BYLAW - Sale of Land - 19690407 - 183869/ No ....... §?.::~---·············--- THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS ACT The ... --~~~~~~!.~~--~--~--~9~--~~--~~~9~~---··········-···-·····-------<inaert name of municipality or board) 1S38-69 BY -LAW No •...................... BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE SALE OF LAND The.-----·---~~~~~~---·-····-············-·····--·······of the.----~~~--~--~!!:g~~---····· (Insert Council or Board of Trustees) · enacts that-· ~ The land hereinafter particularly described, namely, ....................................................... . -E ···············---~~?:,gg __ ££!llE£~!!!! .. 9f .. 12!! .. 2!! .. M9.Jl~J< .. Qf. .• 7.5.._"J~lan .. ~!l6 ................................................ ~ .. . at 154 Yonge Street South, Aurora -. see attached legal description ·····----------------------'"·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------·--·--------------------------------------'·--------------------------------------------------------------------------------·---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------~~---·-··-······--···-----·---·-···-····-·········------·--------·--·--·--·----·----------·-------------·-····· ------------·-····--~·~---------~---···········-···------------······--········------------·--··-····-------···········-------------------------------------------------- be sold, to _________ ........... the.. . .Es.t.at.e .. .ot .. Ida..Bll.tb.er.f.or.d.. _________ ............................................................. . for the sum of. ___ S.e..v.e.u...Hundr.e..d . .and . .ni.n.e..t;y ... ae:v.en. . .doJ.lars. . .and.f'if:t;y ... .si.x. . .c.en:ts. .. (::/.94 .•. 5f,.) ... and tha t the ............................... !:'::!.~.:. ..................... ---·--......... ·-"--.---......... ------------___ .......... ----·-----__ .and. ___ _ (insert Mayor, Reeve or Chairman) ................................ ?.~=:::~---------···--------··----·-···-·------------·-·-· ------.. ---.. \, ................ are here by a uth orized to . ' (Insert Clerk or Secretary) ·. · execute such documents as may be necessary therefor, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. Read and Passed in open meeting this (Seal) Approved by the Department of Municipal • :A 1? 1? R 0 V E 1J ··-·································--······ ·-·-· ·····------··---·····-····-Affatrs.;· .............................................................. :.:... (Mayor. ve. or Chairman) ··-····-----·······--·····--··-····-··-·········----·······-·Ju :r···r;-:T f1 9 ................................................... P.EPI.y.J-'1(,.0"· FORM TR17 .SUPERVISOR M ICIPAL ADMINISTRATION BRANCH DESCRIPTION OF LANDS: Being in the Town of Aurora, in the County of York and being comprised of part of original Lot Number Seventy-nine on thw West side of Yonge Street, and Butted and bounded as follows: COMMENCING 73.97 feet (one chain twelve links and eight tenths of a link) from the South-east angle of the said Lot Number Seventy-nine, on a course North nine degrees West from the said angle; THENCE SOUTH seventy-four degrees West. 165 feet (two chains fifty links); THENCE SOUTH nine degrees East, 37 feet (fifty-six links and two Thirty-thirds of a link) more or less to within thirty-seven feet six inches of the Southern boundary of the said original lot; · THENCE NORTH seventy-four degrees East 75.o6 feet (one chain thirteen links and eight-elevenths of a link) more or less to within ninety feet of Yonge Street; THENCE NORTH nine degrees West 5 feet (seven links and nineteen thirty thirds of a link;) THENCE NORTH seventy-four degrees East 90 