BYLAW - OPA #1 - 19690421 - 184169/-«r;-·· .. , I' ' < ' •i -:;,- AMENDMENT NO. l TOWN OF AURORA York County Planning Office 62 Bayview Avenue Newmarket, Ontario December 5, 1969 A6912-52 '"--... Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area This amendment to the .Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area which has been recommended by the Aurora Planning Board and adopted by Council of the Town of Aurora, is hereby modified under the provisions of sections 12 and 14 of The Planning Act, as follows: 1. P. 3 Item I, Change: is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: "Change: From Undesignated to Industrial, Commercial, Residential and Conservation as per ·Schedule 1 A(l)1 hereto attached." 2. P. 3 Implementation is hereby modified by the addition of the following: "Prior to any development being carried out in the area described in Item I, channel improvements will be carried out in a manner that is satisfactory to the Town of Aurora and the Holland Valley Conservation Authority." As thus modified, this amendment is hereby approved pursuant to sections 12 and 14 of Th~ Planning Act, as Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan for the Aurora Planning Area. 1. OFFICIAL PLAN of the AURORA PLANNING AREA Amendment No. 1 :I"he attached map schedule entitled ".FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule 'A(l)' to Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area," and explanatory text, together constituting Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area, were prepared by the Aurora Planning Board and were recommended to the Council of the Town of Aurora under the pro~isions of Sections 10 and 14 of the Planning Act on the •.• ./.C:.~~---· day of •••• P.!fi:.C.f"~:S.~"!-•••••• , 19 .Gf!: ••• . 12~~---· Chairman Secretary This Amendment was adopted by the corporation of the Town of Aurora by By-law No. • /.,f.~!., • • • in accordance with Sec- tions 11 and 14 of the Planning Act, on the •... £if.:;.; day of 0 0 0 0 0 tf-7.: 1 f-0 0 0 0 • 0 0 ' 19 0 ~-? 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mayor Area. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Minister of Municipal Affairs 0 ' ' -- TOWN OF AURORA BY-Lr..W NO •• /.f1.9:/ .• 2. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. The following attached map schedule entitled "FUTURE LAND USE, Schedule 'A{l)' to Amendment No. 1 to the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora" amending "Map 1 'Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Town of Aurora, ' and ex- planatory text constituting Amendment No. 1 to the Of- ficial Plan of the Town of Aurora Planning Area is here- by adopted. 2. That the Clerk is her:eby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for ap- proval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 1 to the Of- ficial Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. 3. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof . . . . . . A./. f ~h.< ....... . Clerk ,. yv." r :v. Mayor I certify that the above No. /.f.<f{ ... as enacted and passed fA q~ ~~--_.· o urora on .... T ... -.. .....-...... .,. ................. , .. , is a true copy by the Council ... /?.~ 7:. . Clerk of By-law of the Town 3. TOWN OF AURORA AMENDMENT NUMBER 1 This amendment, when approved by the Minister of Muni- cipal Affairs, shall be known as Amendment No. 1 to the Of- ficial Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. Amendment No. 1 shall comprise this text and map, Schedule 1 A(l) 1 attached thereto and includes two items. An appendix is included with this amendment for inform- ation only and does not form part of the legal text of this amendment. Item I Location: Change: Item II Part of lot 76, Concession I east Township of Whitchurch as annexed to the Town of Aurora January 1, 1968. - MOllT~ICATION From undes~gnate~ toJindustrial, Commercial and ResidentiNG:S. .... ~-~....2S!:edule 1 A{l) 1 here- to attach~ER SECTION 12(1) OF. THE PLANNING ACt Location: All Commercially and Industrially designated lands. Change: Implementation Institutional uses shall be permitted as a supplementary land use on all commercially and industrially designated lands. The implementation of this amendment shall be achieved through ·the comprehensive ?oning by-law, by-law 1863 of the Town of Aurora. a..l __,MODIFICATION NO._ ..... _.l. ....... -.. - UNDER SECTION 12(1) OF. THE PLANNING ACT 4. APPENDIX TO AMENDMENT NO. 1 Item I Effective January 1, 1968, 102.7 acres of farmland was annexed to the Town of Aurora. This land is bounded by the C.N.R. tracks on the south and east, Yonge Street on the west and the old Town boundary on the north. The land is mainly in agricultural use with part of the Yonge Street frontage inthe north corner existing commercial. The amendment designates the major portion of the an- nexed lands for industrial uses. Minor parcels are included as follows: -some four (4) acres of residential to allow for expan- sion of the existing high school site. -some 2.75 acres of commercial to accommodate estab- lished commercial enterp~ises. Item II It is the intent of this plan to permit institutional uses in commercial and industrial areas and item II is added for the purposes of clarification of interpretation of the plan. '• ...... OFFICIAL PLAN MAP FUTURE LAND USE r=-:: '• \! LEGEND RESIDENTIAL ~ INDUSTRIAL 1®: COMMERCIAL ~.·~ CONSERVATION / NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE FO OF AMENDIJENT No OFFICIAL PLAN 0 ;.. AURORA PLNII NG ' AND MUST BE PEAD CONJUNCTION WIH WRI rTEN TEX r SCHEouu: 11 A" ro A~~ END r.1UJT Nor r D F Fl C I AL P LAN d F 1 rl E A U R 0 R A P LA AREA PREPARED BY YORK COUNTY PLANNING OFFICE :•.'