BYLAW - Zoning By law - 19681111 - 182268.··~
November 7, 1968
By. L ""' . I Si a.
York County Planning Office
62 Bayview Avenue
Newmarket, Ontario
Section Page
I Areas Restricted 1
II General Provisions 1
III Schedules 1
IV Zones 2
v Interpretation 2
VI Provisions for all Zor:e s 12
VII Additional Provisions for Particular
Zones 15
VIII Zone Provisions 20
IX Exceptions 25
X Penalty 28
XI Validity 28
XII Repeal 28
Schedule 'A' Aurora Zoning Map
Schedule 'B' Performance Standard Chart
Being a restricted area by-law to implement the Of-
ficial Plan of the Town of Aurora.
The lands restricted by this by-law are enclosed by a
heavy black line on Schedule 'A' hereto annexed and the restric-
tions applicable to such lands shall be in accordance with the
letters and numerals noted on Schedule 'A' and the symbols on
Schedule 'B' and hereinafter described in Section IV and V of
this by-law and in addition the general provisions of this by-
law which apply to all of the lands in Schedule 'A' and which
are set out in Section II and VI hereof and the parking re-
.. / striations applicable to the lands within Schedule 'A' as set
out in Section VII of this by-law.
No building or land shall hereafter be used or oc-
cupied, no building or part thereof, shall be erected, moved
or structurally altered except in conformity with the require-
ments of this by-law.
Schedules 'A' and 'B' with notations and references
shown thereon, are hereby declared to be a part of this by-law
and are described as follows:--
Aurora Zoning Map
Performance Standard
For the purpose of this by-law the following zones
are hereby established:--
Letter or Symbol
Single-Family Residential s
Two-Family Residential T
Multiple-Family Residential M
Apartment Residential A
Neighbourhood Commercial NC
Commercial c
Limited Institutional I
Open Space 0
Development D
(:; Light Industrial
Heavy Industrial
To interpret the restrictions applicable to any par-
ticular parcel of land or building, the following procedure
shall be adopted:--
(a) Refer to the regulations applicable to all areas re-
stricted by this by-law, as found in Sections II, VI
and VII.
(b) Refer to Schedule 'A' and note the characters (letters
and numbers) applicable to the particular area under
consideration (subject area bounded by heavy black
(c) The letter or letters refer to one of the zones es-
tablished by Section IV of this by-law. Uses per-
mitted in each of the Zones are set forth in respect-
ive sub-sections of Section VIII of this by-law under
appropriate headings. For example, 'M' refers to
Multiple-Family Residential provisions in Section
VIII Clause (3) 'S' refers to the Single-Family Res-
idential provisions in Section VIII Clause (1) etc.
(d) The number or numbers in Schedule 'A' refer to required
standards of performance, specific details of which
shall be ascertained by reference to the Performance
Standard Chart (Schedule 'B').
(e) Where the boundary of any zone is uncertain and
(i) the boundary is shown on Schedule 'A' as more
or less following a lot line, then,the lot line
shall be taken as the boundary, and
(ii) the boundary is shown on Schedule 'A' as run-
ning substantially parallel to the street line,
and where the distance from the street line is
not indicated, such distance shall be determined
according to the scale shown on Schedule 'A'.
(f) Definitions:
(i) "accessory building" shall mean a building, at-
tached or detached, which is customarily inci-
dental and subordinate to the main use of the
lot and which is not used or intended for use
as human habitation:
(ii) "automobile sales, parts, and accessories" shall
mean a place, building, or other structure where
the business of selling motor vehicles and auto-
mobile accessories is conducted, including build-
ings for offices, sales rooms, rooms for the stor-
age of automobile accessories intended for retail
sale on the premises or for use on the premises,
and out-door sales space for motor vehicles, but
does not include an automobile service station
or automobile repair shop1
(iii) "automobile repair shop" shall mean a building
or other structure where major repairs to, body
work upon, painting or washing of motor vehicles
is carried on, but does not include an automo-
bile service station or an automobile sales,
parts and accessories:
(iv) "automobile service station" shall mean an auto-
mobile service station as defined by "The Ontario
Municipal Act," R.S.O. 1960 sec. 379 (1), par.
128 (a) •
(v) "basement" shall mean that portion of a building
between two floor levels which is partly under-
ground but which has at least one-half of its
height from finished floor to finished ceiling
above adjacent finished average grade and in
which the height from finished average grade to
ceiling is less than five feet.
