BYLAW - Highway Connecting Link Proposal - 19680521 - 179468I ,. L ,\ FORM PB-PR-1 7 A REV. APRIL 1964 By-LAW NUMBER ...... 1.7%:-6$ ....... , of THE CORPORATION OF THE .... :r~~-....... OF .. ~1.!1:0!!! ... . A By-law to Authorize the Execution of a Proposal and Estimate of Costs and its Submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario Pursuant to an Agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as Represented by the said Minister Entered into under Section 22 of The Highway Improvement Act. "WHEREAS a proposal and estimate of cost dated the 14th day of May 19 68 , for the construction of . . . . . . . . . . . . being part of a highway designated as a connecting link has been prepared for submission to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario pursuant to an agreement with Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario as represented by the said Minister." BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council-of The Corporation of the ___ T::.o.:..wc.:n=--------of ____ A_ur_o_r_a _______ _ 1. That the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs be· submitted to the Minister of Highways for the Province of Ontario, 2, That the Mayor, ~e and Clerk be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to sign the hereinbefore recited proposal and estimate of costs andtoaffixthereto the seal of the Corporation. Pas sed by the Council of the Corporation of the 7' ~ of a~ , this 2.Uft day of ~ 19 ~. ~.~~ Mayor i? o ouo SEAL %~ . ./?_L,_ ... Fc)fiM_ PB-PR-17A (TOWN OR VILLAGE) REVISE'D APRIL 1964 FORM APPENDIX NO 3 DATE ____ ~May~-·~l4~t~l~9~6~8~----------------- PROPOSAL AND ESTIMATE OF COST FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CONNECTING LINK OR EXTENSION OF THE KING'S HIGHWAY (OR SECONDARY IDGHWAY) NO. 11 IN THE Town OF Aurora IN THE COUNTY (OR DISTRICT) OF York ··Designated Route: Highway No. 11 (Yonge street) Pursuant to an agreement dated the 18th day of Nov. 19 63hereinafter called the agreement made between the Minister and the Corporation of the Town of Aurora and subject to the terms and conditions thereof, and subject also to any necessary approval of the Board, under Section 64 of The Ontari'o Municipal Board Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 274 and amendments thereto the Corporation proposes that the following portions of highway, (Minister or Corporation) heretofore designated as a connecting during 2 fiscal link, be constructed by the Corporation (Corporation or the Department) year(s) commencing the lst day of April, 19 68 namely (describe portion(s) of street(s) to be constructed): Yonge Street from Murray Drive to Wellington Street and illustrated on the plan or sketch attached thereto; provided construction to be in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the Minister and the Corporation in the manner and at a cost estimated and divided substantially as follows: (a) Type of c on s tr uct ion __ __,44"'---1 -'a=s,_pha=:.:l:.:t:.::i:::e:.....:::e=-o::ne:::;r:.:e::..t:::e"-'p~a:.:v=-e=m:::en,t=, -'==:.:b::s'-"a:::n:=:d_.,gu=.t::.t:::e::r:..:s:__ __ (b) Len~h ____ ~48~00~l~i~n~ea~l~f=-e=et~----------------------------------~--- (c) Width (not less than 22 feet) ___ _...._ ____________ -:-~--------------------- (d) Commencing at ---'M2ur~r!C!a;!Jv~D~r,~io.!.v.!!!e _____________________ __ (e) Terminating at ____ _:W::e:.:11=i=ng~t.:.o:::n=-:S:::t::r...:e:.:e_:t _____________________________ _ (f) Total estimated cost of construction __________________ $ 531,280,00 (g) Deduct: Items not chargeable under agreement:- (see Form PB-PR-3) (I) Items to be paid by the Corporation (Paragraph 4 of agreement) (II) Charged to others (Paragraph 12 (3) of agreement) Kings Highway Account Bell Telephone Co. Aurora P.u.c. (aydro) Consumers Gas (III) Charged under Part X of The Highway Improvement Act: Total Deductions $ 27,691.00 $ 18,279.75 $ 17,000,00 $ 7,000.00 $ 6,ooo.oo $ 22!862.07 $ 98,832.82 . ,' ; ,''FORM PB-PR-17A REV. APRIL 1964 (j) Total cost in (h) to be shared as follows: (I) Cost of construction to be shared 90o/o/10o/o (Paragraph 12 (l) of agreement) or; (II) lOOo/o by Minister, (Paragraph 12 (2) of agreement -item (h) above) (k) Minister 1 s share: $ 432,447.18 $-----$ 432.447.18 (I) 90o/o of $ 432,447.18 $ 389,202.46 (j) (I) or; (II) lOOo/o of $ $ $ 389,202.46 (h) (m) Estimated annual expenditure of Minister's share: For fiscal year(s): April l, 1968 to Mar. 31, 1969 $ 3oo,ooo.oo April 1, 1969 to Mar. 31, 1970 $ 89,202.46 April 1, 19 to Mar. 31, 19 $ April 1, 19 to Mar. 31, 19 $ $ 389, 202.46 It is Wlderstood that the estimated cost is based on the best information available at the time of submission and that no substantial increase in such cost will be Wldertaken • 1 or incurred without the prior written approval of the Minister, subject, where necessary, to the approval of the Board. (SEAL) (SEAL) THIS PROPOSAL is hereby submitted this .:Zk:t-day of by 0 r 0 n b eha 1£ of the ___ C:..or:.:...!p:.:o:.:r..:a:..:t:.:i..:o:.:n'-'-of::._cT:.:o:.:w:.:n::....:o..:f-=Aur=o.:cr:.:a:;_ ___ _ ~'lc~~ and is hereby accepted by or on behalf of the (Note: Attach a plan or sketch showing roadway lengths, widths and returns, also a statement of the total estimated cost in detail and a breakdown thereof showing how the Minister's share was computed.) l ·~~ f l I' / / -r FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL t 964 CONNECTING LINK in the __ 2=-G::cilll=-· ~--of --~~~!1/i!ll~ll~· ___ being S!.sfuru' 110. llt ... DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 1. ·~c-. td.t:b cd!eatera leu. t&ea 30 i.W) l4 fi VJ.OO 'GIIUb 2. ~ (1!teu w!tll ~ .30 !aclllee or~) , •. ~ .... '· ~ (-witil~ 1m~ t.fllmlO .aaa} 1441 J.GI),.Q\) .. '* ~c-.. c\h atamateu ·)O~orpeetel') 6tiUS.OO ... J. lBaiL'1Ih • r &.U.. (~, ~. . ·. . ..... jpl'lll ffJIJP. t. !lg. t:• ....... 1!1, -~lldl) ~cm..~illfl..JJ 6.. .... ,..,~ ........ btck-~ (30 ... so u •. ..., operate~ •~•a.so TOTAL .. ESTIMATED GROSS COST SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER CoL., AGMNT, PART X OF THE ACT .. CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION CHARGEABl-E TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ' . ' . j I I I. I. ,j ··r ! I I • FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 • CONNECTING LINK in the_-=1'fli:::·· ·=·=---of:..__· _..:..-1A'I~I~iltlr~ll~ __ being • ....,. h., .U. ..... 10 ... DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ~ equl)afi!Dt ·reftW (lllileeJllllltd.nU.e-~) m~o.