BYLAW - Sale of Land - 19690530 - 184769j \ ! • No .... §.?:-:2 ..................... '- THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ACT The ........... 9.~.~-<?.~.~-~~-.'! ... ~--~~ .. '! ... !~9.?.! .............. ~ ......... . (insert ·name of municipality or board) 1847-69 BY -LAW No •...................... BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND The ............. ~.!!!!P!~ ....................................... of the ............. ~~ .................... . (Insert CoUncll or Board of Trustees) ········································-~--~~!:>~ ................................................................ . (Insert lia!De of Municipality or Board) enacts that-· The land hereinafter particularly described, namely, ....................................................... . ••• Q.Q!!IP.Q§.~§ •• Q;tJ"BJi .. 39 ..... ?.~ .. !!§2 .•... <:m::2Il~rll .. i::Qmlu~u..llart...ai: . .Lilt .. lZ8+ . .P.lan . .2.~6.,. .... ~ ......... . Town of Aurora) 159 Edward Street, Aurora, Ontario. ~-------o.-.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------·---------------------------------------------------------------- • be sold· to ..... .Mi.s.a . .Mar.y. •• C.a.r:u.al>., .. Mis.a.Bo.s.e..C.arllSO., .. .and.Mr .•.. Fr.allk. . .caruso ................................. . for the sum oL.!rhr.e.e ... thonsand .. thr.e.e..hundr.e.d . .and.nine .. .dol.lars. . .an.d...n:iJle.t¥,.se.v.en.. cents ... ($3.3(l9-97) and that the .................... MAIOR ....................................................................................................... and ..... . (Insert Mayor, Reeve or Chairman) ............................. ~~---···--............................................................................ are hereby authorized to (Insert Clerk or Secretary} execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. Read and Passed in open meeting this (Seal) ----·-··-~t--d•y of.""!._:··-···-••-~ ........................... d:............ . -...... (Mayor, Ree or Cbal~) ••••••••••• . ................... ~ ............. . "'---·-""' Approved by the Department of Municipal . . . . ~PPROVED Affatrs ............ " ...................................................... . ............................................................. Tui'l··=TT9 59 FORM TR17 ........... < .......... :0::?..~ I' /1 . SU.PERVJ$6R M}fNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BRAI'-!CH