(vi) "boarding house" shall mean any house or build-
ing or portion thereof, in which the proprietor
resides and occupies at least ten (10) per cent
of the floor space used for the purposes of the
boarding house as his residence, and supplies for
hire or gain to more than two (2) persons, lodging
with or without meals in rooms furnished by the
proprietor with necessary furnishings and includes
a rooming house: but does not include an hotel
or apartment house:
(vii) "building height" shall mean the vertical dis-
tance measured from the average grade to:--
(a) In the case of a flat roof, the highest
point of the roof surface, or the parapet,
whichever is the higher:
(b) In case of a mansard roof, the roof deck-
line or:
(c) In the case of any other roof, the mean
height between 'the eaves and the ridge,
exclusive of any penthouse, chimney, tower
or steeple:
(viii) "business office" shall mean any building or part
of a building, including professional offices,
in which one or more persons are employed in
the management, direction or conducting of any
agency, business, brokerage, practice, labour
or fraternal organization, and shall exclude
such uses as retail, sale, manufacture, assembly,
repair or storage of goods, and places of assem-
bly and amusement:
(ix) "car washing establishment" shall mean a build-
ing used in whole or in part for the washing of
vehicles, coin operated or attended by a staff,
and which may utilize a conveyor type mechanism
and allied automated facilities•
(x) "carport" shall mean a covered parking structure
attached to the wall of the main building, intend-
ed for the storage of passenger motor vehicles
wherein neither servicing for profit is conducted
nor storage of commercial vehicles is permitted;
(xi) "clinic" shall mean any building or portion there-
of, containing two or more offices used or intended
for use of medical, dental or drugless practi-
(xii) "coverage" shall mean that portion of a lot which
is or may be covered with buildings or other
{xi.ii) "custom workshop" shall mean a bui.lding or part
of a building used by a trade, craft or guild
for the manufacture in small quantities of made
to measure articles, and shall include uphol-
stering, but shall not include metal spinning,
woodworking or furniture manufacture;
(xiv) "dwelling" shall mean any building used exclu-
sively for residential occupancy, and does not
include a boarding house, rooming house, hotel,
motel, or similar commercial uses for private
or semi-private institutional uses;
(xv) "dwelling unit" shall mean a separate set of
living quarters designed or intended for use
or used by not more than one family which may
include not more than two (2) boarders, and
which shall include at least one room and sep-
arate kitchen conveniences, with a private en-
trance from outside the building or from a com-
mon hallway or stairway inside;
(xvi) "dwelling, converted" shall mean a dwelling al-
tered to make a greater number of dwelling units;
(xvii) "dwelling, duplex" shall mean a building of two
storeys divided horizontally into two dwelling
units, and which building is occupied by not
more than two families;
(xviii.} "dwelling, four-plex" shall mean a building
divided horizontally and vertically into four
dwelling units and which building is occupied
by not more than four families;
{xix) "dwelling, group housing" shall mean two or
more separate multiple-family dwelling~ placed
on the same parcel of land, arranged around two
or three sides of 1a court;
(xx) "dwelling, apartment" shall mean a separate
building containing more than four dwelling
(xxi) "dwelling, single family detached" shall mean
a separate building containing only one dwell-
ing unit and occupied by only one family;
{xxii) "dwelling, two family semi-detached" shall mean
a building divided vertically into only two
dwelling units each of which is occupied by only
one family;
(xxiii) "dwelling, row house" shall mean a building that
is divided vertically into three or more swell-
ing units, each of which has independent entrance
to a front and rear yard immediately abutting
the front and rear walls of each dwelli~g unit;
(xxiv) "dwelling, maisonette" shall mean a building
that is divided into three or more dwelling
units, each of which has independent entrances,
one to a common corridor and the other directly
to the outside yard area adjacent to the said
dwelling unit;
(xxv) "erect" shall mean the erection, building, en-
largement, construction or reconstruction of any
structure, and shall include removal and relo-
cation and any physical operation such as exca-
vating, filling or draining;
(xxvi) "floor area, ground" shall mean the area of the
building based on exterior dimensions of the
said building or buildings;
(xxvii) "floor area, gross" shall mean the maximum area,
habitable in all seasons, contained within the
outside walls or outside finished furred parti-
tions thereof, excluding any garage space, patio,
porch verandah, sunroom, unfinished attic, base-
ment or accessory building, but in the case of an
apartment building includes space for corridors,
stair wells, lobbies, elevator shafts, and locker,
laundry and other common facilities provided
above the basement;
(xxviii) "floor area. minimum" per dwelling unit shall
mean the area contained within the outside walls,
and in the case of an apartment unit does not in-
clude corridors, stair wells, lobbies, elevator
shafts or other common facilities;
(xxix) "garage, private" shall mean a building other
than a carport, not over one storey in height,
used or intended for the storage of passenger
motor vehicles wherein neither servicing for
profit is conducted nor storage of commercial
vehicles is permitted, and may form part of
the main structure;
(xxx) "home occupation" shall mean an accessory use
conducted in a dwelling unit and which:--
is secondary to the use of the dwelling
unit as a private residence, and
does not change the character of the dwell-
ing unit as a private residence, and
does not have any exterior evidence of
being conducted therein, except a sign not
larger than two square feet (2 square feet),
does not create or become a public nuisance
and in particular in regard to noise, traf-
fic or parking, and does not occupy more
than 25% of the total floor area of the
dwelling unit, and
may include, but is not limited to artist's
studio, dressmaking, the consulting room of
a medical or drugless practitioner, lawyer,
engineer, architect, accountant, real estate
or insurance agent, and teaching and musical
instruction when limited. to a single pupil
at a time;
(xxxi) "lot" shall mean a parcel of land which abuts
upon a public street or road and is a lot with-
