BYLAW - Highway Proposal and Estimates - 19690602 - 185169.. ---. ---.. _______ · ~.L:.:__: __ ~ ··~ ~ J: ••• f'-· FORM PB-PR-17A f.·-REV. APRIL·~-·1-964 <~ 1851 -69 BY-LAW NUMBER ................... . of Town Aurora THE CORPORATION OF THE ................ OF .......... . A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs and its Submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario Pursuant to an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under Section 22 of The Highway Improvement Act. "WHEREAS a proposal and estimate of cost dated the 28th day of May 19 69, for the construction of being part of a highway designated as a connecting link has been preparedfor submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario as represented bythe said Minister." BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the ____ ~T~o~wn=----------of ____ ~Aur~o=r=a~------------ That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs be· submitted to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario. '~ 2. That the Mayor, ReeveandClerkbeand they are hereby author- ized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs andtoaffixthereto the seal of the Corporation. TOWN Passed by the Council of the Corporation of the-------- of ___ .::AUR=ORA==---, this __ _:.::2 ____ -1- (SEAL) ' Clerk -----.---:-~· ~--~ ., • FoRM PB-PR-)7A (TowN oR VILLAGE) 'REVISED APRIL 1964 FORM APPENDIX NO 4 DATE----------~~YL~2~8~·~1~9~6~9 ____________ __ PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY HIGHWAY) NO. 11 IN THE Town OF Aurora IN THE COUNTY (OR "'liSTRICT) OF York )esignated Route: Highway No, 11 (Yonge Street) Pursuant to an agreement dated the 18th day of Nov, 1963 hereinafter called the agreement made between the Minister and the Corporation of the To;m of Aurora and subject to the terms and conditions thereof, and subject also to any necessary approval of the Board, under Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 274 and amendments thereto the Corporation proposes that the following link, be constr ucteci by the (Minister or Corporation) portions of highway, heretofore designated as a connecting Corporation during 2 fiscal (Corporation or the Department) year(s) commencing the 1st street(s) to be constructed): day of April, 1969 namely (describe portion(s) of Yonge Street from Wellington Street to North Town Limit and illustrated on the plan or sketch attached thereto; provided construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Minister and the Corporation in the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows: (a ) Type of c on s tr uct ion __ ...:44=-' _a:.:.s=-pc::h::.a:.:.l::.t:.:i=-c=-c=-o:.:n:..c:.:r:.ce_t:.ce'---'p:.:a:.:v_e_m __ e_n __ t-'-,--'c-ur_b_s_a_n_d-"'gu_t_t_e_r_s __ (b) Len~h ___ ~4~6:.:0::.0~l=i=n=e~a~l:.:f~e:.:e::.t ________________________________________ __ (c) Width (not less than 22 feet) ____ 4.:..4.:...'--------------------------------------- (d) Commencing at ____ __:W:.:e::..:l:.:l::::i:o;n"'g'-"t.:::oon:...:S::.t:::r:..:e:.:e:..:t:_ ____________________ ~------------- North Town Limit (e) Ter1ninating at _______________________________ _ (f) Total estimated cost of construction __________________________ $ 631,336,00 (g) Deduct: Items not chargeable under agreement:- (see Form PB-PR-3) (I) Items to be paid by the Corporation (Paragraph 4 of agreement) (II) Charged to others (Paragraph 12 (3) of agreement) Kings High;my Account Aurora P.u.c. (Hydro) Bell Teleohone Co. Consumers Gas (III) Charged under Part X of The Highway Improvement Act: Total Deductions (h) Total estimated cost of construction to be shared $ 63,289.00 -...c..::...L~-'-- $ 19!242. 