BYLAW - Adopt Plan Under Expropriation Procedures Act - 19680808 - 181168BY-LAW NUMBER lSll-68 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA • . ~ A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A PLAN UNDER THE EXPROPRIATION PROCEDURES ACT: WHEREAS SECTION 4 OF THE EXPROPRIATION PROCEDURES ACT, STATUTES OF ONTARIO, 1962-63, PROVIDES THAT A PLAN OF THE LAND SIGNED BY THE EXPROPRIATING AUTHORITY AND BY AN ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR, AND THEREUPON, BUT NOT OTHER- WISE, THE LAND VESTS IN THE EXPROPRIATING AUTHORITY: AND WHEREAS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HAS THE AUTHORITY TO EXPROPRIATE LANDS; AND WHEREAS . the LANDS SHOWN ON A PLAN OF SURVEY BY LLOYD & PURCELL, DATED AUGUSTk/Wl968, IS REQUIRED FOR A DRAINAGE EASEMENT. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN ~M OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS.: ~<~ ''A"P 1. That Parts 1, 2, 3,'1f4 ~shown on a Plan of Survey prepared by c. w. Lloyd, dated Au~t?f 1968, be and the same is hereby adopted as an easement and that the same be registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the North Riding of the County of York for the Town of Aurora and that the same be vested in the Town of Aurora for drainage purposes; 2. 5. ¥ ---r,dr That Parts' 6, 7, 8, #~~be and the same are hereby adopted as a temporary construction easement, which easement shall expire on.March 1, 1969 and that the same be registered in the Registry Office for' the Registry Division of the North Riding of the county of York and shall vest in the Corporation of the Town of Aurora as above set forth. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED ··=·····.··· '-·C: ·2_})_ ~ r Mayor THIS ?R DAY 0~68. /tt~ ci~ TOWN OF AURORA COUNTY OF YORK SCALE 1"=40' C. w· LLOYD OL.S DATED: 7th AUG 1968 ~'XF'ROF~RIATION PROCEDURES ACT 1962-63 '''"'"-•u !{_inclusive are land in which e'asement rights for a storm drain are expropriated ---to---inclusive are land in which easement rights to expire I st March 1969 · gr;·cTn~_ C:oristruction d a storm drain are expropriated by Corporation Town of pursuant to Bylaw N2_ __________ passed _____________ 19 ____ in accordance with r:: vr\c 's CERTI Fl CATE CERTIFY this survey and p Jan are correct and in accordance with the SURVEYS ACT and the '""·•<'Tnv ACT and regulations made thereunder. wruoy -"::-:,:• ::, 26 ~ doy of~ cl . -----oale_______ ------c-w. -LlOyd :oniaria i..and"-slirveyor- OF REGISTRATION this Plan is duly regis.tered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York at_ ________ o'clock on the ______ day of __________ 19 ___ _ -8------------------------------------ Registrar are astronomic in origin and are derived from the west limit of Yonge Street to be N9°58'3o·,:w Iron Bar I" x 1" x 4' long srR££T \ I \ "' 0 .... 0 0 a .. \ \~ :~~~. ,._ z ~ ,..-d. .I-": <t ,. 'I I r r L !II :II · •. , ... !.I.· I : l . \I I Manhoi~ COLIN S J COLIN . NISBE~···. K. NISBE DOUGLA T S 0. N INSTR. No -9287 TABLE PART 1 PART PART. PART 4 PART 5 PART