in a registered plan of subdivision or registered
and described by metes and bounds;
(xxxii) "lot area" shall mean the total horizontal area
within the lot lines of a lot;
(xxxiii) "lot corner" shall mean a lot situated at the
intersection of two or more streets having an
angle of intersection of not more than one hun-
dred and thirty-five degrees;
(xxxiv) "lot coverage" shall mean that percentage of
the total lot area covered by buildings, in-
cluding accessory buildings;
(xxxv) "lot frontage" shall mean the horizontal dis-
tance between the side lot lines, where such
lot lines are not parallel the frontage shall be
the distance between the side lot lines meas-
ured on a line twenty feet (20') back from the
front lot line and parallel to it;
(xxxvi) "obnoxious use" shall mean any use which shall
be a nuisance to the occupants or owners of any
neighbouring land or building by reasons of the
emission from the said land or any part thereof,
or the creation thereon, of odours, gases, dirt,
smoke, noise, vibration, fumes, cinders, soot,
waste or otherwise;
(xxxvii) "parking space" shall mean an area of 300 square
feet for the parking of one vehicle including
areas necessary for driveways, entrances and
(xxxviii) "person" shall mean an individual, an associ-
ation, a firm, a partnership or an incorpora-
ted company;
(xxxix) "public authority" shall mean any school board,
public utility commission, transportation com-
mission, public or other board, commission, com-
mittee or local authority established or exer-
cising any power or authority under any general
or special statute of Ontario with respect to
any of the affairs or purposes of a municipal-
ity or a portion thereof and includes any com-
mittee or local authority established by by-
laws of the Council;
(xl) "service shop" shall mean a building or part
of a building and whether conducted in conjunc-
tion with a retail shop or not, for the repair,
sale or servicing of articles or materials as
opposed to the manufacturing of same;
(xli) "sign" shall mean an advertisement by means of
painting on, or attaching bills, letters or
numerals to any structure, canopy surface or
device and shall include the structure, canopy
surface or device upon which an advertisement
is painted, placed or attached;
(xlii) "storey" shall mean that portion of a building
other than a cellar or attic included between
the surface of any floor and the surface of
the floor, deck or roof or ridge next above it;
(xliii) "structure" shall mean any material object or
work erected as a unit or cons~ructed or put
together of dependent parts or elements, located
on, under or above the surface of the ground
and does not include signs and mobile homes;
(xliv) "street" shall mean a public highway which af-
fords a principal means of access to abutting
(xlv) "yard" shall mean an open and uncovered portion
of a lot or parcel of land unoccupied from the
ground to the sky and which extends along the
entire length of a front, side and rear lot
line and includes a front, side and rear yard;
(xlvi) "zone" shall mean an area of land outlined on
the Zoning May and established and designated
by this by-law for a specific use;
(xlvii) "zoning map" shall mean a map or series of
maps incorporated in this by-law showing the
location, size and boundaries of zones to-
gether with other explanatory matter;
1. Reduction of Yards -no part of a yard or other open
space, required about any building for the purpose of comply-
ing with the provisions of this by-law, shall be included as
a part of a yard or other open space similarly required for
another building.
2. Licenses, Permits and Other By-laws -nothing in
this by-law shall operate to relieve any person from the ob-
ligation to comply with the requirements of the Building By-
laws of the Town of Aurora or any other by-laws of the Town
of Aurora in force from time to time, or the obligation to
obtain any license, permit, authority or approval which may
be otherwise lawfully required.
3. Uses Permitted in All Zones -nothing in this by-
law shall prevent the use of any land within the defined area
as a public park, public street, or for the erection of public
and separate schools within the meaning of the Public and Sep-
arate Schools Act for the Province of Ontario, or for the struc-
tures essential to the operation of public authorities, pro-
vided that any building and lands used or occupied shall be
designed and landscaped in accordance with the general char-
acter of the zone in which it is located. In addition, no
goods, material or equipment shall be stored in the open, ex-
cept as permitted in such zone and the provisions of the zone
within which the use is located shall be complied with.
4. Frontage on a Public Street -no person shall erect
a building or structure and no person shall use any building,
structure, lot or parcel in the defined areas, unless the lot
or parcel to be so used or upon which the building is situated,
erected or proposed to be erected, abuts or fronts on a pub-
lic street.
5. Major Street Setbacks -no building shall be erected
with a main wall distant less than shown below from the centre
line of the original road allowance on roads set out in accord-
ance with the standards established in the table below.
In the event that performance standards applicable
to particular properties require a greater setback, the pro-
visions herein shall not apply;--
Yonge Street
From north town limit to
Mark Street
From Mark Street to Well-
ington Street
From Church Street to
Dunning Avenue
From Dunning Avenue to 680'
south of Dunning Avenue
From 680' south of Dunning
Avenue to south town limit
Wellington Street
From west town limit to
Machell Avenue
From Machell Avenue to 260'
east of Yonge Street
From Victoria Street to 170'
east of Victoria Street
From C.N.R. tracks to east
town limits
Kennedy Street
From west town limits to
Yonge Street
·~ ' Murray Drive
Larmont Street
From Metcalfe Street to
Wellington Street
Minimum Setback From
Centre Line of Origi-
nal Road Allowance
120 feet
43 feet
43 feet
100 feet
120 feet
120 feet
43 feet
43 feet
120 feet
68 feet
68 feet
68 feet
Industry Street 68 feet
Edward Street
From 680' south of Dunning
Avenue to Harrison Avenue 68 feet
6. Roof Overhang -no roof, eave, enclosed structure of
patio shall penetrate the minimum yards required by this by-
law by a horizontal distance of more than one foot (1' -0") •
7. Coverage -except as hereinafter provided for in
a specific performance standard in Schedule 'B', the building
or buildings on a lot or parcel of land shall not cover more
than thirty-three per cent (33%) of the area of the said lot
or parcel.