65 $ 5, 000,00 $ 7,000,00 $ 10,000.00 $ 32,484.34 $ 137,015.99 $ 494,320.01 . ,. v ' ' .,.. .., ' FORM PB-PR-t 7 A • ' < REV, APRIL 1964 (j) Total cost in (h) to be shared as follows: (I) (II) Cost of construction to be shared 90o/o/10o/o (Paragraph 12 (1) of agreement) or; 100o/o by Minister, (Paragraph 12 (2) of agreement -item (h) above) $ 494,320.01 $ _____ $ 494,320.01 (k) Minister 1 s share: (I) (II) 90o/o of (j) (I) or; 1 OOo/o of (h) $ 494,320.01 $ 4M.,888.01 $ _____ $ _____ $ 444,888.01 (m) Estimated annual expenditure of Minister 1 s share: For fiscal year(s): April 1, 1%9 to Mar. 31, 1970 April 1, 1970 to Mar. 31, 1971 April 1, 19 to Mar. 31, 19 April 1, 19 to Mar. 31, 19 $ 360,000,00 $ 84,888,01 $ ____ _ $ _____ $ 444,888.01 It is understood that the estimated cost is based on the best information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be undertaken or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, subject, where necessary, . to the approval of the Board . (SEAL) (SEAL) THIS PROPOSAL is hereby submitted this 2ND day of JUNE (Note: (Deputy Minister) Attach a plan or sketch showing roadway lengths, widths and returns, also a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister 1s share was computed.) •.. I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town . of Aurora being Highway 11, Yonge ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION GROSS COST UNDER c. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION ... 1. Clearing (Trees ''i th diameters less than 15 inches) 44 each @ 30.00 1,320.00 1,320,00 2. Clearing (Trees with diameters 15 inches to less than 30 inches) 14 each@ 45.00 630.00 630.00 .··· 3. Clearing (Trees with diameters 30 inches or greater) 8 each @ 65.00 520.00 520,00 4. Grubbing (Trees with diameters less than 15 inches) 74 each@ 10,00 740.00 740,00 . Grubbing (Trees with diameters 5. 15 inches to less than 30 inches) 22 each @ 12.00 264.00 264.00 6. Grubbing (Trees with diameters •. 30 inches or greater) .. • 12 each@ 15.00 180.00 180,00 . TOTAL .. May 28, 1969 Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I ' ' ,~, '·~ '•: '>. -:'.\ :_* :~ :~ J ·;. '·) ~1 ·~ ') :i ; r L . i· ,. FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town ·.0 f Aurora· being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Totm Limit DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 7. Earth excavation (Grading, inclurling grading for sidewalk and retaining wall) 21,500 cu. yds, @ 1.25 8. Compaction equipment rental (Grid roller and tractor, operated) 40 hrs. @ 20,00 9. Compaction equipment rental (Pneumatic-tired wobble-wheel roller and tractor, operated) 40 hrs. @ 10.00 10. Compaction equipment rental (Hand operated compactor, operated) 20 hrs. @ 5.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED GROSS COST 26,875.00 800.00 400.00 . 100.00 SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER c. L. AGMNT ./PART X OF THE ACT 25,250.00 750.00 740.00 370.00 100.00 CHARGEABLE -TO CORPORATION CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * 875.00 60,00 30.00 EXPLANATION 700 cu. yds. Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 600 cu. ycls. Chargeable under Part X 20,200 cu. yds. Shareable under C,L, 3 hrs. Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 37 hrs. Shareable under C.L. 3 hrs. Chargeable to Kings High•~Y Account 37 hrs. Shareable under C.L. * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: r •4 0 i.~ :~ ;g '$ ~~ "1 I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town '-. of , Aurora being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION UNDER c. L. AGMNT. OTHERS * EXPLANATION GROSS COST PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION ·-- 11. Application of water 2 i1, gals. -540 i1. gals. @ 5.00 2,700.00 2,660,00 10.00 30,00 Chargeable under Part X 6 i1, gals, Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 532 M, gals, Shareable under C.L. 12. Gradall rental (t cu. yd. minimum, operated) 20 hrs,@ 25,00 500,00 500.00 13. Sand cushion (including granular 590 tons backfill to retaining •1alls and Chargeable under Part X culverts) 2,240 tons 25,500 tons @ 1.50 38,250.00 34,005,00 885.00 3,360.00 Chargeable to Kings Highway Account . 