BYLAW - OPA #2 - 19691208 - 186569December 5, 1969 AMENDMENT NO" 2 TOWN OF AURORA OFFICIAL PLAN VJ,'2J'l.'ftf-l York County Planning Office 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket·, Ontario A6911-49 DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 801 BAY STREET • TORONTO 5, ONTARIO ONTA~IO July 14, 1970 Mr. K. B. Rodger, Clerk, Town of Aurora, 2 7 Yonge Street S. , Aurora, Ontario Dear Mr. Rodger: Re: Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for .th.e. Auror.a Planning :Ai::.e.a Our Fi.le.:. W3254 We wish to inform you that on July. 3, 1970, the Minister approved the above amendment, with modification, pursuant to section 14 of The Planning Act. Your attention is. directed to the Minister's certificate, wherein the modification is set out in detail. The original and two duplicate original copies have been endorsed by the Minis.ter. One of the. duplicate original copies has been retained for the Minister's records. The original, the remaining duplicate originals and the "working copies" are returned herewith. Pursuant to section. 13 (1) of the Act, you should prepare six certified true copies of this amendment, incorporating into .to the text and maps the modifications made by the Minister, in accordance with the procedures set out in the Manual entitled "Procedures for Amendments to.'Official Plans". You then should lodge four of those copies in the office of the Minis.ter, .the Metro- politan Toronto Planning Board and the remaining copy in your own office. · · A duplicate original copy, .which has been signed by the Minister, should be lodg.ed by you in each Registry Offi.ce of Lands within the planning area, where it will be available as a production. Please inform this Department of the date and instrument number under which the duplicate original document was rece.ived by the Registry Office. · Yours truly, l(C?~ (Miss) R. Avery, Clerical Supervisor, Official Plans Section, Community P Ianni~~. J3:t::<l:Il:C:J:l --;-c-,-.-~ --.. -... ~-·~-"-·'"-""'•·-~~-~ '·'··~·~,;~;;,;.~~~,~~<P~;.;,.;,;,;.;,;,:,~,:;.;.;.<;-~>:<.<%'>'l-'';.\{~';>t.;:_..,,;c..•,c·<'•'~~-·-~--""::':"~~-· • · --~·~·--·-··------·--·----------~-- I I Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area which has been recommended by the Town of Aurora Planning Board and adopted by the Council of the Town of Aurora, is hereby modified under the provisions of sections. 12 and 14 of The Planning Act, as follows: 1. 2. Schedule 'A(2)' is hereby deleted and replaced by the new Schedule 'A(2.)' dated June 30, 1970. Page 3 ImpTementation is hereby modified by the addition of the. following: "Prior to any development being. undertaken in the area described herein, .channel improvements will be carried out in a manner that is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and the Holland Valley Conservation Authority. As part of the implementati.on of this development consideration shall be given to the installation and maintenance of an adequate buf.fering zcine between the trackage, including the siding, .the easement for which is shown on Schedule A(2), and adjacent .residential areas." As thus modified, .. this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to sections. 12 and 14 of The Planning Act, as Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan for the Town of Aurora Planning Area. DATE •••• ? l! h.. r!. .... MINISTER OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS :.;•· L OFFICIAL PLAN of the AURORA PLANNING AREA Amendment No. 2 The attached map schedules entitled "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule 'A(2)' and "PLANNING DISTRICTS, Schedule 'B(2)' to Amenc1ment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Plan- ning Area," and explanatory text, together constituting Amend- ment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, were prepared by the Aurora Planning Board and were recom- mended to the Council of the Town of Aurora under the pro- visions of Sections 10 and 14 of the Planning Act on the .... C?. ';:-'; day of .. IV.t7. ':".t=t H.'? t=~ ...• , 19 . M. :1... . j}~J~ <> <> <> <> <> o o <> o o o o V ~~ <o <> <> o o <> <> a " <> o o Chairman Secretary This Amendment was adopted by the corporation of the Town of Aurora by by-law No. /.'6. 'S: .l/1 in accordance with Sections 11 and 14 of the Planning Act, on the ... ~~.day of .... ./)tf.C.£ .(1? A~ I!.. .. , 19 . {p./ .. Mayor ..... Db.J~-... Clerk Y Amendment to the Official Plan of which has been recommended by the ning Board a dopted by Council of the To of Aurora, is hereby approved in ac.c~dance with Sec:_.. · ms 12 and 14 of the Planning Act as Amendment No • .2 to ·the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. ::;:< .. ...___ ""------ Minister of Municipal Affairs 2 0 TOWN OF AURORA BY-LAW NO •.• ~g_~.$i' .. The Council of the Corporation o£ the Town of Aurora, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as followsg L The following attached map schedules' entitled "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule 'A(2)' and "PLANNING DISTRICTS" Schedule 'B(2)' to Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the Town of llurora" amending "Map 1 'Future Land Use' and Map 2 'Planning Districts' of the Official Plan of the Town of llurora," and explanatory text constituting Amendment No. 2 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal llffairs for ap- proval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 2 to the Of- ficial Plan of the llurora Planning llrea. 3. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. Enacted and passed this ... £({(. day o . /?f. <;f/f'.d.£.11.. ••• , 19 (:..i.. ,4/' ,( 0 0 0 ~ 0 '\ .~. 0 Clerk Mayor I certify that the above is a true copy of By-law No. ~~~r.~~fas enac~d aHd pa~sed by the Council of the Town of Aurora on ... $;h[ ... ~ .. , 19 .(;..'1........ . Clerk ··--~ 3. TOWN OF AURORA AMENDMENT NUJ.I1BER 2 Amendment No. 2 comprises this text and maps, Schedules 'A (2 )' and 'B (2) ' attached hereto and includes the following item. An appendix is included for information only and does not form a part of the legal text of this amendment. Item I Location: Part of the east half of lot 76, Concession I west in the Town of Aurora. Change: Implementation The industrial designation is changed to resi- dential and commercial in ac< ·ordance with schedule 'A(2)' of this amendment. Map 2, Planning Districts, of the Official Plan is changed in accordance with this amendment and schedule 'B(2)' of this amend- ment shall now amend Map 2 of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora. This amendment will be implemented by 1. the processing of a plan of subdivision under the Plan- ning Act. 2. an amendment to the comprehensive zoning by-law 1863 from the present development category 'D', to the land uses in accordance with the plan of subdivision and the policies of the Official Plan. MODIFICATION NO. ...... ~·--·- UNDER SECTION 12(1} OF THE PLANNING ACT i \ 4. APPENDIX TO AMENDMENT NO. 2 The lands in this amendment constitute some 32 acres of vacant land in the south-west corner of the Town. The land fronts on Yonge Street, backs on an existing residential street of semi-d.,tached dwellings, is bounded on the south by a concession road and the C.N.R. tracks and on the north by a large existing industry. In recognition of the determinants required for adequate use of this land, by-law 1863 designates the land for devel- opment purposes. This amendment proposes to release for de- velopment some 30 acres for mixed residential development and 2 acres for commercial.