BYLAW - Amend 1863 - 19701130 - 189370BY-LAW NUMBER 1893-70 OF.THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW # 1863 TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION FROM DEVELOPMENT TO COMMERCIAL AND FROM INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIAL ON A PARCEL OF LAND SOUTH OF MURRAY DRIVE AND EAST OF YONGE STREET SOUTH.· NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS~ THAT SCHEDULE 'A' TO BY-LAW # 1863 BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED l!S SET OUT IN RED IN THE MAP ANNEXED TO THIS BY-LAW AND MARKED SCHEDULE 'A' TO SHOW A COMERCIAL DESIGNATION FOR THE LANDS AS SET OUT IN SAID SCHEDULE 'A". READ A i'IRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 30th. DAY OF NOVEMBER • 1970 -----------~----~~~-----------~~--------- MAYOR CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 30th. DAY OF NOVEMBER ' 19~0 ~ -------------~-------- MAYOR CLERK L . -~--- >,SCHEDULE "A" TO BY-LAW No. lEGEND [·--1 SINGLE FAMtl...Y -~-.:J RE Sl DENTIAL [r"J 1·M] L.-~ i il_] [o_t lc] TWO FAMILY . RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE fAMILY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE COMMERCI11L r ··---·] LIMITED i __ I ____ . INSTIT'JTJONAL [-p~] OEVE LOPMENT r-·~--J INOUf;TRI AL D · ... Y1. ~ I . o>·' ·-t ! I ! I I .. 1. . . ·- ·•wr 7 i ~. ,, .. · -and ' . ; : -~ '' .. J;N 'l')lB l~ATT~~-OF ,an appUc:atlrm by The Corpcrntion or the Tm,'Il ot Aurora ·for approval of ita Restri..:ted Area By-law 1893-70 ,) , . and ... ll.O"'"'""" . -'-'--''""'. · .... Vi(lti-Chainan .. · ,' :~ ::t I.:. i'. · • UPmiTHB AFPLICATIO!l of lfhl'l Corporation of the •rown\or . •, \ . ' . . s ; . ·. . . . ·. ·''·' upon conalderatlon of the material· tiled, ~ . . -J, . • ' :.J ~ that notice of appllc:atlon! ~r been receivS<-1 as ~~cted bJ tho Board and tha.t no objectiotlfl \a approval ha.ve been received,. t~r' t.tle clerk of .the appllc~mt pozrration, .as appear• by ~ttidartt, tUedJ : ·'· . . ·:t. , '1''-IE BOAYlfi·ORDJ':HS, under ~-in pursuance or _the legislation same :111 hereb;v approved. ~L. Ff'lJSEE ACTDG SJ!l:Rin'~ . . . ··,,. RECEIV.~O JUN 2 8 i971··· . . . . . -~-~0-__ : ---·------~--~·~~::~~.'-~--" ·:_._:f._c_ · .. '• -.~J !' ;;_ .. ' ~ : ·I-· ·" NOTICE OF APPLICATIO!l to The .Ontario l'iunicipal Board by the Corporation of the To1:<m of Aurora for approval ' of a by-la\'t. to ree;ulat:e land. use pasoed pursuant to· Section 30 of The Planning Act. ;,. TARE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the To~m of Aurora intends to apply to The Ontario ~funicipal Board pursuant'to the provisions Clf Section 30 of The Planninr; Act for approval of.By-La" 1893-70 passed on the 30th. day of November, 1970. A copy of t!1e by-lau is furnished her<n·!i::h •. · 4 note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law and 'ltating the lands affected thereby is E}lso furnished here,.ith. ANY PERSON INTERESTED HAY, ~1ithin fotmteen ( ll:.) days after the dat~ o!: thio notice, send by registered maq o:;;-deliver to the Clerk of the Town 9f 4urora notice of his objection t,o approval of the said by-law, together 'fit~'\ a statement of the groun<!s of ~Ucl} objection. ' ' . ' . ,· !' , THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by-lau but bef,ore <;loil'\8 so it may appoint a tima and pla(;e l1hen any objection to the by-lmr wiH be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given· <;mly to persons \lho haVE! filed an objection and "ho have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersinned,tth'l address to which notice of·hearing is to be sent. · THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJEC!IOl,TS WILL BE JANUARY 29th, 1971. i '•] DATED at the Town of Aurora tnio 13th. :day of Januery, 1971. ! ' f i:' • K. B. Rodger, A.H.C.T., tlunicipal Clerl:, . 1 l.,o'ti.rn of Aurora, , •, 27 Yonge Street · .. 8outh, Aurora, Ont~rio. ' .. . ' ,..:, .. ~ ·;f:;f F· ,, BY-LAW Hl93,.. 70 · · OF TilE l'.:UNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOW!l OF AUl',ORA A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW #lC63 TO CHAJ!IGE l'!lE DESIGNATION FROJVI DEVELOPNENT ~ ~ TO CO~lliRCIAL AND FROI'J INDUSTRIAL TO CO~ffiRCIAL ON A'PARCEL OF LAND SpUTq ... OF NURRAY DRIVE AND EAST OF Y0i'1GE STREET SOUTH. NOO TI!EREFORE TilE COUNCIL OF TilE C\)RPORATION OF THE TOW!~ OF AURORA ENACTS AS·· FOLLOOS: 1. That Schedule 11A1.1 to By-law #1~631 be and the same is hereby amended ac set out in red in the map annexed •to this by-law and marked Schedule -"A" to show a Connnercial c~eDie;natton for the lands ao EJet out in Said Schedule 11A11 • READ A FIRST AND SECOND Tlr'lli THI3 30TIJ. DAY OF NOVEI'ffiER, 1970. 11 R.A. ILLINGWORTH" "K. B •. RODGER" C'Lifmz ---· '·--, NAYOR· READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED :tillS 30TH. DAY OF NOVEI'ffiER, 1970.' "R.~. A. ILLINGWORTH" 11 K. B: RODGER" MAYoR···* • CLERK ------- ,.<';; '"I - :·', • :rhe ComprehenGive Zoning By-Law 1863 has this land at Yon::;" Street frontc~ .. zoned (D) Development and the rear of the le.ndo zoned (L) Induotrial. 'TtL ' purpose of By-law 1893:..70 is to change the zoning C:edznation to Commercial. :rhe property referred to, is the land approximately 261 :i:<O;t of Yonge St:·ect frontage and l,QO feet of d¢pth, immediately oouth of the Ce.nadian Tire · porporation property zoned Commercial and north of the Wl).r l'Iemorial lando ~oned (O) Open Space, r ':ld on the Eact side of Yonge Street South. ,. ko B" Rodger, Municipal Clerk, ' . . ·Town· of Aurora, 27 Yonge Street South, i\urora, Ontario. ;t'elephone: 727-~-211 88lf.-8l,5l,