22,670 tons Shareable under C.L. 14. Selected granular base course 766 tons Class "A" Chargeable under Part X 18,500 tons @ 2.40 44,400.00 38,097,60 1,838.40 4,464.00 1,860 tons Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 15,874 tons Shareable under C,L, TOTAL *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I j 'l i ,J ' "i 'i :J 1 1 l- ' FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town -of. ,Aurora.· being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Tmm Limit ESTIMATED I SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION EXPLANATION GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION OTHERS * ·- 15. Supply and application of 1 ton calcium chloride Chargeable to Kings Highway 34 tons @ 80,00 2,720.00 2,640,00 80,00 Account 33 tons Shareable under C.L. 16. Supply, mix anj place hot mix .· ... 70 tons sand asphalt Chargeable to Kings Highway 870 tons @ 9.00 7,830,00 '7,200,00 630.00 Account 800 tons Shareable under C,L. 17. Supply, mix and place hot mix 250 tons H.L.5 Chargeable to Kings Highway 3,550 tons @ 8.50 30,175.00 28,050.00 2,125.00 Account 3,300 tons ·. Shareable under C.L. 18. Supply, mix and place hot mix H.L.3 260 tons @ 8,50 ·. 2,210.00 2,210.00 19. Supply, mix and place hot mix , 150 tons H.L.l Chargeable to Kings Highway 1,850 tons @ 10,00 _ 18,500,00 17,000,00 1,500,00 Account 1, 700 tons Shareable under C.L. L_TOTAL *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ~~ ' - i :} '.~ ,, '1 ·1 l :? 1 ·~ ] ' I j ·j •! I i '.I I ~ t ~ i I ~ I I I I ! ' ; l j 1 i I I ' j cl l j I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of jturora being Highway 11, Yonge ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION GROSS COST UNDER c. L. AGMNT • PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION -- 20. Removal of concrete pavement with asphalt surface 3,650 sq. yds. @ 1,00 3,650,00 3,650,00 21. Removal of bituminous pavement 18,500 sq. yds. @ .50 9,250.00 8,091.05 317.30 . 22. Earth excavation for culverts 3,200 cu. yds. @ 3.50 11,.200,00 ll,025.00 23. Removal of culverts and se;1er pipes (including excavation and backfill) 1,400 lin. ft. @ 2.00 2,800,00 2,8.00,00 24 .• Supply and place 48 11 p concrete pipe culvert 84 lin, ft. @ 18.00 1,.512.00 TOTAL .. ----------------- Street from Wellington St. to North To>m Limit CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION 634.6 sq. yds, 841.65 Chargeable under Part X 1,683.3 sq. yds. Chargeable to Kings High;1ay Account 16,182.1 sq. yds, Shareable under C.L. 50 cu. yds. 175.00 Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 3,150 cu. yds. Shareable under C.L. . Chargeable to Kings Highway 1,512.00 Account -------------------------------------------------- *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town. of ·Aurora.· being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION UNDER C.L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT OTHERS * EXPLANATION GROSS COST CORPORATION ·-- 25. Supply and place 66" p C .I .P. culvert 102 lin. ft.@ 25.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 26. Supply and place structural plate pipe-arch culverts (15 1 -411 X 10 1 -411 ) ~ 476 lin. ft. @ 60,00 28,560~00 28,560,00 27. Unwatering for culvert con- struction at Stations 304 + 67 and 311 + 10 lump sum 2,500.00 2,500.00 28. Removal of ex_isting structure at Station 304 + 67 lump sum . 2,ooo.oo 2,000.00 29. Removal of existing structure at Station 311 + 10 lump sum 2,000.00 2,000.00 30. Removal of concrete culvert at Station 316 + 1.3 Chargeable to Kings Highway lump sum 500,00 500.00 Account TOTAL ··------ * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town.. ofc J\.u:rora being Hight·lay 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St, to North T01m Limit ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION UNDER c. L. AGMNT. OTHERS * EXPLANATION GROSS COST PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION .. 