8. Sigpe and Lighting Facilities -lighting facilities
for signs or parking facilities shall be so erec~ed and main-
tained so as to prevent illumination of adjacent dwelling
9. Height of Building -buildings shall not exceed
ninety (90) feet maximum.
1. Landscaping
(a) All NC, C, @ and ~zones - a ten foot (10')
~ strip of land immediately abutting all non-
~ commercial or non-industrial zones shall be
/ used for no other purpose than landscaping.
\/j (b) All M and A zones - a five foot (5 •) strip
of land abutting all internal lot lines shall
be used for no other purpose than landscaping.
(c) All~and~zones -where the lot abuts a
railway, the yard on the side of the railway
shall be a minimum of zero (0') feet.
2. Minimum Yards for Particular Zones Unless Otherwise
Required by Specific Performance Standards or Major
Roads Setback
Symbol Front Side
s 20' 4' 25'
T 20' 4' 25'
M 20' 8' 25'
A 30' ~ height 30'
NC ~ height 30'
sjg c
(® .L r.~;u ···HM '~
30' 10' 30'
30 1 10' 30'
I 30' ~ height 30'
0 30' ~ height 30'
3. Garages, Carports and Accessory Buildings in All
s, T, r-1 and A Zones
(a) shall not be used for human habitation;
(b) shall not be more than eight feet ( 8' 0") in
height from grade to eaves, measured at the
front wall of same;
(c) may be erected in a side yard provided that:--
(i) the side yard or part thereof in which it
is erected is not less than fifteen feet
(15' 0") in width,
(ii) any structure so erected be distant not
less than four feet (4' 0") from the side
lot line;
(d) may be erected in a rear yard provided that
if the structure so erected is wholly within
the rear yard it shall be distant not less than
six feet (6' 0") from a dwelling, and shall be
distant not less than three feet (3') from the
nearest lot line except that common semi-detached
garages may be centred on the side lot lineo
4o Parking Requirements
(a) Applicable to All Zones and Uses: The parking
requirements of this by-law shall apply in all
cases wherever a lot or building, or a portion
of a lot or building is used or is converted
for any use and, unless stipulated by specific
performance standards, one space with an area of
300 square feet including adequate provision
for manoeuvering space or driveway purposes
shall be provided in accordance with the fol-
lowing standards:--
Parking Requirements
Residential building -up to 4
units 1~ space per dwelling
unit (125%) o
Residential building - 5 or more
Retail stores and personal service
shops (except supermarkets and de-
partment stores)
Supermarkets and department stores
Motel, Cabins
1 space per dwelling
unit plus 1 additional
space for every 4 dwel-
ling units or portion
thereof o (125%)
1 space per 200 square
feet of retail floor
1 space per 100 square
feet of retail floor
1 space per 200 square
feet rentable floor
1 space per guest roomo
1 space per three guest
Restaurants -part of a Motel or
Undertakers establishments
Car wash establishments
Doctors, Dentists
Barbers, Hairdressers
Plants and warehouses
Theatre, Church, Place of Wor-
ship, Public Hall, Tavern, Arena
or other Place of Assembly including
Athletic and Recreational Establish-
ments and all Commercial uses not
specifically mentioned above
1 space per three beds.
1 space per 10 seats.
Minimum 15 spaces.
Minimum 10 spaces con-
tinuous in line stor-
age with no access lane
within 50 feet of an
intersecting street.
Minimum 3 spaces per
Minimum 4 spaces.
Minimum parking area
in side or rear yards
equal to one-half total
floor area.
1 space per five seats
or per five persons of
the lawful capacity of
the building or quarters
and for each five per-
sons of outdoor spec-
tator capacity "
(b) Design, Construction and Location: All park-
ing lots and access driveways required in ac-
cordance with the provisions of Section (a) and
all automobile service stations, public garages,
new car agencies, and used car lots shall be:--
(i) Maintained with a stable surface which is
treated so as to prevent the raising of
dust or loose particles and may be con-
structed of crushed stone, slag, gravel
or cinders, having an asphaltic or port-
land cement binder or any permanent type
of surfacing.
(ii) Shall be curbed with permanent six inch
(iii) Graded or drained in such a manner as to
ensure that surface water will not escape
to neighbouring lands, and whenever the
surface of the parking area is more than
four inches higher or lower than any ad-
joining land, a suitable retaining wall
shall be installed along the edge of the
parking lot or along the lot line.
(iv) All lighting facilities shall be so in-
stalled and maintained as to ensure that
the light is deflected away from all near~
by residential districts or development.
(v) Whenever any adjoining land is in a resi-
dential zone, the parking area shall be
separated from it by a five foot buffer
strip and a close boarded fence or suit-
able alternative not less than four feet
no~ more than six feet high.
(vi) Where a parking lot (5 or more cars), man-
oeuvering area, or driveway serves an apart-
ment building or any other multiple family
use, no parking space, manoeuvering area
and/~r driveway shall be located within a
side yard or rear yard closer to any wall
of a principal building than five feet (5'0").
