BYLAW - OPA #3 - 19701214 - 189270r I I I I I ! . ,j-_. ;· \ I OFFICIAL PLAN MAP FUTURE LAND USE i.EGEND RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONSERVATION ;/:-_#-5~. ·,...~~--- ~---. L __ ~ ___ _j -NOTE : THIS SCf'EDlJLE FOR'~S. PART OF .AMENDMENT No.3 TOTHE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA .PLNfl ~G AREA AND MUST BE PEAD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRI f-TEN -TEXr IIIII FROM INDUS-TRIAL TO COMMERCIAL. SCHEOUI.E "A" TO AMENDMENT No 3 fO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF TrlE AUROR·A PLANNING AREA. ... ' * • OFFICIAL PLAN MAP FUTURE LAND USE 4-EGEND RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL CONSERVATION ,, i ·. > ,.- II ;.1 ·4 :J'~--/ THIS SCHEDULE FOR'oS PART OF AMEND~ENT No 3 TO THE 0 F Fl C I A L P LAN 0 F THE AURORA PLNN NG A REA AND MUST BE PEAD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRI rTEN TEX r -FROM INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIAL SCHEDuLE "A" TO,AMENDMENT N 0 3 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF: THE AURORA PLANNING ··. . : . r--~~· ~.·-----~·-..._-· -"'='·""'""""-~--·---~ '"""~"'"""""""'"'~~~--~·~-.~----· •2'------~L----'.,-~; ( ~~ BY-LAW # 1892-70 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN'!OF:~~URORA THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE PLANNING ACT, HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The following attached map schedule entitled "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule A ( 2) to Amendment No. 3 to the Officia;t Plan of the Town of Aurora" amending "Map 2 Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora" and explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area is hereby adopted. ~~~2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. ~~(9 3. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of final passing thereof. ENACTED AND PASSED THIS /f/1( DAY OF J..e-.Lc ' 1970. ! ~lA~----_....;; ___ _ ----------------. MAYOR CLERK i _,./ . :-: ... / ·l_ /, \ \'-'~ -/t __ j! \< .. -. ...... --· ~ ...... ""'=~....;.,~~~----·--·-·----------------------------~~~~- Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area which has been adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora, is hereby modified under the provisions of sections 12 and 14 of The Planning Act, as follows: 1. 2. The fourth line of the text of the amendment is hereby modified by deleting the entire line, which reads "and includes two items". Item I and Item II are hereby deleted and replaced by the following: "Location: Approximately 2 acres fronting on the east side of Yonge Street, and part of Lot 76, Concession I East Township of Whitchurch as annexed to the Town of Aurora January 1, 1968; as shown on Schedule "A"(2) of this amendment. Change in Designation: From "Industrial" to "Commercial" • 3. Schedule "A"(2) is hereby modified by the addition of certain areas shown thereon in green and which were designated "Conservation" by Amendment No. 1. As thus modified, _this amendment is hereby approved, pursuant to sections 12 and 14 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. ,_ ~ /~ ~ s-oate ••••. ··~· •••• -~ r.~: ..... ~~ Minister of Municipal Affairs '''"•=7.0-o.Co'·""'''•'"~'~,.•·•-'"~ ·--·---•-••• •-•-• ----, ------·~-~~--~··..C~.-;..>.:~<~~~·.:.o,.==~~·· >-•·•·;,'-=·"'""'"'"-'-'""'>_,:,::,;:.••' "' ,., '····='-<>=-"-"~~·---.-- ,~ . OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE AURORA PLANNING AREA M'JENDl'iENT NO" 3 The attached map schedule entitled "FUTURE LAND USE Schedule A(2) to Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Pl»nnins Area," and e>!:J?lanato:;cy text, together constituting Amendment Nco 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning A:;cea, were prepared by the Aurora Planning Board and were reconnnended to the Council of the Town of Aurore. under the provisions of Sections 10 end ll:. of the Planning Act on the 24~tho day of November 1970. _£}~~ ......---.-.-.... (_~~~~ --·------· . Chairman Sec:;cetary This amendment >Tas adopted by the Corporation of the Town of Aurora by By-La" Noo 1892-70in accordance with Sections 11 and 14 of the Planning Act, on the lll-th day of December 1970 " _.f~v-{_uL _A,L;/-' Hayer·~ This Amendment to the Official Plan of the Au:;cora Planning Ares, which hae been recommended by the Aurora Planning Doe.rd and ndopted by Council of the Town o:f Aurora, is hereby approved in Dccordance ~:rith Dections 12. anei 1!:. of the Plennin~ Act as l~enilinent Noo 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Areao Date Hinister of Nunic-fpai"Affairso :.: \ •' f \ ...... ., ., -.,... TO\iJH OF AURORA BYLAW NC. 1892-70 The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora in accorc!ance ~rith the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The following attached map schec!ule enti tlec! "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule A( 2) to Amenc!ment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the To,-m of Aurora" amending ''Map 2 Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora" and explanatory text constituting All;lendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to tl1e Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 3. This by-lat~ shall come into force and take effect on the clay of the final passing thereof. r-·~·-e'c '~~oooooo o£ ••• ~ ••••• 19.1~ .... ....... LL.