31. Removal of existing C.I.P. and concrete pipe culverts at Station 295 + 52 lump sum 300,00 300.00 32. Supply and place 611 $D perforated corrugated steel pipe sub-1rains (including excavation and granular backfill) 700 lin, ft. @ 1.50 1,050.00 1,050.00 33. Supply and place 611 p perforated corrugated steel pipe sub-drains 1200 lin. ft. @ 1,00 1,200,00 1,200,00 34. Supply, excavate for and place, 580 lin. ft. with Class 11 C" bedding, 8" p Shareable under C,L, Agreement concrete pipe sewer, Class Cl4SS · 80 lin. ft. 660 lin, ft. @ 8.25 5,445.00 4,785.00 660,00 Chargeable under Part X 35. Supply, excavate for and place, 92 lin. ft. with Class 11 C11 bedding, 1011 p Shareable under C,L, Agreement concrete pipe sewer, Class Cl4SS 178 lin. ft. 270 lin. ft. @ 8.50 2,295 .oo 782.00 1,513.00 Chargeable under Part X TOTAL *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: :~ ··; '~ I }~ :~ :f :Y !~ j i, l 1 I 1· FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of.. Aurora being Highway 11, DETAILS OF" CONSTRUCTION 36. Supply, excavate for and place, with Class 11 0" bedding 1211 p concrete pipe sewer, Class 014SS ESTIMATED GROSS COST 1,656 lin. ft. @ 9.50 I 15,732,00 37. Supply, excavate for and place, with Class 11 0" bedding, 18 11 p concrete pipe sewer, Class Ol4SS 870 lin. ft. @ 13.00 I 11,310,00 38. Supply, excavate for and place, with Class "C" bedding, 3011 p concrete pipe sewer, Class C76-IV 204 lin. ft. @ 25,00 I 5,100,00 39. Supply, excavate for and place, with Class non bedding, 3011 p concrete pipe outfall, Class C76-IV 750 lin, ft. @ 20,00 40. Construct 6 1 x 4' manhole on outfall (including excavation and backfill) lump sum TOTAL 15,000,00 500,00 SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C, L. AGMNT,/ PART X OF THE ACT 14,991.00 741.00 9,586.36 1,723.64 4,322,76 777.24 858,00 13,500,00 28.60 471.40 Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION 642.00 - CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION 1,578 lin. ft. Shareable under 0,1, Agreement 78 lin. ft. Chargeable under Part X 84.76% Shareable under C.L. Remainder to Part X 84.76% Shareable under 0,1, Remainder to Part X 5.72% Shareable under 0,1, 27/30 of Gross Cost to Part X Remainder to Corporation 5.72% Shareable under C,L, Remainder to Part X * Chargeable to others: e.g. Locallmprovement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: '~ I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town· of· .. · Aurora being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St, to North Town Limit ESTIMATED . SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION OTHERS * EXPLANATION GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION .. 41. Construct concrete headwall on 3011 pi concrete pipe outfall (including excavation and backfill) 5.72% Shareable under C,L, 7 cu. yds. @ 60.00 420.00 24.02 395.98 l'l.emainder to Part X 42. Supply and place 1811 pi C.I .P, . . culverts (includin8 excavation • and backfill) Chargeable to Kings Highway 100 lin, ft. @ 4,00 400,00 400,00 Account 43. Remove existing catchbasins (including excavation and backfill) 16 each @ 45.00 720.00 720,00 44. Adjust manholes to grade Sanitary Manholes 50% of 12 lin. ft. @ 40.00 ... ·· 480,00 240.00 240.00 Labour and Haterials Shareable· under C.L. 45. Breaking into existing manhole One Sanitary Manhole and/or concrete culvert Chargeable to Corporation 3 each @ 50,00 . 150.00 I 100.00 50.00 2 each Shareable under C.L. . 46. Construct 2 1 x 2 1 catchbasins . .· 29 each (including excavation and Shareable unner C.L. backfill) 11 each 40 each @ 250,00 10,000.00 7,250,00 2,750,00 Chargeable under Part X TOTAL *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: -,~ I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of . Aurora being Highway 11, Yonge Street from \Vellington St. to North Tm.m Limit ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION UNDER c. l.... AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT OTHERS * EXPLANATION GROSS COST CORPORATION -- 47. Construct twin inlet catchbasins (including excavation and backfill) 2 each @ 350,00 700.00 700,00 48. Construct 4 1 x 4' manholes (Depth 10 each to 6 feet), inclufl.ing excavation Chargeable to Corporation and backfill) -13 each 24 each @ 450.00 10,800,00 5,875.74 424.26 4,500,00 Shareable under.C.L. 1 manhole@ 5.72% to C.L. Remainder