o:f, the enlargement of existing buildings, 1:f these buildings or proposed buildings are loeated on existing lots held in separate ownership from adjoining parcels on the date o:f passing of this by-law as shown by the records of the Land Registry or Land T1 tle Office provided: (i) such building is permitted in the zone in which said lot is located (ii) that the yard, height, coverage, floor area, landscaping and parking requirements o:f the zone are maintained, ll, Buildings Damaged by the Elements -notwithstanding the provisions o:f this by-law any private, detached, semi-detached or two family dwelling house existing at th·e date pf passing o:f this by-law which is damaged or destroyed by :fire explosion, windstorm, act of God or any other accidetltal cause, may be repaired or replaced provided that the new building is located in the same position relative to the lot lines, as, and does not exceed the size of the building repaired or replaced, · -2 - (4) That Section VIII, Zone Provisions, paragraph 3 Multiple Family Re~idential (M) be deleted and the following substituted therefore• 3, Multiple Family REsidential (M) (a) Uses Permitted Single family residential (s) uses, Two Family Risidential (TO uses, Group Housing, Maisonettes, Row Housing, Duplex, Triplex, Fourplex, Converted Dwellings, (5) That Section IX, Exceptions, be amended by addition 'ithereto1 (iii) Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law, nothing herein shall prevent the erection of a carport or private garage with a side yard not less than three (3) feet on all lots contained within the registered plans of subdivision n~ber 475 and number 517, provided Section VII, paragraph 3, clauses (a) (b) and (d) of this by-law are complied with, (6) That Schedule B to By-law 1863 be amended as follows: MAYOR (a) Performance Standard 8 is deleted and the following substituted therefor: e. Maisonettes per two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of lot area per dwelling unit on a lot with a minimum frontage of one hundred and twenty (120) feet on a public street, Row houses and multiple housing per two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet of lot area per dwelling unit on a lot with a,minim~ frontage of one hundred (100) feet on a public street, (b) Performance Standard II is deleted and the following substituted therefore! II, One suite (dwelling unit) per 1,450 square feet of lot area with a minim~ lot frontage of 100 feet on a public street, (c) Perfotmance Standard 12 is deleted-and the following substituted therefore• 12, Grte suite (dwelling unit) per 1,740 square feet of lot area with a minim~ frontage of 100 feet on a public street, (d) Performance Standard 37 is deleted and the following substituted therefor• 37, Minim~ ground floor area for a one sto;r:ey dwelling 1, 200 Sl!lllare feet, more than one storey 750 square'feet, ST AND SECOND TIME THIS /JK DAY OF ~ , 1971, CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS /J7/! DAY' OF -~ • 1971 • • MAYOR CLERK ['I !'· .. ,--.-~ I ~ BIH'ORE: H. E. OOBE!t'l'S * Viae-Chairman -an4- ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD -and .. XN '!'Iilli MA~'l'iiR OF an application by 'rbe CQl'poration of the '!.'own of Aurora tor appro¥al ot ita Re~Stricted Area B1'-1AW lll6.3 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Tuesday, t.M ljtb dq ot Apru. l97l THlS APPLICATION having COlll.O on tor public hearing on t.he lAth day or May 1 1970 at. the 'town of Aurora in the p:reeenoe ot counsel tor the applicant Cl):rporat.ion, counsel tor a nUll!her of interested part.i•a and ot a nWIIber of inter•eted partiee appearing in pel"sont and upon !tearing those appearing in support. of the by-law and th()ee ta.?Pl!adng in opPQs:l.tion thereto and it appearing that. notice of hearl.ng had been given in aocol'd&n.ce with the 4il"eotione ot the Board, upon hearing the evidence adduced and upon reading thlil materiel filed and the &ard f'ftHrved itn decision in Ql'4e:r to give the oouncU or t.he applicant. col'PQraticm an opportunit.y to Clonsider certain amendllente to the a~t1d. b7-law e.n.d the eaid councU having on the l!lth dq ot ~larch, 1971 paased By-law 1909-71 amending By-law 11!63 and 1nco:rporat.ing oe~ain r~~eom~~~endat:l.ons of the Board and ha'lfina caused a ;;ert;1t1414 copy thereof to be ti.led and the BOIU"d having dispensed with notice 11M hearina in reepect or By--law 1909--?lJ THE BOAR!) ORD!£'.5 1 undar and in purauance ot the legis- lation hef'ftinbetore rel.'erNd to, and of lUlT and all other J»'WSI'II <. . ··:. ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD -a- velted in t.he Board, that Dy-law 1863 passel! the 8t.h dar ot Septemb!ll'-tc169. as amended by By-law 1909-71 1 and B7-law 1909-71 passed the l$tb dey ot t-!arch 1 1971, be and the - al:'l'l hereby &Pl'Z'OYed exoi!Pt in so tar aa such approval applies to Subsection 4 or Soetion VUI and to Perf'ol'l!lanee lltaltdard 12 or By-law 1S6J and to the land lll'lt CIQt in illchedule "A" attached hel:'eto and forming part of this o~der. M. FRASER A(,"l'Ii'a IJWHEI.'Aia ENTERED 0. B. Nu.. ,., .. .,., .. .£Jl:&. .. , ....... "". ,., .. \ t I '· .. ~,--' ···._, P. 9S94-69 ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Parts o£ Lot& 9t 10 & ll, Registered Plan li Parts o£ Lots 16:3 • · ..