~·-J: Nayor W,~ Enacted and passed this ••• ~~~ •• day I c~r~if?. t;1at the above is a true copy of By-La" Noll 1892-lO as /I'!;(F~d and?"" pas..:..ec.\ by tne Council of the Town of Aurora on .......... ~ ........ ~ ..... ,/o .. r..~ .r/ ~-,,c"' /1~ .... OOOt>OO<>OOO . ' I' TOWN OF AURORA ANENDIY!!\':!.T NUMBER_] l'his amendment, when approved by the Hinister of Hunicipal Affail:s, shall be lmo~m ao Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. Amendment No. 3 shall comprise this text and map, Schedule A (2) attached thereto and includes two items: An appendix is included with this amendment for information only and does not fo;:m part of the legal text of this amendment • .!t-~1. .!~.!l'-~I. Location: Part of Lot 76, Concession 1 East Township of Whitchurch as annexed to the Town of Aurora, January 1, 1968. Change: From industrial to commercial as per Schedule A(2) hereto attached a Location: Approximately 2. acres of industrinlly c!eEiene,ted lands fronting on Yonge Streeto Change: Industrial designation shall be changed to commercial designation to eJrtemd the present Yonge Street commerical desisnation south to the Cenotaph and appro~:::imately L:.OO feet in depth from Yonge Streeto In-!l~l,.!'.,!!!.'ill,t.a .1,i.oJl The implementation of this amendment shall be achieved through the comprehensive zoning by-law, by-law 1863 of the Tmm of Aurora. .> ·--.- ~-""~·-----_;_~,:.;_;.:.. ________________ .. 2.:..2~,:.::.::;.;.,:,.~"~'''~·"*=~i.<.i-'"""""""'<'"••~=~"'"-"""-"'"''"~-'"'"'"'"·~·c>c-''7-"'~''"'"~-~-·-.:..::.:..:..; __ ~···"·-:~.:.:..-•'-·-------------....::~:·..:...:~_;_. _______ ~---~-'---------·- ~,.,. APPENDIX TO ANENDNENT NO. 3 ------ Item 1 -L-~ Effective January 1, 1968, 102.7 acres of armland ,.as annexed to the Tom1 of Aurora; this land is bounded by the C.N.R. tracke on the south and east, Yonge Street on the \'Jest and the old to"t>m boundary on the north .. The lsnd is mainly in agricultural uce '(jJith part of the Yonge Street frontage in the north corner existing commercial. 1.0lll ... By amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan by By-La'·' No. 13l;l the designation of this area ~ras changed to partially industrial, partially commercial and partially institutional as indicated in Schedule A(l) attached to Amendment No. 1 of the Official Plan. This amendment designated part of the lends for commercial use and changes the designation from industrial to commercial and comprises some oro acres adjacent to existing commercial enterprises. _J;._ 0:!!.!. II It is the intent of this plan to permit the extension of the commercial designation in Amendment No. 1 and Item II is added for the purpose of clarification and interpretation of the plan. ~ ;o--J1 DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 801 BAY STREET TORONTO 5, ONTARIO ONTARIO Tel. 365-1330 Mr. K. B. Rodger, Municipal Clerk, Town of Aurora, 27 Yonge Street, South, Aurora, Ontario. Dear Mr. Rodger: May 7, 11.971. Re: Amendment No. 3 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area Our File: W. 3576 We wish to inform you that on May 5, 1971, the Minister approved the abo~e amendment, with modification, pursuant to section 14 of The Planning Act. Your attention is directed to the Minister's certificate, wherein the modification is set out in detail. The original and two duplicate original copies have been endorsed by the Minister. One of the duplicate original copies has been retained for the Minister's records. The original, the remaining duplicate original and the "working copies" are returned herewith. Pursuant to section 13(1) of the Act, you should prepare six certified true copies of this amendment, in- corporating into the text and maps the modifications made by the Minister, inaccordance with the procedures set out in the Manual entit~<l "Procedures For Amendments to Official Plans". You then should lodge five of those copies in the office of the Minister, and the remaining copy in your own office. • •• 2 J :"''\ -• ''"'·'~' <',•,·.·,·~·'·'"-'"-'.N.'<~V-"='1''!"'·~'·'· '• ""·~--~~•-•-W···---~--~.,...---.. ~. -·······---~~~<;VI<=. . .. ,.. _ ~'-'='~~~~~--·---- ·~-- ---·--·-~·~---"'~~~-~-· · -· ~-~·_,, ________ ._. -··_. -· _--:.__...:..::.:._.::.::...:_ ____ __..__,~~='=•"""'';;;""'-..,_;~~~_,;=.,-""=""-=-..;.;,."'"·"·~--·-··-=-· ·-'-' -· ----·.:~ • ...:__: ~-------..........:. ___ .. -'-•~•A·'-"':,.~;~~-"'·"""""~''...,;_'="'"'·=-· .. -~------:_ ' f~ \ i ' \_ ___ ./ ("-''~~\ I I' \ ; \.,,/ - 2 - A duplicate original copy, which has been signed by the Minister, should be lodged by you in each Registry Office of Lands within the planning area, where it will be available as a production. Please inform this Department of the date and instrument number under which the duplicate original document was received by the Registry Office. ~~-·--········-··· Yours truly, ;(C(~ (Miss) R. Avery, Clerical Supervisor, Official Plans Section, Community Planning Branch. 0 ECE 111 !=0 1{ C.'t ., ? l()"J') l'\ ... -ij\1~».-~--&tn~ • <. t<Jt~ --~~"""""" ._ .. ,, O"Y"-''>'--0" ''•'--"~~----·-