to Part X 49. Construct 4 1 x 4 1 manholes (Depth 34 lin. ft. over 6 feet, including excavation Shareable under C.L. and backfill) 32 lin. ft. 66 lin, ft. @ 45.00 2,970,00 1, 530.00 1,440.00 Chargeable to Corporation 50. Concrete in new retaining wall 600 cu. yd. @ 100.00 6o,ooo.oo 60,000.00 51. Concrete curb and gutter Type 11 G11 7,590 lin. ft. 8,050 lin. ft. @ 2.50 20,125.00 18,97~.00 1,150.00 Shail'eable under C.L. L,60 lin. ft. . Chargeable under Part X TOTAL ' *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ) FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of Aurora. being Highway 11, Yonge DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 52. Remove old concrete curb and gutter and/or curb 3,000 lin. ft, @ .50 53. Concrete sidewalk 29,500 sq. ft. @ .70 54. Private concrete walks 650 sq. ft. @ 1.00 55. Removal of oH sidewalk 1,700 sq, yds. @ ,50 56. Concrete in steps 15 cu. yds. @ 80,00 57. Removal of exj_sting concrete steps 10 cu. yds. @ 6.00 58.· Place topsoil 420 cu. yds, @ 2,00 TOTAL I I I I ESTIMATED GROSS COST 1,500.00 20,650.00 650.00 850.00 1,200.00 60,00 840.00 I I I I SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C. L. AGMNT .f PART X OF THE ACT 1,500.00 8,946.00 650,00 710.00 1,200.00 60,00 800,00 CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION 11,704.00 140.00 Street from \{ellington St. to North Town Limit CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * L,O,OO EXPLANATION 16,720 sq. ft. Chargeable to the Corporation 12,780 sq. ft. Shareable unr'ler C ,L, 280 sq. yds, Chargeable to the Corporation 1,420 sq. yds, Shareable under C,L, 400 cu. yds, Shareable under C,L, 20 cu. yds. Chargeable to Kings Highway Account *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: f-i FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 -·:.-· CONNECTING LINK in the Town -of Aurora being Highway 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO CHARGEABLE TO DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT PART X OF THE ACT OTHERS * EXPLANATION CORPORATION ··- 59. Sodding (Nursery, unstaked) "" 4,850 sq. yds. 5,050 sq. yds. @ ,60 3,030.00 2,910,00 120.00 Shareable under C,L, 200 sq, yds. Chargeable to Kings Highway Account 60. Application of water (for sod) I···· I 21 H. gals. @ 10,00 I 210.00 210,00 61. Hand laid rip-rap 250 cu. yds. @ 10,00 2,500,00 2,500.00 62. Supply and place standard D,H,O. pedestrian handrail 1,000 lin. ft. @ 6,00 6,ooo.oo 6,000,00 63. Supply and place single pipe handrail .. 360 lin. ft. @ 4.00 1,440.00 l,L~.O.OO 64 .. Supply and place, 1·Tith Class 11 C11 970 lin. ft. bedding, 811 ~ asbestos cement Chargeable to Corporation sanitary sewer, Class 2400 320 lin. ft. (Relocation on , 1,290 lin. ft. @ 2.50 3,225,00 22.88 .. 377.12 2,825.00 IrvTin Ave.) Shared between Corporation and "D.H.O. 50% of Labour and Haterial L \com; rt; TOTAL ... *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of · ·Aurora being HighHay 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 65, Supply and place, with Class "C" bedding, 1011 ¢ asbestos cement sanitary sewer, Class 2400 ESTIMATED GROSS COST 1,240 lin. ft. @ 3,00 I 3,720,00 66. Supply and place, Hith Class 11 C11 bedding, 1211 ¢ asbestos cement sanitary se1.;er, Class 3300 572 lin. ft.·@ 4.00 I. 2,288,00 67. Supply and place, with Class 11 G11 bedding, 6" ¢ asbestos cement service connections ( incluiling excavation and backfill) 400 lin. ft, @ 8,00 I 3,200,00 68 ,, Supply and place 8" ¢ ductile iron forcemain, Class 2 (including excavation and backfil]) 94 lin. ft. @ 10,00 I 940.00 TOTAL SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C 0 L, AGMNT ol PART X OF THE ACT CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION 3,720,00 2,288,00 3,200,00 940.00 CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION Chargeable to Corporation 50% of Labour and Material to D.H.O. of 1<hich 5.72% Shareable under C ,L, Remaining 94.28% Chargeable under Part X Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Grossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: .' ~ 1 : !" ! !. i 1 ·i ;j ;~· i :~ :.~ J :~ .~ ·i. I I '1 " I ! I .I ' I I ' I I I I i :'j 1 ' ~ I I l I l ' I I ' I l ' I I j j ' ~ ~ I ' ~ ! 1 FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town . of. /l.UJ;'Ora being High~Tay 11, Yonge Street from Wellington St, to North Tmm Limit DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 69. Supply and place 61 p precast concrete >~et well (including excavation and backfill) lump sum 70. Earth excavation and backfill for sanitary sewers 2,750 cu. yds. @ 4.00 71, Construct drop manholes Station 304 + 40 and Station 311 + 32 lump sum 72. Excavate for, backfill and place 1211 p cast iron watermain 470 lin, ft. @ 10.00 73. Excavate for, backfill and place water service connections 400 lin, ft. @ 3.50 74. Adjust water valve boxes to grade , 15 each @ 20.00 ESTIMATED GROSS COST 1,800,00 n,ooo.oo 1,500.00 4,700.00 1,400,00 300.00 Sub-Total I 483,336,00 TOTAL I SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C.L... AGMNT .1 PART X OF THE ACT .. 350.00 150.00 386,420.01 28,284.34 I CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION 1,800,00 n,ooo.oo 1,500,00 4,700,00 1,050.00 150.00 51,889.00 CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * 16.742.65 EXPLANATION Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation Chargeable to Corporation Relocation of 200 lin, ft. @ 50% of Labour and ~~terial Shareable under C .1. Remair~er to Corporation 50% of Labour and Materials Shareable under C.L. Remainder to Corporation * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: j .J ~i :.l 3 'l 'I ' ~j ~ :1 ~~ >~ FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the Town of Aurora · being Highway 11, Yonge DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION Engineering and on site supervision Allowance for pavement marking and relocation of traffic signs Allowance for relocation of l~dro aerial plant Allowance for relocation of Bell Telephone plant Allmrance for relocation of Consumers Gas plant Allowance for the supply of waterworks material Provisional sum for contingencies and extra work '· TOTAL ESTIMATED GROSS COST 72,000.00 4,000.00 1o,ooo.oo 14,000,00 20,000.00 4,000.00 24,000,00 631,336.00 SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C. L. AGMNT .1 PART X OF THE ACT 57,600,00 4,200.00 4,000,00 5,000,00 7,000.00 1o,ooo.oo 300,00 24,000,00 494,320.01 32,484.34 CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION 7,700,00 3,700.00 63,289,00 Street from Wellington St. to North Town Limit CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * 2,500,00 5,000,00 7,000,00 10,000,00 41,2£,2,65 EXPLANATION 50% of Labour and Equipment Shareable under C.L, 50% of Labour and Equipment Shareable under C,L, 50% of Labour and Equipment Shareable under C,L, 200 lin. ft. o~ relocation of t<ater services of which 50% is Shareable under C,L, Cost sharing dependent on item *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ' ' ' :·~ :j 1 ~:l ' : ~ ' ,, ::i l ) ' ~ :1 ~ :j FORM PB-PR-17A REV • APRIL 1964 .... BY-LAW NUMBER ................... . of THE CORPORATION OF THE ..... ~0::'? ........ OF .... P;t~.0;t"~-.• A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs and its Submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario Pursuant to an Agreement with Her Majes,ty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under Section 22 of The Highway Improvement Act. "WHEREAS a proposal and estimate of cost dated the 28th day of Nay 19 69 , for the construction of .Y?~g~.s~~e~~ f~o~.w~~l~~g~q~~tp~e~.t?.N?~tp_T?~.~i~~~ (4600 lineal feet) being part of a highway designated as a connecting link has been preparedfor submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the said Minister." BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corporation of the ____ T::..