BYLAW - Deed for Part of Lot 159, Dedication of Road, and Easement Authorization - 19680722 - 180768,--- 1 I• t__ BY-LAW NUMBER 1807-68 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 1 OF THE TOWN ioF AURORA A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTIO~ OF A DEED FOR PART OF LOT 159, PLAN 246, FOR THE TOWN OF AURORA, AND FOR THE DEDICATION OF A ROAD ALLOWANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF AN EASEMENT WHEREAS THE AURORA HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION HAS PURCHASED THE PROPERTY SHOWN AS PART 1 ON A PLAN OF SURVEY DATED JULY 18, 1968, BY LLOYD AND PURCELL~ AND WHEREAS THE AURORA HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION REQUIRES THAT PART OF PART 1 BE CONVEYED TO. THEM AND THAT AN EASEMENT BE PROVIDED FOR ACCESS TO THE PROPERTY SHOWN AS PART 1 ON SAID PLAN OF SURVEY: NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. a Deed in Part 1: THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execut~, favour of The Aurora Hydro-Electric Commission forA ' THAT the Aurora Hydro-Electric commission be allowed an easement of 20 20 feet of lands shown in feet in width over the Souther~, Instrument No. 9572 for ingress, egress and regress to the property known as Part 1: 3. THAT the Northerly 66 feet, except for the Southerly 15 feet of the Easterly 395.64 feet of Lot 159j?(Yt)br Plan 246 for the said Town of Aurora, is hereby dedicated for highway purposes only: 4. THAT the property shown as Part 4 on the Sketch of Survey dated July 18, 1968 by Lloyd and Purcell, be ~~' purchased from Asa Cook for the sum of $442.53 and that this parcel of land also shall be dedicated for highway purposes. IME~S :1/J,J DA .. Y 0. F ~. . 1968. ~~ ···x~~·&J ~~~--~~--~~~ clerk ~~ FINALLY PASSED THis22)DAY OF~ )968. 6::1 &~>- . Clerk V READ A I PART OF LOTS !58 8 !59 REGISTERED PLAN 246 TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK \ \ ;?::·;·•). :-';_AI'! '" day of 19 ~. ( requ1re th15 plan to b~ deposited ! \ under Part If of The Registry Act. v ··-----------------·--·-····---~-----------------------------··-·---. . I hereby certify-/.5 r// day of .:/'"v.LY /9,{,8 I Thts survey ana pion ore correct and m occoroonce with The Surveys Act ana ~. ~ The Rer,-stry Act ana The Regulations v made hereunder. - The survey was completed on the --_-....._ .<11111111111 2 /6 rRooy of ..Tvt.Y 19 ({8--?6 P!Et< nlar,o LaM Surveyor 145 MAIN STREET LLOYD PURCELL NEWMARKET h'e/7£ . .246·159-1 and ONTARIO P/1 416 895-6416 \ I \ \ ··---Recet ved and PLAI\ - day of lor the Reg's --------'''·-------'---------____.;k,,=·•"'''------'------------'~·.:.... ---