(vii) Access to commercial and industrial zones
from residential zones:--
No land in a Residential Zone shall be
used for the purpose of vehicular ac-
cess to any land in a Commercial or In-
dustrial Zone.
Pedestrian walkways, suitably fenced wherever
the walkway abuts a residential zone, 'shall
be permitted.
(c) Commercial Vehicles in Residential Zones: No
commercial vehicle in excess of one-half ton
(~ ton) capacity shall be continually parked
over night in any S, T, M and~ zone.
Outdoor Recreation Area, All M and A Zones
200 square feet/suite (dwelling unit) in a minimum
area 20' x 20' located in other than a front yard.
1. Single-Family Residential (S)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family dwellings detached.
Home occupations.
Garages, carports and accessory buildings.
2. Two-Family Residential (T)
(a) Uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S) uses.
Dwellings, two-family semi-detached.
Dwellings, duplex.
3. Multiple-Family Residential (M)
(a) uses Permitted
Single-family residential (S) uses.
Two-family residential (T) uses.
Group housing, maisonette, row housing, duplex,
double duplex, triplex, fourplex, converted
Apartment Residential (A)
Uses Permitted
Apartment building.
Two (2) bedroom apartment dwelling units shall
not constitute more than 40% of the dwelling
units in an apartment building.
Three (3) bedroom apartment dwelling units shall
not constitute more than 10% of the dwelling
units in an apartment building.
No units four (4) bedrooms or more.
Neighbourhood Commercial (NC)
Uses Permitted
Neighbourhood commercial uses.
For the purposes of this by-law, Neighbourhood
Commercial Uses shall mean retail Commercial Uses serving the
adjacent Residentia.l Neighbourhood and includes one or more
of the following usesg--
Automobile service station.
Personal service shops.
Retail stores.
Business and professional offices.
Bowling alleys.
Commercial (C)
Uses Permitted
Commercial uses.
For the purposes of this by-law, Commercial
Uses shall include one or more of the £ollowing Commercial
Auto sales, parts, and accessories.
Automobile service stations.
Business and professional offices.
Community social buildings, lodges, clubs.
Custom workshop for sale of goods on pre-
mises to include only a tailor shop or
bake shop.
Dairy products plants.
Drive-in restaurants.
Frozen food storage and space rental and
other commercial storage if incidental to
and a part of the retail shopping use.
Funeral parlours.
Motels and hotels.
Places of entertainment and recreation.
Restaurants, tea rooms, cafeterias, tavern.
Retail stores.
Service shops and agencies.
Limited Institutional (I)
Uses Permitted
Limited institutional uses.
For the purposes of this by-law, Limited Insti-
tutional Uses shall mean one or more of the following institu-
tional uses:--
Art galleries.
Churches, places of \"lor ship.
Municipal and government buildings.
Public and separate schools.
High schools.
Light Industrial (LM)
Uses Permitted
Light industrial uses.
For the purposes of this by-law, Light Industrial
shall mean one or more of the following uses:--
Agricultural implement sales lot and/or
sales room.
Apparel and finished textile products plant.
Building products, sales and storage.
Catering service.
Dry cleaning plants and laundries.
Frozen food service.
Furniture and finished lumber products
Light metal products plant or plastics
plant for the assembly or manufacture of
precision instruments, watches, radios,
extruded plastics, films, and other simi-
lar products.
Plumbers, electricians, radio and tele-
vision repair, welding and general repairs.
Printing and lithographing.
Public garages in which business is con-
ducted within wholly enclosed building.
Warehousing and storage of goods within
enclosed structures.
Welding and machine shops.
Heavy Industrial (HM)
Uses Permitted
Heavy industrial.
For the purposes of this by-law Heavy Industrial
shall mean one or more of the following uses•--
Any use permitted in a Light Industrial
(LM) Zoneo
Any manufacturing, processing, or industri-
al operation, warehousing or storage of
goods and materials, provided that all op-
erations are within enclosed buildings or
structures, that no dirt, dust, objection-
able odour or obnoxious gas is permitted
to escape from any building or structure
to the atmosphereo Notwithstanding the
above, the open storage of structural
steel, either fabricated or unfabricated,
shall be permitted provided that the stor-
age area is not closer than fifty feet
(50') to the lot boundary and two hundred
feet (200') ·to a zone in which residential
use is permittedo
Open Space (0)
(a) Uses Permitted
Open space uses o
(b) Definition
For the purpose of this by-law, Open Space uses
shall include the following public, semi-public and private
Athletic fieldso
Band standso
Bowling greeno
Community centreso
Golf courses.
Public parks .
Skating rinks and arenas.
Swimming pools and tennis courts.
Conservation and flood plain land.
The erection of structures and buildings shall be
prohibited on lands which are subject to flooding or lands
where., by reason of its rocky, low lying, marshy or unstable
character, the cost of construction of satisfactory waterworks,
sewage or drainage facilities is prohibitive.
Development (D)
Uses Permitted
For the purposes of this by-law all uses pre-
sently existing in a development zone shall be deemed a use
for a development zone, so long as it continues to be used
for that purpose. Any other use will require an amendment
to this by-law, all in keeping with the provisions of the
Official Plan of the Aurora Planning Area. (Apply as required
to accommodate existing by-law and particular application for
specific problems.)
