BYLAW - Tax Levy - 19660404 - 168066·.r- . , ___ _ BY-LAW NUMBER 1680-66 OF THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA BEING A BY-LAW TO LEVY THE TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1966 AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. WHEREAS THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA HAS CONSIDERED THE ESTIMATES OF THE MUNICIPALITY AND OF THE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS AND DEEMS IT EXPEDIENT THAT THE SUM OF $ 1.,32'7, 776. CORPORATION FOR THE YEAR 1966. BE RAISED FOR THE LAWFUL PURPOSES OF THE AND WHEREAS THERE IS REQUIRED TO BE RAISED FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES THE SUM OF $11,639.00 FOR THE SEWERAGE AND OTHER DEBENTURES UNDER THE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ACT AND WHEREAS the total assessable proper.ty within the Corporation is $16,076.829. ,AND WHEREAS the amount of assessment entitled to benefit from the unconditional Grants ~ in accordance with the provisions of Sections 294 and 297 of the Municipal Act is~ $10,647,656. AND wHEREAS the amount of assessment not entitled to benefit from the Unconditional Grants in accordance with the provisions of Sections 294 and 297 of The Municipal ~p£?f} A~t is $5,429,173. . AND WHEREAS the amount of the Unconiditonal Grants is $37,672.00 . THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AURORA ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:~iGrf/ 1. THAT there shall be levied and collected upon the rateable property t!if the Municipality the following rates: TAXATION REVENUE PUBLIC SCHOOLS SEPARATE SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOLS COUNTY RATES GENERAL LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL MILL RATES TOTAL REVENUE FROM TAXATION PER CAPITA GRANT OTHER REVENUE TOTAL EXPENDITURES RESIDENTIAL MILL RATE 26.07513 26.07513 19,07492 13.88304 19.95641 COMMERCIAL MILL RATE 28.97236 28.97236 21.19435 13.88304 23,49663 87.54638 AMOUNT OF LEVY $411,102. $. 2B,833jpltf- $318,171. $223,105 $339,926. $ 11,639. $1,327,776. 37,672. 2.89 ,541. 1,654,989. ,. - 2 - 2. That the said Public School rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment, assessed in the name of those ~~~~ designated in the Collector's Roll as Public School supporters. 3. That the said Separate School rates shall be struck, rated, levied and collected upon the land, buildings and business assessment assessed in the name of those Dr£/ /p'f'(J.!(J) . designated in the Collector's Roll as Separate School supporters. 4. There shall be struck, rated, levied and collected a further special rate1:cper foot frontage to raise the sum of $11,639.00 to cover the ratepayers' share of the cost ~~~65. of the Local Improvements, such rate to be in accordance with the rates and against the properties decided by the Court of Revision, held for such purposes and the Collector's Roll shall provide accordingly. 5. One third of the said rates shall become due and be paid on or before the 18th day of May, 1966, one third shall become due and be paid on or before the 20th day of July, 1966; and one third shall become due and be paid on or before the 21st. day of September~~~ 6. That there be imposed as a penalty, a percentage charge of one percentum on ' non-payment of any instalment of the taxes or any portion thereof of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter on the first day r;{;t/ in which default'# · continues, but not after the 31st. day of December, 1966. 7. That the statutory penalty and interest shall be charged on all of the rates not paid on the 31st day of De.cember, 1966, and such penalty and interest shall b~~~· levied and collected by the Collector or Treasurer as if the same had been originally imposed and ~ormed part of the said rate. 8. That the Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notic_:tpz{.tf· residences or provided for by Section 115 of The Assessment Act to the addresses of the places of business of the persons to whom such notices are required to be given. 9. That the Collector shall, if any instalment of taxes remain unpaid for more .Jilt%· than fourteen days from the date provided for payment thereof, forthwith proceed to collect by distress or otherwise, under the provisions of the Statue in that behalf, all such taxes, so in default, together with the percentage thereon imposed for a default. ENACTED AND PASSED THIS DAY OF , 1966. CLERK