feet (one chain thirty-six links and four elevenths of a link) more or less to the Eastern limit of the said original lot; THENCE NORTH nine degrees West 32 Feet (forty-eight links and sixteen-thirty thirds of a link) more or less to the place of beginning. TOGETHER With the use of a lane ten feet in width running along the Southern boundary of the said piece of land commencing at Yonge Street and Extending Westerly ninety feet to be also used by the Owners or occupant of the land adjoining on the South. .. F' 1839-69 BY-LAW NO. ·············· ··· HE 19 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS OR STREETS A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FORT · · ····· COUNTY TOWN AURORA IN THE OF ............. Y.RRK ........ . IN THE OF ..... .. ............ .... ___..... . ~ --. t A t by-law to provide for WHEREAS under The Highway lr;:pro:~~~ed :n~ually to the Minister of expenditures on roads or streets may e s Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Town/Village enacts as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADs . . sTooM<sE:i.iER:s ...... $ 5.5. .• 5.QQ,o.o.1 ... $ ........................ $ 5.5..,5.QQ •. oo+ 8fti8Si;& & El:ll:'r'ER'f&. ............... $ ... 4.5.QQ,9.0 .... $ ........................ $ .. 4.,5.QO. •. Oo.j .. 0 ENGINEERING & OVERHEAD .... $ .. 4J500,QO ..... $ ........................ $ ... 4.,5.00..00 .... . TOTALS ............................ $ .6J..~~()()~OO .... $ ........................ $ ~4,.?.()(),.0() .. .. (2) The said monies shall be expended on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit triplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of the Department of Highways Ontario, not later than March 31st, of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. AURORA • 7TH APRIL 69 Passed at .............................. thts .................... day of ............................ A.D. 19 ........ . (SEAL) ~ .AZ.. 1ft,,_ .............................................................. ·.~ .. #. .......... . ~8~~kr Mayor or t;:=~-~ I K.B.ROOOER ' ···························· Town ...................... , Clerk of the Corporation of the of ........ ~tJR.~R:A: ..................... , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law Nof..~:39.~~assed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ....... 7':fH. ..... day of... . ?.I!J:L. .................. 19 .... ~<;1 .. I heteby confirm that this by-law has been approved bt the Minister of Highways . .f /-f. soo.oo oNLY , ~£ .~_.;:::.. .. A--..::..-- . ~UNICIPAL ENGINEER A.M.C.T, .. >1' \ \' ,l 0 0 • -~ \' MI~Y 5 1969 <•c," ~·-----"'( ><¥'""'~- \ ; ' ' .. ('. )·'7'.~r _/' ·"' -~'MR-26 _..}·o_cT. 19&6. ~ '-" 1839-69 RE: BY·LAW NO·-----------:;- tillY TOWN 01': Jl~·~ rsY!Ik AURORA . ~M l·CONSTRUCTION-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS _ __,..,,~AIDGE8-STRUbTURES OF 10' OR OVER ItO RTREET . TYPE_ . ; ·. . CULVERT8-PIPES AND STRUCTURES LESS THAN 10' SPAN . ·. ' AD PRO ltAMMI:' G ) . SPAN ; --.- :t.JUMBER TOTAL ITEM l ITEM 3-ENGINEERING. AND OVERHEAD ~MAXIMUM Z!!!i OF ITEMS I AND ll ItT 1: YEAR 18 69 J"O . H . ' EST~MATED CosT . : .·. TOTAL Corporation'• sbaN $ .· $ . '·; . .. ' ''\ . ': . ; ' •. ·" ., . . . . . . . . ' . ' ) . ' ., . ·, . ' . . ITEM 4-MAINTENANCE-ROADS OR STREETS iJ . •••• EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING ., .· . TYPE OF SURFACING . STREET FROM' .. ' . TO LENGTH • ,_ .. _:; ' ····· .,. •• .L !--· ' ' . ? • . <-' '. o----1 . ; . • • . •••••• > . .... , . ' ; ' . . . . : ' ' .. :; • <) ,., . .· .. .. ·.