~.so ·Golllpli.U.oa ·~ H!d1ll (pe 'l'IW<ti.~ 1IIQ1IMe 1ilhiM1 1'01le' ,:aid ~) . a. hooD • t.se •l!falllll·~• (tulWSt~~ ~,_ ··· ~. to t'et'h$dfiil iiralll· . m.seo -. .• lAO ,_,.~-··~~ ~~----­~·· 11.500 ~tallal. 2.25 ·$uWlr ad~ti.oa of ..... ~ ~ tlllaiJ ~ ·so.~ ~ .amt·~ 14 lil&te t.ctB.W...fl &-co TOTAL ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABl-E UNDER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPL.ANA Tl ON ---·~ Clil&ll"tllllll'bl& to a111a lll!li'1 4 Aali\M lta$S0.(!1) ' ~.-.... .....,~ .... Gal.·. 6,.00 th""JI hie w ll:np ll.gb'liiiJ'~t * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the_·=li='II=Q=-·--'--of ~··_...J,I~'!J!!IIII~i~il'~llt_· ___ being ~He.,~ .... ESTIMATED SHAREABL.E CHARGEABL-E UNDER CHARGEABL-E TO DETAIL.S OF CONSTRUCTION GROSS COST UNDER c.L.. AGMNT. PART X OF THE; ACT CORPORATION 1). •f!·~---.r a.·.··.~~lt. tack ~ :U•Ill9e "*' ~ e ... ~ l,J;S4.00 14-~-tlWr;-~· fl.d. Jllal4 ~t .... .,~. ,_.. 9SI)t.cue li.GO 1$. IIIMrt ·-.~ ~· . ~ s , .• tllllliff 8.50 "GIIMXJ so~• 16;,. ~.·lilt&-· plaoe J..L.l litotld.X ·l,'fJO tel$ l.Gi,OI) --JQO.~ w.,-.m 1'1• Bl~l.lml1 fit 0'111\11,._ ~ wit-a UJ"Wt ...... z..a.fi(B lltq.. Jll• ~· ,__. ~«.) 16,ooo.-· ... 81 JCval 0'/ 1)1._,_ .llfUIUIIId . '~'~~~it-fda. .. .so ~-.vm.oo •• TOTAL .. Street frona ~·~~ CHARGEABL-E TO * EXPL.ANATION OTHERS ,.,. .... Jta• • .oa Gbll~1sitt1• to D~~g& 296.ae Jdgi\IIIIQ .. 111\llll'lt ' * -...e l!MIO ~· --~~to·._. ~~· • U50·aq.S'U.s .50 92$..00 'Cftlllllnrlli'le tioBSbP tig!S'.., -~~- *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Inaprovenaent Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I ' . --1 --1 I >-l I l I I ' ' I I ' ! 1 ' ' 1 j I i I ······ j . ·•·I I \ FORM PB-PR-3 APRlL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the _ _,tbwa~··=-___ of --~·~~W.~·$:~!itL __ being ~· !Ia., 31,... 'f~ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION liiUI!&llilt ~-~ u1i __ _,_..,11 "-fSO ~ .. ft ....... 22. ~~-diite"''!lilk .-.soo f!q .. ft.. ~ M ~--~e;t·.~·~· 4tl200 ~·~ (Y ,;.fJ .... ·~.lflif ~ ·~ 6o· •• -· ~ .... / TOTAL ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNO ER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION . CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION ~ :u.-.. n... • .. I. ft.· . ~·-'-••· -.._..__. ' ' . ...,.,_ .. ISO J1a;., ft... !Ill "'00 ~ ...... ~~· -·~ft .. ll.-15 hrpabk tQ. a_.. ......... ~~ .,,.. fill• ft. !Ill .u ~~-~ J.'IOO· ... ~ .•.. "I'J ~~··~.· '''Chargeable to others: e,g, Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: l II 1 Jl ~ ~ I I J I ! ~ I I -~ •I I ij ,, !,' I l I <I l I I I I i l I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the i'oW DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 26.. Jill! )val .of ~ ·---.... M?"JJII\\7 .,_. ~--•1.'1 ~--· .. :fT. ~-~-~ (iMhri'• • ~~·-,lllailli=a ~ . ~.et.Ml) SS·ftil·~~~.,.. ~.£.-~~--­~~-·~ 25f .. 1'1 ~·­~·dl.~~ W•£1il1Btu~ 16 u.. "• •4dl!t ~ftJ"!NP 2J a:..·~ • lliJ.,OO ~~-~·~··~ ~· (~~(l!'i- ~-riiftll) ~ .u.. ft .. (l ~50 TOTAL of -'---"A:..,•,.l!!.,fD':. ,.tic_·· ---being m gb:g lb. n, :f']'lg& .. . ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C. L. AGMNT • PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION . ·. . Street from mnw llrfiD to WeUi'ljtw ~t CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ;-·· . ..: I i . -·i I I I j I I I I I ' -r ' ; -!) li :: ! I . . -·-. i ! ·. I I I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the t'lllltlil DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ... ~---·/~-~ ~ t~tns •e~:e .... a awi -·~~11) -ua. ft. ... ~ .,. ~-·lid-_,.,.__ liP p 131!llt$1M _ .~-_ {. =~ •_.llt'll$a ad ~..._,=11) . . ~-:ua. .. ~ t;;Jil\) ~ 1li1'l.t ~ !1P j >QI~II!I. NMt ~-td-~ aa4. ~-~ ,_.~-ft ... ~ _ _..,i .... .. • .. Mil ! . ·-~- ·~_-_.--_._---~-·---_-__ -_-_M~D_·_ -· ----~--~-----_ · .... _ ~----•-·= : ..... ~{-~aw~a~lill!l ~-flU)__ . -u.. A.-•· l?.,Jt TOTAL ' of __ j·~-~-~-~-~----being ._.. ..... n. ~- ESTIMATED GROSS COST SHAREABLE <;HARqEABLE UNDER UNDER c. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE-ACT ---1'-- , . CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION Street from lllrQ' MViil to ~ S' CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION ''Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ' • I l l ! '-·· FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL t 964 CONNECTING LINK in the_---===----of __ J•l!!··~·~· ·~·~··...,.----being -~h. .... ~· DETAILS OF' CONSTRUCTION ~ ~·.-.pluJ·-~· ~ (ltd.~-tt--lliW'~. M!tf.· ml ... · .· . .. u.: ,ft. .•. ~· -.., ~ • ~ n• Pc o<lllu~ ~ .UaU. {luld!!l11 eKt!££11 ··• ~ ..... ~~­-~~~\~ -u.. .. ft. (\! .... :s.,~-~~·ppm'~ ~W·~~~ . (IM~~tt.anl ~~nll eo u.. a. • a.as ~· ~"-~·~;·~. . ~ -{iatl~~ ..,._U&Ulltl -~~) . -lb. a. • .t.S\l ~-.. lt'f·~~·. C8 i!G ~il* ftaeN'ltr~g Ull!l.'lllllttM Qi. ~ lillritft~l vo 3B. n...e ?'t.SO TOTAL ESTIMATED GROSS COST . SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE; UNDER UNDER C. L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT I I. I. CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION Street from .,.., i'ld.M CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * to EXPLANATION ''Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I i ' I I ' ~ ·I J 1 ! 1 j I I 1 ! I 1 I 1 I I ~ ! I ·~ i l I I I I I I "' I I .'I .:J j ! l. .j 1 l i I I I ! FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 ' ' CONNECTING LINK in the __ ·fe: __ m_· ··-~-of ------· .,..•-· .,..~-··--~ being_~_~ .::' '----·-'-'. :_·_li!Q_,,_it.:_' _.11.J_· !:. -'---~-~--'--"'. :__. ·--Street from-~-· _· _. ~-~--·-111:_ to DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION ~ •.· ~. ,· ~·· 60·.· ua...· .. · ..• ft .. '"' m: .~· (t ·~ ~ t#i. ftl.v-M .~,-~.,.. ~u~.~.~u.~ -ftlll!011'al .llf' .$. ·~ ~} ._,.,. .e..·~~~~· P,e.st ~ -~~ {lullidl~~-~·~11} . '• ·lb...·~*~ a,. 2:.~~ 2 ~ ~l· •• ~~-~-tl-...... ~·&$.if! :ool&r ~U) -~.11\i~. • "· .. ~ ..... .., ~~ ' 'llltk' lftii!U' ' · .•.. ···.·' pdai!f (U.Ol·· .. ··f!J.' ' --~~.1) .. ~~~)l)lll.OO . . .. TOTAL ESTIMATED GROSS COST SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER UNDER C, L., AGMNT, PARi" X-OF THE ACT ' ' ' ' CHARGEABLE TO CORPORATION CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION M·~~· ' 'ftl\lk11\i ••• ~-..·.~·¥· '~~-­~*---.. ~-11'~1-.. le~t&~:l.£. •> Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ':"-. FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the_ .. _._· __ -,-of --~=~=• ·=w==~~--being_m,::..:·=:~_i!>Jll~V-=.· ·-~-· .,-"-.. _ll---'·· ""-$--'---!-'-.~---"'. ·---· · --Street from ~ M'l'!t to ~ ~ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION 2 a a d:tteh ~· ~· vttl'l pate (i.n1111~ ••:aU.oa illl• ~ wkf:t.U) S11lUh~.zo.00 Jll., 4¥4ti.td~~ --~·(~-~-ad.J!FB!mW . ) ... ~-- -· 4a4~·~wlth~ ==~=1\)u.> 18--·\ili~ ~ ot• -~ 'llmilllftm\1$~~; . · (i~ult~ .-..-~-.... ~) , ...... llliiil ~tift~---­(tatul!ag .,.,.,.,.& -.. . ~Ull . .-. .-~-~ TOTAL ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C. t... AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION . CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPL.ANATION ..,,,.:\>""' ... Dtip • ....., Acllwl!l.t "'--~--­~·to·~ ~~~~ Chu'.--~·lllilp· ...... ~. _,fll'tr ~ &J. .. ''Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: .... '~ FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 • CONNECTING LINK in the _ _,'fco:··loW=· ___ of--""'"'~"'-·','.,··..___ ___ being ltigt"'laylio. 11;-l'opg& DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION . 1!h MJi. C!li' SllltiSb (iMldli!l ~tta-~~U) ~ u... :ftf .. til 1.$0 ~~,~~-­~-~~ -lb.. A. til ·.50 ,M,jwf>.·Gi.~·.~· l$~4it~~· kt-.w~·~ ~ .... ft. .... . . . ~-~ ~ (i:l$ll~.c•· ~·) J:SO•··~·•'a ~ <-·1!11\'1 ~) l,,JO ·~ ~-., .,?!J TOTAL ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C, L, AGMNT • PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION ~·.·· CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION ..... t"t.ll .. ~ ~---a.· ·-··~ ~..,.~-...-a ~---iai·­~·1\oL ' *Chargeable to others: e.g. Losal Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: I ;_.~ I 1 .I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the------'~"'":::":::·,_.~-of -~··.J!,.,· ..• ,'1':_::.~~·~· c.,. ~--being lifit,jhw,ay llfl." ll,. lJ:mgS~ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION !19. AppU.'Cilti¢lll of watel:' tor 1imit 11') lit. Gal.~ 3..00 ~ '~ ·6/it /1 mestos t~amt --~-·~-~~· .(-~~ CCII(W;tl,on aM ·~.~' ~ u .. n. ~ 4.'00 Q.,. '~•Mr·~~-­ (tald!"' ~--~ ~U} ~~ u. ft.. Jllll hi» 62. ~ .. ~· ~· ilfk. Lt. S ,,. ...... ~ ·~ 1.®' TOTAL ESTIMATED SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO GROSS COST UNDER C. L, AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORATION 4.~-.· . ... .· : 'L--.·. ~~ ....... --- I Street from ·~ Dl'iVgj to CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS * EXPLANATION ....... rt. 4$. -~·­Ke;t~ --~~ __ .__ lerd:M«~~-~ ~tl- -~.ft.--fa~­·~ ~~--·fld. BrnS~~--po. wail on * Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; ·Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: ' ,. ·: : '~~~-~""-*'--.· I I " " " J I I I --j " -1 " I FORM PB-PR-3 APRIL 1964 CONNECTING LINK in the ---"'fa"""'IJl"'"~--of ___ __.A,.l1 .. r:.,u,.ra..._ __ being __ -"I!i,-'lili:i"h"'·~&ifl,· ¥---"!i):"c,"',•L-_,.l,l"'-·~•'---""iJ"'C"'Uii"'""'8~· _ DETAILS OF CONSTRUCTION A'UC'~ tO%'~ lila~ and Rl.tJStil!m fit ~i-c algas · hma£d"l n~~tt'u ~~--· -~--- TOTAL EST! MATED GROSS COST SHAREABLE CHARGEABLE UNDER CHARGEABLE TO UNDER C, L. AGMNT. PART X OF THE ACT CORPORA Tl ON Street from CHARGEABLE TO OTHERS :::~ EXPLANATION *Chargeable to others: e.g. Local Improvement Act; Railway Grade Crossing Fund; Public Service Works on Highway Act, etc: -----.. ____ -