BYLAW - 1970 Road Expenditures - 19700331 - 187970' FORM 08-MR-25 -66-4459 II BY -LAW NO •.. ).i:l.7.9 . .,..?.Q .... SUPPlEMENTARY A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 197Cl ..... EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS .TOWN COUNTY IN THE OF AU I.!, OM ............. . IN THE OF .. XQ!ll\ ............. . ~ ~u WHEREAS under The Highway Improvement Act a by-law to provide for expenditures on roads or streets may be submitted annually to the Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/Village enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $ .. 222 ,.810. 00 ........... is hereby estimated as the expenditure i ~. • upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdic- W I tion during the year 19 ... 7.0 .. as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS ...................................... $ . .1.~().,.2.00,.00. .. $ ....... 23.1 .0.0.0.:.0.0 $ .... ?0.~.,_?0.0.:.0.0. BRIDGES & CULVERTS ................ $ ........................ $ ....................... $ ...................... . ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD .... $ ... J.i:l.,.0.0.0 .• .0.0. .. $ ..... .I.,6,W,.QG. $ J';I,<?W,,.OO .. TOTALS ............................ $.IJ.~,~~~.·.~~··· $ ........ :;,4·'·6·1?:.?0$ .... ~~~,.~-l?~.o.o. 1 ~ (2) Th·e·· said monies shall be expended on work performed In accordance with k/ 1 . The Highw:(]y Improvement Act. · j 1\ ~ (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office ~'r .. · of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. ;? ··~ :")i (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any {(Y{( expenditure is authoriz.ed or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at .i\_liilc:l~.i\ ....... this . J...?a.1:. day of ])ti:A.R.C:J:I .. .A.D. 19 .7.0. ... . (SEAL) K.B. RODGER Town I, ............................................................ , Clerk of the Corporation'of the ~ of .......... ~~~~·.:.To ....... , do hereby certify that the for~going is a true copy of By-law No •......... passed bythe Council of the said Corporation on the ..... 3lS.'r ..... . day of. .. ':!A~~~···. . . 19 .. J?. - 1 h~ • •onli~ that tlUs hy-low hm; . . . ~i.f}!, ................ . ereDv c .. • ~~Fv "~?aen approved by the Min~ster /~~ A Highways.~~~ .. --:= . .skY~ _.:......_..;d..-"' ' .e., - ···············~~~~·················· "·· '·,_·~, ~ "' 0 "' .s "' w 0 ·;;;, ,.._ e c > en UJ ~ 0 ,_ "' APR 2 1 1970 -lLJ .--! (.0 .... :::· '-" T"l 0 c ·-. 0::: :?; w ;z 0.. ~. -l __ _,, c::c !i ~, ~\ La:: c: •:;-.;:; ,, I C:· " 1 . '. ? I -.. ;. l _, .. dfRX AIJI)ltA ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19!!..__ ITEM I-CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS ' ' STREET FROM TO . LENGTH WIDTH DESCRIPTION OF WORK . <l · Yoage st. 'W.l.liDgtoll L \ID8141!1f.~ .5JOO' '"' ... ,..._ ,J.:bdt -Stage 11 ., !;; " ~ IS ~ fi! ~ . . ~·· ~ . . ., ~ ,, . l'<t'+..V&t. x-.,~t. -.-· ',;>(UU' "" ·-. !• -).~· .. l?liUI8 t~J>·~..U. •. . ~ !J. L / / ')"£ / 1f' T 7 "7~..,7~rr .. . . z ~ -z 0 ~ .)!I ., fi! . . . .. . z . ~ ., = .. ·c z E c .. . ., ~ . "' ;] z 0 ;:: ::; . <l .. . .· = 0 .: . .. .. )!I 0 0 ., . .c/ , .· v . .. z ., tl ~ . . . ~ .. ~ .. -----·:,_."" TOTAL ITEM I , ,• ,-~o,.._. . . FORM OB-MR-26 REV,SED 66-4460 ESTIMATED COST CORPORATJOWS TOTAL . SIIARB . /g', :Lt>6-oc Ill, 2 oo.o JlJ ,000,.00 35,Gele•ee /t2.t:JtJO /foZ tJO:O .. ;---. .. ( \\ .. · .... . . . . . ,Rn ....,. ..... ~Ill\' ....,. "" v ··-·:; _,.........- 0 FORM oa-MR·26 REVISED RE: SY·LASIJI"·iJPI ... alillll·~····· ·~-·~-'--------- 66•4460 CITY 1..19a. " TO!~!