· . ORDINARY MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WINTER CONTROL{ SNOW CLEARING M~' SA~DINf oR CI~DERING; . ··. . . •. . . MILES . ;' )' .. '· 'i'; . ·:::;, q .. ' ,, APP~rc~TmN oF:sALT ' ;MIL~S·.: -:~~~ . . . ' 1 ,, . I • ~ .;; . .· .. ·, :: • ASPHALT PAVEMENT PATCHING . ('c'j ' . CONCRETE OR i~RI<::if PAyEME.NT-REPAIRs . ··, : i V.• , -.·. STONE GRAVEL OR C'INDER RESURFACING MILES ·, .c. •• . ·;:· • ., " " " P~TC.HING .· " " " DRAGGING ' ~-. ... ' -._ ) "' : ' " " " . " DUST:LAYING (Ca. Ct.) MILES ~. - >; ,_.-. OILING MILES r; ·). •••• . ; . :.';' .. , CURB AND GUTTER REPAIRS . . . . . . ~ . CATCH BASINS CLEANING :AND REPAIRS . .. · .. '· . .C. ~ • • . )l. ' . • . . ' . ';~~ ': ·. . • . -'· . · ... • . • TOTAL ITEMc4, '~.: • '·., . ·. . . ..... ITEM 5-MAINTENANCE-BRIDGES AND CULVERTS . . • ;. : :BRIDGES NUMBER .. CULVERTS NUMBER . '() ' . ·.· • . TOTAL ITEM.'5 ·-., f~] • ' i • : i • • ·--:~; 't·• ">. : i ' : ; ' ; >j 'i· ... ; . ... '• ITEM 6-ENGINEERING :AND OVERHEAD ~MAXIMUM: 7:l!i OF ITEMS 4 AND 5j L, i SUMMARY OF ITEMS ELIGIBLE FOR SUBSIDY UNI)ER THE H.,l. ACT ..... ·CorporatioD's-Share~Only : ;--- ' CONSTRUCTION-ROADS OR STREETS (ITEM 1) · I s 55.500.00 . -BRIDGEs AND CULVERTsStorm. sewers (ITEM 21 s . 4,500.00 -ENGINEERING 'AND OVERHEAD (ITEM 3) , .. , . s 4,500~00 ·,·.· . ' s':; .,. ' MAINTENANCE -ROAD1:) OR STREETS !ITEM 4) .. , ' -BRIDGES AND CULVERTS (ITEM 5) s: .. , ... . .: -ENGINEERING AND OVERHEAD _(IT~M 6) s ' TOTAL ··.· '. •' .•. $ 64,500.00 If Insufficient room attach additional sheets giving tho data In the form lndkated APRIL 7 69 DATE, _________ l9 ENGINEER OR c::xJt1JCE -~--- - ·"'i . --::::·:\ -.·:: 'i.:"Q' ., l -~ e [;] .. !!: z ~ I ., .. .. g E " .. ., ., ., ., ,., .., z E " " .., ., " .., .. !< )l 0 0 " !; ., tl 0: .. 0 ., !!: ~ :cmr TOWN OF ----· Xl!l!lt!M AITRORA RtiAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 :{f:J · ITEM 1-CONSTRUIJTION-ROADS OR "TKEET" . ·, ··•·· .,.. .. ·, .. •••• .. ·, . • ,. .. ',-. "• : :WIDTH 'DESCRIPTION OF wORK STR~~T ~::~ : -~-•• 'FROM T.O L;ENG_TH • . ! YOIDE ST MURRAY DR WELLINGTON ST 4soo• ·· 46' STAGE 1 CONNECTING LINK COMP;LETION .. ····· .... :· .... . . . • •• •• • • • • PART X ITEMS ONLY · . YONGE ST. wELLIIDTON ST NORTH TOWN LIM! s 4200 46 1 • STmE. 2 CONNECTIID . L TNK ; ·. . . . .. • •• i •• ·. . . . ' PART ' X ITEMS ONLY . .... . GLASS DR •j MURRAY DR HOIMAN CRES 1~0 1 22' RECONSTRUCTION -,18" GRANULAR BASE , ! ··-·· , .... ! . . , ....•. _ lie : .. 2t" HL4 .. SJmFACE , . • ..... ... ' .. . ·' M~f'ln>TT ST. AVF. · :>oor · :I 200' STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION , , i: , , .. :. . • •. . ,, . · .·· . , .. . . . • .... ' ...... . . . ... . .. , . , ' ·• . ·' .... NarE: PLANS TO FOLLOW ON ITEMS 3 & 4 ,._ . , ., , .. .•:, . .. , , .·· .' ·, ; .. : , . . :' !! ,, ', .. ·•; , .....• i . ·: !;'•<, . ·' ..... .'· : - · . j •· •· ••• . , , .. . ·-·· , .... , .. ,, ... : .. • . . .· , '•·· .. •, ·.·. ·_ .. ·. . . ; ,. . .·. . ·. . , : •, ... ,. , .. ·. • ·'·. .. , . . ·,: ·. : ... ·'. · .. : . .... ' ..... ·, : -o· . .; •, :· >· . ..... ; ·' _j_ , '< . ·: . .. _,. . . :::\ ' .··· '· ', : . -'·: ••• . . . , ... . ; , ; .. ._ ... , .. . ... . , .. . · . · ..... . . i ;;~ ., . . • •• ,:, : _., , . , , , .. 'i :; . . . , TOTAL ITEM I \ "' : F6RM OB::-MR-26 REVISED OCT. ·,t966 1 ESTIMATED co·ST . i· . TOTAL . CORPORATION'S SHARE . ... . .., -:• 4,000,00. -4,000.!)0 • . ..... .,-~-" 20,000,00 2o,ooo.oo i • • • ?c • J{>,ooo.oo . 36,oo<f;o 0:. 0'-;:' , 1. lioo_oo . 1. <;nd. 01 ! , .. •• ....•... ·.· . j • _:;_ l .. .. ••• . , -· . : .· : .. . . . . .·.: ... · .. , . , ; , .. . ;,,) ; . . . ,, ·.· 'i . . . • .. • .· · . • ., ··'·'• ·. . . ; ... ' .. .; ;;.;; '-" -,·,:, ·, .. > ;j , , .• . . / 64,500.00 64,500.0f: - ______ .. -