=.own=-------of __ __:A::cu:.:r:.:o:.:r:..:a::_ ________ _ 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs be submitted to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario. 2. That the Mayor, Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs and to affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. TOWN ----------Pass-ed by the Council of the Corporation of the-------- of ----'A=UR=OR=A'----, this __ __,2..,N .... Dc___ day Ma or Reeve (SEAL) &~ , \:,FoRM Ps-PR-1 7A (TowN oR VILLAGE) REVISE,; APR I~ 1964 FORM APPENDIX NO ' . OATE--~--~~::.:~~~~28~~1~9~6~9 ________________ _ PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY HIGHWAY) NO. 11 IN THE Town OF Aurora IN THE COUNTY (OR DISTRICT) OF York Designated Route: Highw~ No, 11 (Yonge Street) Pursuant to an agreement dated the 18th day of Nov. 19 63hereinafter called the agreement made between the Minister and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and subject to the terms and conditions thereof, and subject also to any necessary approval of the Board, under Section 64 of The Ontario Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 274 and amendments thereto the Corporation (Minister or Corporation) proposes that the following portions of highway, heretofore designated as a connecting link, be constructed by the ______ C:_.o_r-'p~o_r_a_t_i_o_n ________ during 2 fiscal Department) year(s) commencing the 1st street (s) to be constructed): (Corporation or the day of April, 1969 namely (describe portion(s) of Yonge Street from lfellington Street to North Town Limit and illustrated on the plan or sketch attached thereto; provided construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Minister and the Corporation in the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows: (a ) Type of c on s tr uct ion __ _:4.::4'-'-=a,_,s:..P:::h:::a:::lc::t:::i:.::c-=c.::o:::nc::c=-r.::e.::t.::e-"'pa:::.v.:..e::.m=-e:::n:ot.:.,"-c::.ur=b::.:s::...ca::.:n:::d;_;ga.:u=t:..:t:..:ec::rcc:s:..__ (b) Len~h------~46_0_0 __ l~in_e_a_l __ fe_e~t ________________________________________ _ (c) Width (not less than 22 feet) _ ___;44='-~------------------- (d) Commencing at __ .:.:W.:;.e.::lc::l=in00g,_t.:_o::.:n::_:S:..:tc:r.:;.e.:.e.:.t ___ ~------------------ North Town Limit (e) Ter1ninating at __ ~~.:.=_.:;_~~~~:._ _____________________ _ (f) Total estimated cost of construction __________________ $ 631,336,00 (g) Deduct: Items not chargeable under agreement:- (see Form PB-PR-3) (I) Items to be paid by the Corporation (Paragraph 4 of agreement) (II) Charged to others (Paragraph 12 (3) of agreement) $ 63,289.00 ____ K.::i::.:n"'gs~H=i"'g""h"'v"'ay'--'A"'c;...:c;...:o.ccun"'t-'-----------$ 19, 242,65 Aurora P,U,C, (HYdro) $ 51 000,00 ---------------~--~------------- _____ B_e_l_l_T_e_l_e..:.p_h_on_e __ C_o_. ______________ $ 7, 000.00 ____ c_o..:.n..:.sum..:.·c:.ec:.rc:.s __ G.:;_as::...... __________________ $ 10, 000, 00 (III) Charged under Part X of The Highway Improvement Act: Total Deductions (h) Total estimated cost of construction to be shared $ 137,015.99 $ 494,320.01 • FORM PB-PR-17A REV•• APRIL 1964 (j) Total cost in (h) to be shared as follows: (I) (II) Cost of construction to be shared 90o/o/10o/o (Paragraph 12 (1) of agreement) or; lOOo/o by Minister, (Paragraph 12 (2) of agreement -item (h) above) $ 494,320,01 $ _____ $ 494,320,01 (k) Minister 1 s share: (I) 90o/o of $ 494,320,01 $ 444,SSS.01 ( j) (I) or; (II) . 1 OOo/o of $ $ $ 444,SSS,Ol (h) (m) Estimated annual expenditure of Minister 1 s share: For fiscal year(s): April l' 19 69 to Mar. 31' 19 70 $ 360,000.00 April 1' 1970 to Mar. 31, 19 71 $ S4,SSS.01 April l, 19 to Mar. 31' 19 $ April 1' 19 to Mar. 31, 19 $ $ 41.4' sss. 01 It is understood that the estimated cost is based on the best information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be undertaken or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, subject, where necessary, to the approval of the Board. (SEAL) (SEAL) THIS PROPOSAL is hereby submitted this 2nd. day of JUNE and is hereby accepted by or on behalf of the (Note: (Corporation or Minister) Attach a plan or sketch showing roadway lengths, widths and returns, also a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister 1s share was computed.)