BYLAW - Borrowing By law - 19690217 - 182669l~---~•w _ 0:Q~~ BY-LAW NUMBER 1826 -69 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE BORROWING OF $189,678.55 FROM CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION AND TO PROVIDE REPAYMENT THEREOF. WHEREAS A CONVERSION OF THE EXISTING ACTIVATED SLUDGE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT IS NECESSARY WITHIN THE TOWN OF AURORA; AND WHEREAS on the 26th. day of October 1967, the Ontario Municipal Board approved the Project at an estimated cost not to exceed $359,840.00; AND WHEREAS Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation has authorized a loan in the amount of Two Thirds of the cost of the Sewage Disposal part of the Project; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to repay the loan from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation in equal annual payments of principal and interest during the twenty years next after the completion of the Project; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow from Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation the sum of $189,678.55 and shall issue a Debenture therefore in the form as set out in Schedule "A" to this By-law. This Debenture shall bear interest at the rate of (i-.375 per cent computed semi-annual. 2. The Debenture shall be dated the First day of November, 1968 and shall be payable in Twenty (20) annual instalments on the First day of November in each of the years 1969 tp. 1988 inclusive. 3. The Debenture shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money of Canada at the Bank of Monteal in Aurora, or at the principal office of said Bank in Toronto or Ottawa. 4. The Debenture shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation_and signed by the Head of the Council or by some other person authorized by ay-law to sign same and by the Treasurer. 5. Commencing in the year 1969 and thereafter in each year in which a payment of principal under this By-law and interest thereon becomes due, the Council shall levy and raise in that year an amount sufficient to pay the Principal and Interest by a special rate over and above all other rates on all ratable property in the Municipality. _-t:;t' .re £ ""'t .s e:: z;:, .BY-'-?I t-v / !'-zc ~~ \. .. f'": ! i '--·-·- (2) 6. The Debenture may contain a Clause providing for the ~~~· registration thereof pursuant to Section 323 of the Ontario Municipal Act. 7. PROVIDED that this Corporation shall have the right, at its option, of redeeming this debenture upon payment of the ~~.principal amount owing hereunder together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of the intention of the Corporation to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circulation published in the City of Toronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for sueh redemption to the person in whose name the debenture so to be redeemed is registered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book • . s. Pending the sale or disposition of the Debenture, the Head of the Council and Treasurer may raise for the purpose aforesaid by way of a loan on such Debentur~~y sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such Debentures for such loan. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS;~~DAY OF JANUARY, 1969. UAYORf!Md CLERK READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS17DAY OFFEBRUARY ,1969. CL i ' . \'':<>-n/ ·-·. ' PAYMENT NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 / '/scHEDULE "A" ' BY-LAW NO, 1826-69 TOWN OF AURORA REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ) $189,678.55 - 6 3/8% - 1 to 20 YEARS DATE DUE PRINCIPAL INTEREST / TOTAL ) ;),_ 0 ~J. 0 ' ... · /1:. 7 '?f/.8 'f November 1,1969 $ 4,897.83 $ 111, La{ 139/$ J..6 /47<h 62 November 1,1970 5,215,04 11,967.51 17,182.55 November 1,1971 5,552.80 11,629.75 17,182.55 November 1,1972 5,912.43 p,270.12 17,182.55 November 1,1973 6,295.35 10,887.20 17,182.55 November 1,1974 6,703.08 10,479.47 17,182.55 November 1,1975 7,137.21 10,045.34 17,182.55 November 1,1976 7,599.46 9,583.09 17,182.55 November 1,1977 8,091.65 9,090.90 17,182.55 November 1,1978 8,615.71 8,566.84 17,182.55 November 1,1979 9,173.71 8,008.84 17,182.55 November 1,1980 9,767.86 7,414.69 17,182.55 November 1,1981 10,400.48 6,782.07 17,182.55 November 1,1982 11,074.08 6,108.47 17,182,55 November 1,1983 11,791.31 . 5,391.24 17,1~2.55 Nov~fuber 1,1984. 12,554.98 ,4,627.57 17,182.55 Nov.~mber 1,1985 13,368.12 3,814.43 17,182.55 Notember 1,1986 14,233.92 2,948.63 1'7;182.55 Nfvember 1,1987 15,155.79 2,026.76 17,182.55 fovember 1,1988 16,137.74 1,044~~1 17,182.55 $189,678.55 ~~41.9'7 lSJ, 171,7'f 343, 4Si63.7 ~- --------·- r \ BEFO!l.Et H. E. ROBERTS, Vice...Chairman -and- J. V. LODGATE 1 Mellllber ONTARIO ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE ~fAT'l'!\1i OF section 58 of' The Ontario Municipal Board Act •· (R.s.o. 1960, c. 274) -and - IN THE ~1AT'l'ER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval or By•law 1826-69 passed on the 17th d!l;Y of February, 1969 provid.ing .for the issue of debentures in the amount ot ~189,678.55 for the purpose set forth therein ) ) ) J.l'riday 1 the 2Sth day of ) ) f-lARCH 1 1969 ~ THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in P!lrsuanee of the legislation hereinbefore referred to 1 and ot eny end all other powers vested in the Board, that the said ftr-law 1826-69 'be end the s11111e is hereby approved. 0. B. No. ~-N1i:tJ· · · Folio Ne ..... c .................................. . 'R,\D " i '\060 ho:--u \. 0 .;:> ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 64 of Tfte Oqjar·~ Hunicipa1 Boarg Act, (.s.o. l~~o, c. 274, and Section 379(1}52 of Tge ~ioiR!l m, (R.s.o .• 196o, c. 249 -and - IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the Town of Aurora for approval of the conversion of the existing 1.0 MED conventional activated sludge sewage treatment plant to A 1.g5 MED contact stabilization activated sludge plant including laboratory equipment; and of the borrowing of the. sum of $359,g4o.oot being the estimated cost thereor B Jl: F 0 R E : J. A. KENNEDY, Q.C., Chairman -and - A. H. ARRELL, Q.c., Vice .. Ohairrnan THURSDAY, the 26th day of OCTOBER, 1967 THE BOARD ORDERS, under and in pursuance of the legis .. lation hereinbefore referred to, and of any and all other powers vested in the Board, that the said application be and the same is hereby granted, and that the corporation may now proceed with the said undertaking and for such purpose may pass a by-law authorizing the said undertaking an~ all other requisite by-laws, including by-laws provid- ing for the issue of debentures in a principal amount not exceeding $359,840,00 repayable over a term ot not more than twenty years, and may borrow money to the extent sufficient to provide an amount not exceeding $.359,84,0.00 therefor, provided: ~ . ' '• ;;.., ·'"··~ J ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD G 3529-67 -2 - 1. that any by•law authorizing the said under- taking is passed by a three-fourths vote of all members of the council of the said cor• poration, and 2. that the said corporation may borrow the whole or any part of the said sum of $359 1 840.00 as required pending receipt of subsidies and the sale of debentures• or of moneys to be received from any other source, and ). that the amount to be debentured shall not ex- ceed in any event the net cost to the corpora- tion after deducting any grant or contribution from the Province of Ontario or from any other source in respect of the said work, and that the corporation in exercising any of its powers approved by this order shall comply with all statutory and other legal require- ments related thereto. SECRE'l'ARY 0. B. No. ~--~-~-~;~9 ........ . F~lio No ................... ~~········ OCT 2 7 1967