It is deemed desirable to clarify land use restric-
tions on individual property by the use of map schedules of a
larger scale than those contained in the Schedules hereto, and
to m~~e specific provisions and/or exemptions in the general
regula·tions of the by-law as follows:--
(i) Notwithstanding the provisions of this by-law,
nothing herein shall prevent the erection of multiple family
dwelling on Block 'B', registered plan number 550 as set forth
in By-law 1791-68o
Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions
of this by-law shall forfeit and pay, at the discretion of
the convicting magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum
of $300.00 for each offence, exclusive of costs, and every
such penalty shall be recoverable under the Municipal Act
and the Summary Convictions Act.
This by-law shall come into force and take effect
upon receiving the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board.
By-law 1051 and amendments thereto of the Town
of Aurora are hereby repealed, such a repeal to come into
effect upon the date of passing of this by-law·.
FIRST READING •• ~. 0 0 ~0 ((~F.
:'-.. ~·.·· .. -< ·~-~-r-··p•· -m{w/!,p:;~ ---"~----~--------~---~-~---~--~--~--
~·---·-----·' ----
~~---0123400 aoo
TO BY-LAW No. 1822
e single family de-16
ched dwelling per
t as shown on Regis-
red Plan.
9 single family de-
:hed dwelling per
t having minimum 17
)ntage of fifty (50)
!t on a public stree ~
l a minimum area of
1e thousand (5,000)
tare feet.
single family de-
hed dwelling per
having a minimum
ntage of one hun-
d (100) feet on a
lie street and a
imum area of twenty
:> thousand (22, 000)
are feet.
semi-detached dwel
1g per lot as shown
he Registered Plan
single family dwel
per lot having a
mum frontage of
y (50) feet and a
num lot area of
thousand (5, 000)
t:e feet, one 2
ly dwelling/65'
~age and 7, 000
~e feet lot area.
:emi-detached dwel
per lot having a
rum frontage of
-five (65) feet
oublic street and
imum lot area of
thousand (7,000)
e feet.
ing le family de-
Minimum fifty-three 26
(53) feet from centre
line of road allowance
and in no case less
than twenty (20) feet
from street line.
Minimum twenty (20)
feet from street line.
Minimum twenty-five
(25) feet from street
Minimum thirty (30)
feet from street line.
Minimum one-half (li)
the height of the
building and in no
case less than thirty
(30) feet from the
street line.
Minimum each side four 36
(4) feet for a one (1)
storey building and an
additional two (2) fee
for each additional
storey or part thereof
If corner lot minimum
nineteen (19) feet sid
yard abutting side
Same as 26 except cor-
ner lots minimum side
yard ten (10) feet a-
butting side street.
Minimum each side fif-
teen ( 15) feet.
Minimum of one-half
(!;,) the building heigh·
and in no case less
than twenty-five (25)
Minimum ground floor
area for a one storey
dwelling 1,000 square
feet, more than one
storey 650 square feet
Minimum ground floor
area for a one storey
dwelling 1,200 square
feet, more than one
storey 750 square feet
Minimum ground floor
area for a one storey
dwelling 1, 300 square
feet, more than one
storey 800 square feet
Minimum ground floor
area for a one storey
dwelling 1,400 square
feet, more than one
storey 850 square feet
30 Minimum of one-half
Minimum ground floor
area 2,000 square feet
for a one storey (two-
family) dwelling, more
than one storey (two-
family) 1,100 square
<'>) the building heighF
and in no case less
than twenty (20) feet.
41 Minimum ground floor
area 2,100 square feet
for a one storey (two-
family) dwelling, more
than one storey (t\olo-
family) 1,300 square
42 Minimum ground floor
area 2,400 square feet
for a one storey (two-
family) dwelling, more
than one storey (two-
family) 1,500 square
NO. Ml
50 Max:
51 Maxi
semi-detached dwel
per lot having a
mum frontage of
y-five (65) feet
public street and
~imum lot area of
J thousand (7,000)
re feet.
Juplex per lot hav
l minimum frontage
Lxty-five (65) fee
public street and
1imum lot area of
1 thousand (7, 000)
·e feet..
ri.nlex per lot
tg a minimum front
,f seventy (70)
on a pub 1 ic stree .
minimum lot area
ne thousand
0) square feet.
ouble duplex per
aving a minimum
age of seventy-fi e
feet on a public
t and a minimum
r-ea of twelve
and ( 12, 000) squa1 e
1ettes having a
un area of two
md five hundred
I) square feet
relling unit on a
.th minimum front-
one hundred and
' (120) feet on a
uses and multipll
g having a mini-
ea of two thousaJ d
undred (2,500)
feet per dwel-
nit on a lot witl
mum frontage of
~dred ( 100) feet
11blic street.
lte (dwelling
'er one thousand
(1, 090) square
: lot area with
tum lot frontage
hundred ( 100)
1 a public street,
t number of floors:
.te (dwelling
·er 890 square
lot area with
urn lot frontage
hundred ( 100)
a public street,
number of floor~:
te (dwelling
~r 1,450 square
:'1 -, .. _.
