BYLAW - Aurora Fire Brigade Serving Part of Town of Whitchurch - 19680429 - 1794A68I I I l -- BY-LAW NUMBER 1794A-68 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ENTERING INTO OF A CONTRACT FOR THE SERVING OF THE AURORA FIRE BRIGADE OF A DEFINED AREA OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH WHEREAS the Aurora Fire Brigade has, pursuant to a contract between the Corporations of the Town of Aurora and of the Township of Whitchurch, been serving a certain defined area of the Township of Whitchurch in connection with any fires in such area; AND WHEREAS the Councils of the said Corporations have reached an Agreement for the serving of the said defined area of the Township of Whitchurch in accordance with the terms and provisions set forth in an Agreement made between the said Corporations and dated the 16~ day of April, 1968. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: THAT the Agreement dated the 16~ day of April, 1968 between the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Aurora of the First Part and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Whitchurch of the Second Part, be and the same is hereby approved and that the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora the said Agreement and to attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS :<ffoAY OF ,1968 ~idiJ MAYOR PASSED THIS~~AY OF~ ,1968 CLERK I --~~------------------·-------- ~ [""' ·~--·-·-· ...... -...... -.... ~ .. -·~·--···-····-~·-···-·-~·~·~~··~-·····-·-·-··-·-· ... ·---·--·-"~~ ............. ~....... - r I .L RJ..LW the 'Col'POl'atielll:t OF !lD FIRSt' PAM .. and- WDIDUS the Co~attoa of the Fint l'lu't ovns fiN ~~U~ghes 1 fiN appa:r-atu'St'•aM ellu1pi!IGJlt lll!l4 maintatu a f1lNI bl'i-bereitltlft.el' called Aurora ~ ~·· AND l>lmlliiJ!:AS u qre.ut hae . bMn Hacblll4 be1i.Wan the Corpo;mtion ot the rust Put lll!l4 the Co~ration ot the S.eond Put for ~ a tief1ud aNa ot the laet ~~~.~mt&on«! Co:r:,ol"llUon w!th f1lNI protecttoa ~ 3~ lst.l96e to Dec811ibel' )let. 19&11 Wlil t~ tmtU tel'IWlated. NOW 'll!lmEli\llllE 'lHIS ~ ~ 'l'if.M'1 in oouideation ot the CQV&DIUI.te alld coniitiOns, hG:ftl~r ll0Dte1neti1 the said Corporations llOYeM.nt, promise liUld agree one w!th the othw u .tellws• 1. mAf fl1.f:l &peelllllnt w agxe$"ont111 1 W!ttan or tmW!ttan, ll.OW $ldst1q between the ellid Corporations with Nfe"nee to fiN I!JerVice. lim~ --~ temit~aW. 2. Tim Co:r:po:ntion of the F:l:JNtt Put shall,~~ to tio eo, • ~ thel'eafter tmtll ~Was hwe~ pmv14sd, l,'ll'O'Vi!le the Aurora Ii'il'lll Brigade, l'1il1$ e~ (e) 1 apjiiU."'ltua lll!ld eqidpl'mlt for atte~ of I!IDY' fiil1$ or tirae vitQin the limite of the 'rownship of 'WhitohUroh as dellignatcld ~ Reeolut:!.on ot 'Whitrilh~ CounoU, and ckltd.gnaW ~ -.p. attsebed! :;. Tim ~tton of·the ·F11'1llt Put $hall ~"e all raalliOnable means to haw the A\U'Ora ~. Brigade giw to the ·.ua 'rGWn8hip goo!l and eft!Ctient st~~riiee on a.,. firms to li'hich the said ~ Brigade lllll;V " called within the said l:Lmitrll, wt the Sid« Corporation ot the ll'iret Put nor the S!Wl. AUHra li'ir8 Brigade ll.'lll' I!IDY' ll18111*a theraof .ahalli!Ot u· liab~e in daw~g~~~e ol? othw- ¥18$, ~r ft!IT loslll1 costs Ol' ·~ li'hich ma.v he li!Uft'fl'8tt by <!>he sa:ttl ~ration of the SellOnd Put or by IIIDY' ot its rasYents or ra~ra, or by ay other por$Qa or pe~ whatsoever. "" a raatllt of the Aurora Fire Brigadlll •tug unable, . '' , .. ~~-·1r·~~ ..... ~ .... ····--~----~--~~-~ .. ~---~--~--~--~-----.. -~·-···-~------~---"··--···------···-·. ______ .. ___________ ·--- . "11 . · .. jl I I \ I -·._I_, w -~ ot ~a AM ~-• ot ba4 ~. ---Vw'ble-II»." ot W -.ua ~ \0 ~--ftN. w ~ wit!dD the aalct l.bl1t., tt ~ ' the ~of tbts .... t u.t· ~"*"' ~tl!.m aWl~ -.~ ~ -~ ~Uou to ~ ~ ftfta, '11m.\ ~\ ''l~MH ~~~hall 1/iet be -UllbW.t,y h IIIBI\IIH w o~ .. ~ tiM tUll'lft t>f tiM J.uooa F.be ~-\o ___.. lll'm7 -Ill .u. 4• m CWI'O:M.t'IOI tt tht llei:IDbi ~ all 1*1 to tAle ~ftlt1Ql!i ot the ftht Put, -. a rot.aS....._ te, the 111J11 of tlJO..OO ,.._17, a ~ Pll1 tn a«at1on tl11l .. of b .. oo rw INlllb ~De .u ~ ~ thlt "*'- s. !be Mf.4 Rill ot ~~ail ft.ftl' ~ (~ .. oo) shal1 blrt ~ •• -~ .. \he 1'*-fiJt ~. 19Ge ---15th. -of haothelo tn -~ ,._ t~ utn the ~Ucm of tbla ••• uant !IUalll tAle -~ ~-llhall·lte. due W ~-w tAle ~to be~ Ntdllli-@ ~the 'l'ow fiJt ~ to the~ of Wid.~ .. If''-__ ·mm ...... ,_~ ,, •• ~ .. '" ~ ~ •-~ l9G8, .a .u _ . ~ £2l ~l ~-~t ~-uMU t~ w fd.t!lw ~·~ !.t beSt~~ ~~-flllllllil -fi~I!allil'Y~ lilmt the-~ to ~tillt Will GI'VIIIo.ertt h1 1Wit--~ h l$t Q;r Of ~~ 1~* cm &11'1r _ _.. to the ~~at lclut ~ <:ao>••U. ta --of tu ~-to D~ ~-the~ of thlt-Coi!~\icm.._ -----~ -.· -.to attelriiltt b.r ttae ~ f!Jtthlt ~._....~of U.sa!i ~-~· TOWNSHIP .. hOF::wH·ITCHURCH I . ' . i -·+ '.·.··· '··JJ. ' . . ·il'.. ;; . ' . '•."-- 'I /I ~ ~ I I ~ I I I s .. I I Sill gm I ~ 'It$ ~ 1:1 ll'4 8 fit ti -~ ~~ !;j I I ~ I ~- ~~····I. ~ .. .;. ') .e II ,. ,, .-. I I I a a • I .\