~Wi¥' -----------ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE'""tl!A'f 19 __ vn .. "':lrn" A'IJROltA 70 ITEM Hnnv." AND .r.nr ESTIMATED COST BRJDGE8-STRUCTURES OF 10' OR OVER TOTAL • Sha"' . TYPE SPAN $ $ .. . . . . . { CULVERTs-PIPES AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN 10' SPAN I TOTAL ITEM 2 ·-::. ~,~ ITEM 3-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS 1 AND 2) ITEM 4-MAINTENANCE·ROADS OR STREETS EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING . TYPE OF FROM TO . ' . . . . ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR '·-· f SNOW CLEARING MILES ;52.1 · .. WINTER CONTROL SANDING OR CINDERING MILES ,. AP7.;.~CATION OF SALT '• MILES " ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING :: 1 CONCRETE OR BRICK PAVEMENT REPAIRS : : STONE GRAVEL OR CINDER RESURFACING MILES -.. .. .. PATCHING .. .. .. DRAGGING . .. .. .. DUST LAYING (Ca. Cl.} MILES .· OILING MILES ~ ANn Sutf&M fl'eaU!eat .. ,: .. CATCH BASINS CLEANING AND REPAIRS .. -~-"II · ... : . TnTu ITEM 4 ............. _ . . ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGES NUMBER "' CULVERTS NUMBER TOTAL ITEM 5 / ITEM 6-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD ~MAXIMUM 7!1fl OF ITEMS 4 AND 5) 1~- "JTMMARV OF""''"" JH.lf>IRT.F. FOR ,. THE H.I. ACT "'' • •, Share Only ' CONSTRUCI'ION-ROADS OR STREETS liTEM I) $ 1AR.-""" -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) $ -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 8) $ .,.,, __ MAINTENANCE -ROADS OR STREETS liTEM 4) $ ~ -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 5) $ .· -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD liTEM 6) $ 't.lit1A~ TOTAL $ l)$j) .... - If Insufficient room affach additional slleets giving the data ln the form Indicated DATE __________________ J9 __ __ ENGINEER OR CLERK • i ' ~~ -~-... .---- ,j I' ' \ ./ l ·? . ( :~-' 't .. .,.. ... ... i ~ " i: :5 z e ~ ~ " i: ~ ti fil "' I ~ = ~ !;; ~ £ " tJ E ~ e: --T-· cfi¥¥X TOWN OF AUIDRA ~ ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAii 19 __1!2_ ITEM I-CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS I:· : ~· ' ·-./: . ! ••• ·,·_::. ! DE:SCRiPTION OF wbRK-. ' . . -WIDTH :._: ~J·~~ET ;) FROM TO LENGTH' .--\ ,; ! :::' ; . ' • --"• .. >· Yonli:e st. Wellington N. Tow Limit 5300' ' 44 1 Reconstruction Conri Lirik ~ Stage 11 . ..... · ' ,--1 ..... ' ~ ', ' ' .. ·._.· '-.) Part .3f only' Kennedy St. Ybn~e St. ' . W. Town :L':i.niit ,3700 1 22' tleconst:i:,iction -Urban & Rural Section.· •! . '' .·. ; .__, ~ ' :Pians to>follow .. ' ' Preliminsrv· ' ' \ . -.--, ~ill60 000.00 ( see normal bv-law for ill4 800 · . ' '··· ' ... ' ! • ' .. balance ·· . ·· . ' . ' ' . ' '' )Plans to Follow) .·. i .•..• ! ;' . ' ' ,---, ' . '. !' . • ! '' . ': . '' ,' ,_ ' ' ' ' ' ' ., ... :' · .. ' : ' . ' ••• • ' .·. ' ' '• ..... . . ' ' •••• ! ' ' • . ·, ' ' '' . ' . ' . .,. , .. ! ! . ' . : •••• ' .' l ·. '· ... .,. ' '' ' ' ,,· ' .. ··. ' . •, ! ,, ' ,. · .•. ! .•.. • « . : ' ' ' ' ···•· ' ' -..... ' ., ' . ' ... · 'F ,., .. > ' ~~-. •• (;? ' .... ·. ·.' ,. • . . ' ! • ' . ,,· ! '' •.•• !, •••• ·--" ! .. ' •• '•·. '·.·,, .. ' .._ . - ! ,· •••• j, • ' . . .. ' ·. ' '. ' • •. :_ .... )· ! .. ' > ,•. ' : TOTAL ITEM I --------- -., .. FORM OB~MR-26 REVISED :OcT • · 1966 . ESTIMATED COST •• TOTA~ CORPoRATION'S SHARE . ' .. , .- 35 000.00 35 ooo.bo .· ! ' '.· ''•' 145,200.00 145,200.00 ! ! •· ••• : • < •• • ! ' ... • ,-·. ' . . .· .· '· : '' '. '---· ., . ' ' '.• ... ' ~-· ·· .... ' .. ' ' . . ' .·. !'' ~: ' . ! . • ·, '•i' ' . ! •• '. :· •' 180,200.00 180,200.00 _, .. L,_ __ /"" I FORM OB-MR-26 REV'JSED O_CT. 1966 '~ SUPPLEMENTARY RE: BY·LAW Nq.,_..=1o::87L9L-..!7-"'0'- ;: . ~ _ __.A ... IIROil'1l.LilR;e.A _____ __;..;__IIOAD PIIOGIIAMM!i;'I"OII THK yi:AII ~-~ ' ITEM 2-CONSTRUCTION-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGE8-STRUCTURES OF 10' OR OVER RTREET T_YPE . ESOX:IMATED COST . TOTAL SPAN • ·. . '' .