BYLAW - Development for Apartment Site - 19680415 - 178968BY-LAW NUMBER 1789-68 OF THE HUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TO"'JN OF AURORA A BY-LA\rJ TO AUTHORIZE THE ENTERING INTO A SERVICING AGREEHENT WITH HAHIO PRIOLA FOH THE DEVELOPNENT OF AN APAHTHENT SITE ON WELLINGTON STREET WEST. WHEHEAS the parties hereto are desirous of entering into a Servicing Agreement for the development of part of Lot 28, Registered Plan 246; THEHEFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE COHPORATION OF THE TOVJN OF AUHOHA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: fl./ 1. THAT the Agreement made betvJeen the Nunicipal Corporation (J of the To1;;n of Aurora and Mario Priola, dated the lOth. day of April, 1968, novJ before this Council, be and is hereby approved. 2. THAT the Hayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to sign s_a,me and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIHE THIS~AY OF~ ' 1968. HEAD A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS/.SilnAY OF~ 1968.