~~>'f'_ ' ""'· '
floor area:
Bachelor 450 sq.ft
1 Bedroom 575 sq.ft
2 Bedroom 700 sq.ft
3 Bedroom 825 sq. ft
44 inimum ground floor
area for a one storey
dwelling 1, 200 square
feet, more than one
storey 700 square feet
\,../.._ '
'· '-
ne s.ini:;rle family de--
ached dwelling per
Jt as ::;hown on Regi~>·
:?red Plan.
te si.ngle family c}s-
•.ched dwelling per
16 8-t:Lnituum fift~y--t-hree
(53) feet fl>::>r£1 centre
line of 1:-oa(i a llc'i\vancl2
'\ ' ..., anc1 1n no case Less
(::>0) feet.
1t having minimum 17 t~·?eni:y (20}
ontage of fifty (50) feet :from .ctreet line.
et on a public stree:
d a minimum area of
ve thousand (5,000)
uare feet .
! si.ngle de-
:1v;~d d'll~? . .11 ing t)f.::! .1:·
having a ~inimurn
mt .::v;e of one hu.n-
d {100) feet on a
.i.e street and a
g per lot having a
mun~ f:ron·tage-of
~· ( .~)0) .feet 21.nd a
nu:rn Jot <::~r:ea. of
thousand {5,000)
:~.:: feet:~ one 2
l.y dwe11ing/65'
~C190 and 7 ~ 000
·e feet lot area.
emi-detached dwel~
lot havin<:T a
urn fr.onta~fe of
-t·' ·i '"" <" ~",·) <'op,(· ---~·1-1;.•':), -<.>:::~~~
~1ublic street ~u1d
imum lot a·r.ea o.f
t.hous and (7) 000)
~ feet .
. ngle fantily de--~
_dr,-v(0l1irfg per
vinc:r a minimum
.B Minimum -!::1.c?Be-Ly-.
(.25) fee-~--T·,:-~-;"~ --·t.reet
1'3 Minirnum :·n y ( 30)
feet from -~treet line~
1~1 in :ixnum E: a en
(.~"") feet: 2-e>:t·,'
s icle four
a. one (l)
storey buJlding and ctn
ad.d i·L i.onal t."'.-;,?Q (:?)
feet: £or r:~ach zu.:Jdi -'cic:.>n
-al sto;:ey or part
t~he:r:eof If corner
lot minLmv.m nineteen
(19) fee~ side yard
abutting f:::ide street.
27 Same as ?6 except cor--
ner lot:.s rl·d ... ni:rrrum s id-t~
t:.2n (10} feet
abutti.ns sid~ street.
an~ lil n0 case less
-~--·· .. -.~_ .. cc__,.,.; -F.+-., _____ t.s:.n."\ --· -------~
. ,_ .. ,_'
Gross floor a.t-,;.;;a_
l~ storey 1,200 sq.ft.
2 storey 1,300 sq.ft.
sewi--detachE j
1. s t.orey 9Ci0
~torey 1 1 QOO sq.£1:
39 All. apari:rnent~ ~~al_--
s c \' {;;: ~1 ~~:-h.. cl -,_~ <·"·· ,_._ .. r·.· ... ·.··_; f --~ , . -·· · -"r UOO)
\ in<J :::~ r:1in i:tfllt"f'fi f:cont
c_,_:· F.f::;ven {7D)
.--···n ,:;; Ii.c ;:~t-r-ee
r~~-:~ ~! ·; U.l :..._un J (J t: a _;:-(::; 2J
( J.f:lf r (H) ')
, ·. ,.. "" ; __ ,, , ...
·~ '.
Pursuant to Council discussion on Monday, November 11, 1968
and fur-ther review of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law, Town of
Aurora, the following amendments are r-ecommended for inclusion
r:· .··· in the third reading of the by-law:--\ ,)
Section ~V -Delete Light Industry LM
Heavy Industry HM
-Add Industrial L
Comment: Section VIII Zone Provisions, paragraphs
(8) and (9) are rewritten to include only
one industrial zone because of ambiguity
in wording of the present LM and HM zones.
Section v paragraph (f) no. (xxvi) change to read:--
"floor area, qround" shall mean the area of the
building measured to the outside walls, exclud-
ing, in the case of a dwelling, any private gar-
age, porch or veranda.
Section V paragraph (f) no. (xxvii) -Delete.
Comment: Clarification of definitions as used in per-
formance standards for floor areas of dwell-
ings is necessary in order to facilitate ad-
ministration of the by-law.
Section V paragraph (f)-Add definition (xxx) (a).
"hotel" shall mean a building or part of a building
not less than three (3) storeys in height in which
a minimum of twenty (20) rooms is provided for
' '
rent as places of abode, usually on a temporary
or transient basis, and includes c.onvention and/or
meeting room facilities and a public dining room
which are connected by internal corridor or cor-
ridors (where applicable by elevator and internal
corridor) to all parts of the building"
Section V paragraph (f)-Add definition (xxxv) (a)o
"motel" shall mean a building consisting of a
number of individual dwelling units intended
to be occupied by the travelling public for
the purpose of temporary sleeping accommodation"
Comment: These definitions are added in order to
clarify the difference between hotel and
motel as used in Section VII paragraph (4)
Parking Requirements"
Section VIII Zone Provisions, paragraph (8) and (9) -
Add Section VIII paragraph (8) as follows:--
8" Industrial (L)
(a) Uses Permitted
Industrial uses, Industrial Commercial uses, In-
dustrial Service uses"
(b) Definition
For the purposes of this by-law Industrial uses
shall mean one or more of the following uses:--
Any. assembling, manufacturing, processing or
industrial operation, warehousing or storage
of goods and materials, the said uses being
conducted wholly within an enclosed building,
provided that no dirt, dust, objectionable
odour or obno~dous gas is permitted to es-
cape from any building or structure to the
Any scientific, technical, research and de-
velopment uses related to manufacturing, pro-
cessing and wareh9using uses, the said uses
to be conducted wholly within an enclosed
Any open or outside storage, accessory to
the main use, and parking of commercial
vehicles, providing that such storage and/or
parking is limited to side and/or rea.r yards
screened from the street by a wall or decor-
ative close board type fence not less than
six (6) feet and not more than eight (8)
feet in height. Notwithstanding the above,
the open storage of structural steel, either
fabricated or unfabricated, shall be permit-
ted provided that the storage area is not
closer than fifty feet (50') to the lot
boundary and two hundred feet (200') to a
zone in which residential use is permitted.
Industrial Commercial Uses
For the purposes of this by-law, Industrial Com-
mercial uses shall include only manufacturing, servicing and
warehousing operations with an ancillary sales outlet incidental
to the principal manufacturing, servicing or warehousing operation.
(d) Industrial Service Uses
For the purposes of this by-law, Industrial Ser-
vice uses shall include uses which provide a service primarily
to the Industrial uses and shall include only ·the following:--
Automobile service stations.
Business and professional offices.
Public garages.
Car washing estabLishments.
Comment: Pursuant to Council discussion and comments
on Monday, November 11, 1968 relating to
Industri.a.l .uses ~n occupied and vacant land,
a review of the industrial policy established
in this by-law was carried out. It was
found that some wsakness existed in the policy
as written as may be applied potential in-
dustrial development.
With the suggestion that the .recently an-
nexed land be changed from Development
Zoning to Industrial Zoning, "1hich this
office concurs with, (see amendment #10)
it is the considered opinion of this of-
fice, that the purposes of this by-law
as related to Industrial uses can better
be served by paragraph (8) as rewritten
The use of one industrial zone instead of
two erases the ambiguity existing in inter-
pretation of the by-law and provides the
council with more flexibility in processing
development applications.
Section VIII paragraph 10, renumber to read Section VIII,
paragraph 9.
I Section VIII paragraph 11, renumber to read Section VIII,
paragraph 10.
Section XI, Validity -Dele·te.
Add Section XI, Validity.
No part of this by-law shall come into force without
Ontario Municipal Board approval, but subject to such
approval, the by-law shall take effect from the day
of the passing thereof.
Comment: This rewording of the Validity clause causes
the by-law to come into effect on the day of
Amends Section XII Repeal to read:--
By-laws 1051, 1576, and 1085, and amendments thereto
of the Town of Aurora are hereby repealed, such a
repeal to come into effect upon the date of passing
of this by-law.
Schedule 'A', Zoning Map,-Delete all ID1 and~~ zones.
Add L zone to all previous HM and LM zones.
Schedule 'A' , Zoning Hap, -Delete D from annexed land up
to three hundred (300') feet of frontage.
Add L to annexed land up to three hundred (300') feet of
Comment: Because of ·the importance of the Yonge
Street fron·tage a.s key industrial land at
the entrance of the Town of Aurora and be-
cause of eJdsting prestige industrial devel-
opment (Sterling Drug) and because of the
town cenotaph on the Yonge Street frontage
it is the considered opinion of this office
that frontage land to a depth of three hun-
dred (300') feet remain as 'Development'
in order to provide council with necessary
development control of this key site.
Schedule I B'' Performance s·candard Chart.
Delete Performance Standard no. 36, 37, 38 and 39.
36 -Minimum ground floor area for a one-storey dwel-
ling 1,000 sq. :Et.' more than one storey 650 sq.
37 -Minimum ground floor area for a one storey dwel-
ling 1,200 sq. ft 0' more than one storey 750 sq.
38 -Minimum ground floor area for a one storey dwel-
ling 1,300 sq. ft.' more than one storey 800 sq.
39 -Minimum ground floor area for a one storey dwel-
ling 1,400 sq .. ft.' more than one storey 850 sq.
40-Minimum ground floor area 2,000 sqo fto for a
one storey (-two-family) dwelling, more than one
storey (two-family) 1,100 sq. ft.
41-Minimum ground floor area 2,100 sqo ft. for a
one storey (two-family) dwelling, more than one
storey (two-family) 1,300 sqo fto
42 -Minimum ground floor area 2,400 sqo fto, for a
one storey (t'l'm-family) dwelling, more than one
storey (two-family) 1,500 sq. ft.
43 -All apartments, maisonettes, multiples, row houses,
fourplex, triplex, duplex, minimum floor area:
Bachelor 450 sqo ft.
1 Bedroom 575 sqo fto
2 Bedroom 700 sqo fto
J Bedroom 825 S'!3J:o fL
Schedule 'B', Performance Standard Chart-Change performance
standards numbers 40 and 41 to 50 and Slo