· ---,---'-------+--,--------t--+----'---T::c-' -+--:-----:--- ' .,...---~--:--,..---+-----,-------+--·::tr ·'-. ·-----,:;-'., -+------ . '; -'---'------::-=:-::::::--===-=-----'------L--+--~-+---­··.; CULVERTs-PIPES AI'lD STRUCTURES LESS THAN 10' SPAN NUMBER==~~-t=============='=9================ TOTAL ITEM 2 . . ITEM 3-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 'J% OF ITEMS I AND 2) ~==·=·· =======f========= ITEM 4·MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS EriRAORDINARY RESUR~ACI~G TYPE OF SURFACING STREET FROM· TO ; .. " :; LENGTH ' I . ' ' . ' . . . : . ' ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR · · , } sNOw CLEARING WINTE~ CO~TROLl "'~t~DIN~ OR CINDE~ING APPLICATION OF SALT ,ASPHALT PAVEMENT, PATCHING ' 'CCmC-aETE OR B-RICK -PAVEMENTiREPAiRS iSTONE GRAVEL OR CINDER ltESURFACING· .. PATCHING ·-DRAG.GING DUST' LA Y:ING: (Ca. CJ.) ··OILING CATqH BASINS CLEANING !AND REPAIRS ' '"·" ,.,_ ,...~ --rr. ' •• . . . MILES (') 32.1 '" MILES'-'--,--: · ~:~ .. MILES, ___ _ _... ... .., ' ' MILES•---,-- MILES, ____ . MILES, ___ _ ' ; . : ,, i:" ,, :, {' ,.·. : ~ • ' 1 . (' ' : : '' ,, . ' '5 ooO do ~ .. -. -;:: ' ' : . ' ' -.. s ._·:. ' 8 ocio'.oo · · 1.500~00 " 5,000.00 :: ' ' ' '' ' ' ,, ; ' .· ·. ' ' ···. . ,:: )' ' :: .. , ' .i ' / .: I ' TOTAL ITEM 4 · 23,000.00 : ' ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS BRIDGES NUMBER ___ _ t•. ,, CULVERTS NUMBER, ___ _ ; TOTAL ITEM 5 ITEM 6-ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (MAXIMUM 7% OF ITEMS 4 AND 5) . 1,619.00 Corporation's -8hare' OD.ly SUMMARY pF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY UNDER THE H.I. ACT ' . ' . CONS'rRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 1) S: 180 200.00 -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 2) s' -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 3) s, i8,ooo.oo MAINTENANCE -ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 4.) s a3,ooo.oo -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 5) s· ,, ; -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 6) • 1,610.00 TOTAL s 222,810.00 If lmuffidont room aHadt additional ~hoots giving the data In tt.e form lndkated DATE _________ t9_·_ ENGINEER OR CLERK ""·' .. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. K. B. Rodger Town Clerk C.T.V. (s) Town Hall -27 Yonge St., South Aurora, Ontario Downsview 461+, Ontario June 29th, 1970 Dear Sir: Supplementary Expepditure By-Law- Number 8 . in the amount. of $ 222 ,810 1 79-70 . . RE: The above citied by-law has been approved by The Honourable George E. Gomme, Minister of Highways, sul;>ject to the limitation that the subsidy payable for work performed under this by-law, together with the subsidy payable under the by-law (s) previously approved, shall not in total exceed CRW: sl Encl. $ $ 43,750 38,900 for Construction for Maintenance This approval is also subject to the Following conditions: 1. That the individual works of road construction and fu~idge construction shall be subject to the approval of the District Engineer. 2. That tenders for work to be undertaken by contract sh~ll be publicly advertised and Department subsidy shall apply on the amount of the lowest tender only unless the Municipal Engineer approves subsidy on a higher tender. 3. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario M1micipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Very truly yours, ~~~ C. R. Wi~~t --;· Municipal Engineer SUMMARY OF APPROVALS MAXIMUM SUBSIDY PAYABLE 1st Approval 2nd Approval Total •· d. )1'\' Construction 30,000 $43',750 Maintenance $38,900 $38,900 Total $52